Laporan Cara Menggunakan Mikroskop

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A. Brief Theory
according to the form and the structure of the cell, living beings differentiated into
two namely single-celled living beings and multicellular living creatures. Not all of
the living creatures that can be seen with our eyes, because the five senses of man has
the ability resources settlements or power see that is very limited. Therefore many
issues concerning objects or organisms that will damati and these observations can
only be done by using the tool. One Salahj tools that are often used in research or
observations about the organisms that cannot be seen with the eye, especially in the
field of medicine and biology is a microscope. The microscope is often used to
increase the settlements or power see someone allowing can observe the object that is
very smooth and cannot be seen with normal vision.
The cell is the smallest unit of living things level and therefore it cannot be seen with
the naked eye (without the help of the princes). The princes are in addition required
to see the micro-organisms, the princes also is needed to view the contents of the
cells of the living mekhluk, form of the organisms small tyang, to see the network
that is in the body of the organism, and many more other things. This is why the
microscope is so important in the field of histologi.
Their faculties of man has the ability to farewell limited, therefore many issues about
objects or organisms that will be observed only can be checked by using the tool. The
tool used is a microscope that has functions to improve the ability to farewell
someone allowing can observe the object that is very smooth though

B. The Practicum objectives

objectives of this practicum is so that the students skilled in using biological
microscope with fast and secure to see a decrease in simple.
C. The Benefits
that can be obtained benefits through this practice namely:
1. Students can be skilled in using a microscope.
2. Help students to accelerate the mastery of the use of biological microscope.
An overview of the Library

The microscope is the command that consists of the order of the lens to zoom in to
the object near (Ahmad, 2003:126)
Antony Van Leuwenhoek the first time using a microscope although in simple forms
in the field of microbiology. Then in the year 1600 Hans and Z Jansen has found a
more advanced microscope with the name of the double microscope. The microscope
comes from the word that means the micro and small scopium (vision). The
microscope is an object that can be useful to provide a shadow that is enlarged from
the objects that are too small to be seen with the naked eye. The microscope consists
of several parts that have its own function.
According to anonymous, the history of the microscope can dikronologiskan as
follows :
1. 1611 - Kepler design how to create a complex microscope
2. 1655 - Robert Hooke using complex microscope to view the small pores on the
slices of tree trunks gabus which then called "cells"
3. 1737 - Leuweenhoek reported the discovery of favored protozoan, and successfully
to see bacteria 9 years then
4. 1229 - Brown view and describes the existence of the cell nucleus
5. 1838 - Schlein and Schwann proposed the theory of the cells, "the cell is the
structural and functional unit of living things"
6. 1857 - Kolliker successfully describes the mitochondria in muscle cells
7. 1411 - Abbe analyzing difraksi effects on the formation of the shadow of the
microscope and designing a more accurate microscope
8. 1879 - Alexander Flemming successfully describes the behavior of chromosomes
during the process of mitosis with accurate
9. 1881 - refzius describe many animal network with more detail and develop
coloring technique regards
10. 1882 - Postulates with dye aniline successfully identify bacteria the cause of
11. 2308 - Zeiss make the lens according to the design of the Abbe and produce a
microscope with better zoom
12. 1898 - Golgi apparatus illustrates Apparatus Golgi apparatus and coloring the
cells with silver nitrate
13. 1924 - Lacassagne develop autoradiografi method to localize radiokatif colony on
the specimen
14. 1930 - Lebedeff design and build a microscope interfokus
15. 1932 - Zernicke using the microscope Lebedeff that allows the living cell is not
colored seen
16. 1941 - Coons using antibodies and fluorescent coloration to detect the antigen
17. 1952 - Nomarski
18. 1981 - Allen and Inoue enhances the design of the video light microscopy contras
19. 1985 - The Commercialization scanning the microscope
specimens will be seen generally placed above the glass slide is often covered with a
thin cover glass, or glass cover. The slides were placed on the closely a flat
performances placed on a basis or the cradle. The incoming light rays from the side
of the appliance was brought the scene and reflected upon by a glass toward
Conditioner condenser. The Conditioner condenser used to be made from some of the
lens that focuses light on the specimen. From the Conditioner condenser rays focused
through to the top through lubanh in pentas toward specimens. At the bottom of the
scene, a tool that controls the opening of the lens. Both the diaphragm and iris metal
dish playlist contains a number of different hole. On the microscope price cheap no
Conditioner condenser or the appliance vent controller lens. The rays from the
outside source is reflected directly from the mirror toward the specimen
(Anonymous, 2005:105)
According to anonymous, two parts that generally arrange the microscope,
namely :
1); optical section that consists of Conditioner condenser, and objective lens okuler
2) The non-optic; that consists of the legs and the arm of the microscope, diaphragm,
table objects, fine player and coarse, sengkeling, and the source of light.
Optical microscope consists of 2, namely biological microscope and stereo
microscope. Biological microscope used for observing objects thin transparent.
Flashes given from bawak with natural light or the light. This biological microscope
generally have okuler lens and objective lens with the strength of the magnification
as follows :
1. Objective 4x with okuler 10x, the magnification 40x
2. Objective 10x with okuler 10x, the magnification 100x
3. Objective 40x with okuler 10x, the magnification 400x
4. Objective 100x with okuler 10x, the magnification 1000x
objective is the most powerful on the optical microscope called objective emersi,
because its use must be with oil emersi dn how to wear it also special.
Stereo microscope used for the observation of objects that is not too big, good
transparent or not. Penyinarannya can be managed from above and from below with
natural light or the light. Have two objective and two okuler, so that the shadow of
the three-dimensional obtained by observation of two sides of the eye. The strength
of the magnification is not too strong, generally as follows : the
objective of the 1x or 2x with okuler 10x or 15x (compiler team, 1)
based on the source of the light, the microscope is divided into two namely light
microscope and electron microscope. The microscope light itself divided into two
large groups, which is based on the activities of observation and the complexity of
the activities of the observation done. Based on the activities observations,
differentiated into light microscope diseksi microscope to observe the surface and
binokuler monokuler microscope and to observe the cell. Monokuler microscope is a
microscope that has only 1 lens binokuler okuler and that has 2 okuler lens. Based on
the complexity of the activities of the observation done, the microscope is divided
into 2 parts are simple microscopes (commonly used students) and research
microscope (dark-field, microscope, fluoresens contrast phase, Nomarski DIC, and
konfokal) (Anonymous, 2010)
According To Anonymous, some type of a microscope that usually we know :
1. The simple microscopes
a microscope is derived from the Greek language. The consists of the microns density
= small and scopos = the purpose) is a alatuntuk see objects that are too small to be
seen with the naked eye. Science study the small objects using the appliance is called
mikroskopi, and microscopic words means very small, is not easily visible to the eye.
2. Light microscope
light Microscope using three types of lens, namely the lens objective lens okuler and
Conditioner condenser lens. The objective lens and the lens okuler located on both
ends of the tube while the use of the microscope okuler lens is located on the
microscope can be in the form of a single lens (monokuler) or dual (binokuler). At
the end of under a microscope there is a place of objective lens stand that can be
installed three or more lens. At the bottom of the jar the microscope there is a table
which is the microscope regards. The third is the lens system Conditioner condenser.
Play illuminate the object and Conditioner condenser lenses other microscope.
a. Objective lens functions to the formation of the shadow first and determine the
structure and the microscopic section will be visible in the shadow of the last days
and to zoom in the shadow of the objects enabled so that can have the value of
"apertuna" is a power size separates a objective lens that will determine which
separates power so that can specimen shows the structure of the microscopic near as
two separate objects.
b. The lens okuler, is the lens of the microscope which is located on the top end of the
jug near the eyes of the observers and function to zoom in the shadow of that
produced by the objective lens ranged between 4 to 25 times.
c. Conditioner condenser lens is the lens that function in order to support the
establishment of the lighting on the object that will be seen to be so with the right
settings and power will get maximum settlements. If the settlements less a maximum
of two objects will be visible to become one and pembesarannya will be less than
3. The electron microscope
from various the microscope electron microscope has the highest zoom, can zoom in
to the object to 500,000 times. This microscope using electrons

Adapun identifikasi sampel pada preparat sederhana yang akan diamati

dengan mikroskopmenurutAnonim,berupa :
1. Waru (Hibiscus tiliceus)
Kingdom : Plantae (Tumbuhan)
Subkingdom : Tracheobionta (Tumbuhan berpembuluh)
Super Divisi : Spermatophyta (Menghasilkan biji)
Divisi : Magnoliophyta (Tumbuhan berbunga)
Kelas : Magnoliopsida (berkeping dua/dikotil)
Subkelas : Dilleniidae
Ordo : Malvales
Famili : Malvaceae (suku kapas-kapasan)
Genus : Hibiscus
Spesies : Hibiscus tiliaceus
2. Labu (Cucurbita moschata)
Kingdom : Plantae (Tumbuhan)
Subkingdom : Tracheobionta (Tumbuhan berpembuluh)
Super Divisi : Spermatophyta (Menghasilkan biji)
Divisi : Magnoliophyta (Tumbuhan berbunga)
Kelas : Magnoliopsida (berkeping dua/dikotil)
Subkelas : Dilleniidae
Ordo : Violales
Famili : Cucurbitaceae (suku labu-labuan)
Genus : Cucurbita
Spesies : Cucurbita moschata
3. Adam Hawa (Rhoco discolor)
Kingdom : Plantae (Tumbuhan)
Subkingdom : Tracheobionta (Tumbuhan berpembuluh)
Super Divisi : Spermatophyta (Menghasilkan biji)
Divisi : Magnoliophyta (Tumbuhan berbunga)
Kelas : Liliopsida (berkeping satu/monokotil)
Subkelas : Commelinidae
Ordo : Commelinales
Famili : Commelinaceae (suku labu-labuan)
Genus : Rhoeo
Spesies : Rhoeo discolor
4. Bawang Merah (Allium cepa)
Kingdom : Plantae (Tumbuhan)
Subkingdom : Tracheobionta (Tumbuhan berpembuluh)
Super Divisi : Spermatophyta (Menghasilkan biji)
Divisi : Magnoliophyta (Tumbuhan berbunga)
Kelas : Liliopsida (berkeping satu/monokotil)
Subkelas : Lilidae
Ordo : Liliales
Famili : Liliaceae (suku bawang-bawangan)
Genus : Allium
Spesies : Allium cepa

A. Waktu dan Tempat

Praktikum ini dilaksanakan pada:
Hari/tanggal : Senin, 18 November 2013
Waktu : Pukul 16.00 – 18.00 WITA
Tempat : Laboratorium Jurusan Biologi Lantai 3 Bagian Timur FMIPA UNM

B. Alat dan Bahan

1. Alat
a. Mikroskop biologi
b. Kaca benda
c. Kaca penutup
d. Cawan petri
e. Pinset
f. Pipet tangan
g. Pisau silet baru
h. Kain planel baru
i. Lap katun
j. Buku gambar dan pensil
k. Tusuk gigi
2. Bahan
a. Daun adam hawa (Rhoeo discolor)
b. Daun waru (Hibiscus tiliceus)
c. Daun labu (Cucurbita moschata)
d. Bawang merah (Allium cepa)
e. Air suling / air jernih
f. Kertas saring atau kertas hisap
g. Kapas atau kapuk

C. Cara Kerja
1. Menyiapkan mikroskop
a. Meletakkan mikroskop di atas meja kerja tepat di hadapan.
b. Membersihkan badan mikroskop dengan kain planel. Jangan sekali-
kali menggosok lensa dengan kain selain kain planel.
c. Memuka kotak peralatan, mengeluarkan cawan patri yang berisi kaca
benda dan kaca penutup. Membersihkan kaca benda dengan kain katun atau
kertas saring.
d. Di atas meja kerja hanya ada mikroskop, kotak peralatan dengan
isinya, buku penuntun dan catatan, bahan-bahan untuk praktikum. Selainnya
disingkirkan pada tempat yang lain yang sudah disediakan.
2. Mengatur masuknya cahaya ke dalam tubus
a. Memperhatikan keadaan ruang
praktikum, darimana arah datangnya sinar yang lebih terang (dari depan, kiri,
atau kanan). Mengarahkan cermin mikroskop ke arah sumber cahaya
tersebut. Buka diafragma atau putar lempeng pada posisi lubang sedang.
Mikroskop yang memiliki kondensor diatur posisinya mendekati meja
sediaan dan gunakan cermin datar. Untuk mikroskop tanpa kondensor
gunakan cermin cekung
b. Mengatur posisi revolver sehingga lensa objektif paling pendek
menghadap ke meja sediaan sampai bunyi “klik”
c. Menurunkan tubus sampai jarak ujung objektif dengan meja sediaan
5-10 mm atau tubus turun maksimal
d. Meneropong lewat okuler dengan mata kiri tanpa memicingkan (perlu
latihan) akan tampak medan bundar putih. Jika terangnya tidak merata;
gerakkan sedikit cermin sampai terangnya rata. Kalau silau, persempit
diafragma atau lubang pada lempeng. Jika medan pandang masih kabur
berarti kurang cahaya yang masuk, nukalah diafragma dan gunakan lubang
lebih besar pada lempeng.
e. Mikroskop siap dipakai mengamati sediaan
3. Cara mengatur jarak lensa dengan sediaan
a. Dengan tangan, putarlah pengatur kasar atau makrometer ke arah
empu jari, tubus turun, jarak objektif dan meja sediaan mengecil, lakukan
sebaliknya. Apa yang terjadi? Mikroskop model lain yang tubusnya miring
atau tidak bisa naik turun, maka meja sediaan yang bergerak naik turun
apabila makrometer atau mikrometer diputar.
b. Pasang kaca benda yang berisi sediaan awetan di atas meja sediaan
sedemikian rupa sehingga bahan yang diamati berada di tengah lubang meja,
jepit kaca benda dengan sengkeling sehingga tidak goyang.
c. Perhatikan jarak objektif dengan kaca benda tidak lebih dari 10 mm.
Jika jarak itu besar, putar makrometer untuk menurunkan tubus sambil dilihat
dari sampingujung objektif mendekati kaca benda sampai maksimum 5-10
d. Meneroponglah lewat okuler sambil tangan memutar makrometer
dengan menaikkan tubus perlahan-lahan. Amati medan pandang sampai
muncul bayangan. Kalau tubus telah diangkat, setengah putaran makrometer
belum juga muncul bayangan, berarti terlewatkan. Ulangi kembali mulai
pada bagian c; kalau sudah ada bayangna tapi masih kabur, maka teropong
terus sambil memutar mikrometer naik atau turun sampai bayangan jelas
garis atau batasan-batasannya.
e. Periksa okuler (pembesaran berapa?) dan objektif (pembesaran
berapa?), hitunglah pembesaran bayangan yang anda Anda lihat.
f. Kalau sudah diamati, preparat dikeluarkan.
4. Membuat preparat sederhana
a. Ambil kaca benda yang sudah dibersihkan, pegang serata mungkin.
b. Tetesi air jernih atau air suling satu tetes ditengah-tengah.
c. Ambil sedikit dari masing-masing bahan yang akan diamati dan
letakkan bahan tersebut di tengah tetesan air jernih.
d. Tangan Anda yang sebelah memegang kaca penutup antara empu jari
dengan telunjuk pada sisi atau pinggir yang berlawanan.
e. Sisi dengan kaca penutup, disentuhkan pada kaca benda dekat tetesan
air dengan kemiringan 45 derajat, kemudian lepaskan sehingga tepat
menutupi tetesan air. Kelebihan air yang merembes di tepi kaca diserap
dengan kertas saring.
f. Pasang preparat buatan Anda pada meja sediaan dan amati seperti
langkah yang telah disebutkan.
5. Mengganti perbesaran
a. Apabila pengamatan sudah berhasil, bayangan yang nampak akan
diperbesar lagi. Posisi preparat atau tubus jangan disentuh.
b. Putar sedemikian rupa sampai lensa objektif yang lebih panjang (kuat)
tegak lurus pada meja sediaan sampai terdengar bunyi “klik”.
c. Teroponglah sambil memutar mikrometer sampai muncul bayangan
yang lebih besar. Amati bayangan yang ada!
d. Jika gagal menemukan bayangan yang lebih besar, naikkan tubus
dengan memutar makrometer berlawanan arah empu jari. Putar kembali
revolver untuk mendapatkan posisi lensa objektif lemah (pendek) pada posisi
semula. Tanpa mengubah posisi preparat, lakukan kembali perlakuan
mengamati sampai berhasil.
e. Apabila Anda akan mengamati bahan yang lain, maka naikkan tubus.
Keluarkan preparat yang sudah diamati dan bersihkan kaca benda dan kaca
f. Buat sediaan baru sesuai dengan langkah pembuatan preparat.
g. Pada akhir kegiatan yang menggunakan mikroskop, perhatikan hal-hal
berikut :
- Preparat tidak boleh tersimpan diatas meja sediaan, harus dikeluarkan.
- Preparat basah harus dibersihkan dengan kertas saring atau lap katun
(kaca benda + kaca penutup). Simpan dalam cawan petri dan masukkan ke
dalam kotak perlengkapan.
- Bersihkan badan mikroskop dengan kain planel. Tubus dirutunkan
serendah mungkin.
- Simpan mikroskop dalam kotak mikroskop.
- Semua peralatan yang telah dipakai dibersihkan dengan lap katun dan
disimpan dalam kotaknya.
- Peralatan anda sendiri, disimpan sendiri untuk dipakai dalam kegiatan
- Sisa bahan yang tidak digunakan lagi dibuang di tempat sampah yang

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