Test III.c - Unit12-Shopping

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Name _________________________________________________ Class ________________________

Language Test - Unit 12 Score: /35

1.Choose the correct answers.

When I go shopping, I never take _____, I always use my credit card. I think it’s safer.
I usually go to the high street shops rather than shopping 1_____ because they’re
always busy. I hate shopping when it’s really crowded and there are lots of 2_____.
That’s awful! For that reason, I never go to the sales even though there are great 3_____
in prices. What do I spend my money on? Well, I bought a house two years ago, so
every month I have to pay the 4_____. I also got a personal 5_____ to buy a car last
year, so I have to repay some money on that too. I’m pretty well-off because I get
a good 6_____ from my job.

a bill b cash c price

1 a dispenser b malls c trolleys

2 a treats b campaigns c shoppers
3 a reductions b reduces c refunds
4 a rent b mortgage c wallet
5 a borrow b debt c loan
6 a salary b finance c money
2 Complete the missing words. The first letter of each word is given.

I went to the grocer’s to buy some salt.

1 The banks are closed. Where’s the nearest c__________? I need to get some money


2 I need to buy some boot p__________ to clean my shoes.

3 I think too many people are g____________ – they want too much of everything.

4 Oh no! I can’t find my w___________ and I need to pay for my shopping now!

5 I want to buy some magazines. Let’s go to the n____________.


PHOTOCOPIABLE New Success Intermediate
© 2012 Pearson Education Limited
3 Complete the dialogue with the correct forms of the verbs in brackets.

A What do you fancy doing (do) tonight?

B I don’t know… Would you like 1_______________ (eat) out or in?
A Let’s go out. Mum doesn’t let me 2_______________ (use) the kitchen now.
B Why, what happened?
A Well, I decided 3______________ (make) a meal for everyone. I had just learned
__________ (make) pizza at school and I really enjoyed 5_____________ (do) it. I made the
pizza and then I relaxed by 6_____________ (watch) a film on TV.
B And?
A I forgot about the pizza and the kitchen caught fire. The firemen managed 7_________ (put)
out the fire, but we had 8____________ (paint) the kitchen afterwards.
B Right… well, I don’t mind 9_____________ (go) out, so let’s do that!

4. CLOZE TEST – Fill in the missing words taken from the text.
stumbled rating stick tendency straight hidden influenced mediocre
shipping chosen
I fell __________(1) into the trap last night when I was shopping online. I __________(2)
upon a blackout blind had promised to __________(3) to the windows. What I wasn't
noticing is that the order didn't have free __________(4) so I paid more for shipping than
the blind itself. I hate these __________(5) costs. The first thing you need to do when
shopping online is to read carefully plenty of reviews, but make sure to check everything
even the rating as it can sometimes be __________(6).
It seems to be basic human __________(7) to make mistakes. We're __________(8) more
by how many other people have __________ (9)product than by what they thought of the
This in fact doesn't make sense, statistically speaking: the larger the number of reviews on
which a bad __________(10) is based, the higher the likelihood the product really is bad.
They call it the "law of large numbers

PHOTOCOPIABLE New Success Intermediate
© 2012 Pearson Education Limited
5 Rewrite the sentences using the words in capital letters. Do not change the meaning of the
original sentences.

Jenny is obliged to wear a school uniform.


Jenny must wear a school uniform.

1 I’d like to travel round the world. INTERESTED

I ______________________________ round the world.

2 Peter’s parents don’t allow him to go out during the week.


Peter’s parents ___________________________ out during the week.

3 They succeeded in getting a table at the restaurant.


They ________________________________ a table at the restaurant.

4 It’s my intention to learn another foreign language.


I __________________________________ another foreign language.

5 Mark doesn’t want to make a salad.


Mark _______________________________________ salad.


TOTAL / 35

PHOTOCOPIABLE New Success Intermediate
© 2012 Pearson Education Limited

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