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Against America

Made by: Carmen Kreutzelman, Daniël de Haas, Derek Steendijk,

Gido van Heeswijk, Indy van Kuringen, Jasmijn van der Meer, Lena Sandmeier,
Mayke Kreutzelman, Nanette Panhuizen, Selina Mennes and Lisa Klessens
Class: TA3B

American seafaring…………………………………………………………………………………………..4
Woordrow Wilson…………………………………………………………………………………………….5
It wasn’t something the American people wanted……………………………………………6
Only benefits…………………………………………………………………………………………………….7
What is America didn’t intervene……………………………………………………………………..8

The Americans were only involved in the war for 19 months, and compared to the other
involved countries, they didn’t do much fighting.

Oh, but that’s great!! That means that they didn’t do anything wrong at all so we can all just
remain positive about the United States once again!!

Yeah… no!

American seafaring
In your recent debate, when you were talking about the reasons why it was justified for
America to go to war, you talked about the Lusitania. Germany made the Lusitania sink using
unrestricted submarine warfare. And I mean sure, we get that that’s a big deal. But you did
not tell the complete story…

America had no need to join World War I because there were no threats to American
citizens except for unrestricted submarine warfare…. But after the sinking of the Lusitania,
the Germans promised to stop using unrestricted submarine warfare.

What we noticed while doing research on this subject, is that even nowadays, lots of people
don’t even know that the sinking of the Lusitania wasn’t only Germany’s fault. this. This has
to do with the fact that America basically just pinned the whole thing on Germany. Even
though Britain had something to do with this as well. You can barely find this anywhere
because The Anglophiles within Wilson's government made sure that the British violations
were never considered and that Germany was always painted as the Hunnish villain.

As you know, America remained 'neutral' through most of the war. But the thing is, they
weren't really neutral. Indeed, they only fought the last part of the war. But even before
officially joining, they were a great weapon deliverer to lots of fighting countries. Especially

Woodrow Wilson
When we heard the ‘American’ group talk about Woodrow Wilson we noticed that they
spoke about him in a very positive way, like he just simply had no other choice than to lead
America into the war. But we actually thought this was nonsense. Woodrow Wilson is by
many (American) people considered as the worst president ever.

I mean sure, The Russian tsar Nicholas II wasn’t holy either, but his actions are nothing
against those of president Wilson’s.

Wilson ran on the slogan ‘’He will keep us out of war’’…. And yeah sure, he did keep America
out of war until the people reelect him and he gets the whole country into war…. Great

Woodrow Wilson

It wasn’t something the American people wanted

America had just finished fighting Mexico and the war cost too much money. Plus the fact
that president Wilson issued a declaration of neutrality in August 1914, exactly what most
Americans wanted. Participating the war was just the opposite of neutrality.

Only benefits
It's true that the German sank the Lusitania and sent the Zimmerman note to Mexico but
entering World War 1 just made it worse. Plus, it wasn’t needed. The Russians were killing
the German army so fast, they did not need any help. The British were alongside them and
were pummeling the Germans as well, just pushing them back little by little every day. Also
many soldiers were drafted into the war between the ages of 18 and 30 which meant they
lost a lot of that generation. The USA joining was unnecessary. All it did was make them lose
money, supplies, and people.

In fact, part of the reason America was in such economic crisis by the time of World War II
was because of World War I. Even if America were to have lost the $2 billion in loans, it does
not outweigh the price of going to war. America spent well over $500 million and the blood
of many innocent American soldiers. Isn’t that stupid? By joining a war that isn’t about you,
you lose innocent people, innocent soldiers and a lot of money. And it’s not only about the
money that was used to fight in the war, it’s also about remaking everything that broke
during the war. Think of houses and even cities. And what about the people who didn’t die
during fighting of bombarding? Those people need help, hospitals and help to live with
everything they saw happening. That also cost a lot of money. So, it was a stupid action for
the Americans to join the first world war. They didn’t think about the consequents for the
future. They knew there would be problems with money after the war.

What if America did not intervene?
How would the war have ended if America had not intervened? The carnage might have
continued for another year or two until citizens in the warring nations, who were already
protesting the endless sacrifices required, forced their leaders to reach a settlement. If the
Allies, led by France and Britain, had not won a total victory, there would have been no
punitive peace treaty like that completed at Versailles, no stab-in-the-back allegations by
resentful Germans, and thus no rise, much less triumph, of Hitler and the Nazis. The next
world war, with its 50 million deaths, would probably not have occurred.

Let's go back to Russia's recent conclusion. "There are no bad or good guys". Which of
course we obviously still agree with. But, we also said that some countries did more wrong
than others. So let's just sum everything up really quick

America, mister I kept this country out of war now vote for me so I can lead you into war
Wilson, also known, for lots and lots of (American) people as the worst president ever. Plus
of course the 'we'll remain neutral but also deliver weapons to Britain so they can kill
German people with it. But hey! At least we're neutral.'. And now Russia!!

Ehmm, okay... the mobilized for safety measures.

We’ll let you decide who was the main cause for this war...


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