Finzi - My Spirit Sang All Day

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The uncutho-iscc" ccovinq
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~i:; pub!i~~o~ ::. illegal

My spirit sang a11· day




• Re rp int
e d ~-rC)IT,
the ·c:,\ie,.:teJ Poems Roc-e: :1:"
rt Br es' idg by kind pcr is
m sior; of th Clarendon c Pr ess.

'i~i"'.is song is t.h:: thi r d i:1 :1 c ycle ,;_,f Bridg e as songs. Tbocgb o ny of the song s rnuv be su ng se pa ra t el y,
A II rights reserved, pcr fo-rned a~ :_is.::.:.'.::::· srJ;;uL..: f.Jl!,1\;,· ,:-,:: or dc r i:-j,Ji..:::it::d b::· th c cornpcs cr .
-= To as a t t c i ng forbjudes
\S'Cc:pyrigh! 1937 Ly Oxford l'ci~ersity Press. Re aew e d 1965. B.& H.19905 Pr i n t ed i::: Eng l a n d
Co;,yright .:-..~d rene's<tl a s s i g ne d 1DGG t o Boo s ey & l· 11usic Publishers Lt df o r a l l countries
B.& H. Hl905
i or p e erai s s i c rr to p<!rl :i:-;";'l this work i:-. public should be made
Ap p Hc a t I on to f'rirn ...-d I">~ t !.1h!:t11 & Co. Ltd.,
B .& H . 10 90 5 The Pt!-rfor~::--,i Rit:.h: Society Ltd.., 29 ~ 33 Bernc-rs St., Lcmdor., W.l Amcrvham, B11l'ks .. England

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