Who Is Ibrahim Mohamed Solih, President-Elect of The Maldives?

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10/10/2018 Who is Ibrahim Mohamed Solih, president-elect of the Maldives?

- The Hindu


Who is Ibrahim Mohamed Solih, president-elect of the


The Hindu Net Desk

SEPTEMBER 24, 2018 14:05 IST

Ibrahim Mohamed Solih, popularly known as Ibu, is all set to become the President of the
tiny Indian Ocean archipelago, the Maldives. With over 97% of votes counted till Sunday night,
Mr. Solih has already polled 58.3%. Mr. Solih will be only the sixth President in the country’s
five-decade electoral history.

Mr. Solih (56) became Maldivian Democratic Party’s presidential candidate after its other top
figures were jailed or exiled by Abdulla Yameen’s government. A democracy activist well
known for his reform efforts, Mr. Solih, for most of his political career as a lawmaker since
1994, maintained a low-profile until he began campaigning in the run-up to Sunday’s polls.

Born in 1964 in Hinnavaru, Lhaviyani Atoll, Mr. Solih was one of 13 children. He is married to
Fazna Ahmed — a cousin of former President Mohamed Nasheed — and the couple have a son
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10/10/2018 Who is Ibrahim Mohamed Solih, president-elect of the Maldives? - The Hindu

and a daughter.
Mr. Solih entered the Parliament for the first time after defeating a ruling party candidate in
1994, at a time when the country had no opposition party. He has been representing Lhaviyani
Atoll in the Maldivian Parliament since then.
Mr. Solih is one of the founding members of the MDP, a party started by journalist-turned-
leader Mr. Nasheed who went on to become the President of the Maldives after winning the
2008 election, the first-ever multi-party election in the country.

While a bunch of MDP leaders in-exile worked for parliamentary democracy from Sri Lanka,
Mr. Solih was among few to advocate the same from Male. Mr. Solih is known for his calm and
cool-headed approach during minivan bahus or freedom debates popular in the early 2000s.
He was also part of the Special Majlis that drafted the new Constitution allowing multi-party
Mr. Solih became the leader of MDP’s parliamentary group in 2011, after the infamous coup
that led the ouster of Mr. Nasheed.

In an election marred by controversy, Mr. Yameen — the half-brother of ex-President Abdulla

Gayoom who ruled the country for nearly 30 years — became the President. Critics say Mr.
Yameen’s rule was slanted towards authoritarianism. He jailed several opposition leaders,
imposed a 45-day Emergency and jailed the Chief Justice when the Supreme Court ordered the
release of nine dissident leaders. His octagenarian half-brother Mr. Gayoom is also in prison.
Mr. Solih is among a few senior leaders who hadn’t faced arrest.

When the Election Commission announced in June that the Presidential Election would be
held on September 23, the opposition parties — Jumhooree Party, Adalath Party and a faction
of the ruling Progressive Party of Maldives led by Mr. Gayoom — decided to join hands to
dethrone Mr. Yameen. While it was expected that Mr. Nasheed would run for the presidency, he
had to step aside since the Election Commission barred candidates convicted of criminal
charges from contesting in elections. This also meant Mr. Gayoom and several other jailed
leaders couldn’t run for the presidency.

The united opposition chose Mr. Solih to fight a political rival they all shared. But the run-up
to the election was not an easy task for Mr. Solih. He was vocal about his fears that the election
could be rigged. Arrests continued even 10 days ahead of the polls. On the eve of polling day,
the Maldivian Police searched the MDP’s office premises.
But the people of the Maldives have favoured ‘Ibu’. “The will of the people has spoken,” were
Mr. Solih’s words as his victory was imminent on Sunday night.

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10/10/2018 Who is Ibrahim Mohamed Solih, president-elect of the Maldives? - The Hindu

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10/10/2018 Who is Ibrahim Mohamed Solih, president-elect of the Maldives? - The Hindu

Printable version | Oct 10, 2018 1:42:36 AM |


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