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J Bone Miner Metab (2006) 24:359–367 © Springer 2006

DOI 10.1007/s00774-006-0696-x


Shinjiro Takata · Jun Hashimoto · Kiyoshi Nakatsuka

Noriko Yoshimura · Kousei Yoh · Ikko Ohno
Hiroo Yabe · Satoshi Abe · Masao Fukunaga
Masaki Terada · Masaaki Zamma · Stuart H. Ralston
Hirotoshi Morii · Hideki Yoshikawa, for the Japanese
Committee on Clinical Guideline of Diagnosis and
Treatment of Paget’s Disease of Bone in Japan
Osteoporosis Society

Guidelines for diagnosis and management of Paget’s disease of bone

in Japan

Received: September 5, 2005 / Accepted: February 28, 2006

Abstract We here propose guidelines for the diagnosis and ology, pathophysiology, clinical signs and symptoms, diag-
management of Paget’s disease of bone (PDB) in Japan. nosis, indications for treatment, and available therapy,
These guidelines provide basic information on the epidemi- including orthopedic surgery. PDB is a chronic disorder
characterized by focal abnormalities of bone turnover. The
characteristic feature of PDB is excessive osteoclastic bone
S. Takata (*)
Department of Orthopedics, Institute of Health Biosciences, The
resorption coupled to increased and disorganized bone
University of Tokushima Graduate School, 3-18-15 Kuramoto-cho, formation. The most common symptom of PDB is pain in
Tokushima 770-8503, Japan involved bones. The most serious complication of PDB is
Tel. +81-88-633-7240; Fax +81-88-633-0178 malignant bone or soft-tissue tumor. PDB is uncommon in
Japan; our survey in 2003 found 169 patients with PDB. The
J. Hashimoto · I. Ohno · H. Yoshikawa prevalence of PDB in Japan is 0.15/100 000; in patients aged
Department of Orthopaedics, Osaka University Medical School,
Osaka, Japan
55 years or more, the proportion reaches 0.41/100 000. A
careful medical history and physical examination are essen-
K. Nakatsuka
Department of Metabolism, Endocrinology and Molecular Medicine,
tial for the diagnosis. The diagnosis of PDB is based on
Osaka City University Graduate School of Medicine, Osaka, Japan finding the typical features on radiographs. Bone scintigra-
phy and measurement of serum alkaline phosphatase are
N. Yoshimura
Department of Joint Disease Research, Graduate School of sensitive means of screening for PDB. Since PDB is a rare
Medicine, The University of Tokyo, Tokyo, Japan disease in Japan, bone biopsy is quite often used to exclude
K. Yoh bone metastases. The only evidence-based indication for
Department of Orthopedic Surgery, Hyogo College of Medicine, treatment of PDB is pain in involved bones. In Japan,
Nishinomiya, Japan etidronate and calcitonin are approved by the Ministry of
H. Yabe Health, Labour and Welfare for treating PDB, but currently
Department of Orthopedic Surgery, School of Medicine, Keio risedronate is also under development for treating PDB in
University, Tokyo, Japan
Japan. Indications for surgical intervention in PDB include
S. Abe unstable fractures, osteoarthritis, malignant soft-tissue tu-
Department of Orthopedic Surgery, Teikyo University School of mor, osteosarcoma, and bone deformity.
Medicine, Tokyo, Japan
M. Fukunaga Key words Paget’s disease of bone · guideline · diagnosis ·
Department of Nuclear Medicine, Kawasaki Medical School,
Kurashiki, Japan treatment
M. Terada
Department of Orthopaedic Surgery, Wakayama Medical College,
Wakayama, Japan
M. Zamma
Sumitomo Pharmaceuticals, Tokyo, Japan
S.H. Ralston
In 1877, Paget’s disease of bone (PDB) was first described
Rheumatic Diseases Unit, University of Edinburgh, Western by Sir James Paget, an English surgeon, who named this
General Hospital, Edinburgh, UK skeletal disorder osteitis deformans [1]. Although PDB is
H. Morii uncommon in Japan, it is the second most common meta-
Japan Osteoporosis Society, Tokyo, Japan bolic bone disease in European countries [2–5].

The characteristic feature of PDB is excessive osteoclas-

tic bone resorption coupled with increased and disorga-
nized bone formation. Clinical signs and symptoms depend
on the location and number of involved bones and on the Since PDB shows geographical and ethnic clustering, two
rapidity of abnormal bone turnover. The most serious com- hypotheses of the etiology of PDB have been proposed.
plication of PDB is osteosarcoma, although this complica- One hypothesis is that PDB results from a slow virus infec-
tion is rare. While special attention should be paid to the tion of osteoclasts with paramyxovirus [12,13]. The other is
complications of PDB, it is important to remember that that PDB is a genetic disease [14,15].
most patients with PDB are asymptomatic [4].
We here propose guidelines for diagnosis and manage- Paramyxovirus infection
ment of PDB in Japan to provide basic information on the
epidemiology, pathophysiology, clinical signs and symp- Immunohistochemical study has revealed that staining for
toms, diagnosis, indications for treatment, and available measles virus antibodies is positive in cultured pagetic cells
therapy, including orthopedic surgery. These guidelines and pagetic bone samples [16]. Osteoclasts from patients
stress the importance of bone biopsy to differentiate PDB with PDB have been found to exhibit characteristic nuclear
from secondary tumors such as metastases from prostate inclusions consisting of paracrystalline arrays that resemble
cancer or breast cancer, and other sclerosing bone nucleocapsids of paramyxoviruses [17–19]. This led to the
dysplasias. suggestion that PDB is caused by a chronic paramyxovirus
infection. However, these nuclear inclusions are not specific
for PDB and the role of paramyxovirus infection in the
pathogenesis of PDB is still controversial [20].

In Japan, 169 patients with PDB were found in our survey in Genetics
2003 [6]. The prevalence of PDB in Japan is 0.15/100 000; in
patients aged 55 years or more, the proportion reaches 0.41/ Family studies in the US have shown that 12.3% of patients
100 000. Although PDB is rare in Japan, it is quite common had at least one affected relative, compared with only 2.1%
in most European countries, except for Scandinavia. Paget’s of controls [8]. Similar findings have been reported in the
disease is also common in Australia, New Zealand, and UK [11]. Severely affected patients with PDB frequently
North America [2]. Radiographic studies performed in the have a positive family history of PDB [21], and patients who
1980s showed that the prevalence of PDB in hospitalized have a positive family history have an earlier onset of the
patients aged more than 55 years in the UK was 4.6%, in disease than patients who do not [8].
France 2.4%, in Ireland 0.7%–1.7%, in Spain and West Genome-wide scans have identified susceptibility loci of
Germany 1.3%, and in Italy and Greece 0.5% [3]. Although PDB and related conditions on chromosomes 18q21 [22],
the UK still has the highest prevalence of PDB in the world, chromosome 5q35 [23], chromosome 5q31 [23], chromo-
a recent survey suggests that the disease has become less some 2q36, and chromosome 10p13 [24]. Mutations in four
common over recent years, and the radiological prevalence genes have been discovered as a cause of PDB or related
in those aged over 55 years is now estimated as about 2% syndromes. These are receptor activator of nuclear factor
[7]. The ethnic differences in the prevalence of PDB, kappa B (RANK) [9], osteoprotegerin (OPG) [25],
coupled with the change in prevalence over recent years, sequestosome (SQSTM1) [23], and valosin-containing
indicate that both environmental and genetic factors most protein (VCP) [26]. Mutations affecting RANK, OPG, and
likely contribute to the pathogenesis of PDB. VCP have been excluded as a cause of classical PDB [27–
In Japan, as in other countries, PDB is rarely diagnosed 29]. However, mutations of SQSTM1 are a common cause
in patients under the age of 40 years. Our previous survey of PDB and occur in between 40%–50% of Caucasian pa-
revealed that the mean age of Japanese patients with PDB tients with familial PDB and in 8%–20% of patients who do
was 68 years (ranging from 25 to 98 years), with an increase not have a family history of PDB [30].
in prevalence with increasing age [6].
The male/female ratio of PDB patients in Japan is 0.86
[6], indicating a slight female predominance. According to a
recent study [7], in a radiographical survey of PDB in 10 Signs and symptoms
British centers, the overall age/gender standardized preva-
lence rate was 2% with a male/female ratio of 1.6. Clinical signs and symptoms depend on the location and
PDB often shows familial clustering [8–11]. We have not number of affected bones and on the rapidity of the abnor-
examined the frequency of a positive family history in mal turnover of bone. The clinical manifestations of PDB
Japan, but studies in Europe and the US have indicated that are shown in Table 1 and include bone pain, local warmth,
approximately 15%–30% of patients with PDB have a posi- and bone deformity [31]. Pain in the involved bones is the
tive family history of the condition [8–11]. most common symptom of PDB and may be most severe at
night. Bone pain can also result from pathological fracture
and osteoarthritis.

Table 1. Complications of Paget’s disease of bone [31] thousand-fold higher than that found in the general popula-
Musculoskeletal complications tion [35]. The most common site of osteosarcoma is the pelvis
Skeletal pain [36]. Both pagetic and sporadic osteosarcoma exhibit tumor-
Skeletal deformities specific loss of constitutional heterozygosity (LoH) for all
Fractures (fissure fracture, chalk-stick fracture)
Secondary osteoarthritis
or part of the distal portion of chromosome 18q, between
Local warmth D18S60 and D18S42. This has led to the suggestion that the
Neurologic complications gene for 18q-mediated PDB and the tumor suppressor gene
Hearing deficit may be one and the same [37]. However, since this observa-
Cranial nerve deficits
Mottled retinal degeneration, angioid streaks
tion, mutations in RANK were discovered to be the cause
Basilar impression of familial expansile osteolysis and early onset PDB [38],
Hydrocephalus whereas no mutations of RANK have so far been identified
Myelopathy in sporadic or pagetic osteosarcoma [39]. Malignant fibrous
Radicular neuropathies
Spinal stenosis
histiocytoma in PDB has also been reported [40].
Spinal vascular steal syndrome
Cardiovascular complications
Increased cardiac output
Congestive heart failure
Generalized atherosclerosis
Aortic valve calcification Figure 1 shows a flowchart for the diagnosis of PDB. A
Endocardial calcification
Metabolic complications
careful medical history and physical examination are
Hypercalciuria essential for the diagnosis. The diagnosis of PDB is based
Hypercalcemia with immobilization on finding the typical features on radiographs, but bone
Hyperparathyroidism (controversial) scintigraphy and measurement of serum alkaline phos-
Gouty diathesis
Neoplastic complications
phatase are sensitive means of screening for PDB.
Sarcoma (osteosarcoma, chondrosarcoma, fibrosarcoma) Bone biopsy is rarely required to establish the diagnosis
Metastatic carcinoma in European countries [4]. However, since PDB is a rare
Hematologic malignancies disease in Japan, bone biopsy is quite often used to exclude
Giant-cell tumor
bone metastases and to make a positive diagnosis of PDB.
Serious complications of bone biopsy are rare with an expe-
rienced operator, but local pain and bruising are relatively
PDB of the monostotic type involves a single bone or common. Infection and serious bleeding are rare, but an
portion of a bone, whereas PDB of the polyostotic type aseptic technique should be employed to avoid introducing
affects two or more bones. Approximately 49% of PDB in infection, and patients should have a coagulation screen
Japan is polyostotic [6], whereas in Caucasians, approxi- prior to the biopsy to exclude a bleeding diathesis.
mately 66% is polyostotic PDB [32].
PDB patients also suffer from an increased risk of devel-
oping osteoarthritis, probably due to the bowing deformity Imaging diagnosis
of affected limbs. Abnormal stress and strains on the joints
nearby cause osteoarthritis in PDB. Femurs are frequently Most patients with PDB are diagnosed based on character-
affected, as are the knee joints. van Staa et al. [33] reported istic X-ray findings as follows.
that PDB patients in England and Wales had a significantly
increased risk of osteoarthritis (OA; RR, 1.7; 95% CI, 1.5– Plain radiography
1.9), hip arthroplasty (RR, 3.1; 95% CI, 2.4–4.1), and knee
arthroplasty (RR, 1.6; 95% CI, 1.0–2.6), when compared The distribution of PDB in Japan is similar to that in Euro-
with age-matched controls. pean countries. The well-known radiographic features of
The skull is also a common site of PDB, resulting in an PDB include an advancing resorption front, coarsening and
increase in head size. Enlargement of the skull causes defor- accentuation of the trabecular pattern along lines of stress,
mity and can also lead to neurological problems if the cra- thickening of the cortices, and enlargement of bone
nial nerve foraminae are affected. If the temporal bone is contours [41].
involved, the patients suffer from hearing loss [34] as well as
headaches and visual loss [4]. Tubular bone (Fig. 2)
Enlarged vertebrae can cause compression myelopathy Characteristic findings on a plain X-ray film in the tubular
and nerve root injury. If the lumbar spine is affected, pa- bones in PDB are cortical thickening, expansion or enlarge-
tients can experience numbness, tingling of the feet, gait ment, mixed areas of lucency and sclerosis, bowing defor-
disturbance, motor disturbance of the legs, and urinary mity, coarsening of trabecular markings, and typical lytic
bladder and bowel dysfunction. and sclerotic changes.
The most serious complication of PDB is malignant neo-
plasm, which invariably occurs in bones affected by PDB. Pelvis and hip joint (Fig. 2)
The incidence of osteosarcoma in PDB patients is low at Characteristic findings on plain X-ray film in the pelvis are
approximately 0.1%. However, this incidence is several cortical thickening, expansion or enlargement, and mixed

Fig. 1. Flowchart for the diagnosis of Paget’s disease of bone (PDB). cular pattern along lines of stress, thickening of the cortices, and en-
The differential diagnosis of PDB includes secondary tumors such as largement of bone contours. AP, alkaline phosphatase; BAP, bone-
metastasis from prostate cancer or breast cancer, and sclerosing bone specific alkaline phosphatase; NTX, type I collagen cross-linked N
dysplasia. Typical abnormal findings on plain X-ray film include an telopeptides; DPD, deoxypyridinoline
advancing resorption front, coarsening and accentuation of the trabe-

Skull (Fig. 3)
The most typical radiographic findings in the skull are a
cotton wool appearance, reflecting new bone formation. An
isolated area of bone resorption without evident bone scle-
rosis is called osteoporosis circumscripta.

Spine (Fig. 4)
In the spine, an involved vertebral body is typically enlarged
compared with the normal vertebrae and a picture frame
effect may occur due to cortical thickening of the vertebral

Radionuclide bone scan (Fig. 5)

A radionuclide bone scan is the most sensitive means of

detecting PDB and is useful to determine the full extent of
skeletal involvement in a patient with PDB. The typical
appearance is one of markedly increased tracer uptake in
the affected bones.

Fig. 2. Plain radiography of pelvis and femur in a patient with PDB.

Characteristic findings on a plain X-ray film of the femur and pelvis in Laboratory examination
PDB are cortical thickening, expansion or enlargement, mixed areas of
lucency and sclerosis, coarsening of trabecular markings, and typical
lytic and sclerotic changes. A plain X-ray film reveals bowing deformity
Serum levels of alkaline phosphatase (AP) are elevated in
of the femur in PDB approximately 89.6% of Japanese patients with PDB [6]. In
Caucasians, serum total AP is elevated in approximately
85% of patients [42]. Accordingly, there is no significant
areas of lucency and sclerosis. Subchondral bone enlarge- difference in the proportion of patients with an elevated
ment alters the normal congruity between the surfaces of serum AP between Japan and other countries. Bone-
the hip joint, which cause osteoarthritis of the hip. In addi- specific AP is more sensitive and specific than serum total
tion, the bowing deformity of an involved femur causes AP [43], but it is not usually necessary to measure bone-
osteoarthritis of the hip joint. specific AP in the majority of patients with PDB [4].
Fig. 3. Plain radiography of the
skull in a patient with PDB.
Cotton wool appearance of an
enlarged pagetic skull is the most
typical radiological finding

Fig. 4. Plain radiography of the

spine in a patient with PDB. The
characteristic findings of an in-
volved spine are enlarged verte-
bral bodies and a picture frame
appearance of the spine (arrows)

The level of serum total AP is correlated with the extent AP increases in association with bone resorption markers,
and activity of PDB [44]. The level of serum total AP in such as urinary N-telopeptide of human type I collagen,
patients with polyostotic PDB is higher than the level in C-telopeptide of human type I collagen, and deoxypyri-
those with monostotic PDB. Some cases of monostotic PDB dinoline. Serum total AP is sufficient to monitor the re-
show a normal level of serum total AP, however, and it is sponse to treatment of PDB in most cases [4].
important to remember that a normal AP value does not
exclude a diagnosis of PDB [4].
The degree of elevation of both bone formation markers Histological diagnosis
and bone resorption markers indicates the approximate
severity of abnormal bone turnover. The rate of bone Osteoclasts in PDB are morphologically abnormal and are
resorption in PDB is significantly elevated, which triggers larger than normal osteoclasts. The number and size of
acceleration of bone formation. The level of serum total osteoclasts are markedly increased in PDB, and such osteo-


The development of bisphosphonates has brought about

major changes in the treatment of PDB. The recom-
mended regimens for bisphosphonates use in various parts
of the world are shown in Table 2 [48]. Currently, five
bisphosphonates (pamidronate, etidronate, tiludronate,
alendronate, and risedronate) are approved by the United
States Food and Drug Administration (FDA) for the treat-
ment of PDB [49]. Bisphosphonates are antiresorptive
agents that inhibit the activity of osteoclasts in both pagetic
and normal bone. Bisphosphonate treatment produces long-
term biochemical remission of PDB and is an ideal agent for
relieving bone pain [50,51]. Oral calcium and vitamin D
supplementation is generally recommended for patients
with PDB who are being treated with bisphosphonates to
prevent the occurrence of hypocalcemia [49].
Etidronate is a first generation of bisphosphonate, and
was the first bisphosphonate to be used clinically for the
treatment of PDB. In Japan, a clinical trial revealed that
etidronate disodium (EHDP) relieved clinical manifesta-
tions in patients with PDB [52]. Currently EHDP is ap-
proved by the Ministry of Health, Labour and Welfare for
treating PDB in Japan. EHDP reduces levels of AP and
bone pain [53]. EHDP in doses of more than 5 mg/kg/day
carries a risk of osteomalacia [54], and this might be espe-
Fig. 5. Radionuclide bone scan of PDB. Radionuclide bone scan
reveals a marked increase in the uptake in pagetic skull
cially relevant in patients with low body weight since only
200-mg and 400-mg tablets are available. It should be noted
that vitamin D metabolites do not prevent EHDP-induced
osteomalacia in PDB [55].
clasts contain up to 100 nuclei per cell [45]. Histologically, Alendronate is an aminobisphosphonate that has been
pagetic bones have a high level of vascularity and an excess found to relieve bone pain and reduce bone turnover in
of fibrous connective tissue in the bone marrow. The bone PDB [56] and has been shown to stimulate healing of lytic
strength in PDB is decreased, resulting in bone deformities lesions [57,58]. Pamidronate is an aminobisphosphonate
such as bowing and fracture. that has been used extensively in the management of PDB
In the destructive phase of PDB, the increased rate of in Europe. It is given intravenously and has been found to
both bone formation and bone resorption result in an in- improve bone pain and reduce bone turnover [47].
crease in the number of reversal fronts and cement lines, Tiludronate is a sulfur-containing bisphosphonate that
which gives rise to the classic mosaic pattern. Polarized light has been found to be effective in the treatment of PDB.
reveals disorganization of bone architecture and lamellar Comparative trials have shown that it is more effective at
texture [46]. reducing bone turnover than etidronate in PDB [59], al-
though interestingly, the same study showed no difference
between tiludronate and etidronate in the relief of bone
Differential diagnosis
pain [59].
Risedronate is an aminobisphosphonate which is highly
The differential diagnosis of PDB includes secondary
effective in the treatment of PDB. Risedronate is currently
tumors such as metastasis from prostate cancer or breast
under development for use in the treatment of PDB in
cancer, and sclerosing bone dysplasias.
Japan. Treatment with risedronate leads to a 60%–70%
reduction of the level of serum AP in PDB and relieves
bone pain [60]. Studies in Caucasian populations have re-
Treatment vealed that it is more effective at reducing elevated bone
turnover in PDB than etidronate [60].
The only evidence-based indication for treatment of PDB is
bone pain [47]. In Japan, etidronate and calcitonin are ap- Calcitonin is approved by the Ministry of Health, Labour
proved by the Ministry of Health, Labour and Welfare for and Welfare of Japan. In Japan, Takahashi et al. [61] showed
treating PDB, but currently risedronate is also under devel- that intravenous injection of 40 units of eel calcitonin deriva-
opment for treating PDB in Japan. tive reduced pain and the level of serum AP in patients with

Table 2. Bisphosphonates and calcitonin approved by the Japanese Ministry of Health, Labour and Welfare and the FDA in the US for the
treatment of Paget’s disease of bone
Generic name Trade name Administration and dosage

Drugs approved by the Japanese Ministry of Health, Labour and Welfare

Etidronate disodium Didronel Tablet: 200–400 mg daily for 6 months
(Sumitomo Pharmaceuticals) Course of etidronate should not exceed 6 months
Repeat courses can be given after rest periods of at least
3 months
Etidronate can be increased up to 1000 mg daily. In this
case, the period of administration should not exceed
3 months
Eel calcitonin Elcitonin Intramuscular injection: 40 units daily or three times per
(Asahi Kasei Pharma) week
Agent under development in Japan
Risedronate sodium Benet (Takeda Pharmaceutical Under development
Actonel (Aventis Pharma Japan)
Drugs approved by the FDA in the United States
Etidronate disodium Didronel (Procter and Gamble) Tablet: 200–400 mg daily for 6 months
Course of etidronate should not exceed 6 months
Risedronate sodium Actonel (Procter and Gamble) Tablet: 30 mg once daily for 2 months
Pamidronate disodium Aredia (Novartis) Intravenous: 30–60 mg infusion over 4 h on three
consecutive days
Alendronate sodium Fosamax (Merck) Tablet: 40 mg once daily for 6 months
Tiludronate disodium Skelid (Sanofi-Synthelabo) Tablet: 400 mg (two 200-mg tablets) once daily for 3
Salmon calcitonin Miacalcin (Novartis Pharma) Injection: 50–100 units daily or three times per week for
6–18 months

PDB. Calcitonin inhibits osteoclast-mediated bone resorp- pseudofractures, and pathological fractures occur in areas
tion by a direct action and if a patient with PDB cannot of high mechanical stress, particularly in weight-bearing
tolerate bisphosphonate, calcitonin can be given either sub- bones of the lower extremities [65]. Severe bowing defor-
cutaneously or intramuscularly [53]. Long-term administra- mity of weight-bearing bones, especially the femur and
tion of calcitonin may cause an escape phenomenon, tibia, predisposes these deformed bones to transverse fis-
possibly due to downregulation of its receptors on osteo- sure lines on the convex side, leading to complete fracture
clasts, thereby reducing its therapeutic effect. [69]. An increased rate of malunion in pagetic bone frac-
ture, particularly in proximal femur fracture, has been re-
ported [70]. The major complications of fractures in PDB
Orthopedic treatment are delayed union, nonunion, malunion, excessive bleeding,
compartment syndrome, focal disuse osteopenia, hypercal-
Indications for surgical intervention in PDB include cemia, and hypercalciuria [65].
unstable fractures, osteoarthritis, malignant soft-tissue Plate and screw fixation requires extensive exposure,
tumors, osteosarcoma [62,63], and bone deformity [4]. and fixation of screws in pagetic bone is less secure than
Pagetic bones are hypervascularized, which leads to an in- in normal bone. Plate and screw for fracture of diaphysis
crease in the risk of serious blood loss during an operation. has been superseded by locked intramedullary nailing. In-
It is sometimes recommended that bisphosphonates [49,64] tramedullary nailing is available only for mild bowing defor-
or calcitonin [65,66] be given to reduce disease activity prior mities [66]. An Ilizarov external fixator can be used for
to surgery to prevent excessive intraoperative blood loss, treatment of a fracture of tubular bone with severe bowing
but in fact there is no evidence to show that preoperative deformity [66].
antiresorptive therapy actually reduces blood loss in PDB
patients. Osteoarthritis

Fracture Osteoarthritis is one of the most common complications of

PDB. Bowing deformity of affected limbs causes the devel-
Pathological fractures are the most common complication opment of osteoarthritis. Femurs are frequently affected, as
of PDB [65,67]. There is no evidence that any antiresorptive are knee joints. There is no evidence that bisphosphonate
agent reduces the risk of fracture or alters the healing affects the development or the progression of osteoarthritis
of fractures in PDB [4,68]. Painful fissure fractures, [49].

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