Aquaculture Techniques

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Marketing Strategy of Kalasha Inc. and challenges to SCMT

Marketing Strategy of Kalasha Inc. and challenges to SCMT

Submitted to Lina La Rocca

Kirandeep Singh C0693597

Ramandeep Kaur C0699104
Kamaljeet Kaur C0698171
Jitender Singh C0699589

ALP 5559
Project Code – CPL-5559-SCMT-0007
Lambton College in Toronto
May 11, 2018
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Marketing Strategy of Kalasha Inc. and challenges to SCMT

Table of Contents
Discussion and findings……………………………………………..……………… 4
Recommendations……………………………………………. …………………….8
Conclusion………………………………………………….. … …………………...8
References…………………………………………………….. ……………………9
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Marketing Strategy of Kalasha Inc. and challenges to SCMT


a) Purpose: our main reason to write this report to find out the challenges in the
supply chain of High value product speciaclly in the case where a company is
trying to expand it globally.

b) Scope: As far as the task concern The Kalastaa Inc. is a local aquaculture
company with experience of fourteen years. They are dealing with small fish
processing plants but they also have the opportunity to expand their business in
other European countries. With expansion they also don’t want to lose their
dealings with local dealers. Their products are high value and supply chain
network is small so if they wish to expand then they must have the following
issues and challenges within the supply chain management.

c) Background :With a deep look in the problem that company is actually facing
is decrease in its sales in the local market due to entrance of the other
competitors in the existing market where they start selling their products on
cheaper price. To overcome this problem the Kalastaa inc has a option to export
to foreign market and find out new clients in areas where they can still get the
better price of their product but with all there considerations there are so many
challenges which are discussed in details in the report. A low scale organization
has to overcome from many challenges with their positive aspects like higher
stock and good quality.
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Marketing Strategy of Kalasha Inc. and challenges to SCMT

B. Discussion of Findings

Challenges in managing the supply chain of high value commodity:

 Image of excellence: Guaranteed
Goods with high value demand perfect transport and logistics, it must be consistent
with the image of their products. Because one of the major aspect i.e. brand reputation
is on the line at every solo delivery, all providers take on what is perceived as an
ambassadorial function. The quality of product must be same all the time until it
reaches the final consumer.

 Irreproachable customer service

Service quality necessities are highly demanding in the Luxury Goods sector; as your
products are high-value and delicate, you need trustworthy providers to ensure a safe
quality delivery service. If customer is buying the product with high value in market
there must be proper visibility within each and every deal between provider and

 Security
Security is naturally a major worry in the high value goods. Secure conditions are
needed at every step in the distribution chain. The driver inwards on time, the
paperwork seems to be in order, and the truck has all the right patterns. High-value
goods have always required extra security, but recently several factors have increased
the risk. As the world's appetite for extravagance goods grows, sourcing and
marketing sites become more diverse. Lengthier supply chains add trace points and,
therefore, susceptibility and crime managements are increasingly focused on goods
in transit. (Protecting High-Value Cargo: A Sense of Security, n.d.)

 Continuous supply policy

In-store availability of very high value goods is a key factor in modest performance
and heavily hooked on on supply chain quality. It calls for a high-density transport
link and a high-quality air carriage service containing space contracts with the most
highly supposed airline companies. (Protecting High-Value Cargo: A Sense of
Security, n.d.)
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Marketing Strategy of Kalasha Inc. and challenges to SCMT

 A sustainable approach to your development

Customers in the Extravagance Goods sector are observant to the way in which the
goods they buy are bent and transported, reliable with the brand image of the products
themselves. To billet your customers' environmental anxieties. (wilson, n.d.)

 Handling highly sensitive goods

The Engineering marketplace features a number of specific physiognomies both in
terms of the nature of the product (liquid chemicals, gas, nuclear materials) and their
volume (raw materials, industrial equipment, spare parts and finished products).
Mechanical organizations expect transport and coordination’s accomplices to have
the applicable capacities to convey their items. This is especially valid as per the
treatment of phenomenal streams in some particular nations. The decision of your
Logistics Service Provider pivots like never before on its ability to convey solid
answers for beat your coordination’s imperatives.

 Safety and quality products

The weight on makers to deliver amazing items that are sheltered is an expanding
challenge. The quantity of item review cases is developing every day. It can harm an
organization's notoriety and is costly to its main concern. Brilliant begins with
choosing the right crude material, settling on the correct creation strategy as per global
models, lastly verifying it.

 Shorter lead time, less inventory and better throughput

With smaller product life cycles and altering market demands, businesses are forced
to embark on a slender journey. It is significant to note that the supply plans in a lean
environment support the processes strategy. The trial is always to find not just a lean
idea, but a working lean solution.

 Secure warehousing and distribution

Warehouses and distribution centers frequently pose a sole test for traditional security
schemes. With their often-massive scope and multifaceted layout, susceptibilities
often happen that can expose your record to not only external threats such as break-
ins but internal threats such as employee theft. Distribution center administration is
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Marketing Strategy of Kalasha Inc. and challenges to SCMT

generally connected with six fundamental principles: exactness, cost control,

proficiency, tidiness, wellbeing and security, yet the basic procedures are mind
boggling and dynamic, introducing real issues for stockroom supervisors crosswise
over businesses. Merchants need to manage exchange offs because of asset
constraints, prompting under execution in key utilitarian territories.

2. Challenges related to supply chain considering location, commodity and market


 Unreliable Trade Practices Lead to Agreement Issues: Global expansion often

includes entering new marketplaces or acquiring other processes. Each other
business arm can need a unique set of operating actions. Without strict devotion to
standard operating events, companies quickly fall prey to dispersed trade practices,
and variations begin to cooperation supply chain operations.

 Incapacity to Keep Step with Current Customs Technology: Contemporary

creativities tool different means for satisfying supplies, such as advance e-manifest
shavings and new certifying and certification supplies. Corporations are required to
change their events and even travel to completely new software stages to comply.

 Failures in Cross-Border Shipments: The worldwide nature of today’s business

world means businesses must offer a varied product line to meet the demands of
customers in different countries. With properties going to and from numerous
countries, it is authoritative that companies stay on top of a dizzying collection of
trade rules. A single agreement mistake, such as missing the current locally
applicable organization and licensing requirements, can put a stop on your
shipments and stop them from crossing the border. The resulting interruption
compromises your entire supply chain and harmfully effects your bottom line.

 Environmental Containment: There is an increase in the density of the organisms,

and inevitably the prevalence of diseases and parasites will increase. These diseases
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Marketing Strategy of Kalasha Inc. and challenges to SCMT

are either naturally prevalent in wild populations, or they develop within the farmed
environment. The same is true for aquaculture where diseases and parasites have a
large impact on the industry. it is common in the aquaculture industry to use species
that are not native to the location of the farm. In either case, there is a risk of
introducing non-native species or non-native populations into the environment..

 FOOD SAFETY AND HEALTH ISSUES: Aquaculture has established significant

attention for containing different flavours, toxins, and contaminants. One such
example is a study issued by Hits et al. (2004), which began a disagreement over the
level of organic contaminants such as polychlorinated biphenyls (PCBs) found in
farmed salmon relative to wild salmon. (asche, 2015)

 Tariffs: As noted, seafood is the most trafficked food product. Tariffs in general are
not a giant issue, and this is an advantage of seafood being preserved as a trade
product. As a trade product, tariffs on seafood are not predictable to upsurge
 Non tariffs barriers : Non-tariff barricades are a hard case as they are often apparent
differently by the revelries involved. In importing nations, they are supposed as a
necessary means to defend public health.
 Feeding the World: When we are observing to provender an ever-growing global
population, there is a major trial for aquaculture if it is to truly encounter its potential
and surge global food safety in terms of inputs into the business, many of the fish
produced need feeds that are ironic in proteins and lipids. These are now supplied
from fish meal and fish oil resulting from wild-capture fisheries. This reliance on fish
oil and fish meal signifies a major risk and challenge for aquaculture.. (asche, 2015)

 Higher International Delivery Volumes Increases Experience to Trade

Regulation Violations: Global trade rules change often, and balancing obedience
with business needs presents challenges to even the most knowledgeable supply chain

 Urban Aquaculture: If tank farming is to meet its thinkable to increase global and
national food safety, then it is critical that there is a strong pathway from production
to market. Usually, aquaculture has taken place in countryside locations away from
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Marketing Strategy of Kalasha Inc. and challenges to SCMT

city areas where the main markets are founded. This departure intensely upsurges the
length of the supply chain. (Empowering your global edge, n.d.)

C. Recommendations:
 Start business in new locations
 Find franchises
 Form alliances
 Diversify
 Target other markets

D. Conclusion:

After recognising all facts and information in the given task our group make a
conclusion that the small scale company need to enter in global market if they have
better quality and high stock but they also need to compete in the local market

E. References
asche, f. (2015). Aquaculture, opportunities and challenges. In f. asche, Strengthening
the global trade system.

Empowering your global edge. (n.d.). Retrieved from

Protecting High-Value Cargo: A Sense of Security. (n.d.). Retrieved from
sense-of-security/son, j. (n.d.). Sonitrol Commercial Security Blog ... by Joe
Wilson. Retrieved from
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Marketing Strategy of Kalasha Inc. and challenges to SCMT

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