Personal Dictionary

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claim verb (SAY)

[T] to say that something is true or is a fact, although you cannot prove it and other people might not believe it
 [+ (that)] The company claims (that) it is not responsible for the pollution in the river.
 [+ to infinitive] He claims to have met the President, but I don't believe him.
All parties have claimed success in yesterday's elections.
 An unknown terrorist group has claimed responsibility for this morning's bomb attack.
 [T] If an organization or group claims a particular number of members, that number of people are believed to belong to it.

claim verb (DEMAND)

[T] to ask for something of value because you think it belongs to you or because you think you have a right to it
 The police said that if no one claims the watch, you can keep it.
 When King Richard III died, Henry VII claimed the English throne.

[I or T] to make a written demand for money from a government or organization because you think you have a right to it
 The number of people claiming unemployment benefit has risen sharply this month.
 Don't forget to claim (for) your travelling expenses after the interview.
 When my bike was stolen, I claimed on the insurance and got £150 back.
 (UK) If the shop won't give me a replacement TV, I'll claim my money back.

Claim damages
To make an official request for money after an accident, from the person who caused your injuries.

claim noun (STATEMENT)

A statement that something is true or is a fact, although other people might not believe it
 He said the police assaulted him while he was in custody, a claim which the police deny.
 [+ that ] The government's claim that it would reduce taxes proved false.
 Can you give any evidence to support your claim?
 He made wild claims about being able to cure cancer.

claim noun (DEMAND)

A written request asking an organization to pay you a sum of money which you believe they owe you
 After her house was burgled, she made a claim on her insurance.
 Please submit your claim for travelling expenses to the accounts department.

A right to have something or get something from someone

 She has no rightful claim to the title.
 Our neighbors have no claim to (= cannot say that they own) that strip of land between our houses.
 My ex-wife has no claims on me (= has no right to any of my money).

To become offended usually in an angry or proud manner. "Princess really got on her high horse when Londres
tried to tell her how to do her job".

Also you can say "get down from your high horse". "Oh, come off your high horse, I didn't mean to annoy you".
claim sustantivo
1) (demand): wage o pay claim, reivindicació n f salarial;
insurance claim, reclamació n f al seguro;
a claim for expenses, una solicitud de reembolso de gastos
2) (to right, title) claim (TO sth) derecho m (a algo)
3) (allegation) afirmació n f

claim verbo transitivo

a) ‹throne/inheritance/land› reclamar;
‹right› reivindicar;
‹diplomatic immunity› alegar
b) ‹lost property› reclamar
c) ‹social security/benefits› (apply for) solicitar;
(receive) cobrar;
you can claim your expenses back, puedes pedir que te reembolsen los gastos

(Allege, profess): no one has claimed responsibility for the attack, nadie ha reivindicado el atentado;
he claimed (that) he knew nothing about it, aseguraba or afirmaba no saber nada de ello

claim [kleɪm]

1 (de salarios) reivindicació n
(de un seguro) reclamació n
Jur demanda
to lay claim to sthg reclamar, presentar una reclamació n
to put in a claim, poner una demanda: she put in a claim for damages, interpuso una demanda por dañ os
y perjuicios
2 derecho [to, a]
3 alegació n: the court disallowed his claim, el tribunal no aceptó su alegació n

verbo transitivo
(un derecho) reclamar, reivindicar: after the accident he claimed diplomatic immunity, tras el accidente
solicitó inmunidad diplomá tica
I Jur (una compensación) exigir: he claimed for damages against the doctors who had treated him,
presentó una demanda por dañ os y perjuicios contra los médicos que lo habían tratado
2 afirmar: she claims to be his daughter, afirma ser su hija
3 the accident claimed two lives, el accidente se cobró dos vidas
buzz1 /bʌz/ sustantivo (of insect) zumbido m;
(of voices) rumor m;
(as signal) zumbido m

buzz2 verbo intransitivo [insect] zumbar;

[telephone/alarm clock] sonar(conj.⇒);
my ears were buzzing me zumbaban los oídos

buzz [bʌz]
1   nombre
1   (sonido) (de abeja) zumbido
2   (de conversación) rumor
3   fam (llamada) telefonazo: give me a buzz next week, dame un telefonazo la semana que viene

verbo intransitivo zumbar

rumble1 /'rʌmbəl/ sustantivo (sound) ruido m sordo;

(of thunder) estruendo m;
(of stomach) ruido m de tripas (fam)

rumble2 verbo intransitivo [guns/drums] hacer(conj.⇒) un ruido sordo;

[thunder] retumbar;
my stomach's rumbling me suenan las tripas (fam)

rumble ['rʌmbəl]

I nombre
1   ruido sordo
     (de trueno) estruendo
2   (de tripas) ruido

II verbo intransitivo
1   hacer un ruido sordo
     (trueno) retumbar
2   familiar his stomach rumbled, le sonaron las tripas

creak /kri:k/ verbo intransitivo [door] chirriar(conj.⇒);

[bedsprings/floorboards/joints] crujir

creak [krɪ:k] vi (el suelo) crujir

     (una bisagra) chirriar

scratch [skrætʃ]

I verbo transitivo
1   (la pintura, etc) rayar
2   (con la uña) arañar
3   (tela basta, etc) rascar
4   (la piel, una picazón) rascarse
II nombre
1   (en la pintura) raya
2   (con la uña, etc) arañazo
3   (ruido) chirrido
    ♦ LOC: to be up to scratch, dar la talla
     figurado to start from scratch, partir de cero

rattle ['rætəl]

I nombre
1   (juguete) sonajero
     (de serpiente) cascabel
     (para fiestas) matraca
2   ruido
     (de tren, carro) traqueteo
     (de cadena, monedas, llaves) repiqueteo
II verbo transitivo
1   (llaves, monedas) hacer sonar
2   familiar desconcertar, poner nervioso,-a: she gets rattled over nothing, se pone nerviosa por nada

III vi (tren) traquetear: the train rattled past, el tren pasó traqueteando
     (metal) repiquetear
     (ventana) vibrar

slam [slæm]

I nombre portazo
 II verbo transitivo
1   (puerta, tapa) cerrar de golpe: don't slam the door, no des portazos
2   golpear: she slammed the cake down on the table, tiró el pastel sobre la mesa
3   I slammed on my brakes, di un frenazo
4   figurado criticar violentamente

III vi (puerta) cerrarse de golpe

roar [rɔ:ʳ]

I nombre
1   (de león) rugido
     (de toro, persona) bramido
2   (de tráfico, de trueno) estruendo
3   (de multitud) clamor: the roar of the crowd was deafening, el clamor del público era ensordecedor

II verbo intransitivo
1   (león) rugir
     (toro, persona) bramar
2   (mar, tráfico, viento) rugir, bramar

III verbo transitivo rugir

    ♦ LOC: to roar with laughter, reírse a carcajadas
squeak [skwɪ:k]

I n (de un animal, una persona) chillido: we didn't hear a squeak, no oímos ni pío
     (de una puerta, rueda) chirrido
     (de zapatos) crujido

II vi (un animal, una persona) chillar

     (una puerta, rueda) chirriar, rechinar
     (un zapato) crujir
    ♦ LOC: to have a narrow squeak, escaparse por un pelo

haul [hɔ:l]

I nombre
1   (distancia) trayecto, recorrido
2   Pesca redada
3   (de un crimen) botín
     (de droga) alijo
4   (de una cuerda) tirón

II verbo transitivo
1   tirar, arrastrar: the coach was hauled by a black horse, la carroza iba tirada por un caballo negro
2   transportar

swoop [swʊ:p]

I nombre
1   (ave, avión) descenso en picado: the eagle swooped down on the rabbit, el águila se abalanzó sobre el conejo
2   (de la policía) redada

II verbo intransitivo
1   (ave de rapiña) abatirse [on, sobre]
2   Av bajar en picado
3   (policía) hacer una redada
    ♦ LOC: in one fell swoop, de un solo golpe

con [kɒn] argot

I verbo transitivo
1   estafar, timar: she conned me out of two hundred dollars, me timó doscientos dólares
2   engatusar

II nombre estafa, camelo


III adverbio contra: I could argue pro or con the new runway, podría argumentar a favor o en contra de la nueva
pista de aterrizaje

dump [dʌmp]
I nombre
1   (para basura) vertedero, escombrera
2   fam pey sitio de mala muerte: this house is a real dump, esta casa es una auténtica cochambre
     (ciudad) poblachón
     (bar, casa) tugurio, pocilga
3   Mil depósito

II verbo transitivo
1   (basura) verter
     (contenido de un camión) descargar
2   dejar: my girlfriend dumped me last week, mi novia me abandonó la semana pasada
3   Com inundar el mercado con
4   Inform volcar
    ♦ LOC: to be down in the dumps, estar deprimido,-a

havoc /'hævək/ n uncountable: the accident caused ~ el accidente creó gran confusión;
the children created ~ los niños armaron un lío tremendo (fam);
to play ~ with sth trastocar(conj.⇒) or desbaratar algo

havoc ['hævək] nombre caos: the snow played havoc with our plans, la nieve desbarató nuestros planes

bid [bɪd]

I (ps bid
       pp bid) vtr & verbo intransitivo
1   (en subasta) pujar [for, por]: they bid twenty pounds for a painting, ofrecieron veinte libras por un cuadro 2 to
bid sb farewell decir adiós a alguien: we bid them farewell, nos despedimos de ellos

II nombre
1   (en subasta, etc) oferta, puja
2   intento, tentativa
     to make a bid for sthg, tratar de conseguir algo: she made a bid for freedom, luchó por obtener la libertad

cop [kɒp]

I nombre
1   fam (policía) poli
2   GB fam it's not much cop, no es nada del otro jueves

II verbo transitivo
1   GB you'll cop it if she sees you, te caerá una buena si te ve
2   US robar

1   [rəʊ]
I nombre
1   fila, hilera
     in rows, en fila
2   sucesión: the team has lost twice in a row, el equipo ha perdido dos veces seguidas

II verbo transitivo & verbo intransitivo remar

2   [raʊ]

I nombre
1   follón, escándalo
     to make a row, armar un follón
2   bronca, pelea
3   disputa

II verbo intransitivo pelearse

ban [bæn]

I nombre prohibición: there is a ban on smoking in public places, existe una prohibición de consumo de tabaco
en lugares públicos

II verbo transitivo
1   (no permitir) prohibir: the sale of weapons to the public is going to be banned, se va a prohibir la venta de
armas a particulares
2   (a una persona) excluir [from, de]
     (de una profesión) inhabilitar

raid [reɪd]

I nombre
1   Mil asalto, incursión
2   robo, atraco
3   (de la policía) redada

II verbo transitivo
1   Mil asaltar
2   atracar, asaltar
3   (la policía) hacer una redada en: there was a police raid on a squat, la policía hizo una redada en el edificio

probe [prəʊb]
I nombre
1   Med Astron sonda
2   encuesta, sondeo

II verbo transitivo
1   Med sondar
2   investigar

ax1, (BrE) axe /æks/ sustantivo

hacha feminine noun taking masculine article in the singular;
to have an ~ to grind tener(conj.⇒) un interés personal

ax2, (BrE) axe verbo transitivo (journ) ‹project/services/jobs› suprimir;

‹employee› despedir(conj.⇒)

axe, ax [æks]

I nombre hacha

II verbo transitivo
1   (los gastos) recortar/reducir drásticamente
2   fam (a una persona) despedir
    ♦ LOC: to have an axe to grind, tener un interés egoísta en algo

hedge1 /hedʒ/ sustantivo

seto m (verde or vivo)

hedge2 verbo transitivo ‹field/garden› cercar(conj.⇒) (con seto)

verbo intransitivo (evade the issue) dar(conj.⇒) rodeos

hedge [hedʒ]

I nombre seto

II verbo transitivo
1   cercar con un seto
2   (una apuesta, inversión) cubrir, compensar

III verbo intransitivo evitar contestar, dar rodeos

Measly.- miserable
Hubby.- fam. marido
Missus.- mi señora / mi mujer - doña
Sword.- espada
Fresh clues.- pista fresco reciente
Huge drug
Bogus.- falso, falaz vicar.- parroco, pastor
Thread spells …….for hols .- UK colloquial VACACIONES

Government forces have put down a revolt by a group of soldiers

Business has been bad recently, but things are picking up now

Don’t be taken in by adverts that promise miracle cures.

She says she’s got stomach-ache but she’s just putting it on to avoid school.
Dice que tiene dolor de estomago pero solo esta hacienda teatro para no ir al teatro.

The service was poor but the wonderful food more than made up for it.
El servicio fue malo pero la comida maravillosa compenso eso.

Nothing can make up for the loss of my dignity.

Nada puede compensarme por la pérdida de mi dignidad.

He made up for his absence by working overtime.

The delicious meal made up for the long wait for a table

make up for lost time; reponer el tiempo perdido

The government is setting up an inquiry into prison conditions.

La policia va a hacer una investigacion acerca las condiciones en prision.

Police have ruled out murder, but are holding two men for questioning.
La policia ha descartado asesinato, pero la policia va interrogar 2 hombres.

The teachers won’t put up with bad language in the playground.

Los profesores no van a tolerar ese lenguaje en el patio de recreo.
30 MAY 09

 WREAK, Sembrar (caos, destrozos)

Wreak havoc – causar estragos

Eg. Widespread floods have wreaked havoc in the region

Las grandes inundaciones han causado estragos en la región

 IDLY - ociosamente
 RECKLESS – Imprudente - temerario
Reckless driving – reckless flying
 QUEST – busqueda { in quest of } en busca de
 BEND pp. Bent - (back, leg) doblar, curvar, torcer; (in road, river) curva,
(On a sign) DO NOT BEND – no doblar;
Bend down v+adv agacharse
Bend over v+adv inclinarse Eg. I had to bend over to get the file; me tuve que agachar para
coger la carpeta. (see more)

31 MAY 09

 OUTRAGE (cruel act) atrocidad

Sexual discrimination is an outrage – la discriminacion sexual es una barbaridad
(sentimienIto) indignación, he expressed his outrage in a newspaper editorial
Manifesto su indignacion en el editorial del periodico
Ver. Trans. ENFURECER. She was outraged by the news of the rape – la noticia de la violacion
la puso furiosa.

 FOLD – (papel – ropa) doblar eg. Fold the clothes and put them away in the drawer- dobla la
ropa y guardala en el cajon.
His income has increased fivefold – sus ingresos se multiplicaron x 5 o quintuplicaron.
The problem is threefold – el problema tiene 3 aspectos

 ENCOURAGE – (give hope, courage to) animar, alentar (turismo, industria, etc.) FOMENTAR
She encouraged me to carry on – me animo a seguir adelante
We encouraged employees to be innovative – animamos a los empleados a ser innovadores
They are always encouraged to speak in English.
Raúl Castro has encouraged Cubans to talk about problems that need to be solved within the inefficient
01 JUN 09

 Hurdles - Vallas
All legal hurdles – todas las vallas legales

 Forge – forjar, continuar

 Outreach – alcance
 Threshold – meta, umbral, fin
 Enshrine – consagrar
 To woo a country - cortejar; to try to persuade someone to support you or to use your business:

02 JUN 09

 Wreckage – (house, building) ruinas

(Avión, barco, coche) restos

Eg. They managed to salvage shtg from the wreckage, consiguieron salvar algo del naufragio

 Thrive – Prosperar, crecer con fuerza , gustar

(econ.) prosperar, (planta) crecer con fuerza

She thrives on hard work, le gusta el trabajo duro

 Sight – Divisar, ver

I got a flat tire.

Fam. (poner una inyección)

To give…….. a shot (colloq.)

25 JUN 09

crack down verbo intransitivo tomar medidas duras [on, contra]: the police are cracking down on drugs,
la policía está tomando duras medidas contra la droga
crackdown ['krækdaʊn] nombre the Government has promised a crackdown on drugs, el Gobierno se
ha comprometido a tomar medidas enérgicas contra la droga

roughly /'rʌfli/ adverbio

(approximately) aproximadamente

(not gently) ‹play› bruscamente, de manera violenta

(crudely) toscamente

roughly ['rʌflɪ] adverbio

1   aproximadamente
2   bruscamente, violentamente
3   toscamente

- Go up to: acercar-se a
- Come up to: acercar-se a

- Toddlers get scared when they see darkness around

- Do you get frightened during a thunder storm?
- Man has a desire to get frightened. This is evident from the ghost stories told and retold over centuries. This
desire to get frightened had given birth to thousands of horror stories over ages.
- I don’t know why sometimes I get frightened.

muster /'mʌstər / || /'mʌstə(r)/ verbo transitivo

(Mil) ‹soldiers› reunir(conj.⇒), llamar a asamblea

(succeed in raising) to muster (up) ‹team/army› lograr formar;

if they can muster enough support si logran el apoyo que necesitan

muster ['mʌstəʳ] verbo transitivo

1   (ánimo) mostrar
2   (fuerzas) reunir: he couldn't muster a smile, no podía ni esbozar una sonrisa

* to formally join the army or navy 

He was mustered into the army last fall. [usually passive]

* to officially arrange for someone to leave their work, especially in the army or navy 

Now that the war is over troops are being mustered out and sent home. [usually passive]

* if you muster up braveness or energy, you try hard to find that quality in yourself because you need it in order to do something 
She finally mustered up the courage to ask him for more money. [often + to do sth]
I'm trying to muster up the energy to go for a walk.

COMPEL /kəm'pel/ verbo transitivo -ll- to compel sb to + INF obligar(conj.⇒) a algn A + INF
compel [kəm'pel] verbo transitivo
1   forzar, obligar
     to compel sb to do sthg, obligar a alguien a hacer algo
2   frml (respeto) imponer: the small child's behaviour compels us to take action, el comportamiento del pequeño nos obliga a tomar

* verb compelling, past compelled FORMAL

compel sb to do sth to force someone to do something
[often passive] He felt compelled to resign from his job.

* verb [T] 
to force (someone) to do something 
At school, we were compelled to wear uniforms, which I hated.

* Compelling

forceful and persuasive - : a compelling argument

A performance, painting, or other work of art is compelling when it has unusual power to hold your attention: His account of his life is one of the
most compelling books about the brutality of slavery.

COMPELLING [kəm'pelɪɳ] adjetivo

1   irresistible
2   convincente: the police found compelling proof of his guilt, la policía halló pruebas concluyentes de su culpabilidad
3   de peso: do you have a compelling reason to leave today?, ¿hay alguna razón por la que irremediablemente tengas que marcharte hoy?

EXCERPT /'eksɜ:rpt / || /'eksɜ:pt/ sustantivo

pasaje m
excerpt [ek'sɜ:pt] nombre extracto
an excerpt from Don Quijote, un extracto del Quijote

Compound Forms:

excerpt nf cita de

excerpt n extracto de
from m

excerpt v citar de alguna fuente

excerpt v seleccionar

The woman with whom South Carolina Gov. Mark Sanford had an affair broke her silence Sunday long enough to say she
wouldn't discuss her relationship with the now-embattled1 governor.

.with aides2 telling reporters he had gone on a hiking trip along the Appalachian Trail.

DISCLOSE: verbo transitivo .- revelar

disclose: verbo transitivo revelar:
She would not disclose the name of her mysterious friend, no quería revelar el nombre de su amigo misterioso

speak your mind

to say what you think about something very directly:
He's certainly not afraid to speak his mind.

COPE /kəʊp/ verbo intransitivo: I can't cope with all this work, no doy abasto or no puedo con tanto trabajo;
how do you cope without a washing machine? ¿cómo te las arreglas sin lavadora?;
how is he coping on his own? ¿qué tal se las arregla solo?;
these are some of the problems they have to cope with estos son algunos de los problemas a los que tienen que enfrentarse

cope [kəʊp] verbo intransitivo arreglárselas, poder [with, con]: Susan is trying to cope with the tragedy, Susan está
intentando sobrellevar la tragedia

Asesor, ayudante
REVAMP /'ri:'væmp/ verbo transitivo ‹kitchen/interior› reformar;
(modernize) modernizar(conj.⇒);
‹image› cambiar;
‹organization› modernizar(conj.⇒)

REVAMP [rɪ:'væmp] verbo transitivo modernizar, renovar

eg. If you were in charge of revamping the A&P curriculum, what changes would you make?

ABREAST /ə'brest/ adverbio

(side by side): to march four ~ marchar en columna de cuatro en fondo
(up to date): to keep ~ of sth mantenerse al día en or al corriente de algo

abreast [ə'brest] adverbio 1 to march three abreast, marchar en columna de a tres 2 to keep abreast of things, mantenerse al día: we'll keep you abreast of things, te mantendremos
al corriente
Maintenance personnel need initial and recurrent training to keep them abreast of the latest problems and solutions
with your fleet.

GLEAN /gli:n/ verbo transitivo ‹information› recoger(conj.⇒)

glea v deducir algo de alguien

n t

PROBATIONARY PERIOD - Periodo de prueba


ALIENATE /'eɪliəneɪt/ verbo transitivo (Pol, Psych) alienar;

(estrange): he has ~d all his friends ha hecho que todos sus amigos se alejen or se distancien de él

alienate [ 'eɪlɪəneɪt] verbo transitivo 1 to alienate sb, ganarse la antipatía de alguien: they alienated him because of his political views, se granjeó su antipatía debido a sus ideas
     to alienate oneself from sb, distanciarse de alguien: she alienated herself from them, se distanció de ellos
2   Jur Pol enajenar

How to conduct interviews in a manner that did not alienate the person being interviewed.

- Threatened Miscarriage - Amenaza de Aborto

I hear Pete’s aunt left him everything.
Absolutely right, he inherited a fortune out of the blue.
He knew nothing about it then? How exiting!
You bet! When he heard about it, he was over the moon.
So what’s his problem now?
Well, he’s in deep water because he spent the whole lot in a month
and then his girlfriend walked out on him.
You’re kidding. I thought he’d asked her to marry him?
He was going to ask her, and then he got cold feet.
So what next?
Looks like he’ll have to pull his socks up and get a job. - put your pants up -
And a new girlfriend. What about that girl he used to work with?
Mm… Miranda, Marylin – no, that’s not it, her name’s on the tip of my tongue.
You mean Melissa. Whatever you do, don’t mention Melisa. She told him
he was a waste of space, money or no money.
Oh dear, I’m glad you told me, otherwise I might have put my foot in it.

She was attacked and they snatched her purse. She had her purse snatched

She pulled a pen out of her purse.

(del bolsillo, una maleta, etc) sacar, quitar
(dinero del banco) retirar: he took some money out of the cashpoint machine, sacó dinero del cajero.

Let’s put it in your pocket – ponlo en tu bolsillo or metelo en tu bolsillo.

"I want to take you away" means that I want to take you away to another town or another country.
"I want to take you out", means that I want to take you out on a date. For example, I want to take you
to a restaurant.

So, she was taking out her books (taking her books out) from her handbag when she was attacked and
had her stuff snatched.
You have to look after your children this weekend.
You have to put an eye on your children this weekend.


Who do you use the term stuck-up with?

It will be possible to have holidays on the moon in years to come.
We will be able to travel by space ship.
I will be able to go on vacation - next year, before the year is out.

There may/might/could be some cake left. I'll go and look.

'Why isn't Tim here yet?' 'It may/might/could be because his mother is ill again.'
There can't/couldn't be any milk left - I would have seen it in the fridge.
There can/could hardly be any doubt that he was guilty.

When there could be a problem, I don’t want to ask to be brought back to CL

He came back from CL, there could have been a problem.
Witty.- Ingenioso - gracioso

Patronizing. - condescendiente he’s got a patronizing way about him

Encouraging. - alentador(a) – esperanzador

Bewildered.- desconcertado – apabullado

Prejudiced.- lleno de prejuicios, prejuciado, he’s prejudiced tiene muchos prejucicio

Distracted – distraido(a) his son becomes distracted very easily

Earnest – serio (a) - IN EARNEST serio, seriamente

Haughty – altivo, altanero

Overbearing – autoritario(a), dominante overbearing people don’t have many friends

Courteous – cortes he’s so courteous that he always open doors for people

Supportive – compasivo, apoyador * she’s been very supportive * she was very supportive in my time of need

Considerate.- Atento, considerado

Loveable.- Adorable, amoroso, encantador(a) he’s very lovable

Snobbish.- Snob

Timid .- Timido - (animal) uraño

Reserved .- Reservado

Assertive – autoritario, enérgico, firme

Aggressive – agresivo

Shrewd – habil, astuto

Cunning – astuto, malicioso

Stubborn – terco

Resolute – decidido, resuelto

Trusting – confiado

Naïve – ingenuo, simplista

Self-assured – seguro de si mismo

Arrogant – arrogante

Smarmy – adulon, polota - brown noser – arse liker(uk) – ass killer (usa)

Charming – encantador
Tactless – poco diplomatico

Frank - franco, directo

Unprincipled – sin principios, sin escrupulos

Open-minded – de actitud abierta, mentalidad abierta, sin prejuicios

bellow ['beləʊ] verbo intransitivo

1   (animal) bramar
2   (persona) rugir, gritar

growl [graʊl]

nombre gruñido, rugido


II verbo intransitivo gruñir, rugir: the dog growls at strangers, el perro gruñe a los extraños

mutter ['mʌtəʳ]

nombre murmullo

verbo transitivo murmurar, farfullar: she mutters under her breath, habla para sí

verbo intransitivo
1   hablar entre dientes
III 2   refunfuñar

screech [skrɪ:tʃ]

1   (de persona, animal) alarido
2   (de un coche) chirrido, (sonido de) frenazo

verbo intransitivo
1   (persona, animal) chillar
2   (coche) chirriar
II      to screech to a halt, parar dando un frenazo (sonoro)

sigh1 /saɪ/ verbo intransitivo

he ~ed with relief/contentment suspiró aliviado/satisfecho
sigh2 sustantivo
suspiro m;
she breathed o heaved a ~ of relief dio un suspiro de alivio

sigh [saɪ]

verbo intransitivo suspirar


II nombre suspiro


1   ruido seco, chasquido, clic
2   Fot fam instantánea
3   (de un bolso, etc) broche
4   (del tiempo) intervalo
     cold snap, ola de frío

adjetivo (decisión) repentino,-a


verbo intransitivo
1   romperse, partirse
2   hacer un ruido seco
3   to snap open/shut, abrirse/cerrarse (de un golpe)
4   (un animal) intentar morder
     (una persona) hablar bruscamente
5   familiar sacar fotos

verbo transitivo
1   partir, romper
2   (los dedos) chasquear
3   decir bruscamente
4   to snap open/shut, abrir/cerrar (de un golpe)
5   familiar sacar una foto de
IV     ♦ LOC: familiar snap out of it!, ¡espabílate!

stammer ['stæməʳ]

nombre tartamudeo

II verbo intransitivo tartamudear

whine [waɪn]

I verbo intransitivo
1   (perro) aullar, gañir
     (niño) lloriquear
2   pey quejarse [about, de]: stop whining on about it, deja de lloriquear por eso
3   (una bala) pasar silbando

1   (de perro) aullido
2   pey (de persona) quejido
3   (de una bala) silbido
II 4   (de un motor) chirrido

whisper1 /'hwɪspər / || /'wɪspə(r)/ verbo intransitivo

a. [person] cuchichear

b. (liter) [wind/leaves] susurrar (liter)

verbo transitivo ‹remark/words› susurrar

whisper2 sustantivo

a. (soft voice) susurro m;

yes, he said in a ~ —sí —susurró

b. (rumor) rumor m

whisper ['wɪspəʳ]

1   susurro
2   rumor

verbo transitivo decir en voz baja


III verbo intransitivo susurrar

yelp [jelp]

verbo intransitivo aullar


II nombre aullido, gañido

scream1 /skri:m/ sustantivo

grito m, chillido m;
(louder) alarido m
scream2 verbo intransitivo
gritar, chillar;
[baby] llorar a gritos

verbo transitivo ‹insult› gritar, soltar(conj.⇒);

‹command› dar(conj.⇒) a voces or a gritos

scream [skrɪ:m]

1   chillido, alarido
2   familiar he's a scream, es divertidísimo

vtr (injurias) gritar


verbo intransitivo
1   chillar [at, a]
III 2   to scream with laughter, reírse a carcajadas
deeply /'di:pli/ adverbio

1. ‹sigh› profundamente;
to breathe ~ respirar hondo

2. ‹think› a fondo;
‹concerned› profundamente;
‹interested› sumamente

deeply ['dɪ:plɪ] adverbio

1   profundamente
     (respirar) hondo 2 he is deeply hurt by your attitude, tu actitud le hirió profundamente

wildly /'waɪldli/ adverbio

a. (frantically) ‹kick/struggle/rush› como (un) loco

b. (violently) ‹rage/blow› con furia

a. (in undisciplined fashion) ‹live› desordenadamente

b. (haphazardly, randomly) ‹shoot/guess› a lo loco

3. (extremely): ~ funny comiquísimo;

~ inaccurate estimates cálculos absolutamente errados

wildly ['waɪldlɪ] adverbio

1   (aplaudir, luchar) frenéticamente
     (adivinar) al azar
     (comportarse, hablar) como (un) loco
     (disparar) sin apuntar
2   muy, completamente
     wildly funny, divertidísimo,-a
     wildly wrong, totalmente equivocado,-a

deliberately /dɪ'lɪbərətli/ , /-brətli/ adverbio

1. (intentionally) adrede, a propósito

deliberately [dɪ'lɪbərɪtlɪ] adverbio

1   a propósito: you did that deliberately!, ¡has hecho eso a propósito!
2   pausadamente

supremely [sʊ'prɪ:mlɪ] adverbio sumamente

TACHO sustantivo masculino

a. (CS) (recipiente) (metal) container

b. (CS, Per) (papelero) wastebasket (AmE), wastepaper basket (BrE);

tacho de la basura (en la cocina) garbage can (AmE), rubbish bin (BrE);
(en la calle) garbage o trash can (AmE), dustbin (BrE)
Neither of them were here, ni el uno ni el otro estuvieron aquí
adverbio & conj
1   ni: neither... nor..., ni... ni...: I neither drink nor smoke, ni bebo ni fumo

2   tampoco: he can't swim, - neither can I, no sé nadar, - yo tampoco

Neither o neither of expresan una negación que se refiere a dos personas o cosas. Neither se usa
delante de sustantivos contables en singular (neither man was hurt, ninguno de los dos hombres resultó
herido), y neither of, delante de pronombres en plural, posesivos o grupos que empiezan por the, these,
those: Neither of the/ these/ those/my children was hurt. Observa que el verbo está en singular.

Neither... nor... se usa en situaciones más formales para unir dos palabras o dos frases del mismo tipo.
En vez de decir the teacher did not know the answer and the students did not know the answer (el
profesor no sabía la respuesta y los alumnos no sabían la respuesta), puedes decir neither the teacher
nor the students knew the answer (ni el profesor ni los alumnos sabían la respuesta). Las palabras que
vienen después de neither y nor deben pertenecer a la misma categoría gramatical. Por tanto, no
podemos decir he neither plays football nor tennis, ya que plays es un verbo y tennis es un sustantivo.
La frase correcta es: He plays neither football nor tennis. No juega ni al fútbol ni al tenis.

Neither proposal was accepted.

not either of two things or people
 We've got two TVs, but neither works properly.
 Neither of my parents likes my boyfriend.
 Neither one of us is particularly interested in gardening.
 "Which one would you choose?" "Neither. They're both terrible."
 If she doesn't agree to the plan, neither will Tom (= Tom also will not).
 Chris wasn't at the meeting and neither was her assistant.
 informal "I don't feel like going out this evening." "Me neither."
 On two occasions she was accused of stealing money from the company, but in neither case was there any
evidence to support the claims.

neither ... nor

used when you want to say that two or more things are not true
 Neither my mother nor my father went to university.
 They speak neither French nor German, but a curious mixture of the two.
 I neither know nor care what's happened to him.

Neither of them came to class last Thursday.

You don’t come to class, neither does Ana.

You didn’t come to class, neither did Ana.
You won’t come to class, neither will Ana.

Either of the options is correct, aren’t they?

Neither the car nor the motorcycle is working properly.

Neither of those girls has a job. Singular verb

Neither of those guys has a job.

Neither of those guys has ever gone to the USA.

Neither of those boys has ever gone to the school.

Neither woman was in the office.

either1 /'i:ðər/ , /'aɪðər / || /'i:ðə(r)/ , /'aɪðə(r)/ conjunción either … or … o … o …Note:

In the usual translation of either … or, o … o, o becomes u when it precedes a word beginning with o or ho.
either2 adjetivo: you can take either route puedes tomar cualquiera de las dos rutas;
on either side of the path a ambos lados del camino
either3 pronombre (esp BrE) cualquiera;
(with neg) ninguno, -na;
(in questions) alguno, -na
either4 adverbio (with neg) tampoco;
she can't cook and he can't either ella no sabe cocinar y él tampoco

either ['aɪðəʳ, 'ɪ:ðəʳ]

I pron det (uno de dos)
1   (afirmativo) cualquiera
     either of them, cualquiera de los/las dos: there's bread or cake, you can have either (of them), hay pastel o pan, puedes tomar
cualquiera (de los dos)
2   (negativo) ninguno,-a (de los dos): she doesn't want either (of them), no quiere ninguno (de los dos)
II adjetivo cualquier(a), cada: there is a house on either side, hay una casa a cada lado
     in either case, en cualquier de los dos casos
III conj (afirmativo) either ... or ..., o... o...: either you can go or you can stay, puedes irte o (bien) quedarte
IV adv (después de negativo) tampoco: I don't want to go, and my wife doesn't either, yo no quiero ir y mi mujer tampoco

Used in negative sentences instead of 'also' or 'too'

I don't eat meat and my husband doesn't either.
"I've never been to the States." "I haven't either."
They do really good food at that restaurant and it's not very expensive either.

A: Do you know if Ana is coming?. Because I don’t know.

B: Neither do I. //I don’t know either//

A: If she won’t go, neither will he.

 He isn’t married, and nor am I.

 He can’t drive, and I can’t either
 I don’t want to go, and my wife doesn’t either
I couldn’t sleep last night, and my wife couldn’t either.
He can’t play football anymore, and Jose can’t either.
The menu is boring and it's not cheap either.
I don't eat meat and Sam doesn't either

Things in common Things different

Juan’s been to Russia, and so have I. He’s tried snowboarding, but I haven’t.
He likes jazz, and I do, too. He comes from a big family, but I don’t.
He doesn’t smoke, and neither do I. He didn’t see the film, but I did.
He isn’t married, and nor am I. He hasn’t been to Paris, I have, though.
He can’t drive, and I can’t, either.
surge verb
 to increase suddenly and strongly
The company's profits have surged.

 to move quickly and powerfully

An angry crowd surged through the gates of the president's palace.
A few metres before the end of the race, Jenkins surged into the lead.

 (of an emotion) to develop strongly and quickly

She felt a wave of resentment surging (up) inside her.

surge noun

 A sudden and great increase

An unexpected surge in electrical power caused the computer to crash.
There has been a surge in house prices recently.

 A sudden and great movement forward

At the end of the game, there was a surge of fans onto the field.
A tidal surge (= sudden and great rise in the level of the sea) caused severe flooding in coastal areas.

 A sudden increase of an emotion

She was overwhelmed by a surge of remorse.

Storm surge noun

When a lot of water is pushed from the sea onto the land, usually caused by a hurricane (= a violent storm with
very high winds)

Surge1 sustantivo [in demand, sales] aumento m;

a surge of people una oleada de gente;
we felt a new surge of hope sentimos renacer nuestras esperanzas

surge2 verbo intransitivo [wave] levantarse;

[sea] hincharse;
the crowd surged out through the gates la gente salió en tropel por las puertas;
anger/hatred surged up inside her la ira/el odio la invadió;
to surge ahead of sb adelantársele a algn


I nombre
1   (del mar, de gente, de compasión) oleada
2   Com (de demanda, etc) repentino aumento

II verbo intransitivo
1   (una ola) levantarse
2   (demanda, ventas) aumentar repentinamente
3   (gente) to surge forward/in/out, avanzar/entrar/salir en tropel
Yet adverbio

a. (up to this or that time, till now) (with neg) todavía, aún;
I haven't eaten o (AmE also) I didn't eat ~ todavía or aún no he comido, todavía no comí (RPl);
as ~ aún, todavía

b. (now, so soon) (with neg) todavía

c. (thus far) (after superl): it's his best book ~ es el mejor libro que ha escrito hasta ahora

2. (by now, already) (with interrog) ya;

has she decided o (AmE also) did she decide ~? ¿ya se ha decidido?, ¿ya se decidió? (AmL)

3. (still) todavía, aún

4. (eventually, in spite of everything): we may win ~ todavía podemos ganar

5. (as intensifier)
a. (even) (with comp) aún, todavía;
the story becomes ~ more complicated el cuento se complica aún or todavía más

b. (in addition, besides): ~ more problems más problemas aún;

we had to go back ~ again tuvimos que volver otra vez más (aún)

6. (but, nevertheless) (as linker) sin embargo

yet2 conjunción

yet [jet]
1   todavía, aún, hasta ahora: he hasn't arrived yet, aún no ha llegado
2   (en las preguntas) ya: have you eaten yet?, ¿ya has comido?
3   (después del superlativo) hasta ahora
     his best film yet, su mejor película hasta ahora
4   (en el futuro) frml todavía, aún: the plan may yet succeed, el plan aún puede dar resultados
5   (uso enfático) todavía, aún
     better yet, mejor aún
     yet again, otra vez (más)
6   frml pero: she was poor yet honest, era pobre pero honrada
conj sin embargo
    Yet se emplea en frases negativas para indicar que algo todavía no ha ocurrido, pero va a ocurrir: I haven't finished yet. No he
terminado todavía (pero lo haré). En el lenguaje hablado se coloca al final de la frase y en el lenguaje escrito después de not: They
have not yet finished. No han terminado aún.
Still adverbio
Spanish has two words for still: todavía and aún. Both can go at the beginning or end of the sentence: I still haven't seen him todavía or aún
no lo he visto or no lo he visto todavía or aún. The distinction in English between he hasn't arrived yet and he still hasn't arrived is not
expressed verbally in Spanish. Both can be translated by todavía or aún no ha llegado, or no ha llegado todavía or aún. The degree of
intensity, surprise, or annoyance is often expressed by intonation. Note that the verb seguir can be used to express continuation: I still don't
understand why sigo sin entender por qué; he's still looking for a job sigue buscando trabajo.

1. (even now, even then) todavía, aún;

there's yet plenty left todavía or aún queda mucho;
are we yet friends? ¿seguimos siendo amigos?
2. (as intensifier) aún, todavía;
the risk is greater yet el riesgo es aún or todavía mayor
3. (as linker): they say it's safe, but I'm yet scared dicen que no hay peligro pero igual or aun así tengo miedo;
yet, it could have been worse de todos modos, podría haber sido peor

still2 adjetivo

a. (motionless) ‹lake/air› en calma, quieto, tranquilo;

sit/stand yet quédate quieto;
her heart stood yet for a moment el corazón se le paró un momento

b. ‹drink› sin gas, no efervescente

still3 sustantivo

1. (Cin, Phot) fotograma m

2. (distillery) destilería f;
(distilling apparatus) alambique m

stillborn /'stɪl'bɔ:rn / || /'stɪlbɔ:n/ adjetivo

nacido muerto;
still life sustantivo (pl still lifes) naturaleza f muerta

still [stɪl]
1   todavía, aún: I still don't believe it, sigo sin creerlo
     there is still time, aún queda tiempo
2   (con adj & adv comp) aún
     still worse, peor aún
conj aun así, con todo, sin embargo
1   (agua, aire) tranquilo,-a
2   silencioso,-a
3   inmóvil: stand still, no te muevas
4   (refresco, agua) sin gas
1   Cine fotograma
2   Quím alambique
vtr frml acallar
    En una frase afirmativa still se coloca después de los verbos auxiliares o modales, pero delante de otros verbos: I still live in
Madrid. Todavía vivo en Madrid. It is still too dark. Todavía está demasiado oscuro. I can still see you. Todavía puedo verte.
    En una frase negativa puedes poner still delante del primer verbo auxiliar para subrayar el hecho de que algo debería haber
ocurrido, pero no fue así: I've explained this ten times and you still don't understand. Lo he explicado diez veces y sigues sin
    Además, recuerda que en una situación normal y corriente no se puede emplear still con el significado de todavía no. En este caso
hay que usar yet después de not o al final de la frase: Son solo las seis, todavía no es hora de irnos. It's only six, it's not time to go
yet o it's not yet time to go.
Work out - Work up

I can’t work out how to start this machine

She works herself up into a terrible state about the exam next week.

All this physical works makes you work up an appetite.

I keep fit by working out regularly at the gym.

Give up – give away

Guess how old I am. I give up. You’ll have to tell me.

They gave away a free CD with the next month’s magazine.

He tried to disguise himself, but I knew it was him. His voice gave him away

He handed his gun to the police officer and gave himself up

►give up

verbo transitivo
1   dejar
     to give up drinking, dejar de beber
2   (un puesto, etc) ceder
3   (la vida, el tiempo) dedicar
4   to give sb up for lost, dar a alguien por perdido,-a

verbo intransitivo
1   (ante un reto) darse por vencido,-a
2   (a las autoridades) entregarse, rendirse
    Recuerda que to give up va seguido de gerundio: I gave up smoking years ago. Dejé de fumar hace años.

give sth up v dejar de hacer algo

give sth up v renunciar a algo

give up v renunciar a

give up (fight) v darse por vencido (lucha)

give up (fight) v rendirse (lucha)

give up (smoking) v dejar de (fumar)

give up (time) v dedicar (tiempo)

►give away verbo transitivo

1   regalar, obsequiar
2   (un secreto) revelar
     (a una persona) delatar, traicionar

give away (betray) v traicionar

Compound Forms:

not give away v no renunciar

Get on with – get up to

The kids are very quiet. I wonder what they’re getting up to? Los niños estan muy trabquilos. Me pregunto, que estaran hacienda?

What page did we get up to in the last lesson? A que pagina llegamos en la ultima leccion?

How do you get on with your husband’s family? Como te llevas con la familia de tu esposo?

How did you all get on with last night’s homework?

 get up to verbo transitivo

1   llegar hasta, a: we got up to page 54, llegamos hasta la página 54

2   familiar hacer: what did you get up to at weekend?, ¿qué estuviste haciendo el fin de semana?
 The kids are very quiet. I wonder what they’re getting up to?
 What page did we get up to in the last lesson?

Acá en EE.UU. también decimos "come down with" y tiene el mismo significado que "go down with".
- He came down with the flu.
- I don't feel well; I think I might be coming down with something.

►go in for verbo transitivo (activity) v dedicarse a (actividad)

1   (una actividad) dedicarse a
2   (un concurso) presentarse

go in for

go in for (competition) v presentarse a (concurso)

go in for (enjoy) v ser aficionado de (disfrutar de)

►put up

verbo transitivo
1   alojar, hospedar: I'll put you up at the Sheraton Hotel, te alojaré en el hotel Sheraton
2   (una mano) levantar
     (un paraguas) abrir
     (una bandera) izar
     (un edificio) construir, levantar
3   (un precio) aumentar
4   (una cortina, un cuadro) colgar
     (un cartel) pegar
5   (a un candidato) nombrar
     (un plan) presentar
6   (resistencia) ofrecer
7   (dinero) contribuir con, aportar

II verbo intransitivo hospedarse

►send up verbo transitivo

1   (a una persona) hacer subir
     (un cohete) lanzar
     (humo) echar
2   GB fam parodiar, burlarse de

send up (a rocket) v lanzar

send up (smoke, dust spray) v despedir

Compound Forms:

send-up n burla

send-up n parodia

►take off

verbo transitivo
1   (la ropa) quitar
     to take off one's clothes, quitarse la ropa
2   (el tiempo) tomarse: I'm taking a day off, me tomo
un día libre
3   Com descontar
     (el pelo, etc) cortar
4   familiar imitar, parodiar

verbo intransitivo
1   Av despegar
2   empezar a tener éxito: the idea never really took
II off, en realidad la idea nunca llegó a cuajar

take off (discount) v hacer descuento

take off (plane) v despegar

take off (remove, to) v quitar

Compound Forms:

take off for v salir para

take off the air v cesar de emitir

take off weight v perder peso

take off your shoes v quitarse los zapatos

take-off n despegue

En Estados Unidos, spill your guts significa decir la verdad y decir todo lo que sabes sobre algo. Por ejemplo, si te metes en problemas con tu mamá por
haber salido de la casa sin permiso, mientras ella te regaña, te puede decir, "I want to know everything that you did while you were out of the house. You
better spill your guts."

En EEUU no tiene nada que ver con vomitar.

Desahogarse está bien, pero esa palabra me connota más un sentido de alivio, como que te sientes mucho mejor después de contarselo todo a un amigo.

Spill your guts

"Me voy a desahogar (confesar, contarlo o soltarlo todo, quitarme un peso de encima) cuando vaya a visitar al Padre José este domingo." I will spill my guts,
(tell the whole story, let it all out) when I go see father Jose this sunday.

►wear off verbo intransitivo

1   (el dolor) calmarse
2   (un efecto) pasar

3   (pintura) desgastarse

wear off (effect of drug) v pasar (efecto de una droga)

wear off (excitement) v pasar (emoción)

wear off (pain) v desaparecer (dolor)

wear off (pain) v calmarse (dolor)

My tooth starting hurting as the effect of the painkiller wore off.
The effects of the drug were slowly wearing off, los efectos de la droga se iban pasando poco a poco.

►get through

verbo transitivo
1   (un examen) aprobar
2   (una mala experiencia) pasar
3   acabar, terminar: I'll never get through all this work, nunca terminaré todo este trabajo
4   (una idea) comunicar

II verbo intransitivo
1   hacerse comprender
2   (por teléfono) comunicar

get through (finish) v acabar

Compound Forms:

get through to v hacerse comprender

get through to (telephone) v comunicar con (teléfono)

Eg. My son’s a total mystery to me. I can’t get through to him at all.

►go over verbo transitivo

1   (un puente, río) cruzar
2   (revisar) repasar: I need to go over my speech before I give it, tengo que repasar mi discurso antes de darlo

Eg. go over your homework carefully before you hand it in.

go over (bridge/river etc) v cruzar (puente/río etc)

go over (check) v revisar (repasar)

go over (inspect) v examinar (inspeccionar)

go over (ship) v zozobrar (barco)

go over (speech) v ensayar (discurso)

Compound Forms:

go over the top v estar desbordado coloquial

go over the top v tirar la casa por la ventana

go over the top v pasarse

go over the top (overdo) v pasarse de la raya (pasarse de la


go over the top (war) (figurative) v pasar a la ofensiva (guerra) figurado

go over the top (war) v salir de la trinchera (guerra)

►get back

verbo intransitivo
1   volver, regresar
2   mover atrás  

verbo transitivo
1   (una cosa perdida, robada) recuperar
2   (cosa prestada) devolver
Eg. You told the teacher I cheated. I’ll get you back for that. Just wait.

get back v recuperar

get back v volver

Compound Forms:

get back at somebody v vengarse de alguien

get back in shape v volver a ponerse en forma

Don’t make troy angry.

Angry.- adj (angrier, angriest) (persona) enfadado,-a

     (mirada, voz) airado,-a
     to get angry, enfadarse [with sb about sthg, con alguien por algo]: the fact that he always leaves me the bill makes me angry, me enfada el hecho de que
siempre me deje la cuenta a mí

A mí "will" ahí en vez de "does" me da el sentido de "no quiere funcionar" "no quiere arrancar".
(Indicator) will not work - El Indicator no funciona.
(One gator inop.) will not start - Gator Inop. no arranca.

(indicating capability): this door won't shut; esta puerta no cierra or no quiere cerrar:
he won't help me, no quiere ayudarme

poacher /'pəʊtʃər / || /'pəʊtʃə(r)/ sustantivo

cazador furtivo, cazadora furtiva m,f

poacher ['pəʊtʃəʳ] nombre cazador,-ora/pescador,-ora furtivo,-a

unspoiled /'ʌn'spɔɪld/ , (BrE also) unspoilt /'ʌn'spɔɪlt/ adjetivo ‹countryside› que conserva su belleza natural

eagerly /'i:gərli / || /'i:gəli/ adverbio ‹accept/agree› con entusiasmo;
‹await› ansiosamente, con ansiedad e impaciencia;
‹listen/read› con avidez

eagerly ['ɪ:gəlɪ] adverbio ansiosamente, con impaciencia

     (entusiasmadamente) con ilusión

bitterly ['bɪtəlɪ] adverbio

1   (llorar, hablar) amargamente
2   it's bitterly cold, hace un frío que pela

bitterly /'bɪtərli / || /'bɪtəli/ adverbio

‹cold›: it was ~ cold hacía un frío glacia

‹disappointed› tremendamente;
‹weep/complain/say› amargamente

(implacably) implacablemente

highly ['haɪlɪ] adverbio

1   sumamente
     highly likely, muy probable
2   muy bien: they speak highly of him, hablan muy bien de él
     a highly paid job, un trabajo muy bien pagado

highly /'haɪli/ adverbio

(to a high degree): ~ unlikely muy poco probable;

~ intelligent inteligentísimo;
~ trained altamente capacitado

(favorably): his boss speaks/thinks very ~ of him su jefe habla muy bien/tiene muy buena opinión de él

(at a high rate): a ~ paid job un trabajo muy bien pagado

highly:highly-strung /'haɪli'strʌŋ/ adjetivo (BrE) See Also→ high-strung

perfectly /'pɜ:rfɪktli / || /'pɜ:fɪktli/ adverbio

a. (exactly) ‹round/straight› totalmente;

‹fit/match› perfectamente

b. (faultlessly, ideally) perfectamente

2. (completely, utterly) ‹safe/ridiculous› totalmente;

he knows ~ well that … sabe perfectamente que …

perfectly ['pɜ:fɪktlɪ] adverbio

1   (a la perfección) perfectamente: you heard me perfectly well, me oíste perfectamente
2   (evidente, sincero, etc) absolutamente

sorely ['sɔ:lɪ] adv frml

1   muy: she was sorely tempted, sintió una gran tentación [to, de]
     we are sorely in need of money, necesitamos urgentemente dinero
2   (herido) gravemente

virtually /'vɜ:rtʃuəli / || /'vɜ:tjʊəli/ , /'vɜ:tʃʊəli/ adverbio

prácticamente, casi
virtually ['vɜ:tʃʊəlɪ] adverbio prácticamente: it would have been virtually impossible without your help, habría resultado prácticamente imposible sin
tu ayuda

accurately ['ækjərɪtlɪ] adverbio the test can predict your intelligence fairly accurately, el test establece el grado de inteligencia con bastante

distinctly /dɪ'stɪŋktli/ adverbio

‹speak/enunciate› con claridad

‹hear› perfectamente, claramente;

I ~ remember telling you me acuerdo perfectamente or muy bien de que te lo dije

distinctly [dɪ'stɪɳktlɪ] adverbio claramente: I distinctly heard you say my name, te oí decir mi nombre con toda claridad

fully /'fʊli/ adverbio

a. (completely): I ~ understand comprendo muy bien;

she's a ~ trained nurse es una enfermera diplomada

b. (in full) enteramente

2. (at least) por lo menos, como poco

fully:fully-fledged /'fʊli'fledʒd/ adjetivo (BrE) See Also→ full-fledged

fully ['fʊlɪ] adverbio completamente, totalmente, del todo: she has fully finished her work, ha terminado totalmente su trabajo

sincerely /sɪn'sɪrli / || /sɪn'sɪəli/ adverbio

~ (yours) o (BrE) yours ~ (in letters) (saluda) a usted atentamente

sincerely [sɪn'sɪəlɪ] adverbio

1   sinceramente
2   (en una carta) Yours sincerely, (le saluda) atentamente

►draw up

I vtr (contrato) preparar: the lawyer drew up the papers for me, el abogado me preparó los documentos

II vi (coche, tren) detenerse: the car drew up opposite the cathedral, el coche se paró delante de la catedral

draw up v detenerse durante el trayecto

draw up v hacer parar un vehículo

draw up v formar en orden

draw up v ponerse derecho

draw up (document) v redactar

Compound Forms:

draw up a formal v redactar un documento

document formal

draw up a plan v elaborar un plan


Other is an adjective meaning 'different' and is used as follows:

             - This car park is closed but the other car park is open.
             - Some children learn quickly but other children need more time.

Other can also be used as a pronoun to refer to things or people.

             - 80% of the students arrive on time.

             - The others ( = the other students) are always late.

Another expresses quantity, something extra or additional.

             - There are 6 people for dinner but there are only 5 plates.
               We need another plate.

These words refer to something different, remaining, or additional.
They are placed before the noun.

Another is used with singular nouns, other with singular or plural.

There are other jobs you could try.
Where's the other packet of cereals?
Is there any other bread?
Have another cup of tea
Work out - Work up

I can’t work out how to start this machine

She works herself up into a terrible state about the exam next week.

All this physical works makes you work up an appetite.

I keep fit by working out regularly at the gym.

Give up – give away

Guess how old I am. I give up. You’ll have to tell me.

They gave away a free CD with the next month’s magazine.

He tried to disguise himself, but I knew it was him. His voice gave him away

He handed his gun to the police officer and gave himself up

►give up

verbo transitivo
1   dejar
     to give up drinking, dejar de beber
2   (un puesto, etc) ceder
3   (la vida, el tiempo) dedicar
4   to give sb up for lost, dar a alguien por perdido,-a

verbo intransitivo
1   (ante un reto) darse por vencido,-a
2   (a las autoridades) entregarse, rendirse
    Recuerda que to give up va seguido de gerundio: I gave up smoking years ago. Dejé de fumar hace años.

give sth up v dejar de hacer algo

give sth up v renunciar a algo

give up v renunciar a

give up (fight) v darse por vencido (lucha)

give up (fight) v rendirse (lucha)

give up (smoking) v dejar de (fumar)

give up (time) v dedicar (tiempo)

►give away verbo transitivo

1   regalar, obsequiar
2   (un secreto) revelar
     (a una persona) delatar, traicionar

give away (betray) v traicionar

Compound Forms:

not give away v no renunciar

Get on with – get up to

The kids are very quiet. I wonder what they’re getting up to? Los niños estan muy trabquilos. Me pregunto, que estaran hacienda?

What page did we get up to in the last lesson? A que pagina llegamos en la ultima leccion?

How do you get on with your husband’s family? Como te llevas con la familia de tu esposo?

How did you all get on with last night’s homework?

 get up to verbo transitivo

1   llegar hasta, a: we got up to page 54, llegamos hasta la página 54

2   familiar hacer: what did you get up to at weekend?, ¿qué estuviste haciendo el fin de semana?
 The kids are very quiet. I wonder what they’re getting up to?
 What page did we get up to in the last lesson?

Acá en EE.UU. también decimos "come down with" y tiene el mismo significado que "go down with".
- He came down with the flu.
- I don't feel well; I think I might be coming down with something.

►go in for verbo transitivo (activity) v dedicarse a (actividad)

1   (una actividad) dedicarse a
2   (un concurso) presentarse

go in for

go in for (competition) v presentarse a (concurso)

go in for (enjoy) v ser aficionado de (disfrutar de)

►put up

verbo transitivo
1   alojar, hospedar: I'll put you up at the Sheraton Hotel, te alojaré en el hotel Sheraton
2   (una mano) levantar
     (un paraguas) abrir
     (una bandera) izar
     (un edificio) construir, levantar
3   (un precio) aumentar
4   (una cortina, un cuadro) colgar
     (un cartel) pegar
5   (a un candidato) nombrar
     (un plan) presentar
6   (resistencia) ofrecer
7   (dinero) contribuir con, aportar

II verbo intransitivo hospedarse

►send up verbo transitivo

1   (a una persona) hacer subir
     (un cohete) lanzar
     (humo) echar
2   GB fam parodiar, burlarse de

send up (a rocket) v lanzar

send up (smoke, dust spray) v despedir

Compound Forms:

send-up n burla

send-up n parodia

►take off

verbo transitivo
1   (la ropa) quitar
     to take off one's clothes, quitarse la ropa
2   (el tiempo) tomarse: I'm taking a day off, me tomo
un día libre
3   Com descontar
     (el pelo, etc) cortar
4   familiar imitar, parodiar

verbo intransitivo
1   Av despegar
2   empezar a tener éxito: the idea never really took
II off, en realidad la idea nunca llegó a cuajar

take off (discount) v hacer descuento

take off (plane) v despegar

take off (remove, to) v quitar

Compound Forms:

take off for v salir para

take off the air v cesar de emitir

take off weight v perder peso

take off your shoes v quitarse los zapatos

take-off n despegue

En Estados Unidos, spill your guts significa decir la verdad y decir todo lo que sabes sobre algo. Por ejemplo, si te metes en problemas con tu mamá por
haber salido de la casa sin permiso, mientras ella te regaña, te puede decir, "I want to know everything that you did while you were out of the house. You
better spill your guts."

En EEUU no tiene nada que ver con vomitar.

Desahogarse está bien, pero esa palabra me connota más un sentido de alivio, como que te sientes mucho mejor después de contarselo todo a un amigo.

Spill your guts

"Me voy a desahogar (confesar, contarlo o soltarlo todo, quitarme un peso de encima) cuando vaya a visitar al Padre José este domingo." I will spill my guts,
(tell the whole story, let it all out) when I go see father Jose this sunday.

►wear off verbo intransitivo

1   (el dolor) calmarse
2   (un efecto) pasar

3   (pintura) desgastarse

wear off (effect of drug) v pasar (efecto de una droga)

wear off (excitement) v pasar (emoción)

wear off (pain) v desaparecer (dolor)

wear off (pain) v calmarse (dolor)

My tooth starting hurting as the effect of the painkiller wore off.
The effects of the drug were slowly wearing off, los efectos de la droga se iban pasando poco a poco.

►get through

verbo transitivo
1   (un examen) aprobar
2   (una mala experiencia) pasar
3   acabar, terminar: I'll never get through all this work, nunca terminaré todo este trabajo
4   (una idea) comunicar

II verbo intransitivo
1   hacerse comprender
2   (por teléfono) comunicar

get through (finish) v acabar

Compound Forms:

get through to v hacerse comprender

get through to (telephone) v comunicar con (teléfono)

Eg. My son’s a total mystery to me. I can’t get through to him at all.

►go over verbo transitivo

1   (un puente, río) cruzar
2   (revisar) repasar: I need to go over my speech before I give it, tengo que repasar mi discurso antes de darlo

Eg. go over your homework carefully before you hand it in.

go over (bridge/river etc) v cruzar (puente/río etc)

go over (check) v revisar (repasar)

go over (inspect) v examinar (inspeccionar)

go over (ship) v zozobrar (barco)

go over (speech) v ensayar (discurso)

Compound Forms:

go over the top v estar desbordado coloquial

go over the top v tirar la casa por la ventana

go over the top v pasarse

go over the top (overdo) v pasarse de la raya (pasarse de la


go over the top (war) (figurative) v pasar a la ofensiva (guerra) figurado

go over the top (war) v salir de la trinchera (guerra)

►get back

verbo intransitivo
1   volver, regresar
2   mover atrás  

verbo transitivo
1   (una cosa perdida, robada) recuperar
2   (cosa prestada) devolver
Eg. You told the teacher I cheated. I’ll get you back for that. Just wait.

get back v recuperar

get back v volver

Compound Forms:

get back at somebody v vengarse de alguien

get back in shape v volver a ponerse en forma

Don’t make troy angry.

Angry.- adj (angrier, angriest) (persona) enfadado,-a

     (mirada, voz) airado,-a
     to get angry, enfadarse [with sb about sthg, con alguien por algo]: the fact that he always leaves me the bill makes me angry, me enfada el hecho de que
siempre me deje la cuenta a mí

A mí "will" ahí en vez de "does" me da el sentido de "no quiere funcionar" "no quiere arrancar".
(Indicator) will not work - El Indicator no funciona.
(One gator inop.) will not start - Gator Inop. no arranca.

(indicating capability): this door won't shut; esta puerta no cierra or no quiere cerrar:
he won't help me, no quiere ayudarme

poacher /'pəʊtʃər / || /'pəʊtʃə(r)/ sustantivo

cazador furtivo, cazadora furtiva m,f

poacher ['pəʊtʃəʳ] nombre cazador,-ora/pescador,-ora furtivo,-a

unspoiled /'ʌn'spɔɪld/ , (BrE also) unspoilt /'ʌn'spɔɪlt/ adjetivo ‹countryside› que conserva su belleza natural

eagerly /'i:gərli / || /'i:gəli/ adverbio ‹accept/agree› con entusiasmo;
‹await› ansiosamente, con ansiedad e impaciencia;
‹listen/read› con avidez

eagerly ['ɪ:gəlɪ] adverbio ansiosamente, con impaciencia

     (entusiasmadamente) con ilusión

bitterly ['bɪtəlɪ] adverbio

1   (llorar, hablar) amargamente
2   it's bitterly cold, hace un frío que pela

bitterly /'bɪtərli / || /'bɪtəli/ adverbio

‹cold›: it was ~ cold hacía un frío glacia

‹disappointed› tremendamente;
‹weep/complain/say› amargamente

(implacably) implacablemente

highly ['haɪlɪ] adverbio

1   sumamente
     highly likely, muy probable
2   muy bien: they speak highly of him, hablan muy bien de él
     a highly paid job, un trabajo muy bien pagado

highly /'haɪli/ adverbio

(to a high degree): ~ unlikely muy poco probable;

~ intelligent inteligentísimo;
~ trained altamente capacitado

(favorably): his boss speaks/thinks very ~ of him su jefe habla muy bien/tiene muy buena opinión de él

(at a high rate): a ~ paid job un trabajo muy bien pagado

highly:highly-strung /'haɪli'strʌŋ/ adjetivo (BrE) See Also→ high-strung

perfectly /'pɜ:rfɪktli / || /'pɜ:fɪktli/ adverbio

b. (exactly) ‹round/straight› totalmente;

‹fit/match› perfectamente

c. (faultlessly, ideally) perfectamente

3. (completely, utterly) ‹safe/ridiculous› totalmente;

he knows ~ well that … sabe perfectamente que …

perfectly ['pɜ:fɪktlɪ] adverbio

1   (a la perfección) perfectamente: you heard me perfectly well, me oíste perfectamente
2   (evidente, sincero, etc) absolutamente

sorely ['sɔ:lɪ] adv frml

1   muy: she was sorely tempted, sintió una gran tentación [to, de]
     we are sorely in need of money, necesitamos urgentemente dinero
2   (herido) gravemente

virtually /'vɜ:rtʃuəli / || /'vɜ:tjʊəli/ , /'vɜ:tʃʊəli/ adverbio

prácticamente, casi
virtually ['vɜ:tʃʊəlɪ] adverbio prácticamente: it would have been virtually impossible without your help, habría resultado prácticamente imposible sin
tu ayuda

accurately ['ækjərɪtlɪ] adverbio the test can predict your intelligence fairly accurately, el test establece el grado de inteligencia con bastante

distinctly /dɪ'stɪŋktli/ adverbio

‹speak/enunciate› con claridad

‹hear› perfectamente, claramente;

I ~ remember telling you me acuerdo perfectamente or muy bien de que te lo dije

distinctly [dɪ'stɪɳktlɪ] adverbio claramente: I distinctly heard you say my name, te oí decir mi nombre con toda claridad

fully /'fʊli/ adverbio

b. (completely): I ~ understand comprendo muy bien;

she's a ~ trained nurse es una enfermera diplomada

c. (in full) enteramente

3. (at least) por lo menos, como poco

fully:fully-fledged /'fʊli'fledʒd/ adjetivo (BrE) See Also→ full-fledged

fully ['fʊlɪ] adverbio completamente, totalmente, del todo: she has fully finished her work, ha terminado totalmente su trabajo

sincerely /sɪn'sɪrli / || /sɪn'sɪəli/ adverbio

~ (yours) o (BrE) yours ~ (in letters) (saluda) a usted atentamente

sincerely [sɪn'sɪəlɪ] adverbio

1   sinceramente
2   (en una carta) Yours sincerely, (le saluda) atentamente

►draw up

I vtr (contrato) preparar: the lawyer drew up the papers for me, el abogado me preparó los documentos

II vi (coche, tren) detenerse: the car drew up opposite the cathedral, el coche se paró delante de la catedral

draw up v detenerse durante el trayecto

draw up v hacer parar un vehículo

draw up v formar en orden

draw up v ponerse derecho

draw up (document) v redactar

Compound Forms:

draw up a formal v redactar un documento

document formal

draw up a plan v elaborar un plan


Other is an adjective meaning 'different' and is used as follows:

             - This car park is closed but the other car park is open.
             - Some children learn quickly but other children need more time.

Other can also be used as a pronoun to refer to things or people.

             - 80% of the students arrive on time.

             - The others ( = the other students) are always late.

Another expresses quantity, something extra or additional.

             - There are 6 people for dinner but there are only 5 plates.
               We need another plate.

These words refer to something different, remaining, or additional.
They are placed before the noun.

Another is used with singular nouns, other with singular or plural.

There are other jobs you could try.
Where's the other packet of cereals?
Is there any other bread?
Have another cup of tea
"No me enteré de eso"
"No me había enterado"
"Sí, ya me enteré"

I didn't hear about that.

I hadn't heard (about it).
Yes, I already found out / heard.

They grow tomatoes, garlic, etc.

I just thought of sth

I just remembered of sth

She raised her kids.

They raised their kids well.

Chicken out

Tougher laws

Can I have a go at it.

Chunky - heavier.

(de suceso, noticia): Ahora me entero this is the first I've heard of it.
Me enteré por tus padres. I found out from your parents;
le robaron el reloj y ni se enteró. They stole her watch and she didn't even notice o realize;
me enteré de la noticia por la radio. I heard the news on the radio;
si papá se entera de esto … if Dad finds out about this …

(averiguar) to find out;

enterarse de algo to find out ABOUT sth
(esp Esp fam) (entender): te voy a castigar ¿te enteras? I'll punish you, have I made myself clear?;
¡para que te enteres! (fam) so there! (colloq)

enterarse verbo reflexivo to find out: ¿te has enterado de lo de ayer?, have you heard about what
happened yesterday?
ni se enteró de que yo estaba allí, he didn't even realize I was there.
30 MAY 09

 WREAK, Sembrar (caos, destrozos)

Wreak havoc – causar estragos

Eg. Widespread floods have wreaked havoc in the region

Las grandes inundaciones han causado estragos en la región

 IDLY - ociosamente
 RECKLESS – Imprudente - temerario
Reckless driving – reckless flying
 QUEST – busqueda { in quest of } en busca de
 BEND pp. Bent - (back, leg) doblar, curvar, torcer; (in road, river) curva,
(On a sign) DO NOT BEND – no doblar;
Bend down v+adv agacharse
Bend over v+adv inclinarse Eg. I had to bend over to get the file; me tuve que agachar para
coger la carpeta. (see more)

31 MAY 09

 OUTRAGE (cruel act) atrocidad

Sexual discrimination is an outrage – la discriminacion sexual es una barbaridad
(sentimienIto) indignación, he expressed his outrage in a newspaper editorial
Manifesto su indignacion en el editorial del periodico
Ver. Trans. ENFURECER. She was outraged by the news of the rape – la noticia de la violacion
la puso furiosa.

 FOLD – (papel – ropa) doblar eg. Fold the clothes and put them away in the drawer- dobla la
ropa y guardala en el cajon.
His income has increased fivefold – sus ingresos se multiplicaron x 5 o quintuplicaron.
The problem is threefold – el problema tiene 3 aspectos

 ENCOURAGE – (give hope, courage to) animar, alentar (turismo, industria, etc.) FOMENTAR
She encouraged me to carry on – me animo a seguir adelante
We encouraged employees to be innovative – animamos a los empleados a ser innovadores
They are always encouraged to speak in English.
Raúl Castro has encouraged Cubans to talk about problems that need to be solved within the inefficient
01 JUN 09

 Hurdles - Vallas
All legal hurdles – todas las vallas legales

 Forge – forjar, continuar

 Outreach – alcance
 Threshold – meta, umbral, fin
 Enshrine – consagrar
 To woo a country - cortejar; to try to persuade someone to support you or to use your business:

02 JUN 09

 Wreckage – (house, building) ruinas

(Avión, barco, coche) restos

Eg. They managed to salvage shtg from the wreckage, consiguieron salvar algo del naufragio

 Thrive – Prosperar, crecer con fuerza , gustar

(econ.) prosperar, (planta) crecer con fuerza

She thrives on hard work, le gusta el trabajo duro

 Sight – Divisar, ver

I got a flat tire.

Fam. (poner una inyección)

To give…….. a shot (colloq.)

25 JUN 09

crack down verbo intransitivo tomar medidas duras [on, contra]: the police are cracking down on drugs,
la policía está tomando duras medidas contra la droga
crackdown ['krækdaʊn] nombre the Government has promised a crackdown on drugs, el Gobierno se
ha comprometido a tomar medidas enérgicas contra la droga

roughly /'rʌfli/ adverbio

(approximately) aproximadamente

(not gently) ‹play› bruscamente, de manera violenta

(crudely) toscamente

roughly ['rʌflɪ] adverbio

1   aproximadamente
2   bruscamente, violentamente
3   toscamente

- Go up to: acercar-se a
- Come up to: acercar-se a

- Toddlers get scared when they see darkness around

- Do you get frightened during a thunder storm?
- Man has a desire to get frightened. This is evident from the ghost stories told and retold over centuries. This
desire to get frightened had given birth to thousands of horror stories over ages.
- I don’t know why sometimes I get frightened.

muster /'mʌstər / || /'mʌstə(r)/ verbo transitivo

(Mil) ‹soldiers› reunir(conj.⇒), llamar a asamblea

(succeed in raising) to muster (up) ‹team/army› lograr formar;

if they can muster enough support si logran el apoyo que necesitan

muster ['mʌstəʳ] verbo transitivo

1   (ánimo) mostrar
2   (fuerzas) reunir: he couldn't muster a smile, no podía ni esbozar una sonrisa

* to formally join the army or navy 

He was mustered into the army last fall. [usually passive]

* to officially arrange for someone to leave their work, especially in the army or navy 

Now that the war is over troops are being mustered out and sent home. [usually passive]

* if you muster up braveness or energy, you try hard to find that quality in yourself because you need it in order to do something 
She finally mustered up the courage to ask him for more money. [often + to do sth]
I'm trying to muster up the energy to go for a walk.

COMPEL /kəm'pel/ verbo transitivo -ll- to compel sb to + INF obligar(conj.⇒) a algn A + INF
compel [kəm'pel] verbo transitivo
1   forzar, obligar
     to compel sb to do sthg, obligar a alguien a hacer algo
2   frml (respeto) imponer: the small child's behaviour compels us to take action, el comportamiento del pequeño nos obliga a tomar

* verb compelling, past compelled FORMAL

compel sb to do sth to force someone to do something
[often passive] He felt compelled to resign from his job.

* verb [T] 
to force (someone) to do something 
At school, we were compelled to wear uniforms, which I hated.

* Compelling

forceful and persuasive - : a compelling argument

A performance, painting, or other work of art is compelling when it has unusual power to hold your attention: His account of his life is one of the
most compelling books about the brutality of slavery.

COMPELLING [kəm'pelɪɳ] adjetivo

1   irresistible
2   convincente: the police found compelling proof of his guilt, la policía halló pruebas concluyentes de su culpabilidad
3   de peso: do you have a compelling reason to leave today?, ¿hay alguna razón por la que irremediablemente tengas que marcharte hoy?

EXCERPT /'eksɜ:rpt / || /'eksɜ:pt/ sustantivo

pasaje m
excerpt [ek'sɜ:pt] nombre extracto
an excerpt from Don Quijote, un extracto del Quijote

Compound Forms:

excerpt nf cita de

excerpt n extracto de
from m

excerpt v citar de alguna fuente


excerpt v seleccionar
The woman with whom South Carolina Gov. Mark Sanford had an affair broke her silence Sunday long enough to say she
wouldn't discuss her relationship with the now-embattled3 governor.

.with aides4 telling reporters he had gone on a hiking trip along the Appalachian Trail.

DISCLOSE: verbo transitivo .- revelar

disclose: verbo transitivo revelar:
She would not disclose the name of her mysterious friend, no quería revelar el nombre de su amigo misterioso

speak your mind

to say what you think about something very directly:
He's certainly not afraid to speak his mind.

COPE /kəʊp/ verbo intransitivo: I can't cope with all this work, no doy abasto or no puedo con tanto trabajo;
how do you cope without a washing machine? ¿cómo te las arreglas sin lavadora?;
how is he coping on his own? ¿qué tal se las arregla solo?;
these are some of the problems they have to cope with estos son algunos de los problemas a los que tienen que enfrentarse

cope [kəʊp] verbo intransitivo arreglárselas, poder [with, con]: Susan is trying to cope with the tragedy, Susan está
intentando sobrellevar la tragedia

Asesor, ayudante
REVAMP /'ri:'væmp/ verbo transitivo ‹kitchen/interior› reformar;
(modernize) modernizar(conj.⇒);
‹image› cambiar;
‹organization› modernizar(conj.⇒)

REVAMP [rɪ:'væmp] verbo transitivo modernizar, renovar

eg. If you were in charge of revamping the A&P curriculum, what changes would you make?

ABREAST /ə'brest/ adverbio

(side by side): to march four ~ marchar en columna de cuatro en fondo
(up to date): to keep ~ of sth mantenerse al día en or al corriente de algo

abreast [ə'brest] adverbio 1 to march three abreast, marchar en columna de a tres 2 to keep abreast of things, mantenerse al día: we'll keep you abreast of things, te mantendremos
al corriente
Maintenance personnel need initial and recurrent training to keep them abreast of the latest problems and solutions
with your fleet.

GLEAN /gli:n/ verbo transitivo ‹information› recoger(conj.⇒)

glea v deducir algo de alguien

n t

PROBATIONARY PERIOD - Periodo de prueba


ALIENATE /'eɪliəneɪt/ verbo transitivo (Pol, Psych) alienar;

(estrange): he has ~d all his friends ha hecho que todos sus amigos se alejen or se distancien de él

alienate [ 'eɪlɪəneɪt] verbo transitivo 1 to alienate sb, ganarse la antipatía de alguien: they alienated him because of his political views, se granjeó su antipatía debido a sus ideas
     to alienate oneself from sb, distanciarse de alguien: she alienated herself from them, se distanció de ellos
2   Jur Pol enajenar

How to conduct interviews in a manner that did not alienate the person being interviewed.

- Threatened Miscarriage - Amenaza de Aborto

hold on to vtr (grasp, clutch) agarrarse de vpron
If you think you are going to slip, hold on to my arm.
Si piensas que te vas a resbalar, agárrate de mi brazo.
  asirse a /de v pron
Estuvo a punto de caer pero logró asirse de una rama.
  aferrarse a v pron
Miramos por el borde del acantilado y allí estaba Poncho, aferrándose a una roca.

If you hold on to anger, you can’t see what’s up ahead.

control, hide, suppress your anger

He refuses to give in to anger when looking back on his experience.

dejarse llevar por/dejarse dominar por

I’d rather not working with people who thinks they’re better than anybody else
People who think they’re indispensable

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