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Rewrite the sentence using synonyms or parallel expressions. Use the help section if needed.

EXAMPLE: If we don’t leave now, we will be late for school.

Unless we leave now, we will be late for school.

1. I have a good relationship with my older sister. (PV)

2. My parents don’t let me go to the disco.

3. Could you lend me your pen?

4. I prefer to eat pizza at weekends.

5. It is too cold to go to the beach.

6. They went to study in England 6 months ago.

7. She has a date to play tennis with John next Saturday at 2.00.

8. The city centre wasn’t very close to our hotel.

9. Obama is the former president of the USA.

10. How about coming with me to dinner tonight?


11. Susan did all the jobs her boss asked her to do while he was away. (PV)

12. In the winter, some days are rainier and colder than others.

13. I like swimming, and I like running, too.

14. I didn’t like the idea of spending the weekend camping in the woods.

15. I played video games a lot before, but I don’t play much now.

16. That was the most exciting football match I have ever been to.

17. The company is not hiring any new workers this year. (PV)

18. The weather was awful, but we went to the beach anyway.


19. We traveled to Australia last summer.

20. I stopped watching that tv series because it got boring.

HELP – Use this advice to help you transform the sentence.

EXAMPLE: Conditional sentence. Unless = If not

1. a phrasal verb meaning “have a good relationship with.”

2. I am ………………………………

3. Could I …………………………… (What is the opposite of LEND?)

4. a synonym for “I prefer.”

5. It is not ………………..

6. present perfect

7. What verb tense do you use when you have made specific arrangements to do something?

8. The city centre was ………………..

9. Something that was in the past but isn’t now.

10. 2 different ways of making a suggestion.

11. a phrasal verb meaning “to start and finish a job or a project.”

12. In the winter, some days aren’t …………………….

13. use a linker of addition.

14. an expression that means you don’t like something very much.

15. Something that was true in the past but isn’t now.

16. change from superlative to comparative

17. a phrasal verb meaning “hire.”

18. use 2 different contrast linkers to substitute but.

19. use an expression that means “travel.”

20. use an expression that means you don’t do or feel something now because you stopping doing it
or feeling in that way.

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