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Journal of the Korean Physical Society, Vol. 54, No. 3, March 2009, pp.


Temperature Dependence of TiCl4 and NH3 Surface Reactions

in Chemical Vapor Deposition Trap Systems
Donghun Jeong, Jinha Hwang and Heeyeop Chae
Department of Chemical Engineering, Sungkyunkwan University, Suwon 440-746

Seungil Lee and Che Hoo Cho

Milaebo Co. Ltd., Hwasung 445-973

(Received 16 June 2008)

The reaction products of TiCl4 and NH3 cause serious damage to pump systems in the TiN
chemical vapor deposition process in microelectronic device manufacturing. To resolve this issue,
various kinds of trap systems have been installed between the CVD process chambers and the
pumps. In this work, the deposition process inside a thermal trap system was characterized and a
reaction kinetic model was suggested. In the kinetic study, the solid reaction product was deposited
at temperatures below 200  C in a thermal trap system with TiCl4 and NH3 . The relative ratio of
Ti, N and Cl was determined as 1.0 : 4.8 : 4.7 on average from an electron dispersion spectroscopy
(EDS) analysis. The reaction kinetics was modeled with a combined model of deposition and
decomposition reactions. The activation energy of the deposition reaction was determined as 9.6
kJ/mol at temperatures below 120  C and the activation energy of the decomposition reaction was
determined as 29.4 kJ/mol from a thermal gravimetric analysis.
PACS numbers: 47.70.-N, 68.55.A, 81.15.-z, 82.33.Ya
Keywords: TiCl4 , NH3 , Reaction byproduct, Reaction kinetics

I. INTRODUCTION Typically less than 5 % of the precursors are reacted

in the process chamber for the TiN layer deposition and
Titanium nitride (TiN) has been popularly used for most of the reactant gases are exhausted without experi-
various applications such as wear-resistant coating lms encing reactions. The unreacted reactants and the reac-
of various mechanical tools, solar energy absorbers and tion products (TiCl4 , NH3 , N2 , HCl, etc.) ow into the
transparent heat mirrors [1{4]. In the semiconductor pump through the exhaust line and deposit unwanted
industry, TiN has been widely used as a di usion bar- byproducts on the lower temperature surfaces of the
rier layer and as capacitor electrodes due to its excellent pump and the exhaust lines. The surface temperature
thermal stability, good di usion blocking capability and can be considered as the major di erence in the reaction
relatively low electrical resistivity [5{9]. Physical vapor environment between the process chamber (>600  C)
deposition (PVD) is relatively a simpler process than and the exhaust line (<200  C). The unwanted byprod-
chemical vapor deposition (CVD) for the formation of ucts lead to exhaust line blockage, contamination parti-
TiN thin lms for blanket lms [10]. However, as the cle generation and pump damage. Frequent maintenance
aspect ratio is increased in the contact via, CVD shows is typically required for TiN CVD processes due to the
good conformality and CVD processes have become an unwanted deposition in the exhaust line and the pump
essential process for barrier metal layer deposition [11{ systems. To prevent damage of the pump, various types
15]. TiCl4 and NH3 -based CVD TiN processes have been of trap systems have been installed between CVD cham-
popularly used due to good lm quality and good confor- bers and pumps to trap unwanted reaction byproducts.
mality [4,11,12,16]. The reaction for the TiN deposition The trap systems can be classi ed into two groups, cold
in the process chamber is known to be as follows [17]. traps and hot traps.
In this work, we have focused on the reaction kinetics
6TiCl4 + 8NH3 ! 6TiN + N2 + 24HCl: (1) inside the thermal trap systems. The detailed kinetics
of the reaction byproducts in the trap systems is hardly
Typically, the reaction temperature is higher than 600 known and guidelines for trap design are not available
 C. at this moment. The dependence of the reaction kinetics
on the temperature in the trap system was investigated
 E-mail:; Fax: +82-31-290-7272 in this work.
-1088- Journal of the Korean Physical Society, Vol. 54, No. 3, March 2009

Table 1. Composition of byproducts from the TiCl4 -NH3

reaction at temperatures below 200  C.
Temp.  C Ti (wt%) N (wt%) Cl (wt%)
90 17.24 27.72 55.04
120 15.40 18.20 66.30
160 19.47 26.11 54.43

determined by using a precision scale, Adventurer from

OHAUS, having a readability of 0.001 g.
The thermal decomposition was analyzed using a Seiko
Exstar 6000TM thermo-gravimetric analysis (TGA) sys-
tem. The reaction products on the clips were heated and
the mass change was recorded as a function of temper-
ature. The rate of increase of the temperature was 5
 C /min in a N2 environment. The morphologies of the
reaction byproducts were also observed by using eld-
emission scanning electron microscopy (FE-SEM: JSM
7000FTM ) and the composition was determined by us-
Fig. 1. Schematic diagram of (a) the experimental setup ing energy-dispersive spectroscopy (EDS). Platinum (Pt)
and (b) the trap system. was sputtered on the samples in a vacuum of 1 mTorr
for 90 sec to make the samples surface conductive before
the SEM analysis. The atomic composition of the ac-
II. EXPERIMENTS cumulated products was determined based on the EDS
A schematic diagram of the trap system used in this
work is shown in Figure 1(a). The reaction byproducts
were deposited on the surface of the modi ed MilaeboTM III. RESULTS AND DISCUSSION

3550 VC trap. The commercial stainless-steel trap was

modi ed so that in-situ temperature measurements and The chemical composition determined by using EDS is
deposition rate measurements were possible. The inter- shown in Table 1. The byproducts were obtained at trap
nal structure of the trap system is shown in Figure 1(b). surface temperatures of 90  C, 120  C and 160  C. The
It was divided into an exterior case and into an interior atomic ratios of Ti : N : Cl were determined to be (a)
case that had vertical and horizontal fans. The tem- Ti : N : Cl = 1.0 : 5.5 : 4.3, (b) Ti : N : Cl = 1.0 : 4.0 :
perature of the trap surface was controlled from room 5.8 and (c) Ti : N : Cl = 1.0 : 4.9 : 4.0. Fowels and Pol-
temperature to 700  C by using resistive heaters located lard suggested the intermediate existence of TiCl4 4NH3
on the top lid. Surface temperatures in the various loca- through thermal decomposition of the TiCl4 8NH3 com-
tions were determined by using exible thermocouples. plex [16]. The chemical composition analysis of the sam-
TiCl4 (99.9999 %) was purchased from Union Material ples in this work was close to the Fowels' theoretical work
Techr and NH3 was purchased from Matheson Gasr . and the reaction products in the trap were considered to
The vaporized 60 sccm of TiCl4 and 160 sccm of NH3 be TiCl4 4NH3 for the modeling.
were fed through a Horiba StecTM mass ow controller The reaction in the trap is controlled by various fac-
(MFC) and were mixed with 500 sccm of N2 carrier gas tors, including the deposition temperatures the reactant
before they were introduced into the trap. The process- composition, the partial pressures, the total ow rate
ing pressure of the thermal trap was maintained at 470 and the ow conductance. In this study, the e ects of
mTorr. The surface temperature was varied from 45  C temperature on the deposition kinetics were investigated.
to 210  C by controlling the heater on the top from 300 The dependence of the deposition rate of TiCl4 4NH3
 C to 550  C. The 1 cm  1 cm stainless-steel pieces on the surface temperature is shown in Figure 2. The
were clipped on various locations inside the trap for the growth rate increased as the surface temperature was
sample weight measurements, as shown in Figure 1. The increased up to 120  C; then, the growth rate dropped
process was operated for 4 hours (240 min) and the reac- drastically at higher temperatures. From this result, we
tion products were deposited on the stainless-steel clips concluded that the total growth rate consisted of a de-
located at the various locations. The growth rates of position reaction and a decomposition reaction.
the reaction products were determined by directly mea- We have divided the reaction kinetics into two regions
suring the weights of the products and the clips. The and assumed that the deposition reaction was dominant
mass of reaction products on a stainless-steel clip was in the low-temperature region, while the decomposition
Temperature Dependence of TiCl4 and NH3 Surface Reactions   { Donghun Jeong et al. -1089-

Fig. 2. E ect of temperature on the total growth rate of Fig. 4. TGA and di erential TG curve in the temperature
TiCl4 4NH3 . range 120 210  C.

Fig. 5. Arrhenius plot of the decomposition rates for

Fig. 3. Arrhenius plot of the deposition rates for TiCl4 4NH3 in the higher temperature range.
TiCl4 4NH3 in the low temperature range.
lowing simpli ed reactions:

reaction was dominant in the high-temperature region. Deposition Reaction : TiCl4 (g) + 4NH3 (g)
The activation energy of the deposition rate was deter- k!
1 TiCl  4NH (s);
4 3 (2)
mined from an Arrhenius plot in the low-temperature Decomposition Reaction : TiCl4  4NH3 (s)
region, as shown in Figure 3. From the slope of the Ar- k!
2 TiCl (g) + 4NH (g): (3)
4 3
rhenius plot, the activation energy was determined as 9.6
kJ/mol. The growth rate resulting from this mechanism is given
The decomposition process was con rmed by using in the following kinetic model:
a thermal gravimetric analysis (TGA) in a N2 en-
Rate = k1 CA
vironment. The TGA and the di erential thermo-
gravitational (DTG) curves were obtained in the tem-  kE2 CB  E  (4)
1 2
perature range from 120  C to 210  C as shown in Fig- = k10 exp
CA k20 exp
CB ;
ure 4. About 13 % of the sample's mass was decomposed
and the DTG curve was used to obtain the activation en- where the growth rate is expressed in units of
ergy of the decomposition. Figure 5 shows an Arrhenius gcm 2 min 1 and the surface temperature T in K . R
plot of the decomposition reaction in the TGA analysis. is the gas constant in units of kJmol 1 K 1 . The pa-
The activation energy of the decomposition reaction was rameters determined based on the experimental results
about 29.4 kJ/mol. are shown in Table 2. Figure 6 compares the growth
To model the growth mechanism, we adopted the fol- rate calculated using the equation to the experimental
-1090- Journal of the Korean Physical Society, Vol. 54, No. 3, March 2009

Table 2. Activation energies for the kinetic model in this shown in Figure 7.
Parameters Values Units IV. CONCLUSION

E1 9.64 kJ mol 1
E2 29.41 kJ mol 1 The reaction kinetics in the thermal trap system of
K10 CA 5.15  102 g cm 2 min 1 TiN deposition processes was characterized in this work.
K20 CB 6.07  104 g cm 2 min 1 The reaction product in the trap systems was identi ed
as TiCl4 4NH3 . The growth rate increased with increas-
ing surface temperatures for temperatures less than 120
 C; then, it decreased at higher surface temperatures.
The thermal gravimetric analysis results showed that the
decomposition reaction was dominant at higher temper-
atures. The reaction mechanism consisted of deposition
and decomposition reactions. The activation energies of
the deposition and the decomposition reactions were 9.6
and 29.4 kJ/molK, respectively.


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