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æfæst Gazette
Issue #666 Editor ~ Lucifer Synn

London’s Punishment

A great sickness has ravaged London

and surrounding Europe during the
week. It has had health officials
scrambling for answers, and many
are still confused as to what is
actually going on. The sickness has
many locals worried, with many
believing it’s cause is rats and related
animals. Samuel Pepys has already
ordered the banishment or execution
of all dogs and cats in the city, as
doctors believe these are the main
cause of the spreading sickness.
Rakers are also facing an
employment high as a push for clean
streets and dwellings is becoming
more apparent. In this time of great
confusion and sadness, we all turn to
the church for answers. Priests and
Nuns are all available for healing Illustrators have tried to capture the horrible sickness in
rituals, and assure that once sins are art form, although many would argue the horrible
forgiven the sickness can no longer effects can’t be caught in a mere drawing
latch onto you.

Plague Doctors: If so you need to find a medical

Are you feeling down or sick? Do your symptoms match any of these? professional immediately! Find your
closest plague doctor and seek
• Discoloured skin, fever and chills
assistance, the great sickness is
• Swollen and tender lymph nodes, bleeding
• Nausea and Vomiting, weakness, abdominal pain

Your all-cure remedy for defense against the plague! Protects and cures all signs, symptoms and
effects of the plague! Get back to feeling good again! 2 Hackleton Lane, East London

This week I interviewed Jane, a resident of Wood Street Hello Citizens of London,
in East London. We had a extensive conversation about
the effect of the great sickness on the residents of the I would like to begin by extending my condolences for
city. Jane said “I’m one of the only people left on my those who have passed. May God accept them into his
street, they’re all either dead or have tried to move kingdom and treat them with grace.
away. I asked Jane if she was familiar with any of those
who had decided to leave London. “Aye, the Clark family I would like to assure all citizens that appropriate
left no more than two days ago. I caught them just precautions are being taken against this horrible
before they left. The two kids were looking as sick as sickness. The council and government have cried out for
dogs, I doubt they’d even make it out of London.” Did the city and wishes to stop the sickness in it’s tracks.
they say where they were going? “Aye, he has a brother Therefore plans have been made and new rules and
who lives in Wales. Says he owns a pig farm, they’re guidelines have been created. Please do your best to
going to stay there until all of this blows over.” What’s follow them, they could be the difference between your
your opinion on people leaving? “I bloody well wish I life and death.
could too. We’re like sitting ducks here in the city, and
we’re falling one by one, everyday. If you can get out, I All dogs and cats must be killed, they are no longer
think you should. It’s time to go.” permitted in the city limits. Washing should occur as
little as possible. Every street in London should have a
raker, and they should be working as much as possible.
Health workers must not be hindered in any way.
With Walter Hawley
Today I’ll be doing an analysis on the believed causes of the sickness currently ravaging London. There are many different
opinions on the cause of the plague, ranging from infection from animals, to punishment from God. Many people are beginning
to kill rats and related small animals, as they fear these animals are spreading the disease. This opinion is further backed by the
fact Mayor Pepys has ordered the execution of all dogs and cats in the city. Further skepticism has also raised around the church
after a mass burial of priests and nuns occurred near Westminster Abbey. The church had previously claimed that the sickness
was caused by our sins, and that God was punishing us. The church advised us to see one of its representatives, i.e a priest or
nun. Many people have done this and have received little relief from the sickness, which had already raised questions and
concerns. But as the burial at the Abbey occurred, there has been many more people turning away from God and taking the
advice of priests no more. Plague doctors are becoming more widespread and people are beginning to trust them more than the
church. What does this mean for us? Well at least there won’t be as many flagellants in the streets.

John de Ufford John de Foxton Bernardo Daddi Joan Plantaneget

Dearly beloved Coroner of London. Dearly Word has been received Daughter of King Edward.
Archbishop of beloved by his wife and from Italy that this famous Adored by her subjects and
Canterbury. His parish extended family. painter has died. He will be her family around her.
will miss him dearly and missed by many who won Unexpectedly struck down
Died of plague, his works. with sickness.
regrets his loss.
Died of plague, Died of plague,
Died of plague,

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