Hcca Fbla Program of Work - 22018

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FBLA Program of Work

Date: 9/17/18
School/Chapter Name: Hutchings College and Career Academy
Address: 1780 Anthony Rd Macon GA 31204
Advisers: Steve Neil
Chapter President: Victoria Miller (morning)
Proposed Programs for the Year
National Theme: FBLA-PBL: Create. Lead. Inspire
State Theme: Georgia FBLA: Emerge!
Major Project (briefly describe): Canned food drive – We will work with all the CTSO’s at our school and collect
canned food throughout the year to donate to the local community food bank.

How often will you meet? Monthly (FBLA Friday)
At what time will you meet? During Class
Where will you meet? Room 123
What is the average length of 15 minutes
your meetings?
What will you do to Students are already in class
encourage students to attend
your meetings?
How are you going to HCCA is a program Academy. Students come from their home schools to attend HCCA
promote your meetings? for 3 periods. Students understand that meetings are held during class on Fridays.
1. Develop competent, aggressive business leadership.
2. Strengthen the confidence of students in themselves and their work.
3. Create more interest in and understanding of American business enterprise.
4. Encourage members in the development of individual projects that contribute to the improvement of home, business,
and community.
5. Develop character, prepare for useful citizenship, and foster patriotism.
6. Encourage and practice efficient money management.
7. Encourage scholarship and promote school loyalty.
8. Assist students in the establishment of occupational goals.
9. Facilitate the transition from school to work.
Program of Work
Complete yearly activities on the next page. Include Region, State, and any National Fall Leadership and National
Leadership Conferences that you plan to attend and the dates you will attend them in your Program of Work.
Victoria Miller
Chapter President:
Amber Becham
Chapter Secretary:
Steve Neil
Chapter Adviser:
FBLA Program of Work
Month Activities FBLA Goals Comments
August Monthly Meeting (8/17/18) 2, 4 Help students become
aware of local chapter

Officer Meeting (8/24/18) 2, 4 Work on POW, Discuss

goals for the year

September Monthly Meeting (9/7/18) 2, 4 Help students become

aware of local chapter
benefits, discuss fall

Membership Campaign (week of 9/5) 2, 4, 7 Announcements, pass

out flyers, etc., drawing
for free tshirt

Begin Donut Card Fundraiser to raise money for

1, 2, 6 conferences

Begin Custodial Basket Planning make appreciation

baskets for custodial
4, 5 staff

October Monthly Meeting (10/19/18) 2, 4 Chapter activities info;

leadership training

Fall Motivational Rally (10/11/18) 1, 2 Motivate FBLA

participation this year
Prep Workshops for Skills and Online Testing Competitors
2, 7 Practice, tutoring, etc.
November Monthly Meeting (11/9/18) 2, 4 Chapter activities info;
leadership training

Fall Leadership Conference (11/7 - 11/8/18) 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6 Leadership training

Button Fundraiser 4, 5 To raise money for
Prep Workshops for Skills and Online Testing Competitors 2, 7 Practice, tutoring, etc.

Canned food drive/Coat Drive 4, 5 Work with all CTSO’s

at our school – bring a
Begin discussion on Christmas Party 7,8 can to the meeting/bring
gently used coats to
FBLA Program of Work
Month Activities FBLA Goals Comments

Skills Testing 2, 7 Test these events

December Monthly Meeting/Christmas Party (12/14/18) 2, 4, 7 Chapter activities info;

leadership training
Social Event
Online Testing 2, 7

4, 5 Test these events

Kids Yule Love
4, 5 “Adopt” a kid to buy
Angel Tree presents for

January Monthly Meeting (1/11/18) 2, 4 Chapter activities info;

leadership training

Region Leadership Conference 2, 7 Competitions and

March of Dimes Fundraiser
4, 5 Sell ring pops as “pacis”
Preparation for State Conference
1, 2, 3 Get started for state
SLC Skills Testing
2, 7 Test these events
February Monthly Meeting/Valentines Social (2/8/18) 2, 4 Chapter activities info;
leadership training

FBLA Week 2,3,4, 5 ,7 County wide event

SLC Online Testing 2, 7 Test the events

Valentine Plaque/Button Fundraiser 4, 5 Raise money for state

March Monthly Meeting (3/8/18) 2, 4 Chapter activities info;
leadership training
Mock Interviews (3/12/18)

State Leadership Conference (3/22 - 3/23/2018) 2, 7 Competitions and


March for Babies 4, 5 Participate in the local

March for Babies
FBLA Program of Work
Month Activities FBLA Goals Comments
April Monthly Meeting (4/12/18) 2, 4 Chapter activities info;
leadership training

Custodial Gift Baskets 4, 5 Collect items to put in

gift baskets – make
May Monthly Meeting (5/3/18) 2, 4 Chapter activities info;
leadership training

social event – invite

End-of-the-Year Party 2, 7 middle school
June/July National Leadership Conference (June 28–July 2) 2, 7 Competitions and
SLOTS 2, 4
Attend SLOTS

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