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Shanti Niketan School, Bhadra

Summative Assessment 1

Subject – Computer Class V

Time:- 2 hrs M.M. 40

Q1. Multiple Choice questions:- (5)

1. ………………… technology was used in second generation of computer.

(a) Vaccum tubes (b) Transistor (c) Integrated circuit
2. A ………………. Program helps you to perform calculations and analyse data in a better way.
(a) Spreadsheet (b) word Processor (c) DTP
3. Which feature of windows 7 takes you directly to the Desktop?
(a) Aeropeek (b) Jumplist (c) Search Box
4. The Word Art button is present on the ……………. Tab.
(a) Format (b) Home (c) Insert
5. Which key combination moves the cursor to the Previous Cell?
(a) Tab+alt (b) shift +Tab (c) None of these

Q2. Fill in the blanks:- (4)

1. The table button is present on the ……………… tab.

2. ………………. And ………………… are the two types of styles.
3. The default tab stops are set at every …………… inch.
4. ……………. Are the graphical images that give a quick access to the related applications.
5. …………….. controls the overall activity of a computer.

Q3. State True or False and also correct the false statement:- (4)

1. Visi Calc was the first computer spread sheet Program.

2. Ctrl key is used to select multiple non-Consecutive files or folders.
3. By default top margin is set ar 1:25 inch.
4. The Ctrl+F’ key combination is used to hide / show the ribbon.

Q4. Match the following:- (2)

1. Spread Sheet 1833

2. Graphics Software Tabulating Machine
3. Analytical Engine Microsoft Excel
4. Herman Hollerith Microsoft Paint

Q5. Answer in one word:- (4)

1. Name the option that combines the two or more cells into a single cell.
2. Who is the founder of Microsoft?
3. Which tool is used to copy the formatting effects?
4. Which feature in word has a gallery of Pre-Designed Pictures?

Q6. Write the full form for the following:- (4)

2. BCC
4. URL

Q7. Answer the following questions:- (8)

1. What is the use of Shift cell option?

2. What do you understand by Style? Name its types of styles.
3. What do you understand by a shortcut icon?
4. Write any three features of fourth generation computers.

Q8. Write Short note on: ( Do any two) (4)

1. Abacus
2. Multimedia software
3. WordArt

Q9. Difference between:- (4)

1. What is the difference between super-script effects?

2. What is the difference between header and footer option?

Q10. Application based questions:- (2)

1. Which type of computer does Indian Railways we to interact with the customers for the booking
and cancellation of tickets?
2. Ishita has designed her weekly study Schedule in a tabular format.

She wants to enlarge the size of her table . suggest her a quick way to resize the table.

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