Analysis Stage: Test Preparation

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This research is a research development of learning media that uses a 4-D model with define,
design, develop and disseminate stages. This type of research is used to produce the products
and test their effectiveness (Sugiyono, 2012).

Analysis Stage

Analysis Of Learning
Material Suitable Media Analysis

Purpose Specification

Test Preparation

Media Preparation

Media Expert Validation

Development Test

Teacher Interviews

Results of Media Expert Validation

No Aspect Persentation criteria

1 Coloring 87.5% Very Appropriate

2 Choice of words 91.6% Very Appropriate

3 Screen Display 87.5% Very Appropriate

4 Presentment 100% Very Appropriate

5 Media benefits 83.3% Appropriate

Result of Interview with Teachers.

Based on interviews with teachers at MAN Binjai stated that the media can be accepted by
students in school. The opportunity for media realization is very high, the media is very tight
with biodiversity material in SMA / MA, the media also uses the process of playing while
learning so that it can attract interest and improve students' understanding. The advantage of
media is the use of IT and non-IT media so that it maximizes the KBM process in the classroom,
saves paper and is practical so that students can use it anytime on their laptops and smartphones,
while the drawback is that the media will be used for teachers who are less able to use IT.


1. Embodiment Opportunities

GEMOLOG has the opportunity to be used in school learning, as a learning medium that
can motivate students to learn. Learning while playing is needed to attract students' interest and
motivation in accordance with Husna's (2017) research which states that the relationship between
playing games and learning motivation is indicated by the correlation coefficient of 0.6733
greater than rtable 5%. With the large link between playing games with students' interests,
GEMOLOG has the opportunity to become a learning media in the classroom.

Teachers can use several learning methods and models in applying GEMOLOG media,
such as STAD, TPS, Problem Based Learning, Competition Methods, peer tutoring, etc. With so
many variations of the model that can be used by the teacher can easily match the learning
model, the situation in the classroom and GEMOLOG media.

2. Innovation Values

Integrating IT and non-IT based learning media, GEMOLOG consists of IT-based media
on the use of ppt and non-IT applications in monopolies made from large banners. The use of IT
aims to replace the question card which can save paper and make learning more effective.

Highlighting biodiversity in Indonesia.To buy a region / region, students must be able to

answer the examples of flora and fauna that become the identity of the area so that it shows the
biodiversity in Indonesia. By answering this question, students can add general knowledge in
accordance with the context of learning in school.

3. Estimated Impact

Motivate students to learn. Learning that PAKEM will motivate students to learn. By doing
learning while playing and delivered at a meeting before learning will stimulate students to learn
better. With the winning and losing groups will also lead to student learning interest and
motivation to win in the game, this is consistent with the study of Aripin (2017) said the use of
interactive learning media helps students learn more comprehensively.

Strengthen the soul of God in students. By answering questions related to biodiversity,

especially those in Indonesia, students will feel proud and amazed at the creation of God. The
teacher can also direct learning in the context of faith and piety and awaken and strengthen the
oneness of God to students with the biodiversity that He created.

Growing a sense of love for the homeland for students. GEMOLOG presents questions
about the number of biodiversity in Indonesia, both flora and fauna. In this case the teacher is
very instrumental in emphasizing that Indonesia is a very rich country. By knowing the
biological wealth, students are expected to have a sense of love and be proud of Indonesia. This
is in accordance with the research of Ibrahim (2015) which states that the love of the motherland
can be interpreted as love and love for the land of his birth. This is certainly the responsibility of
the younger generation, one of which is the creation of GEMOLOG media.

Provide awareness to students to protect the environment. Questions about environmental

problems that can cause biodiversity in Indonesia are getting lower. The role of the teacher is
very important so that it can make students aware of the importance of protecting the
environment. By knowing the environmental damage caused by humans can cause the loss of
biodiversity, GEMOLOG can provide environment-based learning.

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