Debate Arguments

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1) Is war justified?
- Yes
o Of course you always think as first at all the deaths. But there are a lot of
good things about a war. One of them is the good outcome of war. After a
war there were make new independent counties and a lot of countries
develop, in e.g. airplanes, plastic surgery and technology
o Another thing is that sometimes people didn’t eve wanted a war but they just
wanted to protect their country and this than led to a war
- No
o A lot of lives were ruined by family loss or mental problems like shell shock.
o It causes a lot of chaos and it would often lead to crisis

Conclusion: Yes war is justified because people look more at the negative side of war
than on the positive. War caused a lot of good thing like: feminism, technology got
better and there was no more slavery.

2) Was it justified for Germany/Britain to go to war?

- Germany
Germany entered the war because Russia mobilized and they got scared
- Britain
Britain defended Belgium because Belgium was neutral and Germany broke the
Treaty of London

Conclusion: in my opinion Britain had the right to go to war and Germany didn’t
because Britain helped the innocent Belgium who had nothing to do with the war
and that is a good thing but on the other hand they both helped their allies.

3) Was it justified for Russia/America to go to war

- Russia
Russia was an ally of Serbia and Serbia joined the war
- America
America even wanted to stay neutral in ww1 but they were forced by Germany

Conclusion: in my opinion America had the right to go to war and Russia didn’t
because America did not wanted to be involved in this and Russia was only an ally so
they had no good reason to join the war.

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