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1.0 Introduction.......................................................................... ........................

2.0 Objectives......................................................................................... ..........
3.0 Procedure.................................................................................. ..................
4.0 Results.........................................................................................................
4.1.1 Location............................................................................
4.1.2 Observation of Driver........................................................
4.1.3 Observation of Vehicle.....................................................
4.1.4 Observation of Ro......................................................

4.2.1 Location.............................................................
4.2.2 Observation of Driver.........................................
4.2.3 Observation of Vehicle.............................................
4.2.4 Observation of Road................................................

5.0 Discussion.......................................................................................

6.0 Conclusion................................................................................................
Main components of the highway mode of transportation are the driver, the
pedestrian, the vehicle, and the road. To provide efficient and safe highway
transportation, a knowledge of the characteristics and limitations of each of these
components is essential. It is also important to be aware of the interrelationships that
exist among these components in order to determine the effects, if any, that they have
on each other.
One of the problem that faces traffic and transportation engineers when they
consider drivercharacteristics in the course of design is the varying skills and
perceptual abilities of drivers on the highway, demonstrated by a wide range of
abilities to hear, see, evaluate, and react to information. Therefore, it is important that
criteria used for design purposes be compatible with the capabilities and limitations of
most drivers on the highway.
The characteristic of vehicle that is static, kinematic and dynamics are very
important for the geometric design of highways. Static characteristics include the
weight andsize of the vehicle, while kinematic characteristics involve the motion of the
vehicle without considering the forces that cause the motion. Dynamic characteristics
involve the forces that cause the motion of the vehicle. Other than that, road
characteristic is very important because it is related to stopping andpassing because
these have a more direct relationship to the characteristics of the driver and the


1. To observe the characteristic of driver based on two different places.

2. To observe the characteristic of vehicle based on two different places.
3. To observe the characteristic of road based on two different places.

1. Suitable two places of highway is selected.

2. We divide our group members into two to observe on both places.
3. Good point of view is selected for us to begin observing all the driver, vehicle
and road conditions.
4. Cars, motorcycle and buses are counted as each of it passes the road.
5. Notes are taken for the characteristic of driver in that particular road.
6. Observation are ceased as the time 1 hour finishes.

4.1 Site : Junction of FKJ, UMS
4.1.1 Observation of vehicles and road condition
Items Normal vehicle Heavy vehicle motorcycle
Number 965 7 351
Table 1
Total vehicle is 1323.
The chosen location for the observation is at the junction of the main road to Faculty Of
Engineering, UMS. The data was collected during the peak hours of the day between
12.00 pm to 1.00 pm. In this period of time road driver are expected to be most busy
as they are out for the lunch break. The opportunity was a great variable to be consider
to obtain the most accurate data on the drivers’ behaviour on the road during the peak
hour. This site was also chosen based on the frequent accidents happen on this site.
From the collected data, it was found that 73% of the driver using the road are those
with small vehicles such as Kancil, Myvi, Proton and etc. There are also 0.5% heavy
vehicles such as School bus and Lorry. Other observed driver are motorcyclist with the
percentage of 26.5%. The total vehicles observed at site for one hours is 1323.
4.1.2 Traffic control and Road defect
The number of traffic control on the chosen site is quite limited. The only traffic control
present is the speed bump and sign board. In term of the safety of the road, there was
no road defect observed. The road was in good condition and the width (two lane) was
large enough for road user to drive safely and comfortably.
4.1.3 Observation of Driver
The rule violations done by the driver are listed as below;
1. Turning without using signal
2. Speeding in area with speed bump
3. Using communication devices while driving
4. Riding motorcycle with one hands
5. Eating while driving or riding
6. Having conversation with other motorcyclist while riding motorcycle side by side
7. Making U-Turn at junction
8. Most driver especially woman driver hesitate while going out or in at the T-junction

4.2 Site : Junction of Residential college E, UMS

4.2.1 Observation of vehicles and road condition
Items Normal vehicle Heavy vehicle motorcycle
Number 307 20 79

Total vehicle is 406.

The second location was chosen at Junction of residential college E, UMS. This is due to
differentiate the behaviours of driver when using small road and large road. From the
observation, it was found out that 75.6% of the user are using small vehicles, while
another 5% are heavy vehicles such as bus. Finally the 19.4% are using
motorcycle.Overall the total vehicle recorded is 406.

4.2.2 Traffic control and Road defect

The site has quite number of Traffic control such as speed bump, road divider and
signboard. However, the road is not in good shape as there are many road defects such
as pothole, uneven surface observed. Even more, the driver sight at the junction is
blocked by vegetation. Many large tree at the corner of the junction limiting the drivers’
sight and may cause accident.

4.2.3 Observation on drivers’ behaviour

The rule violations done by driver are listed as below;
1. Turning without signal
2. Moving in high speed
3. Often wrong turn
4. Do not using seat belt

It was observed that most of the driver do not care or forget to use signal when
turning in or out from FKJ and also at Kg. E T-junction. This was most frequent with
motorcyclist which was observed tend to turning casually without alarming other users
using signal. That cause car driver to do an emergency break several time or honking
them. Other than that, there was also some user who increase their speed even with
the presence of speed bump in both location and risk of accident occur might be high
to the driver and pedestrian. This may due to the downhill movement of the road.
Moreover, larger number of user were using communication device (cellphone) while
driving. This was observed not only done by driver but also motorcyclist which causing
user to steer their vehicle with one hands. Some also observed to eat and drinks while
steering their vehicle and some motorcyclist riding side by side while having
conversation at FKJ T-junction observation spot. One of the road user make a U-Turn at
the FKJ T-junction which considered very dangerous and made other driver to do a
sudden break and nearly hit the car. Because of the reckless driver the traffic flow has
been slow due to them to wait the reckless driver to finally make the u-turn. It was also
observed that driver always make a wrong turn to Kg. E. This is due to the position of
the signboard, where it is very hard for the driver to see it as result of the obstruction
of the vegetation. Finally, there are some driver who do not wear seat belt while driving.
This prove that the road users are very lack of discipline and often conduct miss used
and violation of the road rules and regulation that may lead to an accident.


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