Vedic Science of Consciousness

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10/12/2018 Vedic Science of Consciousness

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Ṛk Veda - Total Knowledge in Seed Form
Ṛk Veda is the blueprint of creation. It represents total knowledge and all the laws of nature in
seed form. The hymns of Ṛk Veda are found reverberating beyond space, time and change in
the field of Absolute Pure Consciousness. In essence, it is the constitution of the universe.

Some may wonder what Ṛk Veda has to do with health. The answer can be given on several
levels. First, Ayurveda, the Science of Life, is but a small part of Veda and the Vedic literature,
of which Ṛk Veda is the source. Second, Ṛk Veda expresses the knowledge of Ṛk - the infinite
dynamism of the infinite silence of pure Transcendental Consciousness (Ṛ) knowing itself in all
its point values (k). The magic of Sanskrit is that the very sound of the name Ṛk expresses
what it is. We've seen (Overview) that Ayurveda is for Enlightenment - to reconnect individual
life to its source in the perfect value of Veda. This transcendental field of pure consciousness is,
therefore, both the source of Life and the goal of its evolution. Thus, even though we are not
generally aware of it, at the very core of our being, we are Veda.

According to the Vedas, there are seven states of consciousness (see below). All knowledge is
structured according to the state of consciousness. Ayurveda tells us that the root cause of all
disease is Pragyāparādh, the "mistake of the intellect" in thinking that what meets the eye in
the waking state of consciousness is all that exists in the universe. Maharishi Mahesh Yogi
maintained that "[real] Life begins in Cosmic Consciousness" - the initial state of Enlightenment
which is the birthright of all humans, the only species capable of experiencing Transcendental

Having our source in Veda, we would expect the Vedas and the Vedic literature to be expressed
in our physiology. This is the case. In his book Human Physiology, Tony Nader, MD, PhD
explores these relationships in great detail. Ṛk Veda represents the Samhita (Togetherness)
value of silence flowing within itself, knowing itself yet remaining transcendental and
unexpressed. In our physiology, this is seen in our DNA, the synaptic gaps between cells and in
the overall structure of our central nervous system.

In 1975, Maharishi cognized the structuring dynamics of Ṛk Veda and its relation to the other
Vedas and the Vedic literature. The details of his cognition and its implications for the structure
of human physiology are explained in Dr. Nader's book. I'll provide a brief summary here to
help satisfy your curiosity to know more about your Self and, perhaps, to inspire you to learn
more. I think you'll be amazed at beauty, coherence and internal consistency of his vision. 1/7
10/12/2018 Vedic Science of Consciousness

I've indicated that Ṛk Veda expresses how Consciousness systematically knows itself and
sequentially unfolds the Laws of Nature. In the process of knowing itself, Consciousness gives
rise to three potential values: the Observer (Rishi), the Process of Observation (Devatā) and
the Object of Knowledge (Chhandas). At each step in the process, the parts remain connected
to the whole. Veda expresses itself in terms of Mantra (Syllable) and Brahmana (Silent Gap)
that can be heard as sounds (Shruti) eternally reverberating in the field of Transcendental
Consciousness. Those reverberations are the language of Nature (Sanskrit), not created by
man, in which the sound represents the form.

The first sound of the Ṛk Veda is "A", the fullness of flow from an open throat representing the
holistic unified value of total knowledge in seed form, expressing the Self (Atma). In the first
syllable "Ak", the fullness of "A" comes to a complete stop of flow "k", representing the collapse
of infinity to a point. Silence retains the memory of its point values so this collapse expresses
the latent dynamism within silence. Madhuchhandas, the first seer of Ṛk Veda, had appreciated
that within "A" is the total flow of Veda from its beginning to its end in "I", that the dynamism
of "I" was hidden within "A" by the covering quality of Chhandas, and that the collapse of "A"
to "k" occurs in eight somersaults which elaborate Totality in terms of a sequence of eight
values of increasing "density" known as 8-fold Prakriti: Ego, Intellect, Mind, Space, Air, Fire,
Water and Earth. Maharishi's cognition extended this vision by revealing the detail of how Ṛk
Veda unfolds as a self-elaborating commentary.

"Aknim", the first complete word of Ṛk Veda, is the seed of all four Vedas:

"Ak", the seed form of Ṛk Veda

"N", the first letter of Sama Veda, which expresses Totality principally in terms of its Rishi
value and which is represented in our sensory systems
"I", the first letter of Yajur Veda, which expresses Totality principally in terms of its Devatā
value and which is represented in our processing systems for both food and experience(
"M", the first letter of Atharva Veda, which expresses Totality principally in terms of its
Chhandas value and which is represented in our motor systems

It is highly significant that "Agni" the digestive fire and metabolic energy within our physiology
is contained within Aknim.

At the next level of orderly self-elaboration through which all the parts remain connected to the
whole, the 1st Richā (verse) of Ṛk Veda consists of 3 Pādas (phrases) of eight syllables which
express the 8-fold Prakriti in terms of Rishi, Devatā and Chhandas.

The 24 Pādas of Richās 2-9 of the 1st Sūkta (Hymn) of Ṛk Veda proceed to comment on the 24
silent gaps between the 24 syllables of the 1st Richā. Again, each Richa is composed of 3 Padas
giving Rishi, Devatā and Chhandas values. Within these 8 Richas are a total of 192 syllables.
The 192 Sūktas of 1st Mandala of Ṛk Veda comment on the 192 silent gaps between these
syllables. In turn, Mandals 2-9 of Ṛk Veda comment on the gaps between the 9 Richās of the
1st Sūkta. Finally, the 10th Mandala of Ṛk Veda comments on the gaps between 192 Sūktas of
the 1st Mandala. 2/7
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The Mandala structure itself it highly significant. It is circular, cyclical and eternal. The 1st
Sūkta of the 1st Mandala of Ṛk Veda begins with fullness of dynamism and minimum silence.
Each successive Sūkta expresses greater silence and less dynamism until the mid-point is
reached, the home of the Avyakta (unmanifest, completely silent and unexpressed) 97th Sūkta.
From that point each successive Sūkta expresses greater dynamism and less silence, until the
end in "I" is reached returning to the beginning. The other 9 Mandalas of Ṛk Veda follow this
same circular pattern. 3/7
10/12/2018 Vedic Science of Consciousness

Maharishi also saw the structure of the entire Vedic literature in relation to the four primary
Vedas in groups of 6 branches forming feedback loops that express Rishi, Devatā and
Chhandas values and return from Chhandas through Devatā back to Rishi. All together, he
found 40 distinct qualities of consciousness. Dr. Nader's book explores all of them in terms of
their manifestation in our physiology.

The Vedic Literature in Human Physiology

Branch Physiological Expression Examples

Vedānga Autonomic nervous system Jyotish (Vedic Astrology)

Upānga Cognitive systems Yoga Sūtras

Upa Veda Organs & Tissues Ayurveda, Sthāpatya Veda (Vāstu)

Brahmana Memory & Reflexes Upanishads, Bhagavad Gitā

Prātishākya Cerebral cortex Ṛk Ved Prātishākya

Seven States of Consciousness

State Distinguishing Features

Deep Sleep No awareness, no knowledge

Dreaming Experience recognized as dreaming and therefore unreal 4/7
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State Distinguishing Features

Waking The common experience of the relative world

The "fourth state" of unbounded, timeless self-referral wakefulness as is

most readily achieved through auto-transcending forms of meditation such
as TM

Co-existence of Transcendental Consciousness with the three relative states

of consciousness. Even in Deep Sleep, blissful awareness of the Self is
maintained. Perfection of health. All action spontaneously in accord with the
Laws of Nature. Multiplicity is reduced to the duality of silent inner
unboundedness and outer relative change.

Over time lived in Cosmic Consciousness and due to the capacity of a

perfectly functioning digestive system to produce Soma from Ojas, the
God sense organs are refined allowing one to perceive the subtlest aspects of
Consciousness relative existence, termed the celestial level, which has something of a
dream-like quality, but which is accepted to be real. Every sensation brings a
wave of bliss.

Over time lived in God Consciousness, the intellect begins to appreciate not
only the celestial, but also the unbounded infinite silence in the object of
knowledge. This gradually extends to encompass the whole field of relative
existence such that the entire galactic universe is known to be nothing other
Unity than my own inner nature. "I am That. You are That. All this is That." Unity
Consciousness dominates awareness, the differences and changes become secondary. Life
is lived with something of a sleep-like quality to the extent that absolutely no
effort is required to enjoy maximum fulfillment from every experience. The
Creator -the infinite organizing power of Natural Law - becomes the
charioteer of all activity.

Ayurveda Consultation Process
Ayurvedic Vegetarian Cooking Classes

Guided Grocery Shopping

Group Lectures on Ayurveda

Food and Health

The Doshas
The Three Gunas

Vedic Science
The Dhatus 5/7
10/12/2018 Vedic Science of Consciousness

Ideal Daily Routine

Managing Personal Change

Balancing the Doshas

Managing Indigestion

Ama Reduction
Home Detoxification
Rasayanas - Elixirs for Health

New Client Questionnaire

Health Habits Assessment

Ama Assessment
Digestion Assessment

Dosha Imbalance Assessment

Dosha Assessment

General Menu Plan

Yogurt and Cheese
Main Dishes

MAPI Product Orders

Vata Pacifying Diet

Pitta Pacifying Diet
Kapha Pacifying Diet

MAPI Newsletter on Grains

Diet for Season by Prakriti

Prakriti Kapha Pitta Vata

Vata V V V 6/7
10/12/2018 Vedic Science of Consciousness

Prakriti Kapha Pitta Vata

Pitta P P B

Kapha K K B

Vata-Pitta V P V

Vata-Kapha K V V

Pitta-Kapha K P B

Tridosha K P V

V = Vata Pacifying Diet

P = Pitta Pacifying Diet

K = Kapha Pacifying Diet

B = Balanced Diet

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© 2012-18 Marc T. Edwards

Ayurveda Consultations Posted: August 29, 2014 Last modified: August 25, 2017 7/7

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