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Jackson County is committed to service, growth and tradition in a diverse, rural environment


Tuesday, August 7, 2018, 9:00 A.M.
Jackson County Courthouse, First Floor in Board Room, 405 Fourth St., Jackson, MN

8:30 a.m. Department Visit (Des Moines Valley Health & Human Services - In Board Room)

9:00 a.m. Call to Order

1.1 Pledge of Allegiance
1.2 Adoption of Agenda

9:02 a.m. Consent Agenda

2.1 Board Action - Approve July 17, 2018 Board of Commissioner Minutes
2.2 Board Action - Approve Claims
2.3 Board Action - Approve Employee Request for Leave of Absence Without Pay
2.4 Board Action - Approve One-Step Increase (End of Evaluation Period) for Corey Kimmet (Full-
time Heavy Equipment Operator-Public Works)
2.5 Board Action - Approve State of Minnesota Joint Powers Agreement to Perform Background
Searches for Courts
2.6 Board Action - Approve Subsurface Sewage Treatment System Loan for Robert & Carol
2.7 Board Action - Approve Declaration of Surplus Equipment for Disposal through PCs for People
2.8 Board Action - Approve Appointment of Mike Muchlinski,as Primary Member, to the SW
Minnesota EMS Corporation Board, for a three term to expire August 7, 2021
2.9 Resolution - Approve Judicial Ditch 19 Reimbursement

9:05 a.m. Southwest Crisis Center, Sara Wahl, Executive Director

3.1 Presentation/Discussion - Program & Service Updates

9: 20 a.m. Auditor/Treasurer, Heather Hummel

4.1 Board Action - Approve On Sale & Sunday Liquor License Application for Long Branch, LLC
(93931 US Hwy 71)
4.2 Board Action – Approve/Deny Setting Public Hearing for Comment of Long Branch, LLC’s Off
Sale Liquor License Application

9:30 a.m. Public Hearing (Regarding 2019 to 2023 Capital Improvement Plan)
5.1 Resolution - Approve/Deny 2019 to 2023 Capital Improvement Plan

9:50 a.m. Auditor/Treasurer, Kevin Nordquist

6.1 Board Action - Appoint Two Commissioners to the County Canvassing Board for State Primary
& General Election
6.2 Board Action – Approve/Deny Judicial Ditch 19 Letter of Commitment

10:05 a.m. Public Works, Tim Stahl (& Staff, as needed)

7.1 Board Action - Approve/Deny Awarding Project (SP 032-070-001/Curve Delineation) to JAAK,
7.2 Board Action - Approve/Deny Contract & Bond for SP 032-070-001 (Related to Enhanced
Curve Delineation on Various County, State Aid Highways)
7.3 Resolution - Approve/Deny Final Payment to M&K Bridge Construction (Related to existing
bridge 6444 on CSAH 24, in Section 15, of Weimer Township)
7.4 Public Works Department Report (as needed)

10:25 a.m. Veteran’s Services, Jeff Gay

8.1 Board Action - Approve/Deny Out of State Travel to attend NACVSO Training/Certification &
Associated Compensation Adjustment
8.2 Resolution - Approve County Veterans Service Office 2019 Operational Improvement
Grant Program Contract & Authorize Execution

Unscheduled County Coordinator, Steve Duncan

9.1 Coordinator’s Report (as needed)

Unscheduled Committee and Board Reports


Times listed are approximate unless otherwise set by Public Notice.

Unscheduled items may be considered at any time in the agenda as time permits.

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