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Andres Pollon Ramos

Jennifer Rodrick

English (115)

October 22, 2018

Latino Immigrants in Society


There are many different types of groups of people in society. These people try to shape

their identities either by conformity which is a type of social influences that involves change in a

person’s belief or way of behaving in order for them to “fit” in society. Or others shape their

identities with performative meaning the way language affects change in the world and functions

as a form of social action. One of the main groups in society can be immigrant people. The

immigrants tend to conform to just about anything. Conformity can be viewed and be interpreted

in various forms, but this depends on the type of people and their intellectual thinkings. Although

it can be viewed in a positive way in relation to society norms, it can also be viewed negatively

in destructing the decisions made from people. Conformity together with peer pressure happens

to be a persistent issue in the society.

Many immigrants tend to change their beliefs and behavior once they migrate to the

United States. Their form of believing is very different from each other. Many of them many

think that once they arrive in the U.S they will be able to pursue the “American Dream” but in

reality they don’t know much about the norms and how hard it is to maintain a stable life in the

U.S . Many immigrants who come to this country have to get used to new cultures adapt to the

tendency of American people in this country most of immigrants shaped their identities in the

way they behave with other people this refers to the way that they have to learn how to
communicate with American people with a new language that is English this can make explained

in the article of Hallet, Miranda Cady when she wrote about how the immigrants became

important and essential for this country because most American people see the Latino

immigrants as good workers people when they do the labor jobs, the Latino immigrants are

usually very effective and intelligent people for these jobs. Therefore, the American people see

their identities of the Latino immigrants as good working people and fighters. As she says in her

article “ Latina and Latino migrants perform boundary work (Lamont, 2000; Hartigan, 2010),

constructing their identities as “good” workers and neighbors”. What this quote that Hallet wrote

can mean in the way how the immigrants that are Latinos and Latinas can shape their identities

living in this country being good neighbors and good people for this country, Latinos are

recognized by American people as fighter, efficient at work people, and including American

people see Latinos as very useful people for this country but not all American people think so

well of the Latinos immigrants because there are also those Americans who do not like the idea

of having to deal with Latinos in their community.

Teens immigrants who come from other countries to this country their identities are

usually shaped in a different way this means in ways that they never thought that this country

provides them so much opportunities and this make reference when they’re in the way how High

Schools teach the new language of English to teenagers. Most of immigrants teenagers who

come here and start studying tend to change their behavior because they realize that this society

of this country is very different from that of their countries, here there is much more benefits for

teenagers who are unde rage and some of them tend to take too many advantages of these

benefits and then they do not know how to use them but there are immigrants teenagers that if

they take advantage of the opportunities from what this country give them and then here is the
point when they start by looking for the "American Dream ". Only one part of immigrants

teenagers usually get the American dream and continue studying and going forward in this

country. This could be explained in one of the quotes that Hilaire, Aonghas wrote on her article

“At the cusp of entering high school, Mexican-origin students profess positive educational

values, aspirations, & expectations, belying documented elevated rates of high school dropout &

low rates of college attendance”. This makes it understand that most of immigrants teenagers

who go attend for the first time at high school are more positive and effective in studying

because they are adapting to a new shaped of identity where they deny many cups that say they

are less effective which means that immigrants students have low attendance in high schools and

college, because the teens immigrants are the most contributing in the education of high school

and college not only immigrants students who are of Mexican nationality usually have an

effective performance in the study also the rest of teenagers immigrants who come from other

countries of Centroamerica and including those who come from different parts of the world.

The migration of many people from Centroamerica is usually not so accepted in this

country because some American people don’t usually like adapt to a new shaped of identity also

they don’t like the idea of having to share the cultures or behaviors that the Immigrant people has

because Latino immigrants have different behavior in cultures, religions, and even in ways of

speaking Spanish and English because it should be noted that not all Latinos often speak the

same Spanish or have the same accent speaking because immigrants Latinos tend to have a

different accent when they speak Spanish and this is reflected in the way when they learn to

speak English when they pronounced a few words in English. It is worth mentioning that also the

majority of people who come to this country not only immigrant Latinos are not so accepted by

their shaped of identities also the people that Afro American, Asian, Chinese among other people
that came from different part of the world they are not accepted in this country too for their

identities this means by the color of skin or the type of race that are, this provoke that people

make many complexities in the acceptance by the societies or communities of this country by the

U.S. People who don’t want to accept the shaped of other people who are not from this same

country.This makes understanding on a quote in the article of Vickerman, Milton when he wrote

about “The conceptualization of race is pivotally important because it determines the shape of

assimilation, and, consistent with growing immigration-driven complexity, no one model of

assimilation dominates the society”. This may refer to that in this country is very important the

acceptance of the races because in a in a few words we are all equal in this country and because

the immigration of people is not affecting the complexity of shapes of people's identities by

American people, migration its a good side because it helps the United States to be a better

country and helps to have different variety of cultures, behaviors, identities of people from whom

this country can obtain benefits. However, it is not possible to avoid these complexities still exist

on the part of some American people who believe that the migration of people is affecting in the

United States of America in all the aspects that are seen today by the rest of society and for those

who blame to the immigrant people by all those causes.

Latinos immigrant when they come to America tend to change their shapes of identities

they have to adapt to the new environment of this country, new cultures, they have to learn how

to live with new people most of immigrant people who work tend to meet new people from

different countries of Centroamerica and it is when they begin to interact their shapes of

identities in the way as they speak, some immigrants like how other people talk they like their

new cultures or like to experience new things. Also this happen in schools with immigrants

students who have to live in a new environment with other teenagers who are from different
countries but in some cases there are conflicts for the acceptance of countries, cultures, and

behavior, but most immigrant students are usually more accepted by the same community and

society in this country because all schools and colleges given the majority of opportunities to

them because adults who come to this country and if they’re undocumented they tend to have no

so much opportunities, as the immigrants students have. The immigrant students ar schools or

colleges have to share their shapes of identities with those who are not from the same country in

or create many links with them. Most immigrants students tend to have an environment

compatible with the rest of the immigrant students because they already know the situations in

which each of them come to this country. Finally, in this country there will always be

complexities on the part of people who don’t accept the migration of people to the United States.

However, there are so many things that make people immigrants turn this country into a better

place even for American people and this is reflected in labor work or in the productions

generated by the country so there should be no complexities of ethnic race and discrimination of

skin color because at the end of the account we all live in the same country where we are free to

share our cultures, religions, environments, and we should learn to live in the community sharing

all this things because here in this country there are too many people who have different shaped

of identities in which we must learn day by day to live and we should not look at aspects of race

or the color of the person or where they comes from because at the end of all this the people who

emigrate to this country make the United States a better nation.

Works Cited Pages:

Miranda Cady, Hallet. Better Than White Trash: Work Ethic, Latinidad and Whiteness in

Rural Arkansas. Latino Studies 81-106, 2012.

Aonghas, St. Hilaire. The Social Adaptation of Children of Mexican Immigrants:

Educational Aspirations beyond Junior High School. Social Science Quarterly 1026-1043,

Milton, Vickerman. “Recent Immigration and Race”. Social Science and Research on Race.

Du Bois Review Web, 2007. 141-165.








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