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1. Define linear momentum

2. State the Law of Conservation of Momentum.

3. Explain the differences between elastic collision and inelastic collision.

4. State the Impulse-Momentum Principle.


Figure 1
Figure 1 show two blocks A and B moving towards each other on a smooth
surface with momentum of 10 kgms-1 and 13 kgms-1 respectively. After collision,
the directions of motion for blocks A and B are reversed and the momentum of
blok A is 15 kgms-1. If the mass of A and B are 3 kg and 5 kg respectively,
calculate the speed of block B after the collision, v2.
(Ans: v2 = 2.4ms-1)

6. A ball of mass m1 was moving to the right at 12 ms-1 was kicked by a boy. Its final
velocity is 33 ms-1 to the left. The boy and the ball were in contact for 0.01s.
Express the average force, F exprienced by the ball in terms of m 1.
(Ans: F = (-4500 m1)N)

7. Two identical balls collide head-on. The initial speed of one is 0.80 ms-1, while
that of the other is -0.40 ms-1. If the collision is perfectly elastic, determine the
final speed of each ball.
(Ans: v1 = -0.4ms-1,V2 = 0.8ms-1)

8. A 0.45 kg ball moving to the right at 17.0 m/s is hit by a girl. Its final velocity is
27.0 m/s to the left. The girl and the ball are in contact for 0.01 s.
i. Compute the average force experienced by the ball. (Ans: Fave = -1980
kgms-2@ N)
ii. Compute the impulse experienced by the ball. (Ans: I = -19.8ms-1)

9. A 4.0 kg ball with a speed of 1.5 ms-1 had a head-pn collision with a 2.0 kg ball
that moves in opposite direction with a speed of 2 ms-1. Determine:
i. The total momentum before collision (Ans: pi = 2 kgms-1)
ii. The velocity of the 2.0 kg ball after collision if the final speed of 4.0 kg ball is
2 ms-1 to the right.
(Ans: V2 = -3 ms-1)

“You learn something every day if you pay attention” Page 1


10. A 1.75 x 104 kg railroad car travelling at 8.0 m/s to the east collides and couples
with a stopped 2.25 x 104 kg railroad car. What is the velocity of the joined
railroad cars after the collision?
(Ans: V2 = -3.5 ms-1@ V2 = 3.5 ms-1,to the EAST(that why –ve))

11. A 17.8 kg gun at rest contains a 0.00252 kg bullet. When fired, the bullet leaves
the gun with a forward velocity of 131 m/s. What is the recoil velocity of the gun?
(Ans: V1 = -0.019 ms-1)

12. A 0.45 kg golf ball, moving east with a speed of 3.0 m/s, has a head-on collision
with a 0.90 kg ball initially at rest. Assuming a perfectly elastic collision, what will
be the velocity of each object?
(Ans: V1 = -1 ms-1, V2 = 2 ms-1)

13. A proton car of mass 1500 kg moves with velocity 30 kmh-1 along a straight road.
The car collides with a stationary Myvi car of mass 750 kg. Both cars move
together after collision. What is the final velocity of the two cars? (Ans: V2 = 20

14. A red ball of mass M kg which is moving at a velocity of 2 m/s collides with blue
ball of mass 2M kg which is moving at velocity of 3 ms-1 in the opposite direction.
If the collision is inelastic,
i. What is the velocity of both after collision? (Ans: i) V2 = -1.33 ms-1)
ii. Name and explain the principle used in the above calculation.

15. A 0.8 kg ball is moving to the right at 6 ms-1 collides head on with a 1.2 kg ball
that moving at 2.0 ms-1 in the opposite direction. If the two balls stick together
after the collision, determine:
i. The total momentum after the collision. (Ans: pf = 2.4 kgms-1)
ii. The final velocity and direction after the collision.
(Ans: i) V2 = 1.2 ms-1,to the right)


Figure 2
Figure 2 shows two blocks A and B moving towards each other on a smooth
surface with momentum of 10 kgms-1 and 18 kgms-1 respectively. After collision,
the directions of motion A and B are reversed and the momentum of A is 14
kgms-1. What is the magnitude of the momentum of B? (Ans: pB = 2.4 kgms-1)

OCT 2008

17. Skater A with mass 50.0 kg travel to the east at speed of 3.0 ms -1. Another skater
B with mass of 70.0 kg moves to the west toward skater A with speed of 7.0 ms -1.
They collide and hold on to each other after the collision. They manage to move
to the west with speed vf.
i. Find the speed vf. (Ans: i) Vf = 2.83 ms-1,to the right)
“You learn something every day if you pay attention” Page 2

ii. Calculate the change in total kinetic energy before and after the collision.
(Ans: KEi = 1940 J, KEi = 481.67 J)
iii. State whether the collision is elastic or inelastic collision. (Ans: Inelastic)

18. A 3.0 kg cart moving to the right with a speed of 2.0 ms-1 has a head-on collision
with a 5.0 kg cart that is initially moving to the left with a speed of 4.0 ms -1. After
the collison, the 3.0 kg cart moves to the left with a speed of 2.0 ms-1.
i. Calculate the final velocity of the 5.0 kg cart after the collision.
ii. How much mechanical energy is lost in the collision?
iii. Was this an inelastic or elastic collision?
(Ans: i) -1.6 ms-1, ii)33.6 J, iii)Inelastic)

19. A ball of mass 0.10 kg is dropped from a height of 12 m. Its momentum when it
strikes the ground is?
(Ans: pf = 11.772 kgms-1)

20. A car of mass m moving with a velocity u collides with another car of the same
mass that is stationary. After collision, the two cars stick and move with a
common velocity v. Calculate in terms of m, u and v
i. The common velocity, v. (Ans: v = ( 𝟐 ) ms-1)
ii. The total kinetic energy before collision. (Ans: KEi =( 𝟐 mu2 ) J)
iii. The total kinetic energy after collision. (Ans: KEf =( 𝟒 mu2 ) J)
iv. The loss of kinetic energy. (Ans: KE =( 𝟒 mu2 ) J)

“You learn something every day if you pay attention” Page 3

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