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P ro j e c t - B a s e d S c i e n ce I n s t r u c t i o n : A P r i m e r

Science Instruction:
A Primer
An introduction and learning cycle for implementing project-based science
K a b b a C o l l ey

ifferent groups of science educators and produce tangible learning outcomes by posing and an-
researchers have provided working defi- swering research questions that are relevant to their own
nitions of the term project-based science lives and communities. In a PBS classroom, students are
(PBS) instruction (Figure 1, p. 24). While encouraged to take responsibility for their own learning.
these definitions may vary, they do share some com- They are provided with resources, and guided and men-
monalities, including the use of learner-centered tored throughout the learning process by a supportive
instruction, driving questions, student collaboration, teacher who holds them accountable at various points
technology, the production of artifacts, and an extend- in the project (Figure 2, p. 25). This article provides an
ed time frame. introduction to PBS instruction for both beginning and
PBS instruction can simply be defined as a student- veteran science teachers who are interested in imple-
centered science teaching approach, in which students menting this approach in their classrooms.

November 2008 23
The history of PBS and typically producing a tangible product, whereas PBL
Dewey and other progressive educators laid the curricular focuses on learning how to understand and solve prob-
and psychological foundations for PBS instruction. In The lems using ill-defined cases. Choosing between the PBS
Child and the Curriculum, Dewey notes that the “child is and PBL approaches depends on the specific context and
the starting point, the center, and the end” and that the purpose of instruction, teacher knowledge and experience,
most natural way for children to learn is by doing (1902, students’ backgrounds, and resources available.
p. 187). However, he also observes that children must be
guided and provided with appropriate learning experi- Types of projects
ences if they are to develop a habit of “critical examina- PBS projects can be defined based on their intended stu-
tion and inquiry” (Dewey 1902, p. 29). dent outcome:
u Problem-solving projects are designed to teach
From a historical perspective, the use of projects in sci-
ence instruction dates back to 1908, when Rufus Stimson, problem-solving and critical-thinking skills.
u Process-skill projects help students acquire
a teacher at Smith Agricultural School in Northampton,
Massachusetts, coined the term home projects (Stevenson science-process skills such as the ability to pose a
1928). The purpose of these projects was to provide stu- researchable question, identify and formulate a
dents with the opportunity to apply the school’s teachings hypothesis, design and conduct an investigation,
in their farm work at home. collect and analyze data, draw valid conclusions,
“Child-centered learning,” “learning by doing,” and “ap- and document and report findings.
u Design and engineering projects teach design,
plying school’s teachings in the home” are the core values of
PBS instruction. This method was fur-
ther strengthened by the work of con- F I G U R E 1
structivists such as Piaget (1969, 1970) Definitions of PBS instruction.
and Vygotsky (1978). Both focused
their work on child-centered learning Science educators Definition of PBS instruction
and knowledge construction through and researchers
practice and reflection. The work of Tinker 1992 “Projects are what scientists do. Students who are thoroughly
progressive and constructivist science engaged in a project—having selected the topic, decided on
educators laid the foundation for PBS the approach, performed the experiment, drawn conclusions,
instruction in the United States. and communicated the results—are doing science. They are
PBS and PBL seeing science not as a noun, an object consisting of facts and
formulas, but as a verb, a process, a set of activities, a way of
Although this article focuses on PBS,
proceeding and thinking” (p. 33).
it is important to note the difference
between project-based and problem- Laffey et al. 1998 “Project-based learning is a form of contextual instruction
based learning (PBL), as many people that places great emphasis on student problem-finding and
confuse the two terms and approach- framing and that is often carried out over extended periods
es. Indeed, even the acronym PBL is of time” (p. 74).
often used for both, further confusing Krajcik, Czerniak, “PBS has several fundamental features. First, driving questions
the issue (see “Other terms for PBS” and Berger 1999 or problems serve to organize and guide instruction. Second,
at the end of this article). PBS instruc- students engage in investigations to answer their questions.
tion and PBL are similar in that they Third, communities of students, teachers, and members of
are both forms of inquiry-based sci- society collaborate on questions or problems. Fourth, students
ence instruction, and there is some
use technology to investigate and develop artifacts or products.
overlap between the two. However,
Finally, the result is a series of artifacts or products that address
they differ in their historical context
the questions or problems” (p. 9).
and pedagogical emphasis. For in-
stance, PBS instruction grew out of Moje et al. 2001 “Typically, the features of what is often called ‘project-based
the progressive education movement pedagogy’ include: questions that encompass worthwhile
and constructivist science-education and meaningful content anchored in authentic or real-world
reform, while PBL grew out of the problems; investigations and artifacts creation that allow
medical education reform of the 1970s students to learn, apply concepts, represent knowledge, and
(see “More on PBL” at the end of this receive ongoing feedback; collaboration among students,
article). PBS instruction emphasizes teachers, and others in the community; and use of literacy and
learning based on students choosing technological tools” (p. 469).
and investigating their own questions,

24 The Science Teacher

P ro j e c t - B a s e d S c i e n ce I n s t r u c t i o n : A P r i m e r

testing, and production of tools, technology, product. Students on the other hand, assume the
structures, and materials. role of the teacher during this part of the project.
u Content or subject-matter projects are designed 4. Lesson planning is not only focused on the meth-
to teach science concepts, knowledge, facts, his- od of delivering and assessing science content,
tory, and the nature of science. but also on
u defining the area of study,
Methods used in conducting successful projects (regard- u identifying the learning environment and
less of type) include experimentation, internet or library process,
research, observations, interviews, and surveys. u selecting the resources and time required,
Furthermore, one type of project could result in more u identifying possible learning challenges, and
than one student outcome. For instance, in conducting u selecting the appropriate formative and sum-
a project with the intended outcome of problem-solving mative methods of assessing learning outcomes.
and critical-thinking skills, students may also learn sci-
5. Science learning is based on relevance to stu-
ence content, biographies of famous scientists, and the
dents’ lives and communities, in addition to text-
nature of science. It is important for science teachers who
books, curriculum guides, and content standards.
intend to implement PBS instruction to understand the
6. PBS instruction requires extensive preparatory
different types of projects and possible learning outcomes
work on the part of the teacher, although this
so that they can guide their students in selecting the right
is usually at the beginning of the learning cycle.
kinds of projects.
When students are used to taking responsibility
Guiding principles for their own learning, there is ample time for
In PBS instruction, there are a few principles that guide the teacher to work on related tasks, such as re-
teachers’ and students’ experiences in the classroom. It searching resources and new topics and develop-
is helpful to review the following list before introducing ing assessments.
PBS instruction:
1. The teacher’s role is to facilitate, advise, guide,
The project cycle
The project cycle is a conceptual tool that is used to orga-
monitor, and mentor students, not just to con-
nize project work in the science classroom (Figure 3, p. 26).
duct lecture and laboratory work.
Although it is sequential, the point of entry for each science
2. The student’s role is to be an active learner who
teacher and his or her students will depend on the context,
contributes to the learning process.
learning needs, experience, and background of students.
3. The classroom is a dynamic learning environ-
ment in which roles constantly change. For Orientation
instance, in some cases, the teacher becomes a The first thing to do before implementing PBS in the sci-
student and the students become teachers. Dur- ence classroom is to conduct a general orientation to PBS
ing presentations of students’ project work, for instruction, a process whereby the science teacher and
example, the teacher does not instruct, but listens his or her students spend time discussing expectations,
and learns about students’ science process and requirements, roles, and responsibilities. It should not be
simply assumed that students will be interested or actively
participate in PBS. Students should be instructed on
PBS elements. u the expectations of project work,

u the importance of collaboration in science,

Good PBS experiences include the following essential u information sharing,
elements: u safety issues,
u A rich, complex driving question that is relevant to u responsibilities and roles expected of them,
students’ lives u how they will relate to each other, and

u Production of artifacts u how their learning will be assessed.

u Student-centered learning

u Collaboration
A general orientation to PBS instruction only needs to be
completed for the first project undertaken. For subsequent
u Accountability
project cycles, a brief orientation should focus on safety is-
u Authentic use of technology
sues and other considerations unique to the new project.
u Interdisciplinary and cross-disciplinary inquiry

u Extended time frame Identifying and defining a project

u Valid and reliable performance-based assessment After orientation, the next step is identifying and defin-
ing a project. One way to identify a project is to have

November 2008 25
students, working in groups, think
of an area of study that is full of
interesting problems or challenges The project cycle.
and is both related to their current
science-course content and relevant 6. Evaluating project 1. Orientation to PBS
to their lives. Once the area of study learning, taking action, learning (general or
is identified, have students write and proposing a new project-specific)
down on a piece of paper possible project
questions to investigate. Out of stu-
dents’ possible questions, the group
must select one and test it by an- 5. Documenting and
swering the following: 2. Identifying and
reporting project
1. Is our question clear? The project cycle defining a project
2. Can we investigate it in the
amount of time available?
3. Can we do it at a reasonable
cost, without purchasing ex-
pensive materials?
4. Will the results benefit other 4. Implementing 3. Planning a project
people? a project
5. Will our question contribute
new knowledge to the field?

If the answer is “yes” to all five questions, then students Implementing a project
should move on to the next step. If the answer to any Once project plans are thoroughly vetted by the teacher,
question is “no,” students should go back and restate their students can then be allowed to implement them. Imple-
question or explore a different one. menting a project is a very hands-on, practical matter.
Students use tools, materials, and technology to collect
Planning a project and record data. They analyze this data and prepare re-
Planning a project is a process of thinking, discussing, ports, which may have to be rewritten in multiple drafts
and documenting how the question is going to be investi- before they are ready for presentation. During the imple-
gated. The final product of the planning process is a proj- mentation process, students are expected to work collab-
ect plan. This plan serves two main functions: oratively in a spirit of cooperation and mutual respect.
1. To propose what and how students are going to This is the time when the science teacher will have
learn, and what artifacts to produce as evidence the most work to do in terms of supervising group work
of their learning. by mentoring and modeling behavior that is essential for
2. To provide a framework for evaluating what and success in science (i.e., patience, observing things closely
how students learned. and recognizing patterns, taking multiple measurements,
recording data accurately, using tools appropriately, and
There is no single way to prepare a project plan. How- looking for alternative explanations of data). The teacher
ever, a typical project plan includes the following: title; should also monitor how different groups are progress-
question; purpose; methods or procedure; list of tools; ing and work closely with those who need help so that no
materials, technology, and time required; roles and re- group is left behind.
sponsibilities; and assessment activities.
Figure 4 shows an example of a modified project Documenting and reporting project findings
plan from a high school science class in which students Upon completion of their data analysis and report writ-
implemented a water-quality investigation project. In ing, student groups present their reports for peer review.
some situations, a science teacher may want to organize This step documents and reports project findings. During
project work around small groups of two to five stu- this step, students are expected to do a verbal presenta-
dents, with each group pursuing its own questions or tion and answer questions from other students and the
similar questions related to the overall driving question. teacher. The teacher’s role during presentations is to ask
The complexity and level of detail in students’ project questions to make sure students understand the science
plans will vary depending on grade, ability level, matu- process they were engaged in, check for understanding
rity, subject matter, curricula goals, teacher’s time, and of science concepts, and clarify and emphasize important
resources available. learning points. In addition, the teacher is also respon-

26 The Science Teacher

P ro j e c t - B a s e d S c i e n ce I n s t r u c t i o n : A P r i m e r


Example project plan.

Student project plan
Project title:________________________________________________________

1. Project question: What are the physical, chemical, and 5. Timeline (When will the project start and end? How long
biological properties of the water that flows through will it take? Days, weeks, or months?):
Greenfield Park? u The project will take two block periods.
2. Purpose and importance: We want to research this question 6. Identification of roles and responsibilities (Who will do what?
because we want to learn about how healthy the water is When? How? What safety considerations are involved?):
in our local park. Living things cannot live without water, u Miguel, Kojo, Jackie, and Fatima will collect, measure,
and we hope our project will bring more awareness to the and label water samples.
importance of keeping the water in our park clean and the
u Nicole, Tanesha, Carol, and Paul will test water samples
need to protect it from pollution.
for chemical pollutants.
3. Methods or procedure (list how your project will be carried
u Janet, Maria, Valerie, and Joey will test water samples
out step by step):
for bacteria and other microorganisms.
a. First the samples will be collected (e.g., samples from
u Eugene, Tariq, and Kenya will walk around the park and
different parts of the park’s lake).
write down the different physical things they observe.
b. Samples will be tested for physical, chemical, and
u Kim, Jose, and Uma will collect all results and sections
biological properties.
and type the final report.
c. Physical, chemical, and biological observations will be
u All investigations will be carried out wearing gloves,
made as water testing is conducted.
goggles, and other protective equipment. All
d. Different reactions during testing will be recorded. procedures will be vetted by the teacher for safety
e. Results from testing will be recorded and proper before being performed.
documents written. 7. How will your project be assessed or evaluated?
4. List the tools, materials, and technology required: u Each group member will keep a journal of his or her
u Water samples to be tested activities during the project.
u Water-testing kit u Each group member will submit a one-page paper
u Beakers, measuring cylinder, pipettes, and sampling about what he or she learns from the project.
bottles u Each group member will write a section of the final
u Rope, bucket, and measuring tape report.
u Goggles, apron, and gloves u Each group member will take part in presenting the
u Digital camera final report to the class.

sible for assessing students’ artifacts, which could include become more successful in future projects. In addition,
project plans, data sheets, models, materials, improvised students should individually reflect on what they knew
tools, multimedia, or final reports. A holistic or criterion- prior to and after conducting their projects in terms of
based scoring procedure could be employed to evaluate science concepts and process skills.
the quality of these artifacts; the results of the assessment
could be discussed with students with an emphasis on Evaluating and taking action
what makes a good artifact and what students can do to Sometimes PBS assignments conclude at the previous step.
create them in their project work. In other cases, students are encouraged to put into practice
After the presentations, students should be asked to what they have learned from their project. This step in-
reflect on the process. They should think about group volves evaluating and taking action. For instance, in one
dynamics, individual participation, and how they might school, students’ project work on indoor air quality led to

November 2008 27
P ro j e c t - B a s e d S c i e n ce I n s t r u c t i o n : A P r i m e r

action by the school authorities, who revamped the whole investigate authentic research questions, and are expected
ventilation system in that school. This happened only after to take responsibility for their own learning. A PBS class-
the students and their teacher organized and took on an room is a dynamic learning environment where roles
advocacy role to have school authorities fix the problem. constantly change.
When students’ project outcomes are inconclusive, Although teaching using PBS instruction has its chal-
they cannot take action. Rather, these students should be lenges, teachers who have employed this method share
encouraged to go back and identify which step they need how professionally transformative it has been for them.
to work on further, what new questions they need to ask, They often note that since they started using it, they
and what new plans they need to develop. experience less discipline and behavior problems. In
PBS instruction, teachers become lifelong learners be-
Conclusion cause they constantly research new topics and learn new
Some science teachers may wonder how this approach to things from their students.
science teaching can be implemented in present standards- For their part, students learn to collaborate and work
based, assessment-driven, and No Child Left Behind–driven together as a team. There is even some evidence that stu-
classrooms, where a lot of pressure exists for teachers to dents in project-based classrooms also tend to perform bet-
meet state standards. However, it should be noted that ter in national science assessments compared to those who
when conducted appropriately, PBS instruction will cap- learn in a traditional science setting (Schneider et al. 2002).
ture most science-process and content-related standards. It is my hope that this primer will inspire science teachers
PBS instruction is a science teaching approach through to use PBS instruction in their own classrooms. ■
which students learn by conducting projects that are
relevant to their lives and communities. They select and Kabba Colley ( is the guest editor for
this issue and the academic vice president and dean at Goddard
Other terms for PBS. College in Plainfield, Vermont.
Project-based science (PBS) is sometimes referred to as References
project-based learning (PBL or PjBL, to avoid confusion with
problem-based learning), project-based instruction (PBI), or Barrows, H.S., and R.M. Tamblyn. 1985. How to design a problem-
project-based science instruction (PBSI). In this issue, we based curriculum for the pre-clinical years. New York: Springer.
consistently use the term PBS. Barrows, H.S., and R.M. Tamblyn. 1980. Problem-based learning: An
approach to medical education. New York: Springer.
Dewey, J. 1902. The child and the curriculum. Chicago, IL: Univer-
More on PBL.
sity of Chicago Press.
Prior to the introduction of problem-based learning (PBL),
Krajcik, J., C. Czerniak, and C. Berger. 1999. Teaching children sci-
the lecture-laboratory model dominated medical education.
ence: A project-based approach. Boston: McGraw Hill College.
Barrows and Tamblyn (1985), however, felt that the system
was producing physicians who knew their subject, but did not Laffey, J., T. Tupper, D. Musser, and J. Wedman. 1998. A computer-
necessarily have the skills to use their knowledge effectively mediated support system for project-based learning. Educational
or apply that knowledge in different contexts or situations Technology Research and Development 46(1): 73–86.
to solve medical problems. Moje, E.B., T. Collazo, R. Carrillo, and R.W. Marx. 2001. “Maestro,
In the 1960s, Barrows and his colleagues developed PBL, what is ‘quality’?”: Language, literacy, and discourse in project-
an instructional model in which students working in small based science. Journal of Research in Science Teaching 38(4):
groups were assigned medical cases that required them to 469–498.
problem-solve and come up with possible solutions. They Piaget, J. 1969. The psychology of the child, translated by Helen Weav-
defined PBL as: er. New York: Basic Books.
“The learning that results from the process of working
Piaget, J. 1970. Science of education and the psychology of the child.
toward the understanding or resolution of a problem.
New York: Viking Press.
The problem is encountered first in the learning process
and serves as a focus or stimulus for the application Schneider, R.M., J. Krajcik, R.W. Marx, and E. Soloway. 2002. Per-
of problem-solving or reasoning skills, as well as for formance of students in project-based science classrooms on a
the search for or study of information or knowledge national measure of science achievement. Journal of Research in
needed to understand the mechanisms responsible for Science Teaching 39(5): 410–422.
the problem and how it might be resolved” (Barrows and Stevenson, J.A. 1928. The project method of teaching. New York:
Tamblyn 1980, p. 18). Macmillan.
Tinker, R.F. 1992. Thinking about science. Princeton, NJ: College En-
Through this student-centered, case-based approach, trance Examination Board.
students played the role of physicians, patients, and ad- Vygotsky, L.S. 1978. Mind in society: The development of higher psy-
vocates, and faculty were the facilitators, coaches, and
chological processes, eds. M. Cole, V. John-Steiner, S. Scribner, and
resource persons.
E. Souberman. Cambridge, MA: Harvard University Press.

28 The Science Teacher

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