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Wycombe Wenches WI Annual Meeting

Wednesday October 10th 2018 at 8pm

1. Welcome – Helen welcomed members, guests, Wendy Kirk, Ursula Ward and Charlotte
Carpenter and tellers Kath Acres and Jane Clark who had come from Bourne End WI.
2. Brief explanation of the evening i.e. usual business first, then Annual Meeting and then a
light-hearted quiz
3. Present –members were asked to please make sure they had ticked their name on the
4. Apologies – Adele, Kate Linney, Heather A., Gill, Sue, Donna, Jan, Janette, Tracy, Maddy
and Dawn
5. Minutes of last meeting – copy on the information table and on the website
6. Additional Activities: Judith…
a. Successful events held since the last meeting and events in the near future:
i. Supper Club with a Best of British theme held on Oct 3rd
ii. Book club met to review the book ‘The Help’ which they all enjoyed reading.
iii. Woolly Wenches is going well and is currently knitting items for Stoke
Mandeville Hospital.
iv. Trip to see The Suffragette Exhibition at The London Museum on October
v. Cocktail making course on Nov 1st at The Snug, High Wycombe
vi. Cake Bake and Share at Marion B’s house on Friday Nov 9th. . Cost £2.
vii. Christmas Meal at the Red Lion Little Kingshill on Dec. 7th

Judith asked all members to let the Additional Activities Committee know of
any ideas/ suggestions they might have for future activities. She also asked for
payment tonight for The Cocktail Making Course

b. Christmas Raffle – members are asked to bring a ‘Christmas item’ suitable for a hamper
to the November meeting. The items will be made into a hamper(s) which will be
raffled at the December meeting.
7. BFWI: Helen…..
a. Members were asked to collect their copies of the Bucks Newsletter and fill in sign-up
sheet for orders next year. Subs are due in Jan.
b. Modern Day Slavery Course on Thursday 15th November
c. Resolution Selection Meeting Saturday 1st December- it would be good to have 2
members to represent Wycombe Wenches
d. Fashion Show Tuesday 23rd November in Aylesbury
e. Carry on Camping Friday 14th – 15th June
f. Two-night break in Blackpool September 29th -October 1st, 2019, Approx £209 pp

8. AOB – none

After the normal business was concluded it was time for The Annual Meeting.
9. Members stood to sing ‘Jerusalem’
10. Minutes from the Annual Meeting 2017 were available on the table and on the website
11. Kath Acres and Jane Clark, the tellers for the evening, were introduced to members by
12. Nominations from the floor for the committee – Helen invited nominations. She mentioned
that all existing Committee members were willing to stand again.
13. Presentation of Financial Statement for the year 2017-2018– Marion Bradley, treasurer,
gave a summary of this year’s financial outgoings and income. There was a surplus of
£548.59 made in this year and a healthy sum to carry forward. Copies of the Financial
Statement were available for members to read/take away.
14. Adoption of final statement – Following an opportunity for questions, Marion B. proposed
the adoption of the financial statement for the year ending 31st August 2018 and Rochelle
D. seconded it. Members then approved the accounts for the year ended 31st August 2018
by a show of hands.
15. The Committees’ Annual Report -presented by Helen….in October 2017 there was a
complete change of committee and Helen thanked the outgoing committee members for all
their hard work over the previous year. She then summarised all the many and various
activities that Wycombe Wenches have organised this year. The Book Group, Craft group,
Supper Club and our newest group” Woolly Wenches” are all thriving, and our Additional
Activities Committee has arranged several very successful trips out to the theatre and to
places of interest as well as organising activities such as climbing and camping events with
WI members from all over the country. Wycombe Wenches chose to support Wycombe
Women’s Aid with monthly donations this year and this has been very successful.

16. Presidents Address and adoption of the Annual report presented by Helen. Helen thanked
each member of Wycombe Wenches Committee for their commitment, positivity, hard
work and support this year. She then thanked every member, all of whom have contributed
to the success of Wycombe Wenches this year. We are now on Facebook and Instagram and
have regular articles in The Totteridge and Terriers News and announcements in the Bucks
Free Press. Members were asked if they had any questions and then Helen proposed the
adoption of the Annual Report. This was seconded by Chris B. and approved by members
with a show of hands.

17. Result of ballot for committee: all members of the Committee were re-appointed. After a
secret ballot to choose the new president, organised and counted by the tellers, they
announced that Helen Speakman had been elected again as President.

18. Vote of thanks – Helen thanked Kath Acres and Jane Clark for attending
Wycombe Wenches WI Annual meeting and acting as tellers.

19. Social time

a. Refreshments
b. Sweetie Quiz
c. Simone gave feedback on the NHS Bake Off Cake Judging at Wycombe Hospital.

Meeting closed at 10pm

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