Buffing Astra Militarum

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16/5/2018 Buffing Astra Militarum Infantry - The Complete Guide - 40K Blog

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Bu ng Astra Militarum Infantry – The

Complete Guide
Today we take an in-depth looking at bu ng and boosting Astra Militarum Infantry as

much as possible! Including Astra Militarum Infantry Helper mini app!

Approximate Reading Time: 17 minutes

I’ve just written the title of this article and now I’ve immediately regretted it. But it’s

there now so let’s stick with it. Onto Bu ng Astra Militarum Infantry.

If you have an addition or an idea please do let me know! Either in the comments, on

Twitter or Facebook. If I’ve made a mistake please do let me know also!

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The reasons for writing this article are two-fold…

Firstly I’m fed up with losing my games. And losing badly. I believe this boils down to a

single issue with my gameplay style: lack of movement. Before a game everything is set
out in my mind and perfect. But as soon as the game starts I become scared of losing

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any unit. Infantry Squads stand still, tanks shoot from my back line and elite characters

remain rmly stuck in my deployment zone.

I hope that including some other units in my lists and trying various bu s I will change

this play style and either make it safer to venture out from my castle and/or
enforce/encourage another style of play.

Secondly, the new Custodes Codex just appeared and there was a speci c addition to
their rules that made me think…

Yeah, that will work with Buf ng Astra Militarum Infantry –

let’s try it!

It was the new Custodes Standard that gives all Imperial Infantry wholly within 9″ a 5+

Invulnerable save. What!?

So often my Guardsmen die to massed AP-or AP -1 re even when I’m castled up and

trying to hide. Cover doesn’t help much these days.

I may as well take this Standard, wrap it with Guardsman, a Character or two and

march them all into the centre of the table. That sure would be a change in play style,

for me!

This is going to be a long article, covering a lot of models, rules, and extras such as

Heirlooms of Conquest, Doctrines, Stratagems and Warlord Traits. To help with this
endeavour I’ve created a digital aid. Its embedded into this page below. You can also

view it stand alone here (easier for mobile I expect) – Astra Militarum Infantry Helper.

It is a simple search/ lter form; select the bu type and/or Regiment and easily view

the models/rules that help with your selected bu type. Neat hey?

Astra Militarum Infantry Helper

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Select either a Benefit or a Regiment, or one from each!

Select a benefit Select a regiment

Any Benefit Any Regimen

If I had a penny for every left and right arrow key pressed in iBooks while writing this, I

would own a Warlord Titan! :-)

Astra Militarum Infantry – what’s

Anything that has the Astra Militarum keyword and the Infantry keyword, but not
Characters and not Tempestus Scions. So this includes:


Infantry Squads
Heavy Weapons Teams

Ogryns and Bullgryns


Those are the units I’ll be trying to bu .

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A Bu for Astra Militarum Infantry –

what’s that?
A rule that bene ts any unit as described above. Note this doesn’t mean the rule needs
to stipulate the keywords Astra Militarum and Infantry or just Astra Militarum. It could

say Imperial and Infantry of just Imperium. Because by default Astra Militarum units
are also Imperium units.

Basic Astra Militarum Infantry Units

These are the units we will be aiming to bu mostly. We will throw in the odd reference

to Ratlings and Bullgryns later on.

Infantry Squad
Your basic ten men Infantry Squad that can take a Heavy Weapon, a Special Weapon
and the Sergeant can take a few extra toys too. A Vox-caster is also available.

Heavy Weapons Team

Takes three Heavy Weapons and can be used to perform a variety of tasks; anti-tank,
anti-heavy infantry and anti-light infantry.

Taken in squads of between 20 and 30, Conscripts can be a fantastic melee unit and
speed bump unit. Morale is your enemy, however, especially after the change to the
Commissar in the FAQ.

At BS 3+ these boys can shoot and shoot better than your other infantry. Load them up
with Plasma or Melta and start making their points back twice over.

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Cadian Infantry holding the ruins, as they so often do for me.

Orders go without saying really in this article. They are powerful and really boost your

Astra Militarum past being mere humans. Orders can’t be used on units like Bullgryns
and Ratlings though. Which is a shame, but makes perfect sense.

I won’t cover each order here speci cally but will reference them in the article and they
are also included in the Astra Militarum Infantry Helper.

Regimental Doctrines
Again these go without saying as all of them will a ect your infantry. Again I will
reference them speci cally in the article and they are included in the Astra Militarum
Infantry Helper.

Astra Militarum Models

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War Hymns give you an extra Attack in the Fight Phase within 6″ of the Priest.

Command Squad (Medi-pack)

Allows you to regain a wound (or a one wound model that died) from an infantry unit
within 3″ on a 4+.

Command Squad (Regimental Standard)

Astra Militarum units within 6″ add 1 to their Leadership.

Pick an enemy unit within 18″, the target gets no bonus to their saving throw from

cover when shot at by Astra Militarum units within 6″ of the Astropath. A little bit niche

but could be very handy for killing very well dug in troops that gain a 2+ bonus from


Used with Ratlings you can more easily strike at Characters in cover.

Lord Commissars and Commissars

Units within 6″ can use the Commissar’s Leadership. Lord Commissars can also
become your Warlord and give out an order using Voice of Command.

They got changed in the FAQ though. Now Summary Execution kills a model and gives a

Morale re-roll. Even if you were going to fail the re-roll anyway. No more morale
immune Conscripts.

Valhallan’s can get around this see the Company Commanders section below.

Yarrick (with example)

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While not a vast improvement in your infantry Yarrick has his uses. Units within 6″ can

use his Leadership and he has Summary Execution – see above.

Iron Will means he is hard to get rid of and two-thirds of the times he dies, he just

won’t die and will remain on one wound.  If you’re not playing Cadians then the re-
rolling of ones for Astra Miltarum units within 6″ is a nice bu . Even if you’re playing

as Cadians then this allows you to move and re-roll ones. A nice bu to counter my

current poor play style.

Don’t forget that Yarrick can ght too, he can be used as a threat to vehicles and

armoured infantry. His Power Klaw hits relatively hard on a 3+ (-1 to hit for this

weapon – thanks, H3BREWH4MMER n Reddit)!

Straken, Yarrick and an infantry squad of Catachans all re-rolling ones to hit in combat
and shooting, S4 and 2 attacks each! MathHammer says that’s 5 dead Space Marines in

the ght phase. Throw in a Priest? That goes up to 7 dead Space Marines. That is just

the ght phase too!

Fix Bayonets Order? OK, now it’s getting silly, with those extra attacks from the

infantry squad we now have 10 dead Space Marines. Its 280 points for those Astra

Militarum Infantry models to kill 130 points of Space Marines (assuming 13 points a
model) per turn. Or 9 wounds on a T7, 3+ save vehicle, that’s a severely crippled enemy

vehicle there.

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MathHammer for Bu ng Astra Militarum Infantry – Yarrick,

Straken, 10 Guardsmen & a Priest in the Fight Phase using Fix

When we take into account shooting we can kill a further 3 Space Marines at 12″ range

using all the shooting from Straken, Yarrick, Priest and Infantry Squad. That is using

First Rank Fire, Second Rank Fire, and Rapid re!

Company Commanders
These lads can dish out two orders a turn with a range of 6″. A little like Creed this can
be further boosted. The Master of Command Warlord Trait can get you up to three

orders. If you’re Cadian then Kell gives you another order, that is four! It can be boosted

to  ve though using the Inspired Tactics Stratagem. This puts this guy on par with

Creed for orders! Although with a shorter range. Vox-casters can x that though.

The Laurels of Command Heirloom of Conquest can be given you an extra order on a 4+

for a unit that just received an order. Thus allowing you double up on Orders. Eg Take
Aim and First Rank Fire, Second Rank Fire. More on this below.

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By using the Imperial Commander’s Armoury Stratagem you can get an extra one or

two more Heirlooms of Conquest. Why not take Kurov’s Aquila for some extra CP
during the game on a 5+ whenever your enemy uses a Stratagem.

Valhallan’s can get around the Morale rule change that Commissars got in the FAQ. By

using Pietrov’s MK45 (an Heirloom of Conquest) on Company Commanders, this gives

your Company Commander the old Commissar rule, kill one model and then auto pass
Morale. Thanks to Ian from my Facebook page for this idea!

My Company Commander – one of many!

Ogryn Bodyguard
A handy fella to keep around those expensive Characters, this guy can bu your

characters with 6 wounds – probably. On a 3+ the Bodyguard takes a Mortal Wound

rather than your Character – within 3″. Useful if you’re worried about sneaky Deep

Strikes and/or Snipers.

Thanks to Brian Hull in the comments for this tip, but you can take The Deathmask of
Ollanius on the Bodyguard Ogryn and a Slabshield. This gives him a 2+ Save and a 2+

Invulnerable Save. While those saves do not help with the Mortal Wounds he must

su er when defending friendly characters. It does mean he can heal D3 wounds once
per game using the Deathmask’s other ability.

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Now the Ogyn “Custodian” Bodyguard has a 2+ Save, 2+ Invulnerable Save, 6 wounds
and can heal D3 wounds once per game. Throw in a Command Squad with a Medi Pack

and this guy will last a long time!

Note the 2+ Invulnerable Save is ne, the Deathmask gives a +2 to saves and an

Invulnerable Save is a save. Therefore, wow! Discussion on this in the Imperial Guard

(closed) Facebook Group.

Nork Dog
Much like the Ogryn Bodyguard but he takes a Mortal Wound on a 2+ and he can ght

before he dies if slain in the Fight Phase.

Cadian Models

Creed (with example)

While not a direct bu , Creed can dish out three orders. This can be boosted to four on a
4+ using the Cadian Warlord Trait Superior Tactical Training – which Creed must take.

It can then be boosted to ve with Kell. It can be boosted again to six using the Inspired

Tactics Stratagem.

You cannot use The Laurels of Command Heirloom of Conquest though because Creed

is a named Character.

Creed also has an Order range of 12″. So 5 or 6 orders (depending on the 4+ roll) a turn

with a 12″ range. Creed is a smart guy! Plus he grants 2 extra Command Points – but
you have to weigh that against not being able to take Kurov’s Aquila or the Grand

Strategist Warlord Trait.

Cadian units within 6″ can re-roll failed Morale tests. And he allows an extra order for

Cadian O cers.

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Catachan Models

Catachan units within 6″ gain an extra attack during the Fight phase. The forced

Warlord Trait for Catachan allows you to join in on ghts within 6″ with ease.

It’s bu s like this I especially like in Astra Militarum Forces because it’s not expected.
Catachan hit harder than normal in the Fight Phase. If your opponent forgets this then

they may end up losing units to urries of Catachan sts accompanied by Straken.

Sergeant Harker
Re-roll 1s within 6″ for Catachan units – in the Shooting Phase.

Other Models

Astra Militarum Infantry within 6″ gain a 6+ Invulnerable Save.

Greyfax, Karamazov, Coteaz, Inquisitors

Astra Militarum Infantry within 6″ can use the Inquisitor’s Leadership.

Greyfax can also take the Mental Fortitude power.

Custodes Standard (Vexilus Praetors)

Imperial Infantry units wholly within 9″ gain a 5+ Invulnerable Save.

Fulminaris Aggressor Relic

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The Custodes Fulminaris Aggressor Relic gives a 6″ Fearless bubble. (Thanks, Westrider

in the comments!)

Custodes Warlord Traits

A few of the Custodes Warlord Traits allow Imperium units to auto pass Morale tests
when within 6″. If you’re running a mainly Astra Militarum army then you’re not likely
to have a Custodes Warlord. But it’s worth knowing.

Uriah Jacobus
Friendly Adeptus Ministorum and Astra Militarum units within 6″ add 1 to their
leadership characteristic (doesn’t stack with Greyfax or Coteaz leadership
characteristic but still useful). He also adds 1 to their attacks characteristic with the

same rule as a Priest. (Thanks, Cadian Steel for the reminder on this).

Roboute Guilliman
With the Master of Battle rules, he allows Imperium units within 12″ to re-roll ones to
hit (all phases), add 1 to advance and charge rolls, and re-roll failed morale

tests. (Thanks again Cadian Steel for the reminder on this).

Pyskana Discipline
There are three powers that can bene t Astra Militarum Infantry. Unfortunately, none
are o ensive. Nightshroud and Psychic Barrier can be a good way of protecting an all-
important unit holding an object or saving Pask for that one last blast of his Punisher


Psychic Barrier
Adds 1 to the saving throws for the target unit.

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Enemies targeting your Astra Militarum unit must take 1 away from their hit rolls.

Mental Fortitude
The target unit automatically passes Morale tests.

Warlord Traits
These Traits are good for your Company Commanders or Lord Commissars when
they’re your Warlord. Creed, Yarrick and other named characters must take their

regiment speci c Warlord Trait.

Old Grudges
Select an enemy unit before the rst battle round. Astra Militarum units ring at that
unit can re-roll all failed Wound rolls while they are within 6″ of your Warlord.

If you link this up with re-rolling to wound (Take Aim Order plus being Cadian) then
you could have yourself a lovely little wounds festival.

Implacable Determination
When your Warlord and a single friendly unit within 3″ Advances, both move 6″ rather

than D6″.

Possibly something I should just force myself to take, to start me o moving a little


Draconian Discipline
Re-roll all failed Morale Tests for Astra Militarum units within 6″ of your Warlord.

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Grand Strategist
Allows your Warlord to re-roll a single hit, wound or save per game. But more
importantly, you can refund your CPs on a 5+.

This area of the game is a big weakness for me at the moment, having only used the
Codex once. I keep forgetting the Stratagems and without them then I am probably

missing out of 50% of my force’s potential. There is a lot here that t nicely into
bu ng Astra Militarum Infantry.

Fire on my Position
Its costly at 3CP but this allows you to cause Mortal Wounds to nearby enemies when an

Astra Militarum unit is destroyed.

Imperial Commander’s Armoury

Allow you to take an extra Heirloom of Conquest or an extra two. Really handy if you
want to take your Regiment’s narrative Heirloom of Conquest and two generic ones.

O cious Prefectus Command Tank

Coverts a Leman Russ into a Commissar of sorts, giving a Leadership 9 bu to Astra

Militarum units within 6″.

Consolidate Squads
Allows Infantry Squads to merge together that are within 2″ of each other.

Take Cover
Used in your opponents shooting phase, you can increase a unit’s saving throw by one.

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Instead of Overwatching, a charged Astra Miilitarum Infantry unit can throw up to ten
grenades, not just one.

Fight to the Death

Allows a single Astra Militarum Infantry unit to use a D3 for their Morale test, rather

than a D6.

Vengeance for Cadia

Re-roll failed hits and wounds when shooting normally or in Overwatch against a
Chaos enemy.

Volley Fire (Mordian)

Rolls of sixes allow another shot to be red.

Overlapping Fields of Fire (Cadian)

Once an unsaved wound has been caused against an enemy you can use this Stratagem
to add 1 to the hit rolls of future attacks from other Cadians.

Send in the Next Wave (Valhallan)

Allows destroyed Valhallan Infantry units to come back.

Firstborn Pride (Vostroyan)

One unit can add 1 to their hit rolls.

Ambush (Tallarn)
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Three Tallarn units can Deep Strike.

Armoured Fist (Armageddon)

Armageddon Infantry that disembarked can re-roll 1s to hit.

Vicious Traps (Catachan)

Allows charged units to cause Mortal Wounds against their charger’s.

Heirlooms of Conquest
There are a few gems in here that when used right and remembered could help you

swing the battle in your favour by getting in close quickly or taking a wound or two
extra from an enemy Character.

The Laurels of Command

Allows an O cer to give another Order (on a 4+) to a unit that already received an

order, e ectively allowing you to double up orders!

Take Aim and First Rank Fire Second Rank Fire are the rst two that immediately

spring to mind! If you’re Cadian that allows you to re 4 shots at 12″ and re-roll all
failed hits! We, therefore, have 36 shots, re-rolling all misses. That is 2.25 dead Space
Marines or 9 dead Guardsmen/Cultists.

Other nice combos could be First Rank Fire, Second Rank Fire along with Forwards for
the Emperor, which allows you to shoot twice as many Rapid Fire shots from Lasguns
even if the unit Advanced in the previous Movement Phase.

The Dagger of Tu’Sakh

Allows your Warlord and one Infantry unit to appear within 6″ of a battle eld edge. This
just says your Warlord and an Infantry unit. So that could be a Company Commander

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with a Plasma Pistol, Power Fist with 5 Bullgryns. Now that is not something you see
every day from the Astra Militarum.

The Death Mask of Ollanius

This gives 4+ Invulnerable Save on your Company Commander and allows him to heal

D3 wounds, once.

Kurov’s Aquila
Allows you to gain a CP each time the enemy uses a Stratagem.

Pietrov’s MK45
A Valhallan Heirloom of Conquest which e ectively gives the old Commissar ability.

Kill one guy and pass Morale. It also doubles as a rather nice Bolt Pistol!

The Emperor’s Benediction

This I have overlooked but I would like to give it a try and snipe enemy Characters
before they make their charge. It allows you to attack enemy Characters even if they not

the closest and as long as they are more than 1″ away. It has 3 shots, S4, AP-2, and D2.
On a BS2+ Character, you could be shaving a couple of wounds from enemies who did
not expect a hail of high damage Bolter re from a Company Commander or Lord


Bonus – Transports
Transports add protection and movement to your Astra Militarum Infantry. I won’t go

into all the various types of transport available but there is a good selection of dedicated
transports like the Chimera and Taurox to the Super-Heavy tanks that can carry many
models. Don’t forget the Valkyrie for dropping in Plasma, Melta or Bullgryns to your

enemy’s deployment zone!

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Alternative transport for Astra Militarum Infantry – Taurox Wheel

Conversion From Victoria Miniatures

Note, you can issue orders from a Chimera. The Mobile Command Vehicle Stratagem
for 1CP lets you do this for a turn. It’s measured from the vehicle and the o cer counts
as having a Vox-caster. Nice. Including the hull of the vehicle increases the range too.

The Chimera, a Guardsman’s best friend – until it explodes

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Some of the above abilities are meh, some are OK and some are great. Check out
the Astra Militarum Infantry Helper mini app too for some pointers for good combos.

I would love to hear from you if you have tried some major
Astra Militarum Infantry list and had great success or failure!

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Brian Hull • 2 months ago ⚑ −

Another handy thing to annoy your opponent with is Bullgryns with slabshields. I believe this gives
them a 2+ save. couple that with being in cover, take cover stratagem (while having same name as
being in cover in a way, it is not actually using the cover rules so this would stack), and then the
psychic shield power. This wold result in a -1+ save. So a meltagun firing at a bullgryn like this
would give him a 4+ save. They can bounce lascannons on a 3+. This is of course very situational
but groovy fun when you can pull it off.
Additionally you might have heard of a orgyn bodyguard with the death mask of Ollanious and
slabshield. This would give him a 2++ save. And he could heal d3 wounds too. Mortal wounds
would be his Achilles heel of course.
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Jake (cadianshock) Mod > Brian Hull • 2 months ago − ⚑

That Death Mask idea with the Bodyguard, I like! I will add that into the article! Did you
mean 2++, meaning a 2+ Inv Save? The Death Mask just gives a 4+ Inv Save though?
Even so having a 2+ Save and 4+ Inv Save is very impressive. We shall call him Custodian
Ogryn Bodyguard!

I love Bullgryns with Slabshields, so unexpected for Guard to have a 2+ save.

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Brian Hull > Jake (cadianshock) • 2 months ago − ⚑

the slabshield gives a +2 to any saves. Its just that the only save that is being
affected for the bodygaurd is the Death mask one. so there you have a 2+
invulnerable. Pretty neat.
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Jake (cadianshock) Mod > Brian Hull • 2 months ago ⚑ −

But the Bodyguard doesn’t give a Invulnerable Save? Unsure how you get a
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Brian Hull > Jake (cadianshock) • 2 months ago ⚑ −

Its the death mask that the slabshield modifies. So with the deathmask the
orgyn bodygaurd has a 4+ invulnerable. The slabshield gives a bonus of 2 all
saves (normal and invulnerable). There is a post on the facebook astra
militarum group where this is brought up.
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Jake (cadianshock) Mod > Brian Hull • 2 months ago − ⚑

Oh wow! I will update the article...
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Brian Hull • 2 months ago ⚑ −

So here is my thinking for grand strategist re rolls. Here is the text: "Whilst your warlord is alive,
you can re-roll a single hit roll, wound roll, or a saving throw per battle." When i read this it says to
me that it can by from ANY where on the battlefield. I does not specifically say your warlord. I
suppose if it was just your warlord only it would say something like " your warlord can re roll a
single hit roll, wound roll, saving throw per battle." The warlord only needs to be alive for some
other unit or vehicle to get this benefit. I use this sometimes with a command re roll as well to really
get an important shot to be successful.
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Jake (cadianshock) Mod > Brian Hull • 2 months ago − ⚑

Hey yeah I have never noticed that it is NOT your Warlord. I guess its anyone. I always
forget about this little perk, because I mainly take it for the CP buff.
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Westrider • 4 months ago ⚑ −

The Fulminaris Aggressor Relic can replace the usual Custodes Vexilla, and makes a 6" Fearless
bubble for Imperium Infantry and Bikes. Much more durable than a Commissar, too.
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Jake (cadianshock) Mod > Westrider • 4 months ago − ⚑

Ah yeah, thats instead of the 5+ Inv?

Edit: Found it and added! Thanks!

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