Natalie Pearce Classroom Management

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Natalie Pearce

EDUC 450

October 12, 2018

Management Plan

Physical Space

My classroom’s physical space will feel comfortable and inviting. The desks will be in

rows with the outside rows turned diagonally towards the board, so all students can view the

front of the classroom. The rows will be spaced out in a way that allows easy movement for

myself and my students. I do not expect my students to stay in one place during a full class

period, therefore the classroom needs to be designed to allow for transitions. I will place the

desks in a way that creates a cross shape down the center of the rows so people can walk freely

in any direction.

Each class period will have a designated cabinet with their personal supplies and books

for the class. The walls will have several posters on them; some will be educational while others

will be fun and inspiring. I will also have a designated “spotlight” area to hang exceptional

student work. If my classroom has windows, there will be one plant for each class period. I will

assign one student from each class every week to water the plant and take care of it. I will also

have a snack drawer in my desk and students who were unable to eat breakfast can take

something from the snack drawer. There will be a board in the front of the classroom that shows

a calendar of the current month with a basic plan for each day, so my students will have an idea

of what we are doing in class each day. My students will be aware that the board can change, but

I will announce that if necessary. The board on the back of the room will contain the learning
target, specific agenda for the day, and possible homework. Students will know to check both

boards daily and make note of any changes. Depending on school policy, I would like to have an

oil diffuser by my desk to diffuse lavender oil to create a calm and peaceful space. Finally, in the

back of the classroom, I would like to have a class library with books my students can borrow

whenever they want to.

Managing Resources

My students will be given a list of supplies needed to obtain by the second week of

school. If a student is unable to obtain these supplies, I will make accommodations for them;

however, I expect all my students to have the necessary supplies to complete daily tasks. If for

some reason a student is missing a supply, I will have extra supplies at the front of my

classroom. Students will be able to borrow these supplies if they turn something in of their own

(like a cell phone) so I can guarantee I get the supply back. The first two minutes and last two

minutes of class will be devoted to class preparedness. This will include gathering supplies in the

beginning of the period and picking up their areas and returning supplies at the end of the period.

I will also budget for at least a two-minute stretch or bathroom break during the class.

Non-instructional Routines

If I am teaching middle school, every student will have a small bag of classroom

supplies. These supplies include things like scissors, index cards, and highlighters. My students

will know to retrieve their supplies at the beginning of every class and put them away as the class

is ending. It is my hope that students will be able to acquire these resources on their own, but I

will make accommodations for them if that is not possible either through an allowed budget from

my school or with my personal money. Students will have assigned seats that will change
routinely every 4 weeks. I want to encourage my students to get to know each other and sit next

to different people. I will try to make time for a five-minute water/restroom break in every class

period, typically halfway through the time. I never want my students to sit down for the entire

class period, so this will offer them a daily chance to get up and move around during class. If for

some reason students need to use the restroom before or after this break, they will use a hand

signal to get my attention and be excused from the classroom.

Each class will also have a designated area to turn in assignments and late work, as well

as gather any materials they may need if they missed a day of class. Students will receive 3

“locker passes” every semester. These passes can be used to leave the classroom and go to their

locker if they forgot their homework or supplies. If a student uses all 3 of the “locker passes” and

needs to go to their locker, they will lose participation points. I will be accommodating and not

dock participation points if the student comes and advocates for themselves and gives a valid

reason for not losing points or sacrificing a pass.

Instructional Routines

Students will know there will be a quick warm up every class period that they are able to

complete in their social studies notebooks. I will teach them what is expected of them during

warm ups in the beginning of the school year, so we can practice it all year. The warm up and

directions will be displayed on the front board. Depending on the activity, they may not need

verbal instruction for these. I will consistently use the same phrase to get my classes’ attention

for further instruction. I have not decided on what phrase that will be but know it will just take

some practice to see what works for each class to make sure I have their attention.
To encourage collaboration, students will select 3 different potential partners in the

classroom. Each partner will correspond to a name or code like “high-five partner” or

“handshake partner”. When I instruct students to move to their “high-five partner” they will

know which student to pair up with and work on the assigned task. These partners will be

assigned during the first week of school and students will keep track of their partners inside their

history notebooks in case they forget.

Rules and Expectations

The following underlined topics are related to the general rules and expectations, but my

class will simply have one rule: Respect one another. This rule will be posted in a visible place in

the classroom. I believe this rule summarizes any sort of behavior disruption and creates a

comfortable classroom environment. If there are any issues in my classroom, I will simply ask

the student if they were following the one guiding rule and remind them of the respect I give

them daily. If I respect them, they should respect me.


Unless I specifically state beforehand, students should be aware that all assignments will

be graded in some way. I do not want students to assume every “grade” will go in the gradebook.

I simply want to make sure my students receive some sort of feedback on every assignment they

complete. Formative and summative assessments will always be put in the gradebook.

Summative assessments will be given the most weight overall. However, my students will

understand that summative assessments do not always come in the form of a traditional test.

Summative assessments will be projects, presentations, papers, and in rare occasions, traditional
tests. All other assignments will be treated as formative grades to ensure students see value in all

their learning and we can both track their progress regularly.

Late Work

I do not plan on assigning much homework, but if I do, late homework is not accepted for

full credit unless the student is willing to complete the homework during their lunchtime or

elective period. They can obtain a pass from me to complete the homework on the due date

during this time, otherwise they will not receive full credit for the homework. I want to teach

them about responsibility while also giving them a chance to fix their mistake and complete the

homework on time during their lunch time or elective period. Projects will have a non-negotiable

deadline that students will be very aware of. Late projects will not be accepted unless they have a

school-approved excused reason for turning the project in late. Obviously, I will have to adjust

this policy depending on the situation, but I will expect my students to meet with me and

advocate for themselves rather than not coming to class with a completed project and no



Absences will be handled according to my school’s specific policy. Makeup work will

always be given to students who were absent, but the grade deductions will go in accordance to

school policy. I never want students to miss out on the learning that took place during their

absence, regardless of why they missed the class. However, an unexcused absence may not

receive full credit on assignments. An unexcused absence will have access to important class

handouts and information but may not be able to make up work in the way that a student with an

excuse absence will be able to.

Class Supplies:
Pencil, high lighter, index
cards, composition
notebook, folder, tape,
scissors. DUE 8/31


Missed Class? Don’t

WELCOME! Stress!


I will always provide an
opportunity for make-up
work for excused

WORLD! Add Another

absences. Unexcused
absences can obtain the
missed work butPoint
can only
7th Grade Social Studies Course Description: receive half-credit for
This class will focus on the four themes of Social Studies: History, completed Here!
Geography, Economics, and Civics. We will be placing a heavy
emphasis on World Geography this semester but will explore all
themes and investigate how past events have influenced the world
we live in today. Late Work Policy:
Class Expectations: If you forgot to complete
your homework, I will give
Your participation is necessary if you want a good grade in this you time to complete it for
class. If you are tardy or forget class supplies, you may use one of full credit during lunch or
ELO, otherwise late
your 3 passes to keep from losing participation points, otherwise
assignments can only
you will lose points for not coming prepared or for arriving late. receive half-credit.
Grading will be in the form of participation points, formative
assessments, and summative assessments. Summative
assessments can come in the form of projects, traditional tests,
presentations, or papers. Formative assessments will vary but are
not weighted as heavily as summative.
Class Rule: Ms. Pearce

We have one rule: respect one another. I will respect you and in Email:
turn I expect your respect. Your classmates also deserve your
respect. You will always have a voice in the classroom! Speak up if Room 313
someone is violating your right to a respectful learning environment!

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