Between Geornetry and Mechanics - A Re-Exarnination of The Principies of Stereo To My From Astatical Point of View

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Proceedings of the First International Congress on Construction History, Madrid, 20th-24th January 2003,

ed. S. Huerta, Madrid: I. Juan de Herrera, SEdHC, ETSAM, A. E. Benvenuto, COAM, F. Dragados, 2003.

Between geornetry and rnechanics:

A re-exarnination of the principies of stereotorny
frorn a statical point of view

Danila Aita

The main objective of this paper is to give a fact, it allows one to visualize a tridimensional object
mechanical interpretation of the geometrical by means of a bidimensional reproduction and to give
principies guiding the art of stereotomy for designing an appropriate form to each of the voussoirs making
masonry arches. The treatises on the coupe des up a vault. Tn this way, it is possible to construct
pierres -even those published after the birth of vaults, domes and squinches and to perform an
modern structural mechanics- deal with the design infinite variety of bold technical operations.
of vaulted structures from an essentially geometrical In this context, it is interesting to observe that the
point of view. For instance, the main issue of cutting design of complex vaulted structures seems to hark
voussoirs, as con cerned the inclination of the joints, back simply to the solution of geometrical problems.
was dealt with in geometrical terms without taking In antiquity, the arch was considered as a pre-eminent
any statical consequences into account. With example of geometrical perfection, containing in
reference to this problem, the coupe des pierres itself a principie of statical perfection: the common
develops two geometrical criteria: the first requires conviction was that geometry, not statics, could
that the joints converge at a single point (e.g. Villard provide the safest proportions for designing arches.
de Honnecourt); the second requires that the joints be The ancient Egyptians, Greeks and Romans cut
perpendicular to the intrados of the arch (e.g. Frézier). stones into large blocks, so that they formed sound
In order to determine the degree of stability constructions and their weight took the place of
corresponding to these geometrical criteria, the mortar.
present paper analyses the problem of stonecutting in With the passing of time, efforts were made to
statical terms by considering the equilibrium of reduce the dimensions of the stones constructing the
voussoirs in the absence of friction and cohesion. The structure, so as not to place excessive organisational
works of Coulomb, de Nieuport and Venturoli are demands on the building site. Hence the first objective
examined and the statical formulation of the problem in perfecting techniques for cutting stone is finding
is extended to some stereotomic constructions. stability comparable to that which would be obtained
using much bigger stones, while using smaller ones.
A second problem relating to stonecutting is linked
THE ORIGINS OF STEREOTOMY to the fact that stone is characterised by a high
resistance to compression and a low resistance to
From the Middle Ages to the 18th century, stereotomy traction and to bending. For this reason in ancient
was considered the most important construction temples the maximum distance between the axes of
technique. By means of geometrical principIes, in the columns did not exceed 4-5 metres. Hence the
162 D.Aita

second objective in improvement of hewn stone century BC, first made the vault a free volume: with
construction techniques is to solve the problem of them, the vault showed itself openly, carne out of the
getting over bigger inter-axis spaces and coverings. ground, and became a noble construction, no longer
The so-caJled encorbellement method (Fig. la) was confined to subterranean constructions and funerary
the first solution, used starting from antiquity. The architecture (Sakarovitch, 1998).
construction principie is very simple: it consists in At all events, the cradle of stereotomy was palaeo-
using overhanging (i.e., corbeJled) stones, with the Christian Syria. In the middle of the 3t" century AD
beds always horizontal. the Philippopolis theatre was built on the Jebel ed-
Though this technique may appear unrefined and Druz: it contains some rampant arches and a cross
primitive, it made it possible to realise some works of vault. Theodoricus' mausoleum is the only ltalian
inestimable value. One of the most ancient and monument comparable, for stereotomic virtuosity, to
celebrated was the so-called room of «The Treasury the constructions of palaeo-Christian Syria mentioned
of Atreus», a masterpiece of Mycenean architecture -indeed, it is even supposed that the architect
done in the 13th century Be. From the 7th to the 2"d originally carne from Syria (Adam, 1984, 207).
century BC the Etruscans frequently used corbelling Hence skilful architecture clavée carne into being
to cover some funerary chambers (one thinks, for at the confines of the Roman and later Byzantine
example, of the tombs at Casale Marittimo and Empire, an area where, for defence against Persian
Montagnola) or to make arches (Sakarovitch, 1998). invasions, the most elaborate fortification systems
While encorbellement is a technique that carne into were built. The encounter in the same regíon between
being for constructing hewn stone structures, the arch a long tradition of stone construction, the knowledge
and the tunnel vault carne into being as brick of the best Roman architects and engineers and
constructions. They appeared starting from the specific demands of military architecture can perhaps
beginning of the 3td millennium in regions where explain the perfecting of local craftsmen in the
there was a shortage of wood, like Mesopotamia and realisation of arch or vault structures (Mango, 1993).
the vaJley of the Nile, but carne to be part of the According to a hypothesis based on nineteenth-
stonecutting technique only with the introduction of century studies by Viollet-le-Duc (1854-1868) and
the voussoir, a wedge-shaped stone with two oblique Choisy (1873; 1883), stonecutting methods appear to
faces by means of which it rests on the adjacent have been brought from the East to the West by
voussoirs, laterally transferring the vertical forces due crusaders. The development of stereotomy in the
to its own weight and any other loads. South of France in the 12th and 13th centuries is one
The first examples of arch structures in the Greek- argument in favour of this thesis (Sakarovitch, 1998).
Roman world, whose dating is certain, do not go back The first problem that faced medieval builders in
to earlier than the end of the 4th century or the the realisation of vaults was how to cut the voussoirs
beginning of the 3'". We are referring to the arches constituting a structure. They seem to have answered
that cover the gates of fortifications at Eraclea of this question from an essentiaJly geometrical point of
Latmos and at Velia, which were ancient Phocian view, without taking statical or structural
colonies in Central Italy, or the ones under the vaulted considerations jnto account. Indeed, stereotomy
room s of some Macedonian tombs (Langhada, treatises illustrate the rules according to which
Leucadia) or again the underground chambers of the voussoirs are to be cut in order to solve the different
theatre at Alinda in Caria. In these different examples, geometrical problems that may arise.
as in the Egyptian vaults, the problem posed by the The various methods with which stones can be cut
lateral dissipation of the thrusts exerted by the vault can be grouped into two big families: on one hand,
or by the arch is sol ved, in that the vault belongs to a archaic methods, and on the other hand cutting par
structure that is interred or the arch covers an aperture équarrissement and par panneaux. Archaic methods
belonging to a wall. Down to the 2nd century BC all are those which require no preparatory trace. There
structures with arches or vaults are of this type. This are essentially three: cutting par ravalement, a la
is stiJl the case in the very beautiful vaults of the demande and a la perche (Sakarovitch, 1998).
staircase at the Pergamos Gymnasium. It was the Cutting par ravalement (Fig. lb) consists in cutting
Roman builders that, starting from the end of the 2"" the stones when they are in place in the vault.
Between geometry and mechanics 163

cutting method par ravalement. Closer to sculpture

.=- ~. than to stereotomy, this technique presents two
~. ~
---=:=J t disadvantages. On the one hand, it makes it necessary
to put in bigger stones than are necessary and to cut

them afterwards in difficult working conditions. On
, ~ the other hand, the ravalement removes the mortar

\ :== h
and hence it can only be used in constructions ájoints
vij:~(Sakarovitch, 1998; Choisy, 1899).
In cutting á la demande, each stone is hewn for
-=:J c=
=::J c= subsequent retouching, in relation to the claveaux
already put in place on which it is to rest. This type of
technique, used for example in Romanesque
architecture, is very slow. The advantage is a great
~"""""""""""""""~"" versatility of use, with relatively little material and
Figure 1
work, since it is possible to choose for each case the
The encorbellement method (a) and the method of cutting
rough stone that best approximates to the claveau to
par ravalement (b)
be made (Sakarovitch, 1998; Chappuis, 1962).
Probably in order lo accelerate the speed of
Before they are put in their definitive position, they construction on sites, cutting techniques were
are roughly hewn, and only when they are in their perfected and better exploited the potentialities of
definitive position are they given their exact shape. geometry.
For example, in the room of «The Treasury of Cutting par équarrissement, also known as
Atreus», where the encorbellement technique was de robement, consists in cutting the stone without the
used, the intrados of the vault was cut after the stones help of panneaux, using the heights and depths
were put in place, the excess stone which formed a delimiting the voussoir to be made.
sor! of upside-down staircase being removed, with a With the method par panneaux, instead, the

-- ...-



Figure 2
Cutting par équarrissement (a) and par panneaux (b)
164 D. Aita

volume of each voussoir is determined starting from

the surface of each of its faces. Efforts are made to
inscribe a voussoir in the smallest possible
paraJlelepiped rectangle. In order to do this, the
parallelepiped can be rotated at a certain angle with
respect to the vertical. All references to it having been
lost, it is necessary to use panneaux, i.e. models
reproducing the shape of the faces of the voussoir
with the true dimensions.



In order to highlight the peculiarities of stereotomy,

which lies somewhere between geometry and
structural mechanics, it seemed particularly useful to
analyse some of the main treatises on coupe des
pierres, dwelling in particular on one problem: the
determination of the inclination of the joints when the
arch intrados and extrados ha ve been assigned.
Regarding the tuilleurs de pierre, 1 have identified Figure 3
two main «schools of thought». Villard de Honnecourt's Carnet (13th century): tracing oUt
A first theory maintains that the straight lines the voussoirs of a pair of arches with a suspended
intermediate capital
representing the direction of the joints must converge
at a point, whatever the arch intrados and extrados
curves are like. This theory is found, for example, in
Villard de Honnecourt (l3th century) and in Milliet
Dechales (1674). It is based on the executi ve
simplicity of the use of a rope to mark out the traces
of the joints, but takes into account neither
constructive nor statical factors (only in the case of
the platband, as we shall see, does the theory
correspond to a correct statical solution to the
problem). Perhaps it was precisely because of the lack
of consideration for construction problems that this
theory did not enjoy great favour. The fact is that it
contemplates the possibility of realising both acute
and obtuse angles in cutting the stone, and this ..
certainly constitutes an element of executive
difficulty and construction weakness. Figure 4
In a sketch by ViJlard (Fig. 3), we find an Milliet Dechales (1674): De areu in alias figuras
explanation of how to trace out the wedges of a pair degenerante
of arches with a suspended intermediate capital, using
a rape to mark out the traces. In this case -examined
al so by MiJliet Dechales (Fig. 4)- arch-capital-arch This theory is present, for example, in Frézier
is assimilated to a single vaulted structure. (1737-1739). It is exceJlent from the construction
A second theory, instead, maintains the viewpoint, since the right angle is the easiest to
perpendicularity of the joints to the intrados line (l). execute and the most uniformly resistant.
Between geometry and mechanics 165

In Frézier' s treatise, stereotomy is viewed as a set plus étroit a la doele qu' a l' extrados; ainsi étant
of prevaIently geometrical rules. For Frézier the pressée par sa pesanteur contre les voussoirs
expression eoupe des pierres does not so much mean collateraux, qui se servent mutuellement d' appui les
. . . l' ouvrage de l' artisan qui taille la pierre», as <<la uns aux autres, elle est soutenue en l' air par la
"science du mathematicien, qui le conduit dans le résistance des derniers appuis, qui sont les piedroits,
dessein qu'il a de former une voúte, ou un corps lesquels doivent avoir assez de force pour
d'une eertaine figure par l'assemblage de plusieurs contrebalancer l' effort que ce voussoirs ou especes de
petites parties». In problem 26 of Ch. IV of Book Il, coin font pour les écarter».
the subject of the tracing of the Joints de tete is dealt The second reason is related to symmetry and the
with. In the case of round arches, it coincides with need not to create dishomogeneity in the distribution
that of the construction of a perpendicular to an arc of of torces, «afin de conserver toújours une inclinaison
a circle, passing through an assigned point. uniforme des joins de téte sur la courbe du ceintre; car
Stonemasons call this operation le trait quarrée sur la quand méme les parties de l'are exterieur et de
ligne eourbe, et au but de la ligne courbe. l' interieur ne seroient pas proportionnelles, la voúte
Frézier notes that stonemasons also apply this n'en subsisteroit pas moins, pourvú que celles de
method for arches formed by portions of ellipses or of l' interieur soient toujours plus petites que celles de
other curves. l' exterieur, il n' en résulteroit d'inconvenient que de la
In problem 27 of Ch. IV of Book Il, defined by difformité, et une inégale impulsion des voussoirs
Frézier as maniere de traeer les Joints de tete des contre leurs collateraux».
eeintres ¡ait d'ares de seetions coniques, there is The third reason has to do with motivations of a
studied the way to trace a perpendicular to an arc of a constructive character and observations relating to
conical section passing through a point Iying on the material resistance: «parce que les plans que passent
same section. par les joints de téte, qu' on appelle les lits, étant
perpendiculaires a la tangente de l' arc au point de sa
division, font avec la doele de part et d'autre le plus
grand angle qu 'ils puissent faire, qui est le droit, ou
X- ",.;'\!: 1t7f-¡ .,r
infinitement peu different du droit; car si on le faisoit
obtus d'un coté, il rendroit l'autre aigu. Or il importe
que les résistances des arétes, c'est a dire, des angles
des Pierres, soient égales pour porter également la
charge, car il est clair que la plus forte feroit casser la
plus foible, comme l' expérience le fait voir aux
platebandes, ou Ion est forcé d'en agir autrement».
Hence, for Frézier, perpendicularity of joints to the
intrados is not a prejudice accepted a priori bUt a
guarantee of constructive resistance. so much so that,
paradoxically, the fact that in a platband the straight
lines of the joints have to converge at a point forming
Figure 5 aeute angles is seen as involving a risk of greater
Frézier (1737-1739): the hypothesis of orthogonality of the weakness of the angles des pierres, and not as the
joints to the intrados line statically correct solution later demonstrated by
Coulomb (1776) in the case of the absence offriction
or cohesion between voussoirs. Frézier says in Ch. IV
of Book IV of Tome III: "On peut tracer I'épure de
But what are the reasons for a similar choice? cette espece de voúte de pJusieurs manieres, qui
The first reason is related to stability and statical reviennent toutes a la méme fin, dans lequelles il y a
equilibrium: the tetes of the voussoirs become "de plus de disposition de goút que de Géometrie, & I'on
sorte que la pierre ne peur passer par l' ouverture peut dire que la solution de ce probléme est assez
inférieure de l' intervale de deux voussoirs, qui est arbitraire pour la détermination de l'inclinaison des
166 D.Aita

joints de lits». Aetually the solutions presented by After setting up these preliminary hypotheses,
Frézier eorrespond to the statieaIly correet one Desargues seeks to solve the geometrical problem of
proposed by Coulomb (Fig. 6). obtaining the true dimensions of the faces (or of the
angles) required for cutting the stone.


Figure 6
Tracing of the inclination of the joints in a platband for
Frézier (1737-1739)

The geometrical character of stereotomy, at least as

it was conceived down to the start of the eighteenth
century, culminated in the treatise by Desargues
(1640), who applied his «universal methods» to the
technique of stonecutting, endeavouring to solve the Figure 7
particular problems of stereotomy with a single rule. The descente biaise dans un mur en ta/us studied by
Unlike what happened in all other treatises on Desargues (1690)
stereotomy, which until the 19th century were
presented as more or less complete collections of
cases, Desargues studies a single architectonic object, As is well known, it was only in the eighteenth
the descente biaise dans un mur en talus (Fig. 7). The century that the arch was at last studied in a statical
term descente indicates a type of cylindrical vault key.
whose axis is not horizontal; the term hiuise implies Philippe De La Hire, a versatile and illustrious
that the angle between the axis of the vault and the French scholar known for his Traité de Mecanique, is
wall en tulus (not vertical) is generic. commonly remembered as tbe first author to have dealt
After defining the technieal terms, Desargues with the theme of arches and vaults from a statical point
defines the planes and straight lines that will be of view. Indeed, later scientists in the 18th and 19th
required for reference: the plan de face, which is the centuries referred to him, considering his theories as
plane of the wall; the essieu, whieh is the axis of the first more or less successful attempts to use mechanics
tunnel vault and gi ves the direction to the to account for construction rules, which until that time
generatrices; the plan droit a l'essieu, which is the had been entrusted to practice and intuition.
plane perpendicular to (he essieu, which bears the Philippe De La Hire was a disciple of Desargues,
section droite of the vault. and dealt with mechanics, astronomy, mathematics
Between geometry and mechanics 167

and engineering. He was an outstanding member of that deal with vaulted joints, from that time down to
the Académie Royale des Sciences; taught Coulomb, such as Charles Bossut, Claude Antoine
mathematics at the College de France and also gave Couplet, Giordano Riccati, Mariano Fontana and
lectures at the Académie d' Architecture. There are no Anton Maria Lorgna.
printed versions of these lectures, but two In the panorama of historical treatises on arches
manuscripts: Architecture Civi/e e Traité de la coupe and vaulted structures, it is interesting to observe that
des pierres; the latter was a subject he taught for over the problem of the inclination of the joints in an arch
twenty years. is only studied from a statical point of view by a few
The Traité de la coupe des pierres (late 17th authors, such as Coulomb, De Nieuport e Venturoli.
century) has not been published; however, Frézier, in In his Essai (1776), Coulomb sets out to solve the
his Traité de Stéréotomie, takes up some topics from problem of determining the direction of the joints in a
it. In De La Hire's manuscript we find the most vaulted structure whose imrados and extrados curves
common arguments reJating to stonecutting, but the have be en assigned, so that the structure will be in
geometrical constructions are very complex. Of major equilibrium in the absence of friction and cohesion
interest is the start of the treatise, where De La Hire between the joints.
affirms that «Les ouvriers appellent la science du trait Let P e Q(.J) be the components, horizontal and
dans la coupe des pierres, celle qui enseigne a tailler vertical respectively, of the resultant of the forces
et a former séparémem plusieurs pierres, en telle sorte acting on the part aGMq of the vault (Fig. 8).
qu' étant jointes toutes ensemble dans l' ordre qui leur
est convenable, elles ne composent qu'un massif
qu'on peut considérer comme une seu le pierre». In
~ l-:!w';
this passage (for the first time in a treatise on ~>"
A ",
stereotomy) it is stated that a necessary condition for
l": ¡ /1>
the stability of a vaulted structure is the absence of
¡... './
kinematic motions between the parts, i.e. equilibrium .B
between the parts. ~r
/~//~ ;
As regards the inclination of the joints de tete, from
some drawings present in the Traité de la coupe des e
V :
~:..., l ,~,~.I

pierres it can be observed that it must be perpendicular
to the tangent to the intrados curve in the point of Figure 8
division of the joint. The hypothesis of orthogonality The problem 01' the inclination 01' the joints according to
of the joints to the intrados was also to persist in the Coulomb (1776)
two works on mechanics by De La Hire, i.e. his Traité
de Mecanique (1695) and his subsequent memoir of
1712 entitled Sur la construction des voates dans les There are two conditions to respect for the vault to
edijices (1731). In these works reference is made to be in equilibrium in the case of the absence of friction
two fundamental problems: one relating to the figure and cohesion between the joints:
of the arch and the other concerning the sizing of the
piers. In the Traité there is an intuition, though a
confused one, of the pathway that was soon to lead to
- the resultant must be perpendicular
Mq, whose direction forms an angle .
to the joint
with the
the solution of the first problem; the 1712 memoir vertical; i.e. it must be:
offers the first imperfect but promising solution which
through successive passages was to lead in future to Q( ¡f¡) (1)
=P tan ¡f¡
collapse calculation.
Perhaps precisely because statical approaches to - the resultant must always pass between the
the arch were inaugurated by a scholar coming from points M and q.
the world of stereotomy, the orthogonality of the
joints to the intrados appears like an implicit As anticipated, Coulomb shows that in a platband the
hypothesis in the considerations of almost all authors straight lines of the joints have to converge at a point.
168 D. Aita

In his Elementi di Meccanica (1806), Venturoli Pd¡f¡

~ h(¡f¡)2d¡f¡+ h(¡f¡)[dx sin ¡f¡+ dz cos ¡f¡]
goes back to Coulomb' s treatment of the equilibrium 2 cos2 ¡f¡
of arches in the absence of friction and cohesion
between the joints, with the intention of proposing a
rereading of the problem in differential terms. by means of which, knowing the intrados curve and
Venturoli considers an arch E'aE, symmetrical the law of the inclination of the joints, it is possible to
with respect to the vertical axis AR, made up of calculate the Jength h(o) of each joint Mm and hence
infinite voussoirs weighing MmnN «contiguous, but the thickness of the arch; or, vice versa, if h(o) is
not connected to one anothef» and resting on the assigned, it is possible to find the direction of the
motionless «pulvinars» without friction and cohesion joints, in order to satisfy the first equilibrium
Ee, E'e' (Fig. 9). condition.
Another scholar that considered the influence of
voussoir cutting on the equilibrium of a masonry arch
was de Nieuport (1781). Starting from De La Hire's
theorem, he considered the fact that, in general, in an
arch there are three fundamental curves: the intrados,
the extrados and the curve formed by the intersection
points of the straight lines of the joints. De Nieuport
studied not only cases in which the joints are
orthogonal to the intrados or converge at a point, but
Figure 9 also more general cases. lt is necessary, then, to make
The problem of the inclination of the joints according to
reference lO the curvature radius and consider the
Venturoli (1806)
voussoirs as infinitely small but having thickness.
The three fundamental curves are connected to one
another by the equilibrium relations. Knowing two of
Let one project orthogonally the intrados curve them through the equilibrium conditions, one
AME on the vertical axis AR. The generic point M determines the third curve (Radelet de Grave, 1995).
will be identified by the coordinates AP =x e PM = z; The memoir continues with the elaboration of
let one denote with h( o) the length of the generic bed complex anaJytic developments, backed up by
Mm, to which there corresponds the angle o and the graphic results (Fig. 10).
coordinates (z,x). lt is thus possible to determine the law governing
Calculating by means of analytical trigonometry the inclination of the joints in vaulted structures
the area of the infinitesimal quadrilateral MmnN, having the intrados and extrados assigned, so as to
comprised between the joint Mm, identified by o, and
the joint Nn, identified by o +do, we obtain:
_A~.." Y e
JS":.'<i :,~.<"/ 7/

Area MmnN h( ¡f¡)2d¡f¡ + h( ¡f¡)[dx sin ¡f¡ + dz cos ¡f¡]
+ :

(2) . .f.."

The are a of MmnN, calculated

voussoir. For (1), we will have:

in (2), is
proportional to the weight dQ of the infinitesimal
. .
$: ,""',/"",,;;,,~


dQ = (3)
cos' ¡f¡
Figure] O
De Nieuport (1781): relation between the intrados curve, the
Hence we obtain the equation:
extrados curve and the curve formed by Ihe intersection
points of the straight lines of the joints
Between geometry and mechanics 169

ensure the equilibrium in sliding, even in the absence

of friction and cohesion between the voussoirs.
Hereafter, without illustrating the mathematics of
the problem, I give here some graphic results for
some structural typologies present in stereotomy
treatises. The geometrical constructions proposed by
the tailleurs de pierre presuppose that the straight
lines representing the inclination of the joints will
converge at a single point, or will be orthogonal to the
intrados. However, the equilibrium solution in thc
absence of friction and cohesion between the joints
does not coincide with the stereotomic solution (Aita,
Figure 12
2001). By way of example, in the case of a circular
Inclination of the joints in a platband with extrados and
arch without friction or cohesion between the joints,
intrados en chape: equilibrium solution in absence of
equilibrium in sliding is ensured if they are inclined friction and cohesion
as in Fig. 14: hence they will not prove perpendicular
to the intrados (a hypothesis always implicitly
considered both in the stereotomy treatises and in the
statical ones before Coulomb, Figure 13).


In order better to understand the delicate relationship

between stereotomy and mechanics, it is perhaps
useful, at the end, to observe that the arch model
adopted by Coulomb, de Nieuport and Venturoli for
the inclination of the joints from a statical point of
Figure 13
view is that of a system of rigid heavy blocks,
Inclination of the joints in a circular arch: the hypothesis
perfectly smoothed and devoid of friction, analogous
always implicitly considered both in the stereotomy treatiscs
to the one first proposed by De La Hire. In effect, the and in the statical ones before Coulomb
presence of friction and cohesion ensures the stability

of vaults made in accordance with the principies of

stereotomy. At al] events, it is interesting to observe
that statical modelling -a la De La Hire- did not
influence la théorie et la pratique de la coupe des
pierres, which instead developed on the basis of
geometrical principies and empirical rules that
sedimented in the course of time, permitting the
construction of architectures of inestimable value
and, paradoxically, of great structural interest.


Figure 11
Inclination of the joints in a platband with a horizontal A special thank to Geom. Gabriele Mazzei for his
extrados and an ¡ntrados en chape: equilibrium solution in he]p in preparing the graphic material of this paper
absence oí" t"riction and cohesion and 1'or his practical suggestions.
170 D. Aita

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