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Sensors and Actuators B 228 (2016) 471–479

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Silver based nanomaterial, as a selective colorimetric sensor for visual

detection of post harvest spoilage in onion
Divya Sachdev a,∗ , Vinay Kumar a , Priyanka H. Maheshwari b , Renu Pasricha c , Deepthi c ,
Neeraj Baghel a
Department of Agriculture and Environmental Sciences, National Institute of Food Technology Entrepreneurship and Management, Sonepat, India
National Physical Laboratory, CSIR, New Delhi 110012, India
National Centre for Biological Sciences, Bengaluru, India

a r t i c l e i n f o a b s t r a c t

Article history: Onion being a semi-perishable horticultural bulb crop gets subjected to deterioration during the storage,
Received 11 September 2015 which ultimately leads to huge monetary losses every year. Specific detection tools for onion spoilage
Received in revised form 6 January 2016 will be an asset in relieving losses during post-harvest storage. In this context silver based yellow col-
Accepted 13 January 2016
ored colloidal nanoparticle (AgY-NPs) solution was synthesized and evaluated as a visual sensor for the
Available online 19 January 2016
organo-sulfur compound released during the spoilage of onions. The visual changes during the spoilage
was monitored for ten days wherein the yellow color of the AgY colloidal solution changed to orange,
pink and finally turned transparent. Simultaneous analysis carried out by UV–Vis spectroscopy and col-
Postharvest spoilage
orimeteric analysis corroborates our investigation of AgY-NPs as a visual sensor displaying selectivity
Silver nano particles and specificity for volatile sulphur compound responsible for spoilage of onions. Furthermore, analysis
UV–Vis spectroscopy of AgY-NPs in presence of healthy onions showed distinct visual results which were complemented by
Colorimetric analysis probable mechanism. Besides this the structural changes in AgY-NPs due to incorporation of sulphur com-
pounds were supported by Powder X-ray diffraction (PXRD), Raman Analysis, Fourier Transform-Infrared
Spectroscopy (FT-IR), Scanning Electron Microscopy (SEM) and Transmission Electron Microscopy (TEM)
which clearly indicated the capacity of these AgY-NPs as a powerful detection tool for onion spoilage.
© 2016 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.

1. Introduction that have deteriorating effects in a long run [10,11]. There is an

important saying “prevention is better than cure” and therefore it
Onion (Allium cepa L.) is a widely grown crop with world produc- is important to control the decay and infection at an early stage
tion of 75 million metric ton annually (FAO 2012) [1]. Onion being a of storage for reducing the post harvest losses. Many physiologi-
good source of minerals, vitamins, polyphenol and phytonutrients cal and biological changes accompanied during the initial infection
(organosulfur compounds) displays varied health benefits in pre- needs to be sensed; therefore a specific, sensitive sensor is very
venting high blood pressures, diabetes and cancer [2]. Although much required that can address the above issues. So far, differ-
onion possess a good nutritive value, but a high-quality check ent methodologies for analysing the quantitative difference of the
over its nutritive consistency relies mostly on the adequate stor- volatiles between healthy and infected onions were analysed by
age conditions. Once these crops are harvested they are threatened Gas Chromatography/Mass Spectoscopy [12], and compared to this
by the post harvest diseases mostly caused by bacterial and fun- an alternative approach such as gas sensor arrays or E-nose technol-
gal pathogens that may serve as a vehicle for disease propagation ogy [13–15] have been developed. Although the uniqueness of the
which in turn reduces their shelf life [3–6]. Microbial infection and E-nose technology depends on the presence of the type of material
mechanical aberration during transportation also leads to 20–30% used (metal oxide, conducting polymers) to predict the changes in
post harvest loss [7–9]. Although many bactericides and fungicides the voltage signals via the volatiles released, however the complex
are employed to mitigate the post harvest infection of onion, how- calculations and preparation of customized gas chambers may have
ever there is a strong need to alter the prevalent methodologies operational problems which may result in erroneous output. Hence,
the need of an hour is to develop a simplified, cost-effective com-
pact way to detect and sense the onset of infection in onions (even
∗ Corresponding author. when the deterioration symptoms are not visible). In this regard,
E-mail address: (D. Sachdev). we synthesized yellow colored stabilized silver nanoparticles (AgY-
0925-4005/© 2016 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
472 D. Sachdev et al. / Sensors and Actuators B 228 (2016) 471–479

NPs) that behaved as a visual sensor for onion spoilage and to best
of our knowledge this is the first report that visually distinguished
AgNO3 + NaBH4 Ag+ + H2 + B2H6 + NaNO3
(supported by UV–Vis spectroscopy and colorimeter) healthy and
the infected onions.
Recent studies have shown large contribution of nanoscience
technology in the field of agriculture and food sciences [16–18]. The OH
current genesis of the detection/sensing lies in the change of optical HO
behaviour of novel silver nano-colloid due to the incorporation of O

volatile sulphur. During spoilage, the unstable organosulfur com- O


pounds, present in the onion gets ruptured and further rearranges O H O
- O
to form a stable complex with AgY-NPs which ultimately leads H
to color changes. Moreover, the tendency of silver nanoparticles ion-pair interaction ion-pair interaction
+ O HH O-
displaying credibility in terms of protection against microbes [19] Ag O
will surely make them a better tool in food safety. And therefore O -
our study has a commercial scope in detection and distinguish- O
ing post harvest spoilage of onions from healthy ones without any H
interference from moisture, atmospheric oxygen or carbon dioxide. O
O - O
2. Experimental OH -
2.1. Synthesis of stable silver nanoparticles (AgY-NPs) OH

- HO
All the reagents used were of analytical grade. Synthesis of yel- O
low colored stable silver nanoparticles were obtained by reduction -
of Ag+ ions using NaBH4 as a reducing agent in a combined matrix
of polyethylene glycol (PEG) and trisodium citrate (TSC) [21] act- Scheme 1. Schematic Illustration of stable silver nanoparticle; formed by interac-
ing as a stabilizing and capping agent respectively. All the solutions tions of PEG and TSC.
employed during the synthesis were freshly prepared. In a typical
synthesis, AgNO3 (10 ml, 30 mM) was mixed to a solution contain-
Optima 7000DV. The X-ray diffraction examination of the sam-
ing PEG (5 ml, 5 mM) and TSC (5 ml, 30 mM) in a round bottom flask
ples was performed on Rikagu Powder X-ray diffractometer (PXRD)
that was previously stirred for half an hour at room temperature.
model: XRG 2KW using Cu K␣ radiation. Raman spectroscopy was
To this suspension, freshly prepared cold solution of NaBH4 (5 ml,
carried out using a Renishaw InVia Reflex Micro Raman Spectrom-
26 mM) was added drop wise, the solution initially turned to faint
eter equipped with the CCD detector at room temperature and in
yellow and gradually the yellow color deepened. The yellow col-
air. Argon ion laser (excitation line 514 nm) was used to excite
ored colloidal NPs solution of silver nanoparticles was named as
the samples. One scan per sample was recorded wherein the sam-
AgY-NPs and was stored in a dark colored closed container for fur-
ple was exposed to the laser power of 25 mW for 30 s. Infrared
ther use. AgY-NPs colloidal solution was characterized via PXRD,
sepectroscopy (ATR-IR) spectra of the samples was recorded on
UV–Vis spectroscopy and SEM analysis.
Bruker–Alpha for evaluating the differences in functional groups
on AgY-NPs solution via infected and the healthy onions. Morphol-
2.2. Monitoring the onion spoilage using AgY-NPs as a visual ogy of the sample was analysed by Scanning Electron Microscopy
sensor (SEM), Zeiss. Colorimeter of the samples was conducted on Chro-
mameter CR-400 (Konica Minolta). Particle size was analysed on
In the present study the onion spoilage was monitored by Tecnai G2 Spirit Bio-TWIN Transmission Electron Microscope
detecting the release of volatile metabolites evolved during the
spoilage via the stable yellow colored silver colloidal solution. Two 3. Results and discussions
months stored variety of Pusa nasik after curing were purchased
from local storage house. Set of onions at an initial stage of spoilage 3.1. Structural analysis of AgY-NPs
were carefully chosen and were placed in a sealed desiccator fitted
with a tube containing AgY-NPs solution, to act as a visual sensor Synthesis of silver nanoparticle was done in the presence of two
(as a gas analysing set up) during spoilage. The whole assembly stabilizing agents polyethylene glycol (PEG) and tri-sodium citrate
was placed at a fixed place and ambient conditions were main- [21]; sodium borohydride was used as a reducing agent [21,22]. The
tained for the period of investigation. The changed color of AgY-NPs addition of two stabilizers inhibits the aggregation of reduced silver
during spoilage was examined through UV–Vis spectrophotometer nanoparticles for many days while keeping them dispersed in the
and colorimetric response. Furthermore the changes in the AgY- solution. Moreover the methodology employed induced uniformity
NPs solution were evaluated via PXRD, FT-IR spectroscopy, Raman in the shape and size while forming an ultrafine silver nanoparticle.
and TEM and finally mechanism of color change was also suggested. This may be due to the ion-pair interactions present between the
polyethylene glycol and sodium citrate ion which forms a protec-
2.3. Characterization tive shell around the silver ions during the reduction and stabilize
them in solution for months as shown in Scheme 1.
Photographs were acquired by Samsung digital camera. UV–vis UV–Vis spectroscopy is the most prominent technique used for
spectra were measured using Schimadzu-2600 spectrophotometer. the structural characterization of Ag-NPs. The absorption spectra
CHNS analysis for determining sulfur content in healthy onion was of initially made stable yellow colored AgY-NPs colloidal solution
done on EuroVector model no. Euro3000 instruments. Inductively shows the Surface Plasmon Resonance SPR at 404 nm [21] (Fig. 1(A))
Coupled Plasma Spectroscopy for finding the amount of volatile which slightly shifted to 425 nm on diluting with water [23], this
sulfur in nanoparticle solution was done on PerkinElmer model may be due to the presence of the water (Scheme 1) ligands near
D. Sachdev et al. / Sensors and Actuators B 228 (2016) 471–479 473

Fig. 1. (A) UV–vis spectrum of AgY-NPs (originally formed and diluted for further use). (B) SEM image showing uniformly distributed AgY-NPs.

Fig. 2. (A) Spectral changes of AgY-NPs collected in presence of different concentration of sulphite solution after a period of 30 min incubation. (B) Variation in absorbance
depression with respect to concentration at ( = 425 nm).

metal centre which may change the refractive index of the sur- sulphite solutions from 0.1, 0.3, 0.5, 1, 5, 10, 20, 50 ␮M were incu-
rounding medium [24]. As a result it leads to formation of spherical bated with the colloidal AgY-NPs solution for 30 min followed by
silver nanoparticle with an average size of 3–4 nm that was further the spectral analysis of the above solutions for estimating UV-
confirmed by TEM images (Fig. 8(A)). However, the diluted silver absorbance changes (Fig. 2 (A)). The amount of elemental sulphur
nanoparticles stored in dark, retained the stability for months (no within the healthy onion whence detected via CHNS a destruc-
variations in the color and UV–Vis spectra was found, supplemen- tive method was found to be (i.e. 2.5–3 mg/g). It is well known
tary material Figs. S1, S2) because of which they could be employed that the amount of volatile sulphur compounds goes on increas-
as visual sensor for onion spoilage activity. The PXRD pattern shown ing on spoilage [12,25] and when detected via destructive or non
in the later part of the manuscript (Fig. 6) clearly indicates the destructive method was approximately 110 ppm [26] and 196 ppm
formation of silver nanoparticles. [27] respectively. Particularly, addition of sulfite to colloidal AgY-
The uniformity in the particle size distribution of the AgY-NPs NPs solution alters the absorbance value, this distinctive sensitivity
over a large surface was also observed by SEM. SEM image (Fig. 1(B)) of SPR towards sulphur addition might have occurred due to the
shows a high-density of silver nanoparticles, with structural unifor- change in nanostructural morphology of the AgY-NPs colloidal
mity. The surface morphology showing cluster formations of NPs solution [28,29]. For a corresponding absorption change in Surface
gives a clear indication of stabilization of AgNPs by the capping Plasmon Absorption Resonance (SPR) maxima, Yang et al. [30] have
agents. also shown similar relationship between absorbance value and sul-
fite concentrations varying from 0.1 ␮M to 5 ␮M (Fig. 2(B)); this
3.2. Optimization of silver (AgY-NPs) nanoparticles for onion retrieves our presumption of change in UV absorption, on interac-
spoilage tion of AgY-NPs with volatile organo-sulphur compounds released
during onion spoilage. The Moreover, sodium sulphite was chosen
To corroborate our endeavour of employing AgY-NPs for the for interaction studies with AgY-NPs colloidal solution since sul-
detection of onion spoilage, primarily, analogous behaviour of spec- phite in the medium also acts as a scavenger for the oxygen which
troscopic changes was studied wherein colloidal AgY-NPs solution further confirms that the change in absorbance is only due to the
was incubated with a sulphur moiety (as also anticipated from presence of the sulphur (in sulphite form) which transforms Ag ions
onion spoilage). In this respect different concentrations of sodium
474 D. Sachdev et al. / Sensors and Actuators B 228 (2016) 471–479

Fig. 3. Photographs showing visual color changes observed in AgY-NPs solution with respect to the days kept inside the spoiled onions (A) the spoiled onions set up with
AgY-NPs colloidal solution (B) Original AgY-NPs (C) the darkened color of AgY-NPs. Visual color of AgY-NPs solution changed to (D) orange color (E) pink colored (F) faint
pink color (G) totally fainted transparent. (For interpretation of the references to colour in this figure legend, the reader is referred to the web version of this article.)

to stabilized Ag2 S NPs and not due to the presence of atmospheric


3.3. AgY-NPs as an onion deterioration indicator

In order to evaluate the distinct property of colloidal AgY-NPs

as a visual sensor for spoilage of onions; a small set of spoiled
onions in a vacuum sealed desiccator were arranged with a gas out-
let pipe that encompasses AgY-NPs in a tube. The released volatile
(presumed to be organo-sulphur compounds released during onion
spoilage) [14,20,31] infuses inside the AgY-NPs colloidal solution,
leading to a change in yellow color. For the initial two days, no
visual changes in the color of AgY-NPs was observed but gradually
as the days surpassed the yellow color started changing towards
orange, pink, and finally to transparent as we proceeded for 10th
day (Fig. 3). These consecutive changes in the color of AgY-NPs
colloidal solutions is possibly due to the interactions between nano- Fig. 4. UV–Vis spectral changes of AgY-NPs observed in presence of the organosulfur
silver and volatile organosulfur compounds that react to form a compounds evolved from spoiled onions (1st day to 10th day). (For interpretation
of the references to colour in this figure legend, the reader is referred to the web
stable silver sulphur complexes due to the higher stabilization con-
version of this article.)
stant between silver and sulphur elements [32,33]. The profound
color difference of reacted AgY-NPs colloidal solution (10th day)
with respect to the 1st day of the spoiled onions was also supported 3–4 nm as also indicated from TEM images (Fig. 8(a)). As the con-
by the UV–Vis spectroscopy and colorimetric analysis. centration of volatile sulphur gases increase with time (spoilage
UV–vis spectroscopy of AgY-NPs colloidal solution was per- days) the absorption spectrum showed a red shift in Surface Plas-
formed periodically for monitoring the changes in the spoiled mon band from 425 nm to 547 nm as shown in (Fig. 4) Further to
onions. After the introduction of volatile organo-sulfur compounds ascertain the above hypothesis, AgY-NPs were also placed inside
in AgY-NPs colloidal solution via onion spoilage (Fig. 4); a distinct a set of healthy onions for similar time frame and tested for any
variations in the absorbance value (at wavelength 425 nm) were visual changes in AgY-NPs colloidal solution via periodical UV–Vis
observed. The absorption spectra appeared due to localized Surface spectrometry and colorimetric analysis.
Plasmon resonance LSPR [34]. particularly because of the collective For the healthy onions, the absorption spectra of AgY-NPs col-
excitation of the conduction band electrons of silver nanoparti- loidal solution due to LSPR, was found to blue shift with respect
cles consisting of spherical shaped AgY-NPs with an average size of to the spectra observed originally at wavelength 430 nm (pre-
D. Sachdev et al. / Sensors and Actuators B 228 (2016) 471–479 475

Fig. 5. UV–Vis spectral changes of AgY-NPs observed in presence of healthy onions (1st day to 8th day). Photographs showing AgY-NPs (A) AgY-NPs in presence of healthy
onions (B and C) showing almost nil color variations of AgY-NPs solution. (For interpretation of the references to colour in this figure legend, the reader is referred to the web
version of this article.)



fresh during spoilage

H 3C
H3C OH + pyruvate + NH3

S Ag--complex + CH2 CH2

O - H3C
H 2N O
OH propane thial S-oxide 3-ethyl oxathirane S

Ag--complex Ag--complex
A (Ag--complex)--S
H3C CH +

Scheme 2. Plausible Mechanism of AgY-NPs solution undergoing visual change in presence of organosulfur compound (isoallin).

pared via diluting original AgY-NPs solution) (Fig. 5(B)) in the However in healthy conditions of onions degradation of isoallin
wavelength ranging from 387 nm to 352 nm [35]. These discrep- is almost negligible [37,38], wherein the sulphur site is not freely
ancies in the wavelength shift for spoiled (red shift, Fig. 4) and available (as seen from Scheme 2(A)) for any interactions between
healthy onions (blue shift, Fig. 5(A)) from the original AgY-NPs sulphur and silver. Therefore the UV–Vis absorbance trend totally
can be explained due to the structural changes occurring in the differs in case of healthy onions while inheriting the blue shift.
isoalliin (+)-S-(1-propenyl)-l-cysteine sulfoxide which splits dur- There may be possibility of increase in electronic effects on sil-
ing spoilage [14,31,36]. A brief plausible mechanism shown in ver during formation of these complexes which might result in
Scheme 2 explains the visual changes occurring, since during lowering of the unexcited energy levels and results in a blue shift.
spoilage isoallin hydrolyses and ultimately splits, while releasing The visual changes on AgY-NPs colloidal solution was also
sulphur moiety which combines with silver (in the form of B or C administered by colorimeter. The color indicative response of the
in Scheme 2). An increased polarization over silver nanoparticles is NPs solution was evaluated by Chromameter CR-400 wherein the
possible that will contribute to the delocalization of electron den- color variations were associated by parameter (L*, a*, b* and E*).
sity. And as a consequence, lowering of the energy levels for both L* is for lightness with values ranging from 100 (white) to 0 (black),
unexcited and excited states causes a red shift. while parameters like a* and b* respectively indicates (+a) red
476 D. Sachdev et al. / Sensors and Actuators B 228 (2016) 471–479

Fig. 6. PXRD pattern of yellow colored AgY-NPs (original) and faint AgY-NPs Fig. 7. Raman spectra of yellow colored AgY-NPs (original) and faint AgY-NPs
(exposed to spoiled onions). (For interpretation of the references to colour in this (exposed to spoiled onions). (For interpretation of the references to colour in this
figure legend, the reader is referred to the web version of this article.) figure legend, the reader is referred to the web version of this article.)

to (−a) green, (+b) blue to (−b) blue [39,40]. Values in Table (1)
Table 1
give a fair connection between the deviations in the color ranging Color parameter (L* a* b* and  E*) response of AgY-Nps in presence of spoiled
from yellow to orange, pink and finally transparent during spoilage. onions.
From Table 1, L* value increase rapidly from 80 to 84 indicating an
Days L* a* b*  E*
increase in lightness of the medium, further the higher value of
a* from (−) to (+) is significant enough to indicate that the color 1 80.71 ± 0.33 −2.32 ± 0.20 11.69 ± 1.08 14.12 ± 0.87
2 82.64 ± 0.42 −0.76 ± 0.06 9.22 ± 0.43 11.27 ± 0.58
was deviating towards reddish and pinkish tint, (Fig. 3) which is
3 82.70 ± 0.58 0.24 ± 0.07 7.45 ± 0.43 10.52 ± 0.68
in full accordance to the observed pattern of color changes during 4 82.72 ± 0.65 −0.13 ± 0.03 7.76 ± 0.58 10.61 ± 0.80
spoilage. Parameter b* has all positive values on all days however in 5 82.91 ± 0.49 0.17 ± 0.06 5.82 ± 0.22 9.92 ± 0.51
descending way which means that yellow color started disappear- 6 83.28 ± 0.17 −1.35 ± 0.05 7.00 ± 0.14 9.92 ± 0.15
7 83.35 ± 0.29 0.26 ± 0.04 6.42 ± 0.18 9.28 ± 0.53
ing. Variations in the visual pattern of NP solution during spoilage
8 84.07 ± 0.50 0.37 ± 0.11 5.61 ± 0.30 8.76 ± 0.55
occurred due to the morphological changes in the AgY-NPs solution 9 84.25 ± 0.20 0.06 ± 0.02 5.56 ± 0.05 8.55 ± 0.19
(as also shown in Scheme 2). Moreover, an eminent pH change was 10 84.53 ± 0.38 0.17 ± 0.14 5.33 ± 0.36 8.28 ± 0.43
also observed during the spoilage. In the initial phase of spoilage
± SD Mean deviation of a triplicate.
wherein the sulphur content was low, neutral pH was observed, and
as sulphur content increased the pH changed to acidic. A similar col-
orimeteric analysis (Table 1S, Supplementary material) conducted
over the healthy onions periodically showed minor differences as brought changes in the AgY-based visual sensor was very less and
compared to the prominent changes detected from the spoiled went afar from the permissible limits of the equipment. This gives
onions. This interesting behavioural difference of the spoiled onions us an elucidation that AgY-visual sensor is sensitive enough to
on colorimeter and UV–Vis spectroscopy gives a special edge for detect the volatile sulphur compound that is released during the
AgY-NPs to behave efficiently as a visual sensor for spoiled onions. spoilage of onions which can be employed at an early stage for
It is also intresting to note that the monitoring of colour changes in reducing post harvest losses.
AgY-NPs was repeated thrice in case of detioratied onions and twice
for healthy ones with 100% reproducibility. Furthermore, the col-
orimetric response through distinct changes in AgY-NPs colloidal 3.5. Validation of the visual change in AgY-NPs colloidal solution
solution during the spoilage was also investigated by PXRD, FTIR,
Raman, SEM and TEM which supported our prediction. 3.5.1. PXRD
Fig. 6 compares the X-ray spectra of the faint colored AgY-NPs
3.4. Specificity and sensitivity test of AgY-NPs solution colloidal solution (after completion of exposure to spoiled onions,
AgY-S complex) with the original yellow colored AgY-NPs. The
AgY-NPs solution was simultaneously placed in the CO2 cham- broad hump for Ag is probably the result of particles in nano dimen-
ber and O2 chamber to ensure any changes due to the above sion 2–3 nm as is also clear from the TEM micrographs (Fig. 8(a)).
environment or the stipulated time period. The visual and UV Moreover capping of AgNPs with PEG and TSC further suppresses
results indicate that these gases (Supplementary material, Fig S3) the characteristic peaks of Ag. Very small peaks are obtained at
do not interfere in any manner with the AgY-NPs solution; this 2theta values of nearly 38 and 43 corresponding to [1 1 1] and
further confirms the stability of the silver solution. Moreover pres- [2 0 0] planes of Ag NPs [41–43]. However, the spectra of faded
ence of moisture do not interfere the absorbance of the AgY-NPs. AgY-NPs collected at the 10th day of exposure to spoiled onions
We also tried to quantify the sulphur content via Inductively Cou- showed additional diffraction peaks at 2theta 26.09 (1 1 1), 29.8
pled Plasma (ICP) Spectroscopy; during spoilage studies with every (0 1 2), 41.89 (0 3 1) and 45.2 (1 3 0) that can be correlated to the
change in the colour of AgY-NPs solution. The detection via ICP presence of Ag2 S (B) or Ag-Complex bind to the three membered
for the amount of sulphur present in each sample during colour ring (C, Scheme 2) (JCPDS Card File no 00-014-0072) [44–46]. A
changes was done via calibrating standards of silver and sulphur marked difference in the PXRD patterns gives a clear indication of
salts (Fig S6), however the level of sulphur that accumulated and sulphur intrusion inside the silver complex during the spoilage.
D. Sachdev et al. / Sensors and Actuators B 228 (2016) 471–479 477

Fig. 8. TEM micrographs of dispersed yellow colored AgY-NPs (original) (A) nanoparticles seen at 50 nm scale and (A1) at 5 nm scale. Micrograph of aggregated faint AgY-NPs
(exposed to spoiled onions) (B) at 50 nm scale (B1) at 5 nm scale. (For interpretation of the references to colour in this figure legend, the reader is referred to the web version
of this article.)

3.5.2. Raman analysis started aggregating together (as seen from TEM image also, Fig. 8(B)
AgY-NPs were collected after the complete exposure to spoiled with increase in the particle size (5–6 nm). Further Fig. 8(A1, B1)
onions and were compared with the original AgY-NPs via Raman shows AgY-NPs at higher resolution. Additionally SEM-EDAX (Fig.
spectroscopy. Raman spectra of original AgY-NPs colloidal solu- S5, Supplementary material) of the faint AgY-NPs was done which
tion (Fig. 7) do not show any excitation with the Ar laser and is displayed clearly the infusion of sulphur inside the AgY-NPs.
similar to the depicted reference[47]. However well defined peaks
for AgY-NPs exposed to spoilage were obtained at 553.8, 790 and 4. Conclusions
1094.6 nm. The distinct peaks observed clearly prooves the struc-
tural changes in the colored solution of AgY-NPs corrosponding to The work presents a simple, selective AgY-NPs based sensor to
the formation of silver sulfur complex [47]. The vibrational peaks detect and distinguish the spoiled onions from the healthy ones.
appearing at 1094, 553 and 790 closely resembles the (S O, asym- The distinct color change in presence of spoiled onions from yellow,
metric stretching), assymmetric bending of ( O S O ) and C S orange to pink and finally to transparent offered a clear indication
stretching respectively as also reported in few publications[48]; of sensitive visual sensor. Furthermore, the color change was cor-
and majorly points out to the formation of complex (as seen in, roborated by UV–Vis spectroscopy and colorimetric data followed
Scheme 2). by plausible mechanism. AgY-NPs visual sensor displays specificity
for volatile sulphur compound responsible for spoilage of onions.
3.5.3. FT-IR studies Moreover the original and fainted solutions were augmented with
FT-IR of AgY-NPs (Fig. S4) showing characteristic peaks at PXRD, Raman, FT-IR, SEM and TEM analysis confirming the changes
3300 cm−1 and 1690 cm−1 represents O H and C O stretching due occurring in AgY-NPs solution.
to PEG and TSC that serves as a capping agents of AgNPs that binds
4.1. Future directions
to the metal ion strongly and prevent agglomeration. However in
case of fainted AgY-NPs colloidal solution due to the infusion of In cold storage chambers, where onions are stored in two differ-
sulphur, the spectral intensity of O H peak diminishes and shifts ent temperature ranges (around 2 ◦ C for long term (till 12 month)
to 3100 cm−1 while the intensity of peak at 1690 cm−1 reduced and at 25–32 ◦ C for 3–4 month storage, in both the conditions rela-
sharply. Additional bands ranging from 956 to 1061 cm−1 and a tive humidity (RH) has to be maintained between 75–80%), during
sharp band at 780 cm−1 were obtained corresponding to the S O this period there are chances of initiation of the bacterial and fun-
stretching and C S stretching frequencies which very well cor- gal infections. Hence in order to detect the spoilage process and
relates with the values in the literature[49,50]. This infers that avoid the spreading of infection, the visual sensor can bring a mark-
sulphur moiety substitutes inside the silver shell forming a stable able improvement. AgY-NPs based visual sensor can be implanted
sulphur-silver complex due to the higher stabilization constant for near the purging gases coming out of the cold storage chamber and
silver binding with sulphur [33]. therefore in future we will be studying its practical implications in
cold storage. This visual sensor can serve its utility to the farmers
3.5.4. TEM and SEM studies because of its economic viability and its effectiveness.
Fig. 8(A) shows the TEM image of yellow colored AgY-NPs
colloidal solution before exposing it to spoiled onions with Acknowledgements
nanoparticles size ranging from 3–4 nm [21]. The particles
appeared to be of uniform size and well dispersed. In contrast DS is grateful to Vice Chancellor, Ajit Kumar, J.G. Varshney
to this the exposed AgY-NPs colloidal solution became faint and NIFTEM-Kundli for their support, encouragement and permission
478 D. Sachdev et al. / Sensors and Actuators B 228 (2016) 471–479

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D. Sachdev et al. / Sensors and Actuators B 228 (2016) 471–479 479

Dr. Priyanka H. Maheshwari is working as a scientist at Deepthi has completed her MSc with specialization in
CSIR—National Physical Laboratory, New Delhi. She com- Applied chemistry from Mangalore University. She has
pleted her Ph. D. in 2008 on ‘Development and Studies worked as Teaching Assistant in Indian Institute of Sci-
of Novel Carbon Materials for Energy Applications’ from ence, Chemistry department, Undergraduate Program,
Delhi University. She is the recipient of the CSIR-Young Bangalore and is currently working at National Centre for
Scientist Award-2012 in Engineering Sciences. Her basic Biological Sciences as Technical Assistant in EM-Facility.
research interests include development of Porous con- Her work mainly involves the TEM analysis of chemically
ducting carbon paper, catalyst and bipolar plate for fuel fixed Biological samples
cell applications; development of carbon based anode for
rechargeable Li-ion batteries; and Synthesis/modification
of carbon nanotubes and development of multifunctional
CNT based nano composites.

Dr. Neeraj completed his Ph.D. from CCS Haryana

Dr Renu Pasricha. A PhD in physics from the Pune Univer- Agricultural University in Horticulture Science with spe-
sity and from IIT Delhi, Dr Renu Pasricha heads the cialization in postharvest management and worked as
Electron Microscopy division at National Centre for Biological DAAD Research Fellow in Institute fuer Gartenbauwis-
Sciences—TIFR, Bangalore. Author of nearly 125 interna- senschaft, Bonn University, Germany. He is working as
tional publications in the field of nanoscience, she has the Assistant Professor in National Institute of Food Technol-
specialization in the field of Electron Microscopic analysis. ogy Entrepreneurship and Management. He is currently
Her current research interests includes Novel methods of pursuing research in the area of postharvest manage-
sample preparation for Biological samples, Cryo Electron ment of fruits and vegetables, supply chain management
Microscopy, 3D tomography, Langmuir Blodgett Films, of fresh horticultural produce.
Novel approach to nanoparticles system for biomedicine
and Correaltive microscopy.

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