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INSTRUCTIONS: Please answer the questions below to indicate your beliefs and feelings
about the Internship experiences and your abilities and interests. Your answers will help
us better understand your interest in having applied learning and service learning
opportunities in the work immersion program. Survey results will be used to continue
planning for the Work Immersion Program.

1. What was your overall level of satisfaction with the Internship in the work
immersion program?

Very Very
Dissatisfied Dissatisfied Neither Satisfied Satisfied

2. After participating in the Internship, I believe that I have significantly improved my

skills and abilities with respect to:
3. Rate your level of agreement/disagreement with these statements about
Internship experiences you have had by checking the appropriate box for each

undergraduate school

4. I believe that the type of learning approach experienced in my Internship

impacted my ability to learn certain things more effectively. I believe the following
characteristics are learned more effectively:

undergraduate school
5. The experiential classes that I took required me to write about my reflections of
an activity (required me to think about my feelings, what I learned, how the
activity impacted me, etc.)
Always Almost Sometimes Almost Never

6. These reflection writings on my Internship projects were beneficial to helping me

better understand what I learned from the experience activity.
Always Almost Sometimes Almost Never N/A
(answered “never” for #5)

7. How likely is it that you will recommend Internship to other students?

Very Very
Unlikely Unlikely Neither Likely Likely

8. What are your current career goals/plans?

Very Somewhat Somewhat Very No Definite
Unclear Unclear Clear Clear Career Goals/ Plans


9. Will you have any of the following by graduation: a full-time job you will continue
after graduation that is related to your strand, a new career plan, OR a plan to
attend undergraduate school? Yes No

10. How likely is it that you will attend an undergraduate program after completing
your high school?
Very Very
Unlikely Unlikely Neither Likely Likely


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