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Fundación Alfa

Tec. Sup. Comercio Internacional y Despacho Aduanero

Alumno: Sand Salmi Axel Oladi

Carrera: Tec. Comercio Internacional – Instituto Alfa

Profesor: Gonzalo Javier Hrenessen

Practical Work

1. Read pages 4 (Reading 2), 5, 6 (vocabulary)

2. Exercise (page 8, 9 (reading))

1- a) How many mechanics work in a pit-stop crew in a big race?

- In a big race 20 people work in the pit stop crew.

b) List of the most important works:

- The Crew Leader
- The wheel-on mechanics
- The wheel-off mechanics
- The wheel-gun mechanics
- The wheel-jack people
- The fuel guys.

c) Label the parts

1- Wheel gun
2- Jack
3- Hose
4- Nozzle
5- Flap
6- Socket
Fundación Alfa
Tec. Sup. Comercio Internacional y Despacho Aduanero

d) Complete this checklist of instructions for each team

Team 1: Wheel-Jack
1- Run to the car and place the jacks under the front and rear of the car
2- Raise the car or the ground
4- Lower the car to the ground
5- Take the jacks away

Team 2: Wheel-Gun
1- Loosen the wheel nuts on the old wheels
3- Tighten the wheel nuts on the new wheels
4- Rise a hand to signal that everything is OK

Team 3: Wheel-Off
1- Take the old wheel off
2- Take the old wheel away quickly

Team 4: Wheel-On
1- Bring out the new wheels
2- Adjust the air pressure in the tyres
4- Take the cover off the new wheels
5- Put the new wheels on the car
Fundación Alfa
Tec. Sup. Comercio Internacional y Despacho Aduanero

Team 2: Fuel
1- Push the nozzle into the fuel socket
2- Pump the fuel switch on
4- Pump the fuel switch off and pull out the fuel nozzle

e) Write numbers 1 - 10 to show the correct order of instructions

Tighten the wheels nuts. 9 Adjust the air pressure in the tyre. 1
Raise the car with the jack. 4 Bring the new wheel out. 7
Loosen the wheel nuts. 2 Put the new wheel on. 8
Take the old wheel off. 5 Put the jack under the car. 3
Take the old wheel away. 6 Lower the car and take the jack away 10

f) Match the pictures with the verbs in the box

- Lift up → Picture 7
- Pick up → Picture 5
- Pull out → Picture 8
- Push in → Picture 6
- Put down → Picture 1
- Put on → Picture 4
- Take away → Picture 2
- Take off → Picture 3
Fundación Alfa
Tec. Sup. Comercio Internacional y Despacho Aduanero

g) How do you start or activate these devices?

- I activate the ticket machine by touching the screen.

- I switch on the phone by picking up the handset and pressing the green button.
- I start the outboard motor by pulling the handle of the cord.
- I start the engine by switching on the battery and kicking the lever downwards.
- I activate the alarm breaking a laser beam.

h) Complete the sentences.

- The passenger activates the ticket machine by touching the screen.

- You switch on the phone by picking up the handset and pressing the green button.
- The user starts the outboard motor by pulling the handle of the cord.
- The raider starts the engine by switching on the battery and kicking the lever
- The burglar activates the alarm breaking a laser beam.

i) Work in pairs. Match the devices with the methods.

Device How to start / activate it

1 Accelerator on motorbike C Rotate the handle
2 Voice-operated computer F Speak to it
3 Solar battery A Put it under an electric lamp
4 Emergency stop on train E Pull the lever
5 Shop door alarm B Step on a sensor in the door mat
6 Car engine D Insert the key and turn it
Fundación Alfa
Tec. Sup. Comercio Internacional y Despacho Aduanero

j) Make questions and answers.

- A: How do you activate the accelerator on a motorbike?

- B: By rotating the handle.

- A: How do you start the voice-operated computer?

- B: By speaking to it.

- A: How do you activate the solar battery?

- B: By putting it under an electric lamp.

- A: How do you activate the emergency stop on train?

- B: By pulling the lever.

- A: How do you activate the shop door alarm?

- B: By stepping on a sensor in the door mat.

- A: How do you start the car engine?

- B: By inserting the key and turning it.

k) Murata Boy.

- What can do this robot?

- It can ride a bicycle.
- How does it work?
- It works by means of sensors and wireless technology.
Fundación Alfa
Tec. Sup. Comercio Internacional y Despacho Aduanero

h) Write the name of the devices in the chart.

Murata Boy can do these things Device Localization

(1) It can stay in a vertical position on a bike Sensor Body

(2) It can receive instructions from an outside computer Wireless receiver Back

(3) It can detect changes in the surface of the road Sensor Bike

(4) it can look straight ahead and move straight forward Camera Head

(5) It can detect walls and move ahead from them Sensor Chest

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