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S74 Poster Abstracts

216 (P < 0.05) and differentiation potential. Differentiation under hypoxia exhib-
A HUMAN PLATELET LYSATE-BASED CULTURE SUPPLEMENT ited greater cardiac-like cells and increased chondrogenesis compared to
OF UMBILICAL CORD MATRIX-DERIVED MESENCHYMAL Conclusions: These results indicate that the isolation, expansion and
STEM/STROMAL CELLS differentiation of umbilical cord derived sub-epithelial cells under xeno-free
A. Source1, A. Fernandes-Platzgummer1, F. Moreira1, S. Liu2, C. Ku2, and hypoxic condition, results in more robust cell types for cell-based
Y. Huang2, W. Milligan2, J.S. Cabral1, C.L. da Silva1 therapies.
Department of Bioengineering and IBB, Institute for Bioengineering and
Biosciences, Lisboa, Portugal, 2R&D Department, AventaCell Biomedical
Co., Ltd., New Taipei City, Taiwan

Umbilical cord matrix (UCM)-derived mesenchymal stem/stromal cells (MSC) 218

are considered promising therapeutic agents. However, low cell yields per um- MINIMAL CRITERIA OF EXPANDED MESENCHYMAL STEM
bilical cord unit and high cell doses required in clinical settings emphasize the CELLS FOR CLINICAL APPLICATION: HYPOTHESIS AND
need for ex vivo expansion of UCM MSC. EXPERIMENTS
We recently demonstrated the ability to isolate and ex-vivo expand P.V. Pham
UCM MSC under serum-/xeno-free culture conditions using static systems. Lab of Stem Cell Research and Application, University of Science, VNU-
Also, we have previously established a xeno-free microcarrier-based system for HCM, Ho Chi Minh, Viet Nam
the scalable expansion of human MSC from bone marrow and adipose tissue,
combining the use of plastic microcarriers with a commercially available xeno- Mesenchymal stem cells (MSCs) were widely used in clinical applications. To
free medium formulation. However, the scalable expansion of UCM MSC under date, nearly 1000 clinical trials were registered in In some
dynamic conditions, using plastic microcarriers combined with different com- initial studies, all non-expanded MSCs were clinically used to treat some
mercially available serum-/xeno-free media, remains challenging. Here, we diseases, while recent years expanded MSCs were used. Although expanded
demonstrate the ability to use a human platelet lysate (HPL)-based MSCs hold several useful properties such as high purity, more homogenous
culture supplement (UltraGROTM, AventaCell) at 5%(v/v) for the successful cell population, and plentiful source; they also faced to some risks, especially
isolation and scalable expansion of UCM MSC. MSC-like cells were isolated some changes during in vitro culture. This study aimed to evaluate some
from UCM explant cultures (n = 3) after 11 ± 2 days and were shown to changes during in vitro culture that can be recorded as minimal criteria. The
express CD73, CD90 and CD105. After five passages in static culture, results showed that MSCs could change in surface marker expression, karyo-
UCM MSC retained their multilineage differentiation potential and type, oncogene expression, tumor suppression gene expression, telomere
immunophenotype. In addition, UCM MSC expanded using UltraGROTM- length, in vitro differentiation potential, in vivo tumorigenesis capacity. These
supplemented medium expanded faster compared to UCM MSC findings suggested some essential assays to evaluate the expanded MSCs
expanded using the previously established protocol (μapp of 1.0 day−1 and 0.54 before clinical application.
day−1, respectively). Importantly, UCM MSC were successfully expanded under
dynamic conditions on plastic microcarriers using UltraGROTM-supplemented
medium in spinner flasks. Upon an initial 60% cell adhesion to the beads,
UCM MSC were able to expand by >12 fold after 4–6 days in culture. Upon
dynamic culture, cells maintained their immunophenotype and multilineage
differentiation ability, as well as the capacity to support the ex-vivo expansion
of umbilical cord blood-derived hematopoietic progenitors. To our knowl-
edge, this is the first study reporting the successful expansion of UCM MSC
A.L. Russell, A. Zubair
in a fully scalable xeno-free microcarrier-based system, representing an impor-
Human Cell Therapy Laboratory, Mayo Clinic, Jacksonville, Florida, United
tant advance in obtaining safer and clinically meaningful MSC numbers for
Cell Therapy.
The impact of immunosuppressive medications and endotoxemia on mesen-
chymal stem cell (MSC) therapy have not been established. We examined the
effects of calcineurin inhibitors cyclosporin (Cyc) & tacrolimus (Tac), cortico-
steroids hydrocortisone (Hyd) & dexamethasone (Dex), rapamycin (Rap),
mycophenolic acid (MPA) and lipopolysaccharide (LPS) endotoxins on bone
217 marrow MSC secretion of cytokines and growth factors that contribute to MSC
HYPOXIC CULTURED UMBILICAL CORD DERIVED SUB- activation, anti-inflammatory and regenerative functions. We used Luminex
EPITHELIAL CELLS: MOVING TOWARDS AND OPTIMAL CELL bead platform to assess expression of 41 cytokines (Table 1). We showed se-
SOURCE AND CULTURE METHOD cretion of cytokines that activate MSC such as IFNγ and TNFα was increased
A. Patel, D. Atkinson, R. Walker, C. Bartlett, F. Silva in response to all compounds tested. However, other cytokines with similar
University of Utah, Salt Lake City, Utah, United States effect such as IL-1α and IL-17 were largely unaffected. Factors known to play
a role in MSC-induced immunosuppression and cell differentiation such as
Background: The therapeutic use of umbilical cord derived mesenchymal IL-10, EGF and TGFα were variably affected. LPS and Dex increased secre-
stem cells offers a promising cell-based therapeutic for various disorders and tion of IL-10, while effects of other medications were concentration dependent.
as a result has gained a lot of attention as a potent allogeneic cell source for TGFα secretion was increased by LPS and MPA with variable effects induced
regenerative medicine. Traditionally stem cells have been cultured under by other drugs. EGF secretion was largely decreased, yet was increased by
normoxia (20% O2), recently it has been demonstrated that culture under MPA and Tac at high concentration. We evaluated changes in secretion of
hypoxia (<10% O2) may change the basic biology of the cell. This study factors known to induce angiogenesis, neurogenesis, hematopoiesis and epi-
aimed to investigate the effects of hypoxia on the proliferation and differenti- thelial proliferation such as VEGF, IL-6, GM-CSF and G-CSF. LPS, Tac,
ation of umbilical cord derived sub-epithelial cells and to determine if this and Cyc exposure increased secretion of VEGF-A. Contrarily, corticosteroids
results in a more potent cell. and Rap (except 1 ng/ml) decreased VEGF-A secretion. IL-6 secretion was
Methods: Cells from the sub-epithelial lining of umbilical cord tissue increased by LPS, Rap, Tac and Cyc and decreased by MPA and corticoste-
were isolated and cultured using xeno-free media and cultured under roids. With few exceptions, LPS increased and immunosuppressive drugs
normoxia (20% O 2 ) and hypoxia (<10% O 2 ). Cells were analyzed to decreased GM-CSF secretion. G-CSF was increased by LPS, but unaffected
compare markers, proliferation rates and differentiation potential under both by the drugs evaluated. In summary, MSC characteristics are influenced by
conditions. immunosuppressive medications and endotoxins. Further studies are neces-
Results: We isolated and expanded cells from the sub-epithelial lining of sary to evaluate how these variations might affect the intended therapeutic
umbilical cord tissue. Hypoxia enhanced the derivation and proliferation rate function of MSC.

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