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Q2(a)Define Superconductvity,What is Type 1 and Type 2 superconductors?

Superconductivity is phenomenon when certain materials electrical resistance drops sharply to

zero when their temperature is lowered below it's critical temperature (Tc), There are two
types of superconductors Type I and Type II.
Type I Superconductors:
Type I superconductors transition from normal state to superconducting state occurs instantly
i.e. at exactly it's critical/transition temperature Tc:

also this type of superconductors "repel" magnetic field lines fully, i.e. no magnetic field line
could penetrate through in this type of superconductors:

As you can see no magnetic field line penetrates though this type of superconductor

Type II Superconductors:
In Type II superconductors transition from a normal state to a superconducting state occurs
"slowly" i.e. as you decrease temperature from it's critical temperature superconducting
properties increase:

As you can see on image, there is small curve which approaches zero resistance after critical
temperature TcTc. The Common and most popular example of Type II superconductor is
YBCO superconductor, which critical temperature is 90K. Also some magnetic field lines can
penetrate though in this type of superconductors allowing Flux Pinning which is also know as
Quantum Locking. Using this it is possible to say that this type of superconductors aren't ideal
So there are few differences between Type I and Type II superconductors, first of them it
transition of superconducting state, second is magnetic field lines. Also there are few more
differences between them, for example Type I superconductors always have lower critical
temperature than the most of Type II superconductors, also There is theory (BCS Theory)
which explains only type I superconductors but can't explain type II superconductors (i.e. High
temperature superconductivity

Explin Meissner effect With sketch?

When a material makes the transition from the normal to superconducting state, it
actively excludes magnetic fields from its interior; this is called the Meissner effect.
This constraint to zero magnetic field inside a superconductor is distinct from the

perfect diamagnetism which would arise from its zero electrical resistance. Zero
resistance would imply that if you tried to magnetize a superconductor, current loops
would be generated to exactly cancel the imposed field (Lenz's law). But if the material
already had a steady magnetic field through it when it was cooled trough the
superconducting transition, the magnetic field would be expected to remain. If there
were no change in the applied magnetic field, there would be no generated voltage
(Faraday's law) to drive currents, even in a perfect conductor. Hence the active
exclusion of magnetic field must be considered to be an effect distinct from just zero
resistance. A mixed state Meissner effect occurs with Type II materials.

Liquid Hydrogen Properties and Behaviors

 Hydrogen exists as a liquid at -423°F. Materials stored at this low temperature can cause
cryogenic burns or lung damage, so personal protective equipment (PPE) is mandatory.
 Hydrogen undergoes a rapid phase change from liquid to gas, so ventilation and pressure relief
devices are built into cryogenic hydrogen systems to ensure safety.
 The volume ratio of liquid to gas is 1:848. If you picture a gallon of liquid hydrogen, that same
amount of hydrogen, existing as a gas, would, theoretically, occupy 848 gallon containers
(without compression).
 Even in dry climates, a liquid hydrogen spill will create a white cloud of condensed water
vapor due to the cryogenic temperature affecting the humidity in the surrounding air. This low-
temperature water vapor is heavier than air, so the cloud will remain localized and may move
horizontally. As the hydrogen warms, it will dissipate and quickly rise.

Write a note on properties of He 4?

Q.3 (a) Write short note on Multilayer Insulation?

Multi-layer insulation, or MLI, is thermal insulation composed of multiple layers of thin

sheets and is often used on spacecraft. It is one of the main items of the spacecraft thermal
design, primarily intended to reduce heat loss by thermal radiation. In its basic form, it does not
appreciably insulate against other thermal losses such as heat conduction or convection. It is
therefore commonly used on satellites and other applications in vacuum where conduction and
convection are much less significant and radiation dominates. MLI gives many satellites and
other space probes the appearance of being covered with gold foil.

Multilayer insulation (also referred to as superinsulation) is a key component in the reduction

of heat leak to cryogenic systems due to thermal radiation.
MLI consists of a series of uncooled reflective surfaces placed in the vacuum space between
two surfaces, one warmer than the other. Generally speaking, for ideal systems the reduction in
thermal radiation heat leak scales as 1/(N+1) where N is the number of layers in the MLI.
However, most systems are far from ideal and great attention to detail is required to properly
use MLI.
Most MLI systems consist of thin reflective layers (such as aluminized Mylar) separated from
each other by thermally insulating layers. The insulating layers may be made of such things as
silk or nylon netting. Other MLI designs omit the separate insulating layers, aluminize only
one side of the Mylar and crinkle the Mylar so that only point contacts exist between the
Since the goal here is to reduce the heat leak to the cold surface, the MLI must be designed to
reduce the thermal radiation heat leak without providing a thermal short that would increase
the heat leak caused by thermal conduction. MLI systems are frequently made into blankets of
MLI for easier installation.
The requirement that the MLI not add to the conduction heat leak in the cryogenic system has a
significant impact in its use. Great care must be taken not to thermally short the cold and warm
layers of the MLI together; say by simplemindedly wrapping a MLI blanket back on itself.
Attempting to put too many layers in a given space can result in tightly compacted MLI and
higher conduction heat leaks.
Penetrations through the MLI for supports, pipes or instrumentation lines must be carefully
handled to avoid both clear lines of sight through the MLI and the thermal shorting of the MLI
layers. Since the MLI will thermally contract as it cools, seams and joints need to be designed
so that gaps in the MLI don’t open up upon cool down.
MLI is used in a vacuum space, and thought should be given to the impact of the MLI on the
pumping down of the vacuum. In many cases, the layers in the MLI are perforated to increase
pumping speeds. As long as the perforations in the layers aren’t lined up with each other they
won’t greatly impact the performance of the MLI.
Q.3(b) Different types of cryogenic heat exchangers with neat sketch?

Regenerative HX
In a regenerative heat exchanger, a matrix is used as an intermediate heat exchange medium between the warm and
cold fluids.

The flow is periodic in nature alternating between the warm and cold fluids across the matrix.

It is important to note that, it is an example of indirect heat transfer

Recuperative HX

In a recuperative heat exchanger, the flow direction of two fluids is constant and is simultaneous.

The two fluids are separated by a solid boundary across which the warm and cold fluids exchange heat.

The direction of the fluid flow may either be counter flow, cross flow or parallel flow as explained in earlier lectures.
Write short note on magnetic cooling?

The principle of magnetic refrigeration is based on a phenomenon known as the

magnetocaloric effect (MCE).

It can be seen from Figure 1 that, by operating the magnet in four steps, it is possible
to extract or reject heat and produce heating or cooling. The energy (E =m.Cp.ΔT)
generated during each magnetocaloric cycle depends on the variation of temperature
(ΔT), the mass of material (m) and its specific heat capacity (Cp). This effect is
maximal at a specific temperature – called the Curie temperature – of the material.

The main limitation of the magnetocaloric system shown in Figure 1 is the relatively
small temperature difference that can be achieved between the cold and hot source.

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