Name: Sand Salmi Axel Oladi Practical Work N°1: G R E E T I N G S

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Fundación Alfa

Tec. Sup. Comercio Internacional y Despacho Aduanero

Name: Sand Salmi Axel Oladi

Practical Work N°1

1) Complete the crosswords according to the references given below. Use your
course book “Business English”, from chapter 1 to 3 to help you.

a) G E E T
b) F I R M
c) P O L I T E
d) S T E E R T H E C O N V E R S A T I O N
e) S M A L L T A L K
f) K I S S
g) I N T R O D U C T I O N
h) C O L L E A G U E
i) S H A K E H A N D S


a) When you meet and say hello to a person…

b) This way of handshake shows a strong personality…
c) A person must always be this way when meeting someone new…
d) To direct the course of a conversation…
e) Conversation about things that are not important…
f) Touch or caress with the lips as a sign of love, desire or greeting…

g) A formal presentation of one person to another in which each is told the other’s
h) A person with whom one works in a profession or business…
i) Business people often do this action when they reach an agreement…
Fundación Alfa
Tec. Sup. Comercio Internacional y Despacho Aduanero

2) Find a synonym for each of the following words. Use the website or application
WordReference to help you.

 Weather = Climate
 Topic = Theme
 Marital status = Matrimonial
 Age = Lifetime
 Religion = Faith
 Occupation = Job
 Leave out = Ignore
 Relationship = Relation

3) Read the article on page 8 from your course book “Market Leader”. Then,
choose the best headline (a, b or c)

a) Complaining about your job could make you lose your job;

b) Facebook profile could damage job prospects;

c) Ambition is key to a successful career;

4) According to the article, how can social networking sites make or break you
career? (Puede explicar su respuesta en español)

Depending on how our online behavior is, social networks can play us in favor, or
against us. A strong online image, can help us to get better jobs and facilitates the
search. Social networks are a great way to get connections and job opportunities. We
just need to be sure how to use them to our advantage. However, we must be careful
when posting negative comments on our social networks. Negative comments about our
co-workers or about the company for which we work, could mean our dismissal.

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