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Appendix 1

Year Level:3 Time:11.15-12.15 Date:3/3/18 Students’ Prior Knowledge:
- Students learned about the Swiss Space Junk
Learning Area: Science collector in a previous lesson. They discussed
what it’s purpose was, and why it is important
to have a way to remove waste from space.
- Students are able to identify what a recycled
material or product looks like.
- Students are able to complete a mind map

Strand/Topic from the Australian Curriculum

Science knowledge helps people to understand the effect of
their actions. (ACSHE051)
General Capabilities (that may potentially be covered in the lesson)
Literacy Numeracy ICT Critical and Ethical Personal and Intercultural
competence creative thinking behaviour Social understanding
Cross-curriculum priorities (may be addressed in the lesson)
Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Asia and Australia’s engagement with Asia Sustainability
histories and cultures
Proficiencies:(Mathematics only)
Lesson Objectives (i.e. anticipated outcomes of this lesson, in point form beginning with an action verb)

As a result of this lesson, students will be able to:

 List the types of junk and waste found in space and how it got there.
 Design a space junk collector on paper and label the recycled products they would use to create it.

Teacher’s Prior Preparation/Organisation: Provision for students at educational risk:

- Space junk collector video on screen - Jorjino has autism and tends to draw designs
- Mind Map templates that are unrealistic to recreate. He will be told
- A3 paper the materials he is able to use before he
designs his space junk collector and be
encouraged to be as creative as he likes while
using these.
- SunJun has limited English and will need the
steps of the design brief explained to him in
further detail.


LESSON DELIVERY (attach worksheets, examples, marking key, etc, as relevant)

Time Motivation and Introduction:
1. Ask class to sit on the mat. Ask students if they can remember
what the name of the robot they learned about the last lesson
10 mins
was called.
2. Play the clip about the Space Junk Collector on the
Smartboard. space-junk-satellite-swiss-
3. Ask the students the following questions about the clip. space-plane.html
- What did the Space Junk Collector look like?
- How did it work?
- How was it powered?
-What was it collecting?
- How did it collect the junk?
- Why was it collecting space junk?
- What do we think it was made from?

Lesson Steps (Lesson content, structure, strategies & Key Questions):

4. Explain task to students. Once they return to their desks they

5 mins will be given a mind map. They will need to brainstorm the
types of waste found in space as well as how it got there. Show
them the example of the mind map, showing them that it is split
in two parts, one side for the what is space junk, and the other
for how it got there.
5. Ask students to return to their seats. Hand out sheets to Mind map templates
students and ask them to start the task. Clarify any questions
with SunJun.

10 mins 6. While students are completing their mind maps, project the
mind map on the Smartboard. After 10 mins of work, ask
students to turn their attention to the board.
7. Ask students to put their hands up to complete the class Mind
3 mins Map.
8. Ask students about ways to reduce the waste in space.
Students should suggest the space junk eliminator. Ask
2 mins students how we can reduce the amount of waste in space from
earth? Students should respond with ideas about using
materials that disintegrate or are strong and won’t break in the
9. Students will be asked to get their design briefs out from their
10. While they do this, the teacher will place an A3 sheet of paper A3 Paper
2 mins
on each students’ desk.
11. The teacher will ask students to remind them of their task for
the next 7 lessons.
12. The teacher will then explain the task for the lesson. Using their
knowledge of what space junk is and how it needs to be
3 mins collected and eliminated, they will need to design their own one.
They will draw it on the paper provided. They must label the


materials of their design, and these materials must be recycled.

Their design does not need to function, but they must be able to
describe how it functions.
13. Direct students to the bottom of the design brief and explain
they can use the QR codes to access more information about
space junk if they wish to.
14. Get students on task. Teacher will need to re-explain task to
20 mins SunJun. Jorjino will need to think of materials that can be
recycled before he can start drawing. He can list these
materials on the A3 piece of paper. Once he has created a list,
he can start his design, using only items from the list.
15. The teacher will move around the room, ensuring students stay
on task.

Lesson Closure:(Review lesson objectives with students)

16. Ask students to turn to the person next to them and explain
3 mins their design and how it will work. While this happens, the Post-it notes
teacher will hand out a post-it note to each student
17. Ask 3 students to share their partners ideas for their space junk

Transition: (What needs to happen prior to the next lesson?)

2 mins 18. In order to leave class, students will need to write down three
recyclable materials they will be using for their model on their
post-it note.
19. Students will be asked to put their name and the date on both
the mind-map and their design. They will place these two
sheets in a pile on once students desk, regardless of whether
they have finished or not.
20. In order to leave for lunch, students will need to give the
teacher their post-it note on the way out.

Assessment: (Were the lesson objectives met? How will these be

1. While students are in the final stages of creating their models,
the teacher will move around the classroom and ask each
individual student questions about their model and record the
2. As this is the second lesson, students will only be assessed on
their ability to list types of space junk and how it got there on
their mind maps, as well as their ability to label recyclable
materials on their designs. These will be collected by the
teacher at the end of the lesson and marked using a checklist.


Mind Map Template

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