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January 2019 Board Code

International AS and A Level (IAL) Examinations 97400L

First Name (as in Passport/NRIC; attach a photocopy of the same document) Last Name

Passport / NRIC No Gender Date of Birth

Male Female (dd) (mm) (yyyy)

Previous Pearson Edexcel Examinations

Have you taken the Pearson Edexcel A Level Examinations before?


(if YES, please tick which qualification you registered for)

 GCE A Level  International Advanced Level (IAL)

Please provide your previous UCI number:

Email Address Mobile Number

Application for Access Arrangements

[1] Place a tick in the box against the requested access arrangement
[2] Attach the mandatory supporting documents (eg. comprehensive medical report)

 25% Extra Time  Others (specify): ____________________

Standard Registration Period: 17 October 2018 – 27 October 2018

Late Registration Period: 28 October 2018 – 20 November 2018

(Higher fees apply during this period)

Important Reminder

*All refund requests will be accepted before the standard registration deadline. If you wish
to withdraw during the late registration period, *

Your privacy is important to British Council (Singapore) Limited. British Council (Singapore) Limited is committed to preserving the confidentiality of
students’ personal information and undertakes not to divulge any of the students’ personal information to any third party without the prior consent of the
student. Our privacy policy can be found on our website.

Under UK Data Protection law and the Singapore Data Protection Act you have the right to ask for a copy of the information we hold on you, and the right to
ask us to correct any inaccurate information. If you want to find out more about this please contact your local British Council office.
The British Council believes the all children have potential and every child matters – everywhere in the world. The British Council affirms the position that all
children have the right to be protected from all forms of abuse as set out in article 19, UNRC, 1989.

International Advanced Subsidiary and Advanced Level

Place a tick () in the box against each unit you wish to take.
Please refer to the following cash-in codes to obtain a certificate:
(a) Xxx01 for Advanced Subsidiary Level Certificate; (b) Yxx01for Advanced Level Certificate

Code Title () Code Title ()

Accounting (XAC11, YAC11) History (XHI01, YHI01)
WAC11 Unit 1: The Accounting System and Costing WHI01 Unit 1: Depth Study And Interpretations
WAC12 Unit 2: Corporate and Management Accounting WHI02 Unit 2: Breadth Study With Source Evaluation
Biology (XBI01, YBS01) WHI03 Unit 3: Thematic Study With Source Evaluation
WBI01 Unit 1: Lifestyle, Transport, Genes and Health WHI04 Unit 4: Int’l Study With Historical Interpretations
WBI02 Unit 2: Developments, Plants and The Env’t. Mathematics (XMA01, YMA01)
WBI03 Unit 3: Practical Biology and Research (WA)* WMA01 Core Mathematics C12
WBI04 Unit 4: The Natural Environment and Species WMA02 Core Mathematics C34
WBI05 Unit 5: Energy, Exercise And Co-Ordination WME01 Mechanics M1
WBI06 Unit 6: Practical Biology & Investigative (WA)* WME02 Mechanics M2
WBI11 Unit 1: Molecules, Diet, Transport and Health WME03 Mechanics M3
Business Studies (XBS01, YBS01) WFM01 Further Pure F1
WBS01 Unit 1: Business Enterprise WST01 Statistics S1
WBS02 Unit 2: Business Structures and Processes WST02 Statistics S2
WBS03 Unit 3: Strategic Business Decisions WDM01 Decision Mathematics D1
WBS04 Unit 4: Business in a Global Context WMA11 Paper 1: Pure Mathematics 1
WBS11 Unit 1: Marketing and people Physics (XPH01, YPH01)
Chemistry (XCH01, YCH01) WPH01 Unit 1: Physics On The Go
WCH01 Unit 1: The Core Principles Of Chemistry WPH02 Unit 2: Physics At Work
WCH02 Unit 2: App. Of Core Principles Of Chem. WPH03 Unit 3: Exploring Physics (WA)*
WCH03 Unit 3: Chemistry Laboratory Skills I (WA)* WPH04 Unit 4: Physics On The Move
WCH04 Unit 4: Rates, Equilibria & Further Org. Chem. WPH05 Unit 5: Physics from Creation To Collapse

WCH05 Unit 5: Transition Metals & Org.Nitrogen Chem WPH06 Unit 6: Experimental Physics (WA)*

WCH06 Unit 6: Chemistry Laboratory Skills II (WA)* WPH11 Unit 1: Mechanics and Materials

WCH11 Unit 1: Structure, Bonding and Intro to Org Chem Psychology (XPS01, YPS01)
English Language (XEN01, YEN01) WPS01 Unit 1: Social and Cognitive Psychology
WEN01 Unit 1: Language: Context and Identity WPS02 Unit 2: Bio. Psych. Learning Theories & Dev’t.

WEN02 Unit 2: Language in Transition WPS03 Unit 3: Applications of Psychology

WEN03 Unit 3: Crafting Language (Writing) WPS04 Unit 4: Clinical Psychology and Psych. Skills
WEN04 Unit 4: Investigating Language Geography (XGE01, YGE01)
English Literature (XET01, YET01) WGE01 Unit 1: Global Challenges
WET01 Unit 1: Post-2000 Poetry and Prose WGE02 Unit 2: Geographical Investigations
WET02 Unit 2: Drama WGE03 Unit 3: Contested Planet
WET03 Unit 3: Poetry and Prose WGE04 Unit 4: Researching Geography
WET04 Unit 4: Shakespeare and Pre-1900 Poetry Economics (XEC01, YEC01)
WEC01 Unit 1: Markets in Action
WEC02 Unit 2: Macroeconomic Performance and Policy
WEC03 Unit 3: Business Behaviour
WEC04 Unit 4: Developments in the Global Economy
WEC11 Unit 1: Markets in action

The United Kingdom’s international organisation for cultural relations and educational opportunities.
British Council (Singapore) Limited is incorporated in Singapore (UEN 201202363R) and registered as a charity.
Page 2 of 3 (as at 16 October 2018)
*Written Alternative
**Please refer to the Summary of awards for Mathematics, Further Mathematics and Pure Mathematics:

** Summary of awards for Mathematics, Further Mathematics and Pure Mathematics

International Advanced Subsidiary

Cash-in code Subject Title Units Required to be eligible
XMA01 Mathematics C12 plus one of: (M1, S1, D1)
XFM01 Further Mathematics F1 plus two of: (F2, F3, M1, M2, M3, S1, S2, S3, D1)
XPM01 Pure Mathematics C12 and F1

International Advanced
Cash-in code Subject Title Units Required to be eligible
C12, C34 plus one of the following pairs: (M1 and S1) or
YMA01 Mathematics
(M1 and D1) or (M1 and M2) or (S1 and D1) or (S1 and S2)
F1 plus one of: (F2, F3) plus four of: (M1, M2, M3, S1, S2, S3,
YFM01 Further Mathematics
D1) OR F1, F2, F3 plus three of: (M1, M2, M3, S1, S2, S3, D1)
YPM01 Pure Mathematics C12, C34, F1 plus one of: (F2, F3)

Examination fee calculation in Singapore Dollar (S$) with 7% GST

Units Fee per unit No. of units Amount

All Sciences / Other Mathematics @ S$214/unit S$214 x

Business Studies / Core Mathematics / Economics / English
Language / English Literature / Geography / History / Psychology @ S$321 x
Total amount for the examination fee S$

Declaration by Candidate

 I certify that the information given on this form is complete, true, and accurate
 I understand that there will be NO transfer or postponement of examinations
 I understand that there will be NO refund of the fees should I decide to withdraw from the examinations
 I acknowledge that I have received the Information for Candidates and the examination timetable
 I understand that I shall not register for two examination centres in a particular session
 I understand the difference between the GCE 2008 / GCE 2015 and IAL specifications
and will sit only for the subjects that I am entered for

 (please tick) For candidates 18 years old and above

Candidate’s Signature: Date:

 (please tick) For candidates below 18 years old

Guardian’s Signature: Date:

Official Use Sequence Number: Receipt Number:

(Register under “School Exams”)

CME’s Initials:

The United Kingdom’s international organisation for cultural relations and educational opportunities.
British Council (Singapore) Limited is incorporated in Singapore (UEN 201202363R) and registered as a charity.
Page 3 of 3 (as at 16 October 2018)

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