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Unix Shell Fundamentals

Author - Mark Virtue

Total Time - 10 Hours

About this Course
Audience and Prerequisites

Understanding UNIX
What is UNIX?
UNIX History
Which UNIX?
UNIX Architecture

Understanding the UNIX Shell

What is the UNIX Shell?
Which Shell?
Logging In
Basic Commands
Command Syntax
Getting Help
Logging Out

Files and Directories

Intro & Commands for Files and Directories
Filenames and File Types
Displaying File Contents
Comparing Files
Copying, Moving and Renaming Files
Deleting Files
Hidden Files
The "." and ".." Directories
Relative vs. Absolute Paths
Working with Directories
Finding Files
Archiving Files

Users and Groups
File Protection Overview
Changing File Permissions
Changing File Ownership
Changing File Group
A Dangerous Security Loophole

Combining Programs - Pipes and Filters

Standard Output
Standard Input
Standard Input and Output
About Filters
Common Filters
Searching for Text in Files
Standard Error

Process Control
About Processes
Running Commands Asynchronously
Killing Processes
More Process Control
Scheduling Commands

vi - A UNIX Text Editor

Understanding vi
Manipulating Files
Moving Around
Basic Editing
Advanced Editing
Configuring vi

The UNIX File System

Introduction to the Unix File System
How Files are Stored
Understanding Links
Linking Files
Symbolic Links
UNIX File Types

Using telnet
Using mail

Customizing Your Shell Environment

Changing your Login Shell
Your .profile
Environment Variables
Your Prompt
Korn Shell Command-line Editing
Other Shell Customization Options
The End

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