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Prepared by: Amna Tabasum

Subject: English{ESL} Topic: Simple Present Tense Date: 16-01-2015

Level: Beginners Resource: Worksheet, white board Time: 45minutes
Objectives: At the end of the lesson students will be able to use Skills: Listening and speaking Assumption: some students might
the tense correctly and will be able to ask questions. not add ‘s’ or ‘e s’ correctly to the
verbs when using the 3rd person
singular pronouns’ he’ ‘she’ and’ it’.
Time Content Teaching Procedure Aim Student Aid Assessment Problems
Stage Activity Anticipated

10 minutes Introducing Topic

-Teacher will use a kind of ‘PING

PONG ’process of making statement
about her herself and eliciting from

-Example: I work at Dar AL Salam

International school and -you? To give students
Pupils will Initially there would be
Engage -I speak English at work and- you? an idea of
listen and Question some difficulty in
-I read an English newspaper every Present simple Observation
make game becoming familiar with
day and –you? and build the
responses. the topic.
-Once students are comfortable build
in ”they “ and “you” forms.
-My friends speak …..What about
your friends? They….
-My friends and I meet up every
Thursday, what about your friends?

15 minutes Main Focus: To consolidate Will listen and Some students may not
Study Q&A
the concept and make response response.

Topic: Simple Present Tense – Beginners level Page 1 of 3 Course: TFEL

-Teacher will explain when we use check their Drilling &
Present tense. concepts. direct
-Will talk about habits, likes and method.
- Give a lot of examples and do a lot
of drilling.

20 minutes Activity one

-Play and guess activity.

-One student will come out and draw Check their
Pair work
a card. comprehension Some students might
-Other students have to guess what is and choral Cards Observation not guess or perform
being acted by the student with the drilling. the task properly.
Activity two
To consolidate
-Teacher will distribute the work
the structure and Some students might
sheets Peer work. Worksheet Critical eye.
eliciting from make mistakes.
-Will instruct the students
-Ask to discuss how to finish the

Topic: Simple Present Tense – Beginners level Page 2 of 3 Course: TFEL

Name:___________________ Activity Two Date:________________________

Fill in the blanks with correct form of simple present tense;

1) They _________________ play hockey at school (to play).

2) We __________________ to the park every weekend (to go).

3) I __________________ the internet every day (to use).

4) My mother __________________ everyday (to cook).

5) My friends ___________________ ice cream after school (to eat).

Work in pairs ask each other about your likes and dislikes; Do you like?





Topic: Simple Present Tense – Beginners level Page 3 of 3 Course: TFEL

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