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eB vest. cove 01229020 FORM TP 2012087 ‘e MAY/UNE 2012 CARIBBEAN EXAMINATIONS COUNCIL ‘SECONDARY EDUCATION CERTIFICATE EXAMINATION INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY Paper 02 ~ General Proficiency 2 howrs 15 minutes READ THE FOLLOWING. INSTRUCTIONS CAREFULLY. 1. This paper consists of THREE sections and 2 total of TWELVE questions Candidates MUST answer ALL questions in all THREE sections. 2 Number EACH answer corety inthe answer booklet. 3. Code isto be written in the programming language, Pascal | oo ee DO NOT TURN THIS PAGE UNTIL YOU ARE TOLD TO DO SO. Copyright © 2011 Caribbean Examinations Council All rights reserved. o1229020/6 2012 o © @ 2 @ © SECTION | ‘THEORY — 60 marks Answer ALL questions. Rearrange the following units of storage inorder of size with the SMALLEST at the top: + Gigabyte + Terabyte + Kilobste + Megabyte (4 marks) (Whats the meaning ofthe tem'bit'? (1 mark (Gi) How was the term “bit derived?” (mar) Explain ONE difference berwoen a ‘word’ and a “byte marks) Explain the term “bi-stable dovice’ (marks) ‘Total 10 marks Wirite the output device listed below in your answer booklet, Write the appropriate related tusk next to EACH output device. @ «iy fe Output Devices | Tasks vou Draw a house plan Headphones Print cheques| Ploter ‘Output individual audio responses in a language lab Printer Output video (4 maris) Give ONE situation when it would be better to use o «, aii) ‘012290207 2012 ‘an impact primer instead of an inkjet printer. State ONE reason fo justify your answer (marks) 4 laser printer instead of dot matrix pines, State ONE reason to justify your answer. (marks) ‘page printer instead of a character printer. State ONE reason to justly your answer (marks) “Total 10 marks GO ON TO THE NEXT PAGE a3 3. (@)__ State THREE functions of an operating system, Gmarts) (©) _Usethe items below to answer (6) (8) (b) (v). Pascal Compiler Microsoft Office Suite Windows XP [an Select from thelist above, ONE item that serves as an example for EACH ofthe following software. (System sontware (mar (4) Operating software (mark (Gi) General purpose software (1 mark Gv) Integrated software (1 mark) (©) Explain why itis necessary to customize certain types of software and give ONE example ‘of customized software ‘Total 10 marks GO ON TO THE NEXT PAGE 012290201 2012

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