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Early and late preeclampsia are characterized by high
cardiac output, but in the presence of fetal growth
restriction, cardiac output is low: insights from a
prospective study
Jasmine Tay, BMBS, MRCOG; Lin Foo, BM BSc; Giulia Masini, MD; Phillip R. Bennett, MD, PhD, BSc, FRCOG;
Carmel M. McEniery, PhD; Ian B. Wilkinson, MA DM FRCP; Christoph C. Lees, MD, MRCOG

BACKGROUND: Preeclampsia and fetal growth restriction are Z scores (2.16  1.96; P ¼ .0001). These changes were not related to
considered to be placentally mediated disorders. The clinical manifestations gestational age of onset. All those affected by preeclampsia and/or fetal
are widely held to relate to gestation age at onset with early- and late-onset growth restriction had abnormally raised augmentation index and pulse
preeclampsia considered to be phenotypically distinct. Recent studies have wave velocity. Furthermore, in preeclampsia, low cardiac output was
reported conflicting findings in relation to cardiovascular function, and in associated with low birthweight and high cardiac output with high birth-
particular cardiac output, in preeclampsia and fetal growth restriction. weight (r ¼ 0.42, P ¼ .03).
OBJECTIVE: We conducted this study to examine the possible relation CONCLUSION: Preeclampsia is associated with high cardiac output,
between cardiac output and peripheral vascular resistance in preeclampsia but if preeclampsia presents with fetal growth restriction, the opposite is
and fetal growth restriction. true; both conditions are nevertheless defined by hypertension. Fetal
STUDY DESIGN: We investigated maternal cardiovascular function in growth restriction without preeclampsia is associated with high peripheral
relation to clinical subtype in 45 pathological pregnancies (14 preeclampsia vascular resistance. Although early and late gestation preeclampsias are
only, 16 fetal growth restriction only, 15 preeclampsia and fetal growth considered to be different diseases, we show that the hemodynamic
restriction) and compared these with 107 healthy person observations. characteristics of preeclampsia were unrelated to gestational age at onset
Cardiac output was the primary outcome measure and was assessed using but were strongly associated with the presence or absence of fetal growth
an inert gas-rebreathing method (Innocor), from which peripheral vascular restriction. Fetal growth restriction more commonly coexists with pre-
resistance was derived; arterial function was assessed by Vicorder, a cuff- eclampsia at early gestation, thus explaining the conflicting results of
based oscillometric device. Cardiovascular parameters were normalized for previous studies. Furthermore, antihypertensive agents act by reducing
gestational age in relation to healthy pregnancies using Z scores, thus cardiac output or peripheral vascular resistance and are administered
allowing for comparison across the gestational range of 24e40 weeks. without reference to cardiovascular function in preeclampsia. The un-
RESULTS: Compared with healthy control pregnancies, women with derlying pathology (preeclampsia, fetal growth restriction, preeclampsia
preeclampsia had higher cardiac output Z scores (1.87  1.35; P ¼ and fetal growth restriction) defines cardiovascular phenotype, providing a
.0001) and lower peripheral vascular resistance Z scores (e0.76  0.89; rational basis for choice of therapy in which high or low cardiac output or
P ¼ .025); those with fetal growth restriction had higher peripheral peripheral vascular resistance is the predominant feature.
vascular resistance Z scores (0.57  1.18; P ¼ .04) and those with both
preeclampsia and fetal growth restriction had lower cardiac output Z Key words: arterial function, cardiac output, hypertension, pregnancy,
scores (e0.80  1.3 P ¼ .007) and higher peripheral vascular resistance vascular resistance

P reeclampsia (PE) is not simply a

pregnancy-specific syndrome: its
implications on later life cardiovascular1
Although PE and FGR frequently
present in isolation, they may occur
together, particularly at early gestation.4
factors have a higher risk of PE and FGR
in pregnancy.10
Emerging data suggest that maternal
and cognitive function2 and health care The underlying pathophysiology of cardiovascular function is impaired after
cost3 are only now being understood. Fetal PE has never been fully understood, but delivery in women with PE,11,12 and
growth restriction (FGR) has a close but the cause has often been attributed to high blood pressure prior to pregnancy
poorly understood relationship with PE. the placenta because PE resolves increases the risk of PE developing.10
completely after delivery. Inadequate Nevertheless, PE and FGR are commonly
Cite this article as: Tay J, Foo L; Masini G, et al. Cardiac trophoblast invasion leading to utero- referred to as placenta-mediated disor-
output in preeclampsia is associated with the presence placental malperfusion is thought to ders, suggested to arise through defective
of fetal growth restriction, not gestation at onset: a underlie both PE and FGR.5,6 However, placentation.
prospective cohort study. Am J Obstet Gynecol
this placental theory does not explain Studies of cardiovascular function in
why women who had PE in their preg- pregnancy have shown inconsistent
0002-9378/$36.00 nancies have a higher cardiovascular and, in some cases, contradictory re-
ª 2018 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.
https://doi.org/10.1016/j.ajog.2018.02.007 risk in later life7-9 or why women sults. The classic studies of Easterling
with prepregnancy cardiovascular risk et al13 suggested that PE was associated

MONTH 2018 American Journal of Obstetrics & Gynecology 1.e1

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Materials and Methods

AJOG at a Glance
Study protocol
Research question: why was this study conducted? In this prospective cross-sectional study,
To resolve the unanswered questions as to the precise hemodynamic changes in women between weeks 24 and 40 of
pregnancies complicated by preeclampsia, fetal growth restriction, and the pregnancy were recruited from the
combination of the 2 and whether gestation at onset determines these changes. antenatal clinic, labor ward, day assess-
ment unit, and antenatal ward of a
Key Findings tertiary-level London teaching hospital
In preeclampsia, cardiac output is high and peripheral resistance low. In fetal between January 2015 and May 2017.
growth restriction with preeclampsia, the opposite is true, and in growth re- The study protocol was approved by
striction, there is increased peripheral resistance. Arterial function is abnormal in National Health Service National
all cases. Research Ethics Committee, London
Riverside, and all participants gave
What does this add to what is known? written informed consent. Gestation of
Preeclampsia and fetal growth restriction are associated with distinctly different pregnancy was determined by measure-
and opposing cardiovascular phenotypes that are not related to gestation of onset. ment of crown-rump length between 11
These findings may be important in monitoring maternal and fetal condition and and 13 weeks in early pregnancy.
guiding therapy. Women were recruited at presentation
or diagnosis where it was feasible to
conduct a detailed cardiovascular
with a high cardiac output (CO) state, gestational age cutoff. This distinction examination and were not included if
although this relationship was thought arose not because of a pathophysiological they were already in labor, undergoing
to be explained, at least in part, by the difference between the conditions but induction of labor, or imminent delivery
increased body surface area.14 Other because of the inability of screening by was planned (Figure 1). We describe the
studies have suggested that PE should uterine artery Doppler to effectively diagnosis as those with PE alone (PE
be subdivided into those in which low identify cases of late-onset disease.21-23 It is only), FGR alone (FGR only), and PE
or high CO is predominant.15 suggested that early and late variants have together with FGR (PE and FGR).
FGR with and without PE have a different underlying vascular characteris- Women’s assessments are reported at the
different cardiovascular profile16,17 tics, although in most studies, late PE is time of initial diagnosis of 1 of these
although the relationship of these rarely or never associated with FGR.20 conditions, and the diagnosis assigned at
changes to a healthy pregnancy or PE Adding further complexity, recent studies the time of study inclusion.
without FGR has not been studied. A have suggested that PE at term is associ- One hundred seven healthy person
recent systematic review concluded that ated with babies with larger birthweight.14 observations acted as control cases with
studies of cardiovascular function in We sought to investigate the relation- no control subject assessed twice within
gestational hypertension and PE show ship between cardiovascular function and the same epoch. PE was defined as blood
conflicting results. The authors concluded clinical phenotype of PE and FGR alone pressure at diagnosis of >140/90 mm Hg
that “increased peripheral vascular resis- and in combination across a gestation and urine protein creatinine ratio of >30.
tance correlates with disease severity,” but range, with cardiac output being the FGR was defined as fetal abdominal
of note, the coexistence of FGR was not primary outcome measure. Cardiovas- circumference or estimated fetal weight
considered in a majority of the studies.18 cular function changes with gestational <10th centile24 and umbilical Doppler
Previous studies on cardiovascular age, therefore, to allow comparison, we PI >95th centile on ultrasound scan.25
function in PE have incompletely char- transformed all data in relation to that Those women with known underlying
acterized FGR,19 recruited only within a obtained from women with healthy cardiovascular conditions, multiple
particular gestational range16 and/or not pregnancies using the statistical tech- pregnancies, and fetal anomalies were
compared findings with a healthy refer- nique of Z scoring. This removed the excluded from the study.
ence pregnant population.20 Existing need for a gestation-matched cohort Participants underwent peripheral
studies provide interesting insights to design and allowed all data points to be blood pressure measurement, compre-
cardiovascular dysfunction in patholog- considered.19 In doing so, we performed hensive cardiovascular assessments, and
ical pregnancies but leave important comprehensive hemodynamic assess- fetal ultrasound scans as detailed in the
questions unanswered in relationship ments from 24 weeks’ gestation onward following text.
with gestational effects and pregnancies in women with healthy pregnancies, with
in which PE and FGR are combined. PE in combination with FGR (PE and Cardiovascular assessments
Over the last 2 decades, it has become FGR), PE without FGR (PE only), and Participants were requested to abstain
customary to subdivide PE into early and FGR without PE (FGR only), managed from caffeinated drinks for 4 hours
late variants with an arbitrary 34 week and monitored in a single maternity unit. before the visit. In brief, cardiovascular

1.e2 American Journal of Obstetrics & Gynecology MONTH 2018

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Recruitment flow chart

Approached for recruitment

n= 163

Paent declined

n= 8

Controls recruited Pathology included

n= 110 n= 45


n=1 (Umbillical PI
>95th cenle)

n=1 (Significant
haemorrhage leading
to preterm delivery)
n=1 (no birthweight
data) n= 14 n= 16 n= 15

Controls included

n= 107

FGR, fetal growth restriction; PE, preeclampsia; PI, pulsatility index.

Tay et al. Cardiac output in preeclampsia is associated with fetal growth restriction. Am J Obstet Gynecol 2018.

measurements were performed with the measured using Innocor, a noninvasive Europe B.V., Hoofddorp, Netherlands),
patient standing upright for the assess- inert gas-rebreathing technique as pre- which has been validated in pregnancy.28
ment of cardiac output and in the left viously described.26,27 Blood pressure was measured on the right
lateral lying position for assessment of Brachial blood pressure was measured arm in the seated position following
arterial function. Cardiac output was using Omron M-7 (OMRON Healthcare recommendations from the European

Demographic characteristics at recruitment
Characteristics Controls FGR PE PE and FGR P value
Cases, n 107 16 14 15 —
Gestational age at recruitment, median (range) 32 (24e40) 32 (24e39) 36 (25e39) 30 (24e36) .500
Parity, median (range) 1 (0e3) 0 (0e2) 0 (0e2) 0.5 (0e3) —
Age, median (IQR) 34 (31.5e36.5) 35 (31e39) 32 (27.5e36.5) 33 (31e35) .110
Booking BMI, mean (SD) 24 (3.2) 25.7 (5.6) 29.1 (4.5) 25.8 (5.4) .007
BMI, body mass index; FGR, fetal growth restriction; IQR, interquartile ratio; PE, preeclampsia.
P ¼ .001 between controls and PE.
Tay et al. Cardiac output in preeclampsia is associated with fetal growth restriction. Am J Obstet Gynecol 2018.

MONTH 2018 American Journal of Obstetrics & Gynecology 1.e3

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Cardiovascular parameters (by gestation epochs for control cases) and overall values for pathological outcome cases
[mean (SD)]
Variables Gestation Controls FGR PE PE and FGR
CO standing, l/min 24e27þ6 6.2 (0.92) 5.56 (1.06) 7.23 (1.37) 5.22 (1.22)
28e31 6.0 (0.97)
32e35 5.74 (1.13)
36e40 5.34 (0.84)
PVR, dyn per s/cm 24e27þ6 1088.7 (217.9) 1311.6 (291.6) 1091.6 (232.2) 1648.5 (430.1)
28e31 1148.34 (270)
32e35 1187.97 (200.2)
36e40 1303.18
Aortic AIx, U 24e27 14.22 (7.7) 22.2 (12.3) 29.7 (14.9) 25.8 (9.4)
28e31þ6 11.3 (7.7)
32e35þ6 11.2 (8.9)
36e40 14.1 (10.7)
1 þ6
PWV, m/s 24e27 6.8 (0.9) 7.84 (1.32) 7.8 (1.38) 8.82 (1.37)
28e31 7.0 (1.1)
32e35þ6 7.0 (0.9)
36e40 7.2 (0.9)
Pulse, beats/min 24e27 80.4 (10.3) 78.7 (12.5) 83.8 (10.2) 76.1 (9.9)
28e31 83.5 (14.3)
32e35 87 (13.2)
36e40 86 (11)
MAP 24e27 81.1 (7.1) 87.9 (9.6) 95.2 (7.2) 102.4 (10.8)
28e31 77.8 (8.2)
32e35 79.1 (4.8)
36e40 81.6 (7.8)
AIx, augmentation index; CO, cardiac output; FGR, fetal growth restriction; MAP, mean arterial pressure; PE, preeclampsia; PVR, peripheral vascular resistance; PWV, pulse wave velocity.
Tay et al. Cardiac output in preeclampsia is associated with fetal growth restriction. Am J Obstet Gynecol 2018.

Society of Hypertension.29 Mean arterial upper thigh, and a neck sensor posi- femur length) and Doppler studies
pressure was calculated by (diastolic tioned over the carotid artery. A stan- (umbilical, middle cerebral artery, duc-
pressure þ [systolic pressure e diastolic dard measuring tape was used to tus venosus, and uterine artery) were
pressure)/3]). Peripheral vascular resis- measure the linear distance between the recorded in all pathological pregnancy
tance (PVR) was derived with the suprasternal notch and a defined point cases.
following formula: PVR ¼ mean arterial on the femoral cuff. The AIx, PWV, and
pressure  80/cardiac output. maternal heart rate (beats per minute) Statistical analysis
Arterial analysis was performed using were recorded. Statistical analyses were performed using
the Vicorder (Skidmore Medical, Bris- SPSS (version 24-0-0, 2016; SPSS Inc,
tol, United Kingdom), an oscillometric Ultrasound Chicago, IL). The Kruskal-Wallis test was
device validated for the measurements Obstetric ultrasound assessment was used to compare the demographic char-
of augmentation index (AIx) and pulse performed on Samsung WS80 equip- acteristics between the 4 groups. The
wave velocity (PWV).30 With the pa- ment (Samsung Medison, Seoul, normality of distribution of the data was
tient lying in the left lateral position, a Republic of Korea). Fetal growth pa- examined with the Shapiro-Wilk test, and
brachial cuff was applied to the right rameters (head circumference, biparietal histograms and data are expressed as
upper arm, a leg cuff applied to the right diameter, abdominal circumference, and means  SD or medians (interquartile

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Z scores of cardiovascular parameters by outcome group (controls are reference)
Variables FGR PE PE and FGR
CO standing e0.35 (0.99) 1.87 (1.35)a e0.80 (1.3)a
PVR standing 0.57 (1.18)a e0.76 (0.89)a 2.16 (1.95)a
AIx 1.18 (1.44)a 1.52 (1.39)a 1.45 (1.09)a
PWV 0.87 (1.34)a 0.71 (1.47)a 2.01 (1.55)a
AIx, augmentation index; CO, cardiac output; FGR, fetal growth restriction; PE, preeclampsia; PVR, peripheral vascular resistance; PWV, pulse wave velocity.
P < .05 compared with corresponding control value.
Tay et al. Cardiac output in preeclampsia is associated with fetal growth restriction. Am J Obstet Gynecol 2018.

range) for normally and nonnormally gestation-matched cohort design and change with gestation and comparisons
distributed data, respectively. allowed all data points to be considered.16 were made with untransformed data.
We analyzed the data using body mass Briefly, measurements were trans-
index, age, and ethnicity as covariates. formed to the corresponding Z scores Results
Because cardiovascular function changes with reference to means and SD values Forty-five pathological pregnancies (14 PE
with gestational age and to compare derived from controls in 4-weekly only, 16 FGR only, and 15 PE and FGR)
hemodynamic characteristics across gestational epochs (24e27þ6; 28e31þ6; were recruited, of whom 3 had a prior
groups with different gestational ages, we 32e35þ6; and 36e39þ6 weeks) for CO, history of PE and/or FGR. All women
transformed all data in relation to that PVR, Aix, and PWV. The Z scores of each remained within the category to which
obtained from women with healthy cardiovascular parameter were then they were first assigned at recruitment. A
pregnancies using the statistical technique compared using an unpaired Student further 64 women with healthy pregnan-
of Z scoring. This removed the need for a t test. In our cohort, heart rate did not cies and normal pregnancy outcomes were
studied across the gestation, yielding 107
healthy pregnancy observations.
FIGURE 2 A Kruskal- Wallis test showed no sta-
Z score of PVR (standing) in pathological outcome groups (median, IQR) tistically significant differences between
age and ethnicity within the 4 groups.
The group with PE had a higher booking
body mass index when compared with
the control group (P ¼ .001) (Table 1).
Cardiovascular parameters in patho-
logical and control groups are presented
in Table 2. The cardiovascular parameters
in pathological pregnancies are presented
in Table 3; Z scores were calculated in
relation to control cases from healthy
pregnancies, which were subdivided into
4 weekly gestational epochs.

FGR only
In women with FGR only, PVR Z score
was significantly higher (0.57  1.18, P ¼
.04) (Figure 2), and the CO Z score was
no different from healthy controls (e0.35
 0.99, P ¼ .19) (Figure 3). The Z scores
of AIx (1.18  1.44, P ¼.0001) (Figure 4)
and PWV (0.87  1.34, P ¼ .002)
(Figure 5) were higher than controls.

FGR, fetal growth restriction; IQR, interquartile ratio; PE, preeclampsia; PVR, peripheral vascular resistance.
PE only
Tay et al. Cardiac output in preeclampsia is associated with fetal growth restriction. Am J Obstet Gynecol 2018. Women with PE only had a higher CO Z
score than controls 1.87  1.35, P ¼

MONTH 2018 American Journal of Obstetrics & Gynecology 1.e5

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difference between CO Z score (P ¼ .34)

or PVR Z score (P ¼.76) in cases prior to
Z score of CO (standing) in pathological outcome groups (median, IQR)
34 weeks and those after.

CO vs Z score birthweight
Within the group of women with PE (PE
only and PE and FGR), CO was posi-
tively associated with Z score birthweight
(r ¼ 0.42, P ¼ .03). Within the group of
women with FGR only, CO was not
associated with Z score birthweight (r ¼
0.27, P ¼ .31).

Post hoc power calculation

Because this was novel work, a formal
sample size calculation prior to under-
taking the study was not possible, and
the enrollment period was guided by our
previous prepregnancy studies in healthy
women.27,31,32 However, a formal post
hoc power calculation, assuming 4 un-
equal groups and an SD for the CO Z
score equivalent to the highest SD ob-
tained in the 3 pathological pregnancy
groups, gave >98% power to detect a
significant overall difference in CO Z
CO, cardiac output; FGR, fetal growth restriction; IQR, interquartile ratio; PE, preeclampsia.
score, at an alpha level of 0.05.
Tay et al. Cardiac output in preeclampsia is associated with fetal growth restriction. Am J Obstet Gynecol 2018.

We report that women with PE only,
.0001) (Figure 3), a lower PVR Z score labetalol, 2 nifedipine, and 3 both labe- FGR only, and PE and FGR have
(e0.76  0.89, P ¼ .025) (Figure 2), a talol and nifedipine. Comparing the Z distinctly different and, in some cases,
higher AIx Z score (1.52  1.39, P ¼ scores for CO and PVR of those exam- opposing cardiovascular characteristics.
.0001) (Figure 4), and higher PWV (0.71 ined on treatment vs those without, The predominant abnormalities in PE
 1.47, P ¼ .05) (Figure 5). there were no differences (P ¼ .52 and only were a higher CO and lower PVR,
Of the 13 women with PE only, 7 P ¼ .99, respectively). while FGR only was characterized by
women were examined before starting higher PVR than healthy pregnancies.
antihypertensive medication, 3 women Heart rate When both PE and FGR occur together,
were on labetalol, and 1 on nifedipine. There was no difference in observed the effect was a cardiovascular pheno-
The Z scores for CO and PVR of those heart rate between the 4 groups. type characterized by a markedly higher
examined on treatment vs those without (P ¼ .26) (Figure 6). PVR and lower CO than FGR only.
were not different (P ¼ 0.55 and P ¼.57, Previous studies of PE and FGR have
respectively). Gestation vs CO/PVR reported inconsistent findings; however,
When compared across gestation (deci- none have studied hemodynamic find-
PE and FGR mal weeks by estimated due date derived ings across the whole gestation range in
In PE and FGR cases, a lower CO Z score from dating scan), there was no rela- relation to healthy pregnancies recruited
(e0.80  1.3, P ¼ .007) (Figure 3) and a tionship between gestation and either concurrently nor have considered FGR,
higher PVR Z score (2.16  1.95, P ¼ CO Z score (Pearson correlation, 0.16, PE, and PEFGR as separate entities.
.0001) (Figure 2) were observed P ¼ .35) or PVR Z score (Pearson cor- Recently a meta-analysis by Castle-
compared with controls. There was a relation, e0.21, P ¼.2) for PE only, FGR man et al18 found that in gestational
higher AIx Z score (1.45  1.09, P ¼ only, and PE and FGR. hypertensive diseases, “severity of dis-
.0001) (Figure 4) and a higher PWV Z There was no difference between CO ease corresponded with increasing
score (2.01  1.55, P ¼.0001) (Figure 5). Z score (P ¼ .41) or PVR Z score (P ¼ vascular resistance.” We suggest that this
Of the 14 women with PE and FGR, 3 .18) in PE only prior to 34 weeks and is an oversimplification in that according
were examined before starting antihy- those after 34 weeks. In combined PE to our data, it holds for PE with FGR, the
pertensive medication, and 4 were taking and FGR cases, there was again no converse being true for PE not affected

1.e6 American Journal of Obstetrics & Gynecology MONTH 2018

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and Doppler findings. Hence, there was

no selection bias within women with PE
Z score of augmentation index in pathological outcome groups (median, IQR)
because it might be argued that a larger
fetus and placenta will drive a larger CO.
We previously reported that the in-
cremental increase in maternal CO from
prior to pregnancy to the midsecond
trimester was positively associated with
larger birthweight in normally grown
babies35 irrespective of the size of the
fetus in the midtrimester. This suggests
that fetal size on its own did not deter-
mine CO. A recent study in women with
PE found that those with the lowest CO
had the smallest babies.15 There is strong,
albeit circumstantial, evidence that CO
may be at least in part responsible for
birthweight, likely mediated through an
effect on uteroplacental perfusion.
Although this is tempting to speculate, we
cannot infer causality from our results.
Of direct clinical relevance is that the
current management of hypertension in
pregnancy is exclusively based on a one-
size-fits-all philosophy whereby blood
pressure alone is the target of therapy,
FGR, fetal growth restriction; IQR, interquartile ratio; PE, preeclampsia.
irrespective of the underlying aeti-
Tay et al. Cardiac output in preeclampsia is associated with fetal growth restriction. Am J Obstet Gynecol 2018.
ology.36,37 This approach does not
distinguish between PE with FGR (low
CO and high PVR) from PE without
by FGR.18 Irrespective of differences in The contradictory findings of previ- FGR (high CO). There is, however, a
CO and PVR, all 3 pregnancy compli- ous studies, namely that gestational age clear rationale in targeting therapy ac-
cations were associated with abnormal is the determinant of hemodynamic cording to the underlying cardiovascular
arterial function assessed by increased profile in PE, may be explained because phenotype.
augmentation index and increased pulse PE and FGR commonly coexist at early Drugs with beta-blocking activity are
wave velocity. gestational ages34 and FGR is uncom- negatively chronotropic and reducing
The implications for understanding of monly encountered in late PE.14 PE is CO may be harmful in women with FGR
the disease process is important, partic- therefore more precisely defined by the in which the uteroplacental circulation is
ularly in respect of the deeply ingrained presence or absence of FGR rather than already impaired; previous studies have
but empirical and arbitrary distinction by virtue of its gestational age at onset. reported an association with small-for-
between early and late PE with a cutoff at We trace the origins of the categorization gestational-age babies.38-40 We report
34 weeks.22,33 It is true that the cardio- of early and late PE to a study on the that PE only was typically associated
vascular features of early and late PE sensitivity of second-trimester uterine with high CO: for these women, a beta
were different, but this was purely by artery Doppler for these complications, blocker might be preferable, whereas a
virtue of the association with FGR rather which was high for early but low for late drug leading to vasodilation primarily,
than because of the gestational age at disease. Interestingly, early PE was such as a calcium channel antagonist,
onset of the disease. frequently found with FGR in that study. may be less effective.
PE only had the same cardiovascular In women with PE, with and without Conversely, calcium antagonists are
findings (high CO and low PVR) at early FGR, we found a significant positive likely to be more effective in the high-
and late gestational ages, but if PE was association between CO Z score and PVR state that characterizes PE with
associated with FGR, CO was low and birthweight normalized for gestation, FGR. Although a model using hemody-
PVR high, irrespective of gestational age. which was no different before or after 34 namic parameters to determine response
Importantly, in our study, pathological weeks. We did not specifically select to labetalol in gestational hypertension
cases were similarly represented in nu- women with PE, with and without FGR, has been reported,41 the effectiveness of
merical terms before and after 34 weeks, but instead recruited all comers and antihypertensive agents with different
24 and 21 cases, respectively. categorized FGR based on ultrasound modes of action has not. Indeed, if

MONTH 2018 American Journal of Obstetrics & Gynecology 1.e7

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hospital admission. Although we found

no difference in CO and PVR within the
Z score of pulse wave velocity in pathological outcome groups (median, IQR)
PE only and PE and FGR groups, for
those on antihypertensive treatment, the
modest numbers within these groups
preclude discrimination between small
effect sizes in antihypertensive agents
and the duration of therapy.
Although not being validated specif-
ically in pregnancy, Innocor has been
validated extensively in healthy pop-
ulations and those with diseases,
including chronic heart failure and dur-
ing hemodynamic perturbation caused
by exercise as a method of assessing car-
diac output.53-56 In addition, our group
has previously shown that this method
has good reproducibility in pregnant
women and is sensitive enough to detect
longitudinal changes in CO both in very
early pregnancy and throughout the
gestational period.27,35,57
All our participants were examined in
a similar position, which limits any po-
tential bias. Moreover because the gas-
rebreathing method is not operator
FGR, fetal growth restriction; IQR, interquartile ratio; PE, preeclampsia.
dependent, there is no interobserver bias
Tay et al. Cardiac output in preeclampsia is associated with fetal growth restriction. Am J Obstet Gynecol 2018.
compared with echocardiography, which
is the other widely used method. The
Vicorder has been validated for use
impaired uteroplacental function is the reliable marker of cardiovascular risk in against SphygmoCor, which is the most
byproduct of a low COehigh PVR state patients with hypertension.51 widely used technique to assess pulse
such as that found in PE with FGR, then The strength of this study is that wave velocity. There is no agreed gold
this should be amenable to targeted detailed cardiovascular assessments were standard noninvasive technique to assess
manipulation. Recent approaches have undertaken in women who were pheno- pulse wave velocity in pregnancy.58
included expanding the intravascular typed according to accepted definitions for In summary, we found no evidence
compartment,42 with and without nitro- both PE and FGR. Importantly, our to support the categorization of PE of
vasodilators43 and calcium antagonists44 definition of FGR did not rely simply on early and late as different disease pro-
with reported improvement in maternal fetal smallness52 but required abnormal cesses, although early-onset PE was much
cardiovascular and/or fetal parameters. fetal umbilical artery Doppler. Our sample more likely to be associated with FGR.
Arterial function was abnormal in PE size allowed a high power to detect small The significance of this is that PE, which
only, FGR only, and the combination of differences in CO between the groups. is not associated with FGR, has the same
both PE and FGR as assessed by AIx and A weakness is that because our pro- cardiovascular phenotype, namely high
PWV, irrespective of whether CO and tocol required time-consuming exami- CO, whether it is diagnosed at 24 or 36
PVR were increased or decreased. Aortic nations, not all women wanted to or weeks. The presence of FGR was associ-
AIx is an index of wave reflection and could take part, in particular in which ated with high PVR, whether or not in
may be considered as a measure of arte- delivery or further therapy was being combination with PE. Whether the
rial function.45-48 Raised AIx is an planned. This limited the number of abnormal hemodynamic profiles that we
important predictor of future cardiovas- women eligible for recruitment, but have observed in the distinct subtypes of
cular risk49 and in hypertensive patients there was no attempt at selection other PE, FGR, and PE combined with FGR are
an independent predictor of future than through women consenting or the cause of the clinical manifestation of
myocardial infarction.50 Although AIx is otherwise for logistical and therapeutic hypertension and FGR or the effect of an
influenced by endothelial function, PWV reasons. Furthermore, although we inherent underlying maternal cardiovas-
describes aortic stiffness and is deter- intended to recruit women prior to cular dysfunction is unclear.
mined largely by the elastic component of starting antihypertensive treatment, This study raises an intriguing ques-
large vessels. It is also known to be a these drugs were often started prior to tion as to whether the cardiovascular

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Scatter diagram of CO vs gestation (recruitment) in pathology cases

CO, cardiac output; FGR, fetal growth restriction; PE, preeclampsia.

Tay et al. Cardiac output in preeclampsia is associated with fetal growth restriction. Am J Obstet Gynecol 2018.

MONTH 2018 American Journal of Obstetrics & Gynecology 1.e11

Original Research OBSTETRICS ajog.org

Scatter diagram of PVR vs gestation (recruitment) in pathology cases

FGR, fetal growth restriction; PE, preeclampsia; PVR, peripheral vascular resistance.
Tay et al. Cardiac output in preeclampsia is associated with fetal growth restriction. Am J Obstet Gynecol 2018.

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