M05 - SEC 5 Solution (131331) For FB Posting

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– Module 5
Structural Engineering & Construction
1. Steel floor joists are used to support a floor load of 5.3 kPa. If the
allowable load of the steel joists is 2.55 kN/m, which of the following
gives the maximum safe spacing (m) of the joists?
A. 0.2 B. 0.5 C. 0.3 D. 0.4

kN #
pf  5.3kPa w  2.55
w 5. The block shown weighs 125
s   0.481 m kg. If P = 200 N and μ = 0.40,
compute the total reaction
(N) at the floor.
2. Given the following data of the arch shown: A. 1226 C. 1185
L₁ = L₂ = 8 m P₁ = P₂ = 80 kN B. 1320 D. 1242
x₁ = x₂ = 3 m H=5m
Determine the reaction (kN) at B.
A. 150.9 B. 128 C. 80 D. 100
M  125kg   0.4 P  200N

W  M  g  1225.831 N

Nr  W  1225.831 N

f max    Nr  490.332 N

f  P  200 N

2 2
R  Nr  f  1242.04 N

6. A reinforced concrete beam is 280 mm wide by 460 mm deep. The
L1  8m L2  8m x1  3m x2  3m
beam is reinforced with 1 line of four 25-mm-diameter bars (fy = 415
P1  80kN P2  80kN H  5m MPa), and two legs of 10-mm-diameter vertical stirrups. The
allowable shear stress of concrete is 0.78 MPa. Determine the
L  L1  L2  16 m nominal shear strength (kN) of concrete. Use f’c = 21 MPa. Clear
concrete cover is 40 mm.

P1  x 1  P 2  L  x 2  A. 96.3 B. 82.4 C. 92.7 D. 86.8
M A = 0 Bv   80 kN
L #
RB = 93.3 kN b  280mm h  460mm cover  40mm
M C_right = 0 Bh  Bv  L2  H  128 kN
db  25mm dh  10mm Fvc  0.78MPa
2 2
RB  Bh  Bv  150.944 kN
d  h  cover  dh  0.5  db  397.5 mm

3. How many external reactions has the frame shown: Vc  Fvc  b  d  86.814 kN
A. 5 B. 6 C. 4 D. 0

7. A girl has a mass of 36 kg. Her weight (N) is:

A. 254.8 B. 856.4 C. 353.2 D. 524.7



4. For the connection shown, the load P = 270 kN. What is the load (kN)
of each bolt?
A. 15 B. 20 C. 30 D. 40
8. A footing supports a 250 mm thick concrete wall. The allowable soil 12. Two cables (D₁ = 20 mm, D₂ = 16 mm) will
pressure is 260 kPa. The footing is 350 mm thick. The bottom of the support a load W as shown. the allowable tensile
footing is located 1.8 meters from the ground surface. Unit weight of stress of the bigger cable is 68 MPa and the
concrete = 24 kN/m3, unit weight of soil = 18.5 kN/m3. Determine the smaller cable is 120 MPa. Which of the following
give the maximum value of W in kN?
effective pressure of the soil if there is a surcharge load of 60 kPa at A. 15
the surface. B. 45
A. 225.3 B. 164.8 C. 224.8 D. 165.3 C. 24
D. 21

tf  350mm d  1.8m
ts  d  tf  1.45 m q s  60kPa
kN kN
 c  24  s  18.5
m3 m3 #
D1  20mm D2  16mm Ft1  68MPa Ft2  120MPa
q a  260kPa

P1  Ft1   D12  21.363 kN
q e  q a   c  tf   s  ts  q s  164.775 kPa 4

P2  Ft2   D22  24.127 kN
9. A steel beam is simply supported on a span of 6 m. The beam is
subjected to a uniform service dead load of 12 kN/m and uniform live
load of 8 kN/m. Calculate the maximum bending moment (kN-m) of  
W  min P1 P2  21.363 kN
the beam due to dead load only.
A. 54 B. 90 C. 36 D. 64.8
13. A 250-kg block rests on a horizontal floor. If the coefficient of static
# friction between the block and the floor is 0.36, what is the angle of
friction in degrees?
kN kN A. 88.3 B. 25.7 C. 15.4 D. 19.8
wd  12 wl  8 L  6m
m m
14. The plastic section modulus of a steel section is equal to 760 (10)2
wd  L2
mm3. The steel used is A36 grade, with an Fy = 248 MPa. Determine
Md   54 kN  m
8 the plastic section capacity of the section in kN-m.
A. 15.55 B. 17.41 C. 16.32 D. 18.85
possible errors
 wd  wl  L2 2
Z  760  10 mm
Fy  248MPa
 90 kN  m
Mp  Fy  Z  18.848 kN  m
 wl  L2
 36 kN  m
15. Given the following data of a rectangular beam:
1.2wd  L 2 Beam depth, h = 480 mm
Md   64.8 kN  m Clear concrete cover = 50 mm
8 Diameter of stirrups = 12 mm
If the beam is reinforced with 3 lines of 28-mm-diameter bars, what
is the minimum beam width to comply with the spacing requirements
10. Given the following data of a concrete slab: of the code.
Slab thickness, t = 90 mm A. 275 B. 270 C. 265 D. 260
Factored load = 12.5 kPa
Area of tension steel per meter width of slab = 529 mm² #
Main bar diameter = 10 mm
f’c = 21 MPa, fy = 275 MPa cover  50mm dh  12mm db  28mm
Determine the maximum spacing (mm) of bars according to NSCP.
A. 240 B. 250 C. 270 D. 300  
x  max db 25mm  28 mm

bmin  2cover  2  dh  3  db  2  x  264 mm

11. A cantilever beam is 2.5 m long carries a uniform load of 8 kN/m and
a concentrated load of 5 kN at the free end. Compute the maximum
shear (kN) in the beam.
A. 22.5 B. 37.5 C. 25 D. 32 16. Determine the shear strength (kN) of a 10 mm fillet weld using E70
weld electrodes (Fu = 484 MPa) for a weld length of 200 mm.
A. 181 B. 205 C. 234 D. 192

L  200mm
t  10mm
Fu  484MPa
Pu  0.707  t  L  0.3  Fu  205.313 kN

17. Refer to the Figure shown: 22. A 2.6-m square footing supports the following service loads:
Dead load = 1280 kN
Properties of 2L 75mm  50mm  6mm Live load = 1320 kN
A = 1436 mm² U = 1.2D + 1.6L
Fy = 248 MPa Compute the factored uniform soil pressure in kPa.
Fu = 400 MPa A. 539.6 B. 537.3 C. 384.6 D. 524.7

Bolt diameter = 25 mm #
Hole diameter = 27 mm Pd  1280 kN Pl  1320 kN B  2.6m
Allowable stresses: Pu  1.2  Pd  1.6  Pl  3648 kN
Allowable shear stress of bolts = 105 MPa
Tension on gross area = 0.6Fy Pu
Tension on effective net area = 0.5Fu q u   539.645 kPa
Reduction coefficient, U = 0.85
Compute the maximum load P (kN) based on tension on gross area.
A. 280 B. 352 C. 425 D. 210
23. The vertical hanger of a suspension bridge consists of two 25-mm-
diameter cables supporting a total load of 120 kN. The tensile stress
(MPa) in the hanger is:
A. 168.3 B. 122.2 C. 179.5 D. 244.4

P  120kN d  25mm
ft   122.231 MPa
0.25    d2

24. At full draw, an archer applies a pull of

150 N to the bowstring of the bow
shown in the figure. Determine the
bending moment (N-m) at the midpoint
of the bow.
Ag  1436 mm2 Fy  248MPa A. 102
B. 108
C. 116
P  0.6  Fy  Ag  213.677 kN D. 124

18. A hinge support has how many reactions?
A. 0 B. 1 C. 2 D. 3
19. Determine the limiting slenderness ratio Cc set by the NSCP for a steel
section having a yield strength of 415 MPa.
A. 97.5 B. 126.7 C. 106.9 D. 113.4
  70deg P  150N
a  350mm b  700mm
Fy  415MPa E  200GPa P
Ps   219.285 N
2 2 cos( )
2  E
Cc   97.534
Fy M  Ps  cos( )  b  Ps  sin ( )  a  124.621 N  m

20. Which of the following gives the equivalent of 35 kN? 25. The cracking moment of a solid rectangular beam is 42 kN-m. If the
A. 35000 N C. 3500 N beam is 300 mm wide by 520 mm deep, what is the rapture strength
B. 35000000 N D. 350000 N (MPa) of concrete used?
A. 3.11 B. 4.52 C. 2.32 D. 3.47
21. A solid shaft with a diameter of 50 mm, G = 76 GPa, has a torsional
shearing stress of 42 MPa. Determine the polar moment of inertia in #
mm4 if the applied torque is 12 kN-m. b  300mm h  520mm Mcr  42kN  m
A. 2257744 B. 8995741 C. 6332587 D. 7142857
6  Mcr
# fr   3.107 MPa
b  h2
d  50mm G  76GPa

  42MPa T  12kN  m

Given J  1mm4
T  0.5d
 =

J  Find ( J)  7142857.143 mm
26. A building has the following floor weights, W1 = 1600 kN, W2 = 1500 28. A circular simple beam has a diameter of 440 mm. It is loaded with a
kN, W3 = 1300 kN and W4 = 1000 kN. Design base shear, V = 880 kN. concentrated load of 150 kN at midspan. Determine the maximum
Each storey height = 2.8 meters. If the period of the building is T = 0.9 horizontal shearing stress of the beam in MPa.
seconds, determine the lateral force at the second level in kN. A. 0.53 B. 0.66 C. 0.87 D. 1.32
A. 89.6 B. 197.8 C. 192.0 D. 204.8
# P  150kN d  440mm
W1  1600 kN W2  1500 kN W3  1300 kN
V  0.5P  75000 N
V  880kN h  2.8m W4  1000 kN

A   d2  0.152 m2
T  0.9s 4
4 V
f v   0.658 MPa
min  0.07  V 0.25V if T  0.7s
T 3 A
Ft   55.44  kN
 s 
0 otherwise 29. A simply supported beam is loaded with a concentrated load of 30 kN
at a point 1 meter to the right of the midspan. The beam spans 10
wh  W1  h  W2  2  h  W3  3  h  W4  4  h  35000  kN  m meters. Determine the maximum shear in the beam in kN.
A. 15 B. 18 C. 27 D. 12
W1  h

F1  V  Ft
  105.544  kN #
P  30kN L  10m
W2  2  h P 4

F2  V  Ft  wh
 197.894  kN R1 
 12000 N

W3  3  h P 6

F3  V  Ft  wh
 257.263  kN R2 
 18000 N

F4  V  Ft 
W4  4  h
 263.859  kN

Vmax  max R1 R2  18 kN 

F1  F2  F3  F4  Ft  880  kN 30. A 110-mm-thick concrete slab is subjected to a uniform live load of

3.8 kPa and superimposed dead load of 4.2 kPa. Unit weight of
concrete is 24 kN/m³. Compute the uniform factored load (kPa) of
the slab.
27. Given the following data of the Figure shown: Use U = 1.2 D + 1.6 L.
L₁ = L₂ = 8 m H=6m A. 14.3 B. 11.12 C. 16.1 D. 12.3
x = 3 m; y = 4 m P = 100 kN; θ = 50°
Determine the reaction (kN) at B. #
A. 40.58 B. 30.43 C. 50.72 D. 55.63
t  110mm pl  3.8kPa pd  4.2kPa

 c  24kN  m3

 
pu  1.2  pd   c  t  1.6  pl  14.288 kPa

31. Determine the critical buckling load (kN) of a steel column with E =
200 GPa, L = 6.4 m, I = 420 × 106 mm4 and effective length factor of
A. 14055 B. 13224 C. 17233 D. 9964

L1  8m L2  8m H  6m 6 4
E  200GPa I  420  10 mm
P  100kN   50deg x  3m y  4m
L  6.4m
Px  P  cos( ) Py  P  sin ( )
k  1.20
M A = 0    
Bv  Px  y  Py  x  L1  L2  30.433 kN
2  E I
Pc   14055.833 kN
M C_right = 0 Bh  Bv  L2  H  40.577 kN ( k  L)

RB  Bh2  Bv2  50.722 kN

32. The bracket shown is bolted to 36. A solid concrete block (unit weight = 24 kN/m³) is 1.5 m wide, 2.2 m
each of the column flanges using long and 1.8 m high. What uniform pressure (kPa) is exerted by the
25 mm A325 bolts. The load P = block on the supporting ground?
360 kN and e = 350 mm. A. 32.4 B. 36 C. 52.8 D. 43.2
Compute the load stress in each
bolt if P acts at the centroid of the #
bolt group. kN
A. 45.84  c  24 h  1.8m
B. 107.24 m3
C. 53.62
D. 91.67 p   c  h  43.2 kPa
P  360kN db  25mm 37. A 16 mm thick A36 plate (Fy = 248 MPa; Fu = 400 MPa) is lap-spliced
with another plate using eight 28 mm diameter bolts with an
P allowable bolt shear stress of 450 MPa. The plate is 200 mm wide and
Rd   22.5 kN
8 2 carries the load P. The diameter of the bolt hole is considered as 32
Rd mm. Determine the bearing capacity of the connection (kN) if the
fv   45.837 MPa allowable bearing stress on the plate is 1.2 Fu.
0.25    db 2 A. 2330 B. 1720 C. 1980 D. 1620

33. A block is placed on a beam causing a flexural stress of 120 MPa and
a statical deflection of 12 mm. If it was dropped from a height of 10 tp  16mm db  28mm n  8
cm above the beam, determine the impact factor from the drop.
A. 5.2 B. 6.3 C. 8.4 D. 7.2 Fu  400MPa

f p  1.2  Fu  480 MPa
h  10cm st  12mm
P  tp  d b  n  f p  1720.32 kN
2 h
IF  1  1  5.203 38. A simply supported beam, loaded at the midpoint, is 4 m long and of
circular cross section of 10 cm in diameter. If the maximum
permissible deflection is 5 mm, determine the maximum value of the
34. Given the following data of a concrete slab: load P in Newtons. The material is steel for which E = 200 GPa.
Slab thickness, t = 90 mm A. 3550 B. 4220 C. 3117 D. 3680
Factored load = 12.5 kPa
Area of tension steel per meter width of slab = 529 mm² #
Main bar diameter = 10 mm
f’c = 21 MPa, fy = 275 MPa
Determine the maximum spacing (mm) of main bars. L  4m d  10cm   5mm
A. 145 B. 150 C. 140 D. 155
E  200GPa
Given P  1N
As  529mm2 db  10mm Ab  0.25    db 2  78.54 mm2
1000mm  Ab P  L3
Spacing   148.468 mm =
As 
48  E   d4
35. How many bolts are required in a bolted plate connection designed
P  Find ( P)  3681.554 N
to resist a total load of 150 kN if the 16 mm diameter bolts used are
A325N bolts with an assumed bolt shear strength of 270 MPa? Also
consider that the thinner plate of the connection is only 20 mm with 39. Determine the plastic section modulus in mm3 of a rectangular
a bearing strength of 120 MPa. section 150 mm x 450 mm.
A. 5 B. 2 C. 3 D. 4 A. 5062500 B. 6852484 C. 7593750 D. 5574236

# #
P  150kN d  16mm   270MPa
b  150mm h  450mm
Considering bolt shear
b h 3
P Z  7593750 mm
n1   2.763 4

  d2
4 40. A rectangular beam requires 2287 mm² of tension steel. How many
25-mm-diameter bars is required?
Considering plate bearing failure A. 4 B. 5 C. 6 D. 3
t  20mm Fb  120MPa #
n2   3.906
t  d  Fb

 
n  Round max n1 n2 1  4  

41. A section has a moment of inertia about an axis equal to 563 (10)6 46. A spring deforms 2.4 mm for every 1.8 kN of force. What is the spring
mm4. Determine its radius of gyration about the same axis if it has an stiffness in kN/m?
area of 1886 mm2. A. 1333 B. 750 C. 950 D. 867
A. 546.4 B. 593.2 C. 511.2 D. 622.4
47. The cylindrical drum shown
# weighs 100 kg. Angles θ =
42° and α = 33°. Neglecting
I  563 ( 10 ) 6 mm4 friction, at what angle
(degrees) does the reaction
A  1886 mm2 at B make with the
I A. 48
r   546.366 mm B. 42
C. 33
D. 57
42. A steel column is supported by 300 mm  400 mm steel bearing plate.
The concrete pedestal has f’c = 27.9 MPa. The allowable bearing
stress of concrete is 0.35 f’c. What maximum axial load (kN) can be
supported by the column? 48. Determine the section modulus of a triangular section with equal
A. 1100 B. 1200 C. 1000 D. 1300 sides of 80 mm. Consider the extreme fiber of the section.
A. 12000 B. 24000 C. 18000 D. 16000
 #
B  400mm N  300mm fc  27.9MPa #
s  80mm
Fp  0.35fc  9.765 MPa
Pmax  Fp  ( B  N)  1171.8 kN s 3
h   69.282 mm
43. A cylindrical water tank is 8 m in diameter and 12 m high. If the tank s  h3
is to be completely filled, determine the minimum thickness of the I   739008.345 mm4
tank plating if the stress is limited to 40 MPa. 36
A. 11.77 mm C. 10.25 mm
B. 13.18 mm D. 12.60 mm I 3
S   16000 mm
 2 h
# 3
 
d  8m h  12m   9.81   40MPa 49. A fixed ended structural steel beam is used to carry a uniform
m3 ultimate load distributed uniformly throughout its span. The beam
  h d has a span of 8 meters. It has a plastic moment capacity of Mp = 400
t   11.772 mm kN-m. Fy = 250MPa. Which of the following gives the uniform load it
2 
can carry at collapse?
A. 196.67 B. 206.67 C. 188.84 D. 100.00

44. For the connection shown, the load P = 200 kN. What is the load (kN) #
of each bolt? L  8m Mp  400kN  m
A. 10 B. 80 C. 20 D. 40
Given w  1

Mp  ( 4 ) = w  
  L  0.5L
w  Find ( w)  100

50. How many external reactions has the beam shown:

A. 1 B. 3 C. 6 D. 5

45. A fully restrained beam is loaded with 10 kN/m. It spans 8 meters.

Determine the fixed end moments in kN-m.
A. 53.33 B. 46.67 C. 56.67 D. 63.33
51. A square footing will support a total axial dead load of 850 kN and
# axial live load of 630 kN. If the allowable soil bearing capacity of the
kN supporting soil is 450 kPa, which of the following gives the smallest
w  10 L  8m width (m) of footing that can be used?
m A. 1.7 B. 2.0 C. 1.9 D. 1.8
w  L2
FEM   53.333 kN  m #
Pd  850kN Pl  630kN q a  450kPa

Pd  Pl
B   1.814 m
52. A cantilever beam is 3 m long carries a uniform load of 10 kN/m and 56. In the propped beam shown
a concentrated load of 15 kN at the free end. Compute the maximum below, w1 = 36 kN/m, L = 10 m, E
shear (kN) at the fixed end of the beam. = 300 GPa, I = 260 (10)6 mm4.
A. 55 B. 45 C. 35 D. 65 Determine the moment at the
fixed support in kN-m.
53. Given the following properties of a steel beam:
A. 286 C. 610
bf = 300 mm, d = 790 mm, tf = 20 mm, rt = 75.04 mm
B. 568 D. 450
Fy = 248 MPa, Cb = 1.0. The section is compact. What is the allowable
bending stress (MPa) if Lb = 7.0 m? #
A. 160.84 B. 152.72 C. 148.80 D. 114.60
w  36 L  10m
b f  300mm d  790mm tf  20mm m
Fy  248MPa E  200GPa
E  300GPa I  260  10 6 mm4
d w  d  2tf  750 mm Af  b f tf  6000 mm2

rt  75.04mm R  w  L  135 kN
 200MPa b f 137900 MPa 
Lc  min     3.81 m Cb  1
w  L2
Fy MPa
 F 
Af y
  M   R  L  450 kN  m
L1  7m
L1 703270 MPa Cb
LRT   93.284 LRT1   53.252
rt Fy 57. To construct the deck of a bridge over a deep ravine, steel beams
spaced at 2.2 m on centers and simply supported on a span of 20 m,
LRT2  2.236LRT1  119.071
are used to support the construction loads which include temporary

  Fy LRT
2  
F 
formwork and construction live loads equivalent to 4500 Pa. At this
Fb1  min 0.6Fy 
 3 y  114.604 MPa stage, only the steel beam carries the loads. After the slab has
  10.55  10 MPa Cb 
 hardened, sufficient shear connectors welded to the beam flanges
 1172100 MPa Cb  provide full composite action of the steel beam with 0.15 m thick cast-
Fb2  min  0.6Fy    134.696 MPa in-place concrete slab.
 LRT 
 82740 MPa Cb 
Fb3  
min 0.6Fy    89.772 MPa
  L1 d   Concrete, f’c = 20.7 MPa
  A  
  f   Concrete unit weight = 24 kN/m3
Steel strength Fy = 345 MPa
 
Fbc1  if LRT  LRT1 Fb3 if LRT  LRT1  LRT  LRT2 max Fb1 Fb3 max   Modular ratio, n = 9
Fbc1  114.604 MPa
Tension : Fbt  if  L1  Lc 0.66Fy 0.6Fy  148.8 MPa Properties of W 685 mm × 152 kg/m
A = 19355 mm2 tf = 21 mm
Comp : 
Fbc  if L1  Lc 0.66Fy Fbc1  114.604 MPa  d = 688 mm Ix = 15 × 108 mm4
tw = 13 mm Iy = 0.58 × 108 mm4
bf = 250 mm

Compute the total uniform load (kN/m) of the beam.

A. 19.31 B. 17.82 C. 11.39 D. 9.41

54. A concrete beam is 350 mm wide and 520 mm deep. If the length of
the beam is 8 m, what is the uniform weight (kN/m) of the beam? kg
S  2.2m L  20m pc  4500 Pa Mb  152
Unit weight of concrete is 23.6 kN/m³. m
A. 21.6 B. 8.7 C. 4.3 D. 34.4 kN
 c  24 t  0.15m
# m3
kN kN kN
 c  23.6 b  350mm h  520mm wb  Mb  g  1.491 wc   c  S  t  7.92
3 m m
kN kN
wc   c  b  h  4.295 wl  pc  S  9.9
m m
wt  wb  wc  wl  19.311
55. The frame shown is: m
A. statically indeterminate to the first degree
B. unstable 58. A doubly reinforced beam has its compression reinforcement placed
C. statically indeterminate to the second degree 80 mm from the extreme fiber. Determine the stress in compression
D. statically determinate steel if the depth of compression block is 104.8 mm and β = 0.85.
A. 217 B. 210 C. 206 D. 194


a  104.8mm   0.85
d'  80mm
c  123.294 mm

fs'  600  
c  d' 
 MPa  210.687 MPa
 c 
59. Given the following data of a square column: 64. If the allowable bending stress of the wood is 12.6 MPa, which of the
Column dimension = 450 mm  450 mm following gives the maximum allowable spacing (mm) of the post?
Longitudinal bars: 25 mm diameter, 4 bars per side A. 400 B. 500 C. 600 D. 700
Material strengths:
f’c = 27.5 MPa
fy = 345 MPa
Reduction factor, ϕ = 0.65
Calculate the design axial strength (kN) of the column.
A. 5301 B. 3587 C. 3445 D. 3772

b  450mm db  25mm Nside  4
fc  27.5MPa fy  345MPa

N  4  Nside  4  12

 
Ast  N  0.25    db 2  5890.486 mm2
Ag  b  202500 mm2

P n  0.65  0.80  0.85  fc   Ag  Ast  fy  Ast

P n  3446.542 kN  Situation #
H  2.4m b  100mm d  200mm
Situation 1 – Given the following data of the column section shown. s  800mm p  15kPa

Area of WF section = 18,750 mm² kN

Axial load of the column = 2,490 kN w  p  s  12 L  H  2.4 m
Allowable compressive stress of the section = 95 MPa
Thickness of plates, t = 16 mm 1 3 V
shear V   w  L  14.4 kN f v   1.08 MPa
2 2 b d
60. What is the required cross-
sectional area (mm²) of the
 w  L     11.52 kN  m
1 L
column section? moment M 
A. 25,410 2 3
B. 21,854 6 M
C. 24,810 f b   17.28 MPa
D. 26,215 b  d2
61. Which of the following gives the
minimum width “b” of the plate Part 4 Fb  12.6MPa
to comply with the area
requirement? Fb  b  d 2
A. 470 M   8.4 kN  m
B. 235 6
C. 355
D. 380 6M kN w
w   8.75 s   583.333 mm
L 2 m p
 Situation #
Awf  18750 mm2 t  16mm P  2490 kN Situation 3 – Refer to the figure shown.
Given: Dimension: b  h = 400 mm  600 mm
Fa  95MPa
D₁ = 28 mm; D₂ = 25 mm; a = 56 mm
Stirrups = 12 mm
P Clear concrete cover = 50 mm
Areq   26210.526 mm2 65. Which of the following gives the
total tension steel area in mm²?
A. 3927 C. 3856
 
Ap  0.5  Areq  Awf  3730.263 mm2 B. 982 D. 4926
66. Which of the following gives the
b  Ap  t  233.141 mm effective depth in mm.
A. 468 C. 503
B. 524 D. 504.5
67. Which of the following gives the
Situation 2 – A temporary retaining wall is supported by timber post as minimum value of “a” (mm) to
shown. The post can be considered fixed at the bottom. The soil comply with the spacing
exerts a pressure on the wall that varies uniformly from 0 kPa at the requirements of the code.
top to 15 kPa at the bottom. A. 53 C. 50
B. 56 D. 62
Given: 68. Which of the following gives the
Dimension, b  d = 100 mm  200 mm minimum value of “b” (mm) to
Spacing of post = 800 mm comply with the spacing
Height, H = 2.4 m requirements of the code.
A. 364 B. 376 C. 404 D. 349
62. Compute the maximum shear (kN) of each post.
A. 18 B. 14.4 C. 7.2 D. 10.8
63. Calculate the maximum shearing stress (MPa) in the post.
A. 0.81 B. 1.35 C. 0.54 D. 1.08
 Situation # H  3m L  5m b  2m h  1.8m
p  1.44kPa c  1.2 Wb  5.2kN

dcd  75mm t  2mm

  atan    48.013 deg

F   p  c  H  L  12.96 kN
W  0.5  Wb  2.6 kN
M A = 0
FCD  sin ( )  h = F  ( 0.5  H)
D1  28mm D2  25mm b  400mm h  600mm 0.5  F  H
FCD   14.53 kN
a  56mm cover  50mm dh  12mm h  sin ( )

As  8   D12  4926.017 mm2
 
ACD  0.25    d cd2  dcd  2  t 2  458.673 mm2
3 a FCD
e   21 mm c  cover  dh  0.5  D1  76 mm fcd   31.678 MPa
dp  c  e  97 mm d  h  dp  503 mm DH  FCD  sin ( )  10.8 kN

b min  2  cover  2  dh  5  D1  4  max D1 25mm  Av  W  FCD  cos( )   7.12 kN

b min  376 mm Ah  F  FCD  sin ( )  2.16 kN

Situation 4 – The billboard AB shown RA  Av2  Ah 2  7.44 kN

is supported at each end by the
strut CD. The billboard is 3 m high
and 5 m long and weighs 5.2 kN. Situation 5 - Given the following data of a rectangular beam:
Beam dimension, b  h = 300 mm  500 mm
Effective depth, d = 440 mm
Basic wind pressure = 1.44 kPa
Simple span, L = 8 m
Wind pressure coefficient = 1.20
Superimposed dead load = 12.3 kN/m
Live load = 9.5 kN
69. Compute the horizontal reaction
Unit weight of concrete = 24 kN/m³
(kN) at D.
Load factor, U = 1.2D + 1.6L
A. 19 C. 9.5
72. Compute the total dead load (kN/m) of the beam.
B. 21.6 D. 10.8
A. 19.1 B. 34.3 C. 24.7 D. 15.9
70. Compute the vertical reaction
73. Calculate the maximum factored moment (kN-m) of the beam.
(kN) at A.
A. 239.7 B. 294.7 C. 307.3 D. 274.2
A. 7.12 C. 14.24
74. Calculate the factored shear (kN) at critical section near the support.
B. 9.21 D. 18.42
A. 122.1 B. 106.7 C. 131.2 D. 136.7
71. Compute the stress (MPa) in strut CD if its is made of circular bar with
outer diameter of 75 mm and thickness of 2 mm.
 Situation #
A. 24.52 B. 31.68 C. 49.04 D. 63.36
 Situation # b  300mm h  500mm L  8m  c  24
kN kN
wds  12.3 wl  9.5 d  440mm
m m
wb   c  b  h  3.6
wd  wds  wb  15.9
wu  1.2  wd  1.6  wl  34.28
Mu  wu  L  8  274.24 kN  m

Vu  0.5  wu  L  wu  d  122.037 kN
Situation 6 – The uniform rod AB shown weighs 180 kg. Angle θ = 40°.  Situation #
75. Which of the following statements is correct about this system.   51deg   32deg D1  12mm D2  10mm
A. unstable
B. statically determinate Ft  102MPa
C. statically indeterminate to the first degree
D. statically indeterminate to the second degree
76. Neglecting friction, A1  0.25    D12  113.097 mm2
what is the total
reaction (N) at B? A2  0.25    D22  78.54 mm2
A. 1187
B. 1052
C. 952 F1_max  Ft  A1  11.536 kN
D. 863
F2_max  Ft  A2  8.011 kN
77. Neglecting friction, F1  cos( )
what is the total F1  F1_max F2   8.561 kN fail
reaction (N) at A? cos(  )
A. 1765
B. 2055 F2  cos(  )
C. 1952 F2  F2_max F1   10.795 kN ok
D. 1824 cos( )

78. If μ = 0.3, what is the friction force (N) at B? W  F1  sin ( )  F2  sin (  )  12.635 kN
A. 632 B. 263 C. 526 D. 0

 Situation # common mistake:

M  180kg   40deg W  F1_max  sin ( )  F2_max  sin (  )  13.21 kN

W  M  g  1765.197 N Part 3: W  15kN

F2  cos(  )
M A = 0 W  ( 0.5  L  cos( ) )  RB  L  sin ( ) = 0 F h = 0 F1 =
cos( )
0.5  W  cos( )
RB   1051.84 N
sin ( )
F v = 0 F1  sin ( )  F2  sin (  ) = W
Ah  RB  1051.84 N Av  W  1765.197 N
F2  cos(  )
 sin ( )  F2  sin (  ) = W
RA  Ah2  Av2  2054.821 N cos( )
F2   9.511 kN
cos(  )  sin ( )
Situation 7 – The weight W is supported by two cables CA and CB as sin (  ) 
cos( )
Given: A2req   93.242 mm2
Cable diameter: D₁ = 12 mm; D₂ = 10 mm
Allowable tensile stress of each cable = 102 MPa
4  A2req
Angles: α = 51°; β = 32°
D2   10.896 mm

79. Compute the capacity
(kN) of cable AC.
A. 13.6 Situation 8 – Given the following data of a rectangular footing shown:
B. 8
C. 12.4 Footing dimension: B  L = 3 m  2 m
D. 11.5 Effective depth, d = 550 mm
80. Which of the following Column width, c = 700 mm
gives the maximum Factored load, U = 1.2D + 1.6L.
safe load W in kN?
A. 10.8 82. Given: PD = 1550 kN; PL = 1220 kN
B. 14.7 Compute the soil bearing pressure (ultimate) for strength design, qu,
C. 13.2 in kPa.
D. 12.6 A. 635.3 B. 461.7 C. 542.8 D. 657.3
81. If W = 15 kN, which of the following gives the smallest safe diameter 83. If qu = 580 kPa, calculate the critical wide beam shear, Vu, in kN.
(mm) of cable CB? A. 567 B. 174 C. 696 D. 897
A. 10 B. 12 C. 8 D. 16 84. If qu = 580 kPa, calculate the critical punching shear, Vu, in kN.
A. 3214 B. 2147 C. 2574 D. 2996
85. If qu = 580 kPa, calculate the critical moment (kN-m) for bending
about the short side of the footing.
A. 652.4 B. 767.1 C. 552.7 D. 489.3
 Situation #
B  3m L  2m d  550mm c  700mm

Part 1 Pd  1550 kN Pl  1220 kN

Pu  1.2  Pd  1.6  Pl  3812 kN
q u  Pu  ( B  L)  635.333 kPa

Parts 2 to 4: q u  580kPa

 B  c  d   L  1.2 m2
Part 2 Area   2 
 
Vu  q u  Area  696 kN

2 2
Part 3 Area  B  L  ( c  d)  4.438 m
Vu  q u  Area  2573.75 kN

Part 4 x   1.15 m
qu  L  x
Mu   767.05 kN  m

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