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Contents 1

Unit 1 Test A2

Unit 1 Test B4

Unit 1 Test C (for dyslexic students) 6

Unit 2 Test A8

Unit 2 Test B10

Unit 2 Test C (for dyslexic students) 12

Unit 3 Test A14

Unit 3 Test B16

Unit 3 Test C (for dyslexic students) 18

Unit 4 Test A20

Unit 4 Test B22

Unit 4 Test C (for dyslexic students) 24

Unit 5 Test A26

Unit 5 Test B28

Unit 5 Test C (for dyslexic students) 30

Unit 6 Test A32

Unit 6 Test B34

Unit 6 Test C (for dyslexic students) 36

Unit 7 Test A38

Unit 7 Test B40

Unit 7 Test C (for dyslexic students) 42

Unit 8 Test A44

Unit 8 Test B46

Unit 8 Test C (for dyslexic students) 48

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2 Unit 1 Test A

Vocabulary 4 Napisz krótkie odpowiedzi.

1 Przyjrzyj się obrazkom i zakreśl Is Paul playing the guitar with his band? ✓
właściwą literę. Yes, he is.
1 Are the boys doing their homework? ✓

2 Are you and your sister listening to a CD? ✗

3 Is Maria winning the tennis tournament? ✓

4 Is your phone ringing? ✗
He’s got spiky hair. C / D

1 He hasn’t got any hair. C / D
5 Are you writing an email to Danny? ✓
2 He’s got a beard. A / D

3 He’s got a moustache. A / D /5
4 He’s got blonde hair. B / C
5 He’s got black hair. B / C 5 Zakreśl właściwy wyraz.
/5 Where is my / mine phone?
2 Podpisz elementy ilustracji. 1 These trainers are my / mine.
2 These aren’t our / ours bikes.
n ose 1 h 3 Your / Yours pizza is getting cold.
4 Where are Simon and Jackie?
Their / Theirs mum is on the phone.
2 b 3 m
5 The bag is Ela’s. The hat is her / hers,
too. /5
4 a 5 f
6 Przeczytaj blog. Zaznacz odpowiednio
/5 T (prawda) lub F (fałsz).

It’s a beautiful day today so we’re in the

park. Theo and Alex are playing basketball
3 Uzupełnij zdania podanymi with two very tall American boys from a
czasownikami w czasie present group of tourists. The girls are eating ice
continuous. creams, but Sara isn’t happy because hers
Macy is sitting on my chair. (sit) isn’t very good. She only likes chocolate
1 I a postcard to ice creams and the shop hasn’t got those.
my grandma. (write) Mark and Matty are talking about football.
2 The bus in front of Some small children are playing with a dog.
my house. (stop) They’re having a great time. Their parents
3 Jake and Roy in the are taking photos with their mobile phones.
garden today. (study)
4 Adam with Michelle. (dance) T  F
5 Cindy and I in the park. (run) It’s raining. ✗
1 Theo and Alex are playing basketball
with old friends.
2 The girls are having sandwiches.
3 Sara is eating a chocolate ice cream.
4 Some small children are playing
5 The children’s parents are talking.


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Unit 1 Test A 2
Communication I ’m using a dictionary .
1 I .
7 Dopasuj pytania do odpowiedzi. 2 My teacher .
Could I borrow this DVD, please? b 3 I .
1 Can I use your laptop? 4 My friend and I .
2 Can I have a sandwich, Mum? 5 I .

3 Can we go out in the garden? /5 / 45

4 Could I close the window, please?
5 Can I borrow your bike? Extra
a Do your homework now. You can go out 1
0 Uzupełnij dialog zwrotami
later. utworzonymi z podanych w ramce
b Yes, you can. It’s a great film!
c Yes, you can. It’s out in the garden. I/write I/get I/ask you/use 
d Not now. I’m writing an email. it/be hurry
e No, you can’t. It’s dinner time.
Kitty Can I ask you a question, Dad?
f Yes, you can. It’s cold in here. Dad Yes, but 1 up! 2
/5 ready for work.
Kitty It’s about your work. How often
Listening 3
your computer for work,
8 1 Posłuchaj rozmowy telefonicznej
Dad Every day. 4 important for
i zakreśl właściwy wyraz lub zwrot.
my job. Why?
Billy is at a … camp. Kitty I 5 a post for my blog
a sports b drama c music about parents and computers. Thanks,
1 Billy is a … player. Dad!
a football b basketball c volleyball
2 Billy thinks the camp is … . /5
a  boring b terrible c fun
3 Billy … the swimming pool. 11 Rodzina Maxa właśnie się
a hates b  doesn’t like c loves przeprowadziła i rozpakowuje
4 Billy … vegetables and fruit. pudła z rzeczami. Uzupełnij
a likes b  doesn’t like c loves dialog, wstawiając odpowiednie
5 His mum thinks the food at the camp is … . przymiotniki dzierżawcze i zaimki.
a good b bad c terrible Max Mum, where are my CDs?
Mum There are CDs and DVDs in this box –
are they yours ?
Max No, they’re Annie’s.
Annie No, Mum! These aren’t 1 .
9 Wybierz z ramki pięć zwrotów i ułóż I think they’re Dad’s CDs.
z nimi pięć zdań w czasie present Max I don’t think they’re 2 .
continuous o tym, co teraz robisz. Mum 3 CDs are they, then?
Max Well, they’re probably 4 ,
do an English test  sit at my desk 
write with a pen  wear blue jeans 
Mum Are they? Oh, you’re right, they’re
wear a T-shirt  eat a sweet  5
! Those are my Abba CDs!
write with a pencil  wear a jumper
use a dictionary /5

/ 55

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2 Unit 1 Test B

Vocabulary 4 Napisz krótkie odpowiedzi.

1 Przyjrzyj się obrazkom i zakreśl Is Paul playing the guitar with his band? ✓
właściwą literę. Yes, he is.
1 Is your phone ringing? ✓

2 Are the girls doing their homework? ✗

3 Are you writing an email to Alex? ✓

4 Is Martina winning the tennis tournament? ✗
He’s got spiky hair. A / B

1 He hasn’t got any hair. A / C
5 Are you and your brother watching TV? ✓
2 He’s got a beard. B / D
3 He’s got a moustache. C / D
4 He’s got blonde hair. A / B
5 Zakreśl właściwy wyraz.
5 He’s got black hair. A / B
Where is my / mine phone?
1 This book is Carla’s. The pen is her / hers,
2 Podpisz elementy ilustracji. too.
2 These aren’t their / theirs books.
n ose 1 e
3 Our / Ours pizza is getting cold.
4 These CDs are my / mine.
2 n 3 a 5 Where are you, Jamie? Your / Yours dad
is on the phone. /5

4 h 5 l Reading
6 Przeczytaj tekst. Zaznacz
odpowiednio T (prawda) lub F (fałsz).
It’s a beautiful day today so we’re in the
Grammar park. Matty and Paul are playing football
3 Uzupełnij zdania podanymi with two very tall German boys from a
czasownikami w czasie present group of tourists. The girls are eating
continuous. sandwiches, but Kathy isn’t happy because
Macy is sitting on my chair. (sit) hers isn’t very good. She only likes tomato
1 Mike and Johnny in sandwiches and the shop hasn’t got those.
the garden today. (study) Ben and Mark are talking about football.
2 He a postcard to his Some small children are playing with a ball.
grandad. (write) They’re having a great time. Their parents
3 Sam and I in the park. (run) are taking photos with their mobile phones.
4 The car in front of our
T  F
house. (stop)
It’s raining. ✗
5 I with Emily. (dance)
1 Matty and Paul are playing football
/5 with two German tourists.
2 The girls are having ice creams.
3 Kathy is eating a tomato sandwich.
4 Some small children are playing in
the park.
5 The children’s parents are talking .


4 Team Up 2 Unit 1 Test B PHOTOCOPIABLE  © Oxford University Press

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Unit 1 Test B 2
Communication I ’m using a dictionary .
1 I .
7 Dopasuj pytania do odpowiedzi. 2 My friend and I .
Could I borrow this DVD, please? c 3 I .
1 Can I borrow your bike? 4 I .
2 Can I use your laptop? 5 My English teacher
3 Can I have an ice cream, Mum?
4 Can we go out in the garden? /5 / 45
5 Could I close the window, please?

a No, you can’t. It’s lunch time.

b Do your homework now. You can go out 1
0 Rodzina Annie właśnie się
later. przeprowadziła i rozpakowuje
c Yes, you can. It’s a great film! pudła z rzeczami. Uzupełnij
d No, you can’t. It’s very hot in here. dialog, wstawiając odpowiednie
e Yes, you can. It’s out in the garden. przymiotniki dzierżawcze i zaimki.
f Not now. I’m writing an email. Annie Dad, where are my CDs?
/5 Dad There are CDs and DVDs in this box –
are they yours ?
Listening Annie No, they’re Daniel’s.
Daniel No, Dad! These aren’t 1 .I
8 1 Posłuchaj rozmowy telefonicznej
think they’re Mum’s CDs.
i zakreśl właściwy wyraz lub zwrot.
Annie I don’t think they’re 2 .
Billy is at a … camp. Dad 3
CDs are they, then?
a sports b drama c music Annie Well, they’re probably 4 ,
1 Billy is a … player. Dad!
a football b volleyball c basketball Dad Are they? Oh, you’re right, they’re
2 Billy thinks the camp is … . 5
! Those are my Queen CDs!
a fun b terrible c boring
3 Billy … the swimming pool.
a loves b  doesn’t like c hates
4 Billy … vegetables and fruit.
11 Uzupełnij dialog zwrotami
utworzonymi z podanych w ramce
a likes b  doesn’t like c loves
5 His mum thinks the food at the camp is … .
a terrible b bad c good I/write I/get I/ask you/use 
/5 it/be hurry

Kitty Can I ask you a question, Mum?

Mum Yes, but 1 up! 2
9 Wybierz z ramki pięć zwrotów i ułóż ready for work.
z nimi pięć zdań w czasie present Kitty It’s about your work. How often
continuous o tym, co teraz robisz. 3
your computer for work,
do an English test  sit in my chair
Mum Every day. 4 important for
write with a pencil  wear jeans
my job. Why?
wear a T-shirt  eat a sweet
Kitty I 5 a post for my blog
write with a pen  wear blue socks
about parents and computers. Thanks,
use a dictionary

/ 55

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2 UNIT 1 Test C

1 Podpisz elementy ilustracji.
Wykorzystaj wyrazy n o     s     e 1 h       

z ramki.

arm ear feet 2 l     3 e    

hand leg nose

4 a        5 f       


2 Wybierz i zakreśl poprawne zdanie: a lub b.
a Macy is sitting on my chair.
b Macy are sitting on my chair.
1 a I is writing an email
b I am writing an email.
2 a The bus is stopping.
b The bus are stopping.
3 a Jake and Adam is studying.
b Jake and Adam are studying.
4 a You and Michelle is dancing.
b You and Michelle are dancing.
5 a Susan and I am running.
b Susan and I are running.
3 Zakreśl właściwy wyraz.
Where is my / mine phone?
1 Your / Yours pizza is here.
2 These aren’t our / ours bikes.
3 These trainers are my / mine.
4 This bag is Rosie’s. And this hat is her / hers, too.
5 Where are the boys? Their / Theirs mother
is on the phone.

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UNIT 1 Test C

Przeczytaj tekst. Zaznacz odpowiednio T (prawda) lub F (fałsz).

It’s a beautiful day today and we’re in the park. Theo

and Alex are playing basketball with two American boys.
They’re tourists. The girls are eating ice creams, but Sara
isn’t happy. She doesn’t like hers. She only likes chocolate
ice creams and the shop hasn’t got those. Mark and Matty
are talking about football. Some small children are playing
with a dog. They’re having a great time. Their parents are
taking photos with their mobile phones.

It’s raining. ✗
1 Theo and Alex are playing basketball
with old friends.
2 The girls are eating sandwiches.
3 Sara is eating a chocolate ice cream.
4 Some small children are playing football.
5 The children’s parents are taking photos.

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2 Unit 2 Test A

Vocabulary 4 Uzupełnij drugie zdanie z każdej

pary odpowiednim przysłówkiem
1 Wpisz do tabeli wyrażenia z ramki,
sposobu, tak aby oba zdania
tak aby utworzyć nazwy czynności
znaczyły to samo.
wykonywanych w domu.
Pete is a fantastic player. He plays
the washing machine  the table  fantastically .
my bed  the rubbish out  the dusting 1 Klara is a beautiful dancer. She dances
do the cooking 2 Rosie is a good singer. She sings
1 .
lay/clear 2
3 Billy has a quiet voice. He speaks
load/unload 3
4 My brother is a bad driver. He drives
make 4
put 5 5 I’m a fast swimmer. I swim
/5 /5

2 Uzupełnij nazwy sprzętów 5 Uzupełnij zdania podanymi

używanych do domowych prac. czasownikami w odpowiedniej
formie: present continuous lub

present simple.
I’m watching TV now.
1 2 I watch TV every evening.
w ashing v b 1 He usually to school. (walk)
m achine c 2 Bobby and Jean
this morning. (not / work)
3 She a dress today. (wear)
4 Jake and Danny always
3 4 5 their homework together. (do)
i s d 5 I lunch in the school
canteen today. (have)

Grammar Reading
3 Ułóż zdania z podanych wyrazów. 6 Przeczytaj e-mail. Zakreśl
odpowiedź a lub b.
Użyj czasowników w formie
przeczącej w czasie present
Who does the housework in your family, Ivan?
continuous. In my family we all help. My mum usually does
She / play / basketball the cooking at the weekend, and she always
She isn’t playing basketball . cooks a special lunch on Sundays. She’s a very
1 We / run / in the park good cook. My dad does the cooking on other
. days of the week. We all tidy our bedrooms

2 Billy and Terry / watch / TV and make our beds, but I don’t like it! We do
the shopping at the supermarket near our
house, and I always help with that. I usually
3 I / use / the computer
lay the table. My sister Sophie clears it and
loads the dishwasher, but she doesn’t unload
4 You / listen / to me
it – that’s my job. But I don’t do the dusting –
. that’s Sophie’s job! Housework is boring, but I
5 Rosie / eat / an ice cream always listen to music. Then time goes quickly!
. Klara


8 Team Up 2 Unit 2 Test A PHOTOCOPIABLE  © Oxford University Press

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Unit 2 Test A 2
Klara’s mum does the cooking … . Writing
a Monday to Friday
b on Saturdays and Sundays
9 Napisz pięć zdań o tym, jak często
1 Klara’s family has a special lunch … .
ty, twoi przyjaciele i rodzina
a on Saturdays b on Sundays
wykonujecie te czynności.
2 Klara’s dad … .
do the washing-up  do the shopping
a tidies Klara’s bedroom
clean the bathroom 
b cooks during the week
load the washing machine
3 Klara always helps with the … .
tidy my bedroom  put the rubbish out
a shopping b dusting
4 Sophie … .
I do the washing-up once a week.
a tidies her bedroom, cooks and lays the
1 I
2 My mum
b tidies her bedroom, clears the table and
3 I
loads the dishwasher
4 My best friend
5 Klara thinks housework is … .
5 I
a fun b boring
/5 /5 / 45

Communication Extra
7 Uzupełnij zdania wyrazami z ramki. 1
0 Uzupełnij zdania poprawną formą
czasownika oraz przysłówkiem
mind matter late worry sorry Excuse

I’m sorry , Mr Clark, I haven’t got Clare usually sings beautifully. Not today.
my English book today. Today, she’s singing badly .
1 I’m sorry, I’m . 1 We usually run fast. Not today. Today,
2 A Sorry, Jim. Your DVD is at home. we’re .
B Never ! 2 The team always plays well. Not today.
3 A I haven’t got my homework, Mrs Jones. Today, they’re .
B Don’t . Get it now. 3 Pete always works slowly. Not today.
4 A Your phone is in the Science classroom. Today, he’s .
B It doesn’t . It’s Biology 4 Janet always starts work early. Not today.
now. Today, she’s .
5 A  me, Mr Smith. 5 Sam usually talks noisily. Not today. Today,
B Yes, Helen. What is it? he’s .
/5 /5

Listening 11 Uzupełnij zdania wyrazami z ramki.

8 2 Posłuchaj nagrania. Zaznacz
walk  feed  hang up  do  help  wash
odpowiednio T (prawda) lub F (fałsz).

T  F
The dog is happy. They’re feeding it.
There are five children in Sandy’s
1 Sam is outside. He the car.
family. ✗  2 I usually my clothes in the
1 Jim tidies his bedroom.  
2 Sandy’s mum does the cooking.  
3 That noise is Daisy. She
3 Jim helps with the cooking every
the vacuuming.
4 I always with the cooking.
4 Sandy loves cleaning the bathroom.  
5 Clare is in the park. She
5 Jim loads the dishwasher.  
the dog. /5 / 55


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2 Unit 2 Test B

Vocabulary 4 Uzupełnij drugie zdanie z każdej

pary odpowiednim przysłówkiem
1 Wpisz do tabeli wyrażenia z ramki,
sposobu, tak aby oba zdania
tak aby utworzyć nazwy czynności
znaczyły to samo.
wykonywanych w domu.
Pete is a fantastic player. He plays
the table  the rubbish out  fantastically .
the washing-up 1 Amy has a loud voice. She speaks
my bedroom  the dishwasher .
2 Lily is a beautiful dancer. She dances
do the cooking .
1 3 I’m a fast swimmer. I swim
load/unload 2
4 Carl is a bad singer. He sings
tidy 3
lay/clear 4
5 Sam is a good driver. He drives
put 5 .
5 Uzupełnij zdania podanymi
2 Uzupełnij nazwy sprzętów czasownikami w odpowiedniej
używanych do domowych prac. formie: present continuous lub
present simple.
I’m watching TV now.
I watch TV every evening.
1 2
1 I lunch now. (have)
vacuum w i 2 She a dress today. (wear)
cleaner m 3 He usually to school. (walk)
4 Jake and Danny this
morning. (not / work)
5 Roy and Max always the
3 4 5
cooking together. (do)
s d b

/5 Reading
Grammar 6 Przeczytaj e-mail. Zakreśl
odpowiedź a lub b.
3 Ułóż zdania z podanych wyrazów.
Użyj czasowników w formie Who does the housework in your family, Ivan?
przeczącej w czasie present In my family we all help. My dad usually does
continuous. the cooking at the weekend. He usually cooks
She / play / basketball a special lunch on Saturdays. He’s a very good
She isn’t playing basketball . cook. My mum does the cooking on other days
of the week. We all tidy our bedrooms and
1 Emily / use / the computer
make our beds, but I don’t like it! We do the
shopping at the supermarket near our house,
2 I / eat / a pizza
and I always help with that. I usually lay the
table. My sister Ella clears it and loads the
3 We / run / in the park dishwasher, but she doesn’t unload it – that’s
. my job. But I don’t take the rubbish out –
4 Sam and Ben / watch TV that’s dad’s job! Housework is boring, but I
. always listen to music. Then time goes quickly!
5 You / listen / to me Karl

10 Team Up 2 Unit 2 Test B PHOTOCOPIABLE  © Oxford University Press

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Unit 2 Test B 2
Karl’s mum does the cooking … . Writing
a Monday to Friday
b on Saturdays and Sundays
9 Napisz pięć zdań o tym, jak często
1 Karl’s family has a special lunch … .
ty, twoi przyjaciele i rodzina
a on Fridays b on Saturdays
wykonujecie te czynności.
2 Karl’s dad … .
clean the bathroom  do the washing-up 
a tidies Karl’s bedroom
do the shopping 
b cooks and puts the rubbish out
unload the washing machine 
3 Karl always helps with the … .
lay the table  tidy my bedroom
a cooking b shopping
4 Ella … .
I do the washing-up once a week.
a tidies her bedroom, cooks and lays the
1 I
2 I
b tidies her bedroom, clears the table and
3 My best friend
loads the dishwasher
4 I
5 Karl thinks housework is … .
5 My mum
a boring b fun
/5 /5 / 45

7 Uzupełnij zdania wyrazami z ramki.
0 Uzupełnij zdania wyrazami z ramki.
sorry matter late worry Excuse mind
help  feed  do  wash  walk  hang up
I’m sorry , Mr Clark, I haven’t got
my English book today. The cat is happy. I’m feeding it.
1 A  Sorry, Harry. Your DVD is at home. 1 M
 y mum does the ironing and
B  N
 ever ! my clothes in the wardrobe.
2 A  me, Mr Smith. 2 Max is outside. He the car.
B  Yes, Thomas. What is it? 3 It’s noisy! Suzy the
3 I’m sorry, I’m . vacuuming.
4 A  I haven’t got my homework, Mr Timms. 4 I always with the cooking.
B  Don’t . You can get it now. 5 Mary is in the park. She
5 A  Your phone is in the English classroom. the dog.
B  It doesn’t . We've got
English now. 11 Uzupełnij zdania poprawną formą
/5 czasownika oraz przysłówkiem
Listening Clare usually sings beautifully. Not today.
8 2 Posłuchaj nagrania. Zaznacz Today, she’s singing badly .
odpowiednio T (prawda) lub F (fałsz). 1 The team always plays well. Not today.
T  F Today, they’re .
There are five people in Sandy’s 2 They usually run fast. Not today. Today,
family.   ✗ they’re .
1 Jim tidies his bedroom.   3 Fred usually talks noisily. Not today. Today,
2 Sandy’s dad does the cooking.   he’s .
3 Jim helps with the cooking at the 4 Sam always works slowly. Not today.
weekend.   Today, he’s .
4 Sandy doesn’t like cleaning the 5 Lily always starts work early. Not today.
bathroom.   Today, she’s .

5 Jim unloads the dishwasher.   /5 / 55


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2 UNIT 2 Test C

1 Wpisz czasowniki tworzące zwroty z podanymi wyrazami.

do put lay make load tidy

do the cooking, the ironing, the washing-up,

the shopping, the dusting
the rubbish out
my bed
my bedroom
the dishwasher, the washing machine
the table

2 Zakreśl właściwe wyrazy.
Pete is a slow eater. He eats .
a slowly b slower
1 Rosie is a beautiful dancer. She dances .
a beautifully b beautiful
2 Klara is a good singer. She sings .
a good b well
3 Billy is a fast runner. He runs .
a fastly b fast
4 My brother is a bad driver. He drives .
a bad b badly
5 I’m a loud talker. I talk .
a loudly b loud

3 Zakreśl poprawną formę czasownika.

I watch / ’m watching TV now.
I run / ’m running every day.
1 Bobby and Jean don’t work / isn’t working at the weekend.
2 Janey usually walks / is walking to school.
3 Jake and Danny always do / are doing their homework together.
4 I have / ’m having lunch at home today.
5 Mary is wearing / wears an orange T-shirt today.

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UNIT 2 Test C

4 Przeczytaj e-mail. Zaznacz odpowiednio T (prawda) lub F (fałsz).

Hello Ivan,
Who does the housework in your family? In my family we all
help. My mum usually does the cooking at the weekend, and
she always cooks a special lunch. She’s a very good cook.
My dad does the cooking on other days of the week. We all
tidy our bedrooms and make our beds, but I don’t like that
– it’s boring! We do the shopping at the supermarket near
our house, and I always help with that – I like supermarkets.
I also usually lay the table, and my sister Sophie clears it
and loads the dishwasher. I unload it. I don’t do the dusting.
Sophie does that! I always listen to music when I’m doing my
housework. I think housework is boring, but the music helps
me – sometimes I sing along with it. Then time goes quickly.
Write soon,

Joe’s mum cooks very well. ✗
1 Joe’s dad never cooks.
2 Joe always makes his bed.
3 Joe’s sister rarely helps.
4 Joe does the dusting.
5 Joe thinks that housework is fun.
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2 Unit 3 Test A

Vocabulary There was a computer o n the desk.

1 There were boxes the bed.
1 Dopasuj przedmioty (1–10) do 2 There was a bed the mirror
pomieszczeń, w których zwykle się
and the desk.
znajdują (a–d).
3 There was a rug the bed.
bed c a living room 4 There was a chair the
1 saucepan b bathroom window.
2 sofa c bedroom 5 There were CDs the bed.
3 armchair d kitchen
4 toilet
5 wardrobe
4 Spójrz na ilustrację z zadania 3
6 fridge
i uzupełnij zdania odpowiednimi
7 cooker
formami There was / There were.
8 shower
Were there any girls in the room?
9 dishwasher
1 a mirror on the wall.
10 bath
/ 10 2 a TV?
3 any flowers in the room?
4 any books on the chair?
2 Napisz podane zdania w czasie 5 a fridge.
przeszłym. Zastosuj formy past
simple czasownika be.
Are you happy about your school report? Reading
Were you happy about your school report?
5 Przeczytaj tekst. Zaznacz
1 I’m not at a party.
odpowiednio T (prawda) lub F (fałsz).

2 Is Billy in his bedroom?

I’m at my grandmother’s house. It was
3 Carl and Lisa aren’t in the kitchen.
her father’s house, too. He was my

great-grandad. Today, it’s very modern,
4 Are you in the garden?
but it was very different when my

great-grandad was young. There was
5 Terry and I are in the living room.
no bathroom and no shower! There was

only a toilet in the garden! Downstairs
/5 there was a living room, a bedroom
and a kitchen. There was a big table
3 Spójrz na obrazek i uzupełnij zdania in the kitchen. Today there are lots of
właściwymi przyimkami. rugs in the living room. When my great-
grandad was young there weren’t any
rugs. There was an old blue sofa and
two blue armchairs. Today there are
two brown sofas. My great-grandad’s
bedroom was downstairs. Now, that room
is a living room, and the old living room
is the dining room. When we go to my
grandmother’s house, we have lunch
and dinner in the dining room, not in the
kitchen. And now there’s a toilet inside
the house!

Tom Evans

14 Team Up 2 Unit 3 Test A PHOTOCOPIABLE  © Oxford University Press

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Unit 3 Test A 2
T  F Writing
When Tom’s great-grandad was
young, the house was different. ✗  8 Opisz w pięciu zdaniach, jak
1 There were two rooms and the
wyglądał twój pokój, gdy miałeś/
kitchen downstairs.  
miałaś 5 lat. Użyj there was / there
2 There was a bathroom downstairs.  
were oraz przyimków miejsca.
3 There were lots of rugs in the When I was five years old, there were blue
living room.   curtains in my bedroom.
4 Today, there are armchairs in the 1
living room.   2
5 Tom’s family eat in the kitchen.   3
Communication /5 / 45
6 Dopasuj fragmenty dialogów.
I like Orlando Bloom.  c Extra
1 I don’t like Johnny Depp.  9 Uzupełnij dialogi.
2 I like the Arctic Monkeys. 
A Where ’s the teacher’s desk?
3 I like Rihanna. 
B It’s near the door.
4 I love jazz. 
1 A  were you late?
5 I don’t like Maths. 
B Because I fell off my bike.
a I don’t. I don’t like her at all! 2 A was the film?
b So do I. I think it’s great! B It was fantastic!
c So do I. He’s fantastic. 3 A were you in London?
d Neither do I. It’s boring. B In June.
e Really? I do. He’s a great actor. 4 A is your dog?
f Really? I don’t. Their music is terrible! B It’s thirteen.
5 A  were you on Saturday?
B I was in Oxford.
7 3 Spójrz na plan pokoju. Posłuchaj 1
0 Wpisz odpowiednie litery przy
nazwach elementów budynku.
nagrania i wpisz odpowiednie litery
przy nazwach sprzętów.
b c
a f

c f
bed a 3 chair
1 wardrobe 4 armchair steps f 3 roof
2 table 5 computer 1 chimney 4 balcony
/5 2 basement 5 attic


/ 55

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2 Unit 3 Test B

Vocabulary There was a computer o n the desk.

1 There was a mirror the bed.
1 Dopasuj przedmioty (1–10) do 2 There were boxes the bed.
pomieszczeń, w których zwykle się
3 There were CDs the bed.
znajdują (a–d).
4 There was a desk the door
bed c a kitchen and the window.
1 wardrobe b bathroom 5 There was a chair the
2 desk c bedroom window.
3 toilet d living room
4 sofa
5 bath
4 Spójrz na ilustrację z zadania 3
6 saucepan
i uzupełnij zdania odpowiednimi
7 dishwasher
formami There was / There were.
8 shower
9 armchair Were there any girls in the room?
10 cooker 1 a fridge.
/ 10
2 a rug under the table.
Grammar 3 any books on the floor?
4 any flowers in the room?
2 Napisz podane zdania w czasie 5 a TV?
przeszłym. Zastosuj formy past
simple czasownika be. /5

Are you happy about your school report? Reading

Weren't you happy about your school report?
1 Are you in your bedroom?
5 Przeczytaj tekst. Zaznacz

odpowiednio T (prawda) lub F (fałsz).
2 I’m in the garage.

3 Is Steve in the kitchen? I’m at my grandad’s house. It was his
mother’s house, too. She was my great-
4 Billy and I are in the dining room. grandma. Today, it’s very modern, but
it was very different when my great-
5 Harry and May aren’t in the garden. grandma was young. There was no
bathroom and no shower! There was
only a toilet in the garden! Downstairs
/5 there was a living room, a kitchen and
a bedroom. There was a big table in the
3 Spójrz na obrazek i uzupełnij zdania
kitchen. Today there are lots of rugs in
właściwymi przyimkami.
the living room. When my great-grandma
was young there weren’t any rugs. There
was an old green sofa and an armchair.
Today there’s a red sofa and two
armchairs. My great-grandma’s bedroom
was downstairs. Now, that room is a
living room, and the old living room is the
dining room. When we go to my grandad’s
house, we have lunch and dinner in the
dining room, not in the kitchen. And now
there’s a toilet inside the house!
Jon Jones

16 Team Up 2 Unit 3 Test B PHOTOCOPIABLE  © Oxford University Press

Team Up Tests 2.indd 16 30/07/2014 13:14

Unit 3 Test B 2
T  F Writing
When Jon’s great-grandma was
young, the house was different. ✗  8 Opisz w pięciu zdaniach, jak
1 There was one room and the
wyglądał twój pokój, gdy miałeś/
kitchen downstairs.   
miałaś 5 lat. Użyj there was / there
2 There weren’t any rugs in the
were oraz przyimków miejsca.
living room.   When I was five years old, there were red
3 There’s one armchair in the curtains in my bedroom.
living room now.   1
4 Jon’s family eat in the dining room.   2
5 There’s a bathroom in the house 3
now.   4
/5 / 45
6 Dopasuj fragmenty dialogów. Extra
I like Orlando Bloom.  b 9 Wpisz odpowiednie litery przy
1 I like Katy Perry.  nazwach elementów budynku.
2 I don’t like Johnny Depp. 
3 I don’t like History.  d
4 I like the Arctic Monkeys. 
b c
5 I love jazz. 

a So do I. I think it’s great! a

b So do I. He’s fantastic.
c Neither do I. It’s boring.
d Really? I do. He’s a great actor.
e Really? I don’t. Their music is terrible!
f I don’t. I don’t like her at all! f

7 3 Spójrz na plan pokoju. Posłuchaj steps f 3 roof
1 attic 4 basement
nagrania i wpisz odpowiednie litery
2 chimney 5 balcony
przy nazwach sprzętów.
0 Uzupełnij dialogi.
a f A Where ’s the teacher’s desk?
B It’s near the door.
1 A is your budgie?
b B It’s three.
d 2 A were you late?
c B Because I fell off my bike.
3 A were you in London?
B Two days ago.
bed a 3 chair 4 A were you on Friday?
1 wardrobe 4 armchair B I was at home.
2 table 5 computer 5 A was the film?
/5 B It was fantastic!


/ 55

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2 UNIT 3 Test C

1 Dopasuj przedmioty (1–5) do pomieszczeń, w których zwykle się
znajdują (a–c).
bed c a living room
1 bath b bathroom
2 sofa c bedroom
3 desk
4 toilet
5 wardrobe


2 Zakreśl właściwą formę czasownika.
you happy about your school report?
a Were b Was
1 I at a party.
a was b were
2 Billy in his bedroom?
a Was b Were
3 They in the kitchen.
a wasn’t b weren’t
4 you in the garden?
a Was b Were
5 We in the living room.
a was b were

3 Spójrz na ilustrację i zakreśl odpowiednie przyimki.

There was a computer on / in the
1 There were boxes near / under the
2 There was a bed between / behind
the mirror and the desk.
3 There was a rug under / near the
4 There was a chair in front of /
opposite the window.
5 There were CDs on / near the bed.


18 Team Up 2 Unit 3 Test C PHOTOCOPIABLE  © Oxford University Press

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UNIT 3 Test C

4 Przeczytaj tekst. Zaznacz odpowiednio T (prawda) lub F (fałsz).

I’m at my grandma’s house. It was her dad’s house, too.

He was my great-grandad. It was very different when he
was young! Downstairs there was a living room, my great-
grandad’s bedroom and the kitchen. There was a big table in
the kitchen. Today there are rugs in the living room, but there
weren’t any when my great-grandad was young. Today there
are lots of rugs, a blue sofa and two armchairs. Today my
great-grandad’s bedroom is a living room, and the old living
room is the dining room. But when we have dinner at my
grandma’s house we eat in the kitchen not in the dining room.
There’s also a toilet downstairs and a bathroom upstairs!
Tom Evans

When Tom’s great-grandad was a child,
the house was different. ✗
1 There were three rooms downstairs.
2 There was a bathroom upstairs.
3 There weren’t any rugs in the living room.
4 There is a dining room and living room now.
5 Tom’s family eat in the dining room.
/ 20

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2 Unit 4 Test A

Vocabulary 4 Przekształć poniższe zdania

w zdania przeczące.
1 Wpisz nazwy zawodów pod
obrazkami. I worked very hard this year.
I didn’t work very hard this year.

1 Clare tidied her bedroom.

1 2 2 Carl and Tom waited for Sam.

3 Billy used my computer.

4 You listened to my story.
3 4 5
5 They stopped the car near the station.

2 Odgadnij i wpisz nazwy środków
5 Uzupełnij zdania formami czasu past
simple podanych czasowników.
It takes a lot of people from one stop to
We didn’t arrive in time. (not / arrive)
another in town. bus
1 They Mum for a pizza. (ask)
1 It takes people and things on a river or
2 I to buy you a present.
across the sea.
2 It’s a car. You don’t drive it. You give
3 The team very well.
money to the driver.
(not / play)
3 Some children use it to cycle to school.
4 We home. (walk)
5 Kitty at the end of the film.
4 It flies. Some people use it to go to other
5 It doesn’t fly and it doesn’t use roads. It
takes people from one town to another. Reading
6 Przeczytaj tekst. Zaznacz
/5 odpowiednio T (prawda) lub F (fałsz).

Grammar Marco Polo was born in Italy in 1254. He

3 Uzupełnij zdania czasownikami was an explorer and a writer. His father
z ramki w czasie past simple. and uncle travelled to Asia and China.
Marco didn’t meet them until he was
study  listen decide travel live help about fifteen but he wanted to travel to
China, too. His father and uncle planned a
Yesterday I listened to my new CD. new trip there in 1271 and Marco decided
1 Jim me with my Maths to go with them. They started their
homework last week. journey from their homes in Venice. They
2 We to London by bus returned there in 1295, after twenty-four
yesterday. years. Marco Polo’s book, The Travels of
3 I to buy the red T-shirt last Marco Polo, is the story of his fantastic
week. adventures in China. There are also
4 My mother Biology at stories in it about his time in India and
university. Japan. It was famous in lots of countries.
5 Billy in Africa when he was Marco Polo died in Venice in 1324.
a child.


20 Team Up 2 Unit 4 Test A PHOTOCOPIABLE  © Oxford University Press

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Unit 4 Test A 2
T  F Pierre Curie was French.
Marco Polo was Italian. ✗  1 in 1859.
1 He travelled to Asia with his father 2 In 1875, .
and uncle.   3 In 1895, .
2 The journey started from China.   4 In 1898, .
3 It was a very short journey.   5 in 1906.
4 The men travelled to China, India
/5 / 45
and Japan.   
5 He died at the age of eighty.  
0 Wpisz nazwy zawodów pod
Communication obrazkami.
7 Uzupełnij dialogi wyrazami
i wyrażeniami z ramki.

bus stop   Does  train  want  go  1 2

Single or return   Excuse me artist

 Does this bus stop in town?
1 A A ticket to the town centre, please.
B ? 3 4 5
2 W
 hen is the next to Leeds?

3 Where’s the number five ?
4  . Where’s the cinema? /5
5 D
 oes this bus to Rose Hill?
11 Uzupełnij dialog wyrażeniami z ramki.
Get real  believe it fault 
you serious  last chance  make excuses
8 4 Posłuchaj dialogów. Zaznacz
odpowiednio T (prawda) lub F (fałsz). Coach I don’t believe it , Jake. You’re
late again!
T  F
Jake It isn’t my 1 !I…
The girl wants to go to Oxford. ✗ 
Coach Don’t 2
1 The girl is in Didcot.  
Jake I can train tomorrow.
2 The number twenty-six bus goes to
Coach Are 3 ? There’s no
the station.  
training on Wednesdays.
3 The boy wants to go to the cinema.  
Jake Well, …
4 He can go there by bus.  
Coach 4 , Jake. Training is
5 There’s a school near the bus stop.  
/5 Jake But …
Writing Coach This is your 5 , Jake.
You can train today, but I want to
9 Przeczytaj kalendarium w ramce. see you after training.
Napisz pięć zdań o Piotrze Curie.
Pierre Curie
/ 55
1859 born in Paris, France.
1875 starts university
1895 marries Maria Skłodowska

1898 discovers polonium and radium

with his wife
1906 dies in Paris

PHOTOCOPIABLE © Oxford University Press Team Up 2 Unit 4 Test A 21

Team Up Tests 2.indd 21 30/07/2014 13:15

2 Unit 4 Test B

Vocabulary 4 Przekształć poniższe zdania

w zdania przeczące.
1 Wpisz nazwy zawodów pod
obrazkami. I worked very hard this year.
I didn’t work very hard this year.

1 You listened to her story.

1 2 2 My dad stopped the car near the station.

3 Kitty used your phone.

4 I waited for Billy.
3 4 5
5 We travelled to Ireland.

2 Odgadnij i wpisz nazwy środków
5 Uzupełnij zdania formami czasu past
simple podanych czasowników.
It takes a lot of people from one stop to
We didn’t arrive in time. (not / arrive)
another in a town. bus
1 Rosie at the end of the
1 Some children use it to cycle to school.
film. (cry)
2 They home. (walk)
2 It takes people and things on a river or
3 We Dad for a pizza. (ask)
across the sea.
4 The team very well.
3 It doesn’t use roads and it doesn’t fly. It
(not / play)
takes people from one town to another.
5 I to buy my mum
a present. (want)
4 It’s a car. You stop it in the street. You give
money to the driver. /5
5 It flies. Some people use it to go to other
countries. Reading
/5 6 Przeczytaj tekst. Zaznacz
odpowiednio T (prawda) lub F (fałsz).
Marco Polo was born in Italy in 1254. He
3 Uzupełnij zdania czasownikami was an explorer and a writer. His father
z ramki w czasie past simple.
and uncle travelled to Asia and China.
Marco didn’t meet them until he was
decide  listen travel study help live
about fifteen but he wanted to travel to
Yesterday I listened to my new CD. China, too. His father and uncle planned a
1 Jake in London when he new trip there in 1271 and Marco decided
was a child. to go with them. They started their
2 Kitty to buy some blue journey from their homes in Venice. They
shoes yesterday. returned there in 1295, after twenty-four
3 Pat Sam with his English years. Marco Polo’s book, The Travels of
homework last week. Marco Polo, is the story of his fantastic
4 They to Cambridge by bus adventures in China. There are also
yesterday. stories in it about his time in India and

5 My sister English at Japan. It was famous in lots of countries.

university. Marco Polo died in Venice in 1324.


22 Team Up 2 Unit 4 Test B PHOTOCOPIABLE  © Oxford University Press

Team Up Tests 2.indd 22 30/07/2014 13:15

Unit 4 Test B 2
T  F Pierre Curie was French.
Marco Polo was Italian. ✗  1 in 1859.
1 He travelled to Europe with his 2 In 1875, .
father and uncle.   3 In 1895, .
2 The journey started in 1271.   4 In 1898, .
3 It was a very long journey.   5 in 1906.
4 They travelled to China, India and
/5 / 45
5 He died at the age of seventy.  
0 Uzupełnij dialog wyrażeniami z ramki.
believe it last chance fault 
7 Uzupełnij dialogi wyrazami
you serious  make excuses  Get real
i wyrażeniami z ramki.
Coach I don’t believe it , Charlie.
go  Does  train  Single or return 
You’re late again!
Excuse me   bus stop
Jake It isn’t my 1 !I…
 Does this bus stop in town? Coach Don’t 2
1 When is the next to Leeds? Jake I can train tomorrow.
2  . Where’s the bank? Coach Are 3 ? There’s no
3 A A ticket to the train station, please. training on Thursdays.
B ? Jake Well, …
4 Does this bus to Oxford? Coach 4 , Charlie. Training is
5 Where’s the number three ? important.
Jake But …
Coach This is your 5 , Charlie.
Listening You can train today, but I want to
see you after training.
8 4 Posłuchaj dialogów. Zaznacz
odpowiednio T (prawda) lub F (fałsz). /5

T  F
11 Podpisz obrazki. Wpisz nazwy
The girl wants to go to Oxford. ✗  zawodów.
1 The girl is in Oxford.  

2 The number twenty-seven bus goes
to the station.  
3 The boy wants to go to the cinema.   1 2
4 He can go there by bus.  
5 There’s a school near the bus stop.  


Writing 3 4 5
9 Przeczytaj kalendarium w ramce.
Napisz pięć zdań o Piotrze Curie.
Pierre Curie
/ 55
1859 born in Paris, France
1875 starts university

1895 marries Maria Skłodowska

1898 discovers polonium and radium
with his wife
1906 dies in Paris

PHOTOCOPIABLE © Oxford University Press Team Up 2 Unit 4 Test B 23

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2 UNIT 4 Test C

1 Podpisz ilustracje wyrazami z ramki.

lawyer  factory worker  shop assistant 

postman electrician doctor

1 2


3 4 5


2 Zakreśl właściwe formy czasowników.
Last week, I to my new CD.
a listen b listened
1 Jim me with my Maths homework yesterday.
a helped b helps
2 We to London by bus last week.
a travels b travelled
3 Tina to buy the red T-shirt yesterday.
a decides b decided
4 My mother Biology at university 20 years ago.
a studied b studies
5 Billy in Germany when he was a child.
a lived b lives


24 Team Up 2 Unit 4 Test C PHOTOCOPIABLE  © Oxford University Press

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UNIT 4 Test C

3 Zakreśl poprawne formy gramatyczne.

We didn’t arrive / don’t arrived in time for the start of the film.
1 The team don’t played / didn’t play very well yesterday.
2 Annie don’t wanted / didn’t want to have pasta for lunch yesterday.
3 We don’t walked / didn’t walk home from school yesterday.
4 Sandy didn’t cry / didn’t cried at the end of the film.
5 Carl didn’t want / don’t wanted to buy you a present last weekend.


4 Przeczytaj tekst. Zaznacz odpowiednio T (prawda) lub F (fałsz).

Marco Polo was born in Italy in 1254. He was an explorer

and a writer. His father and uncle travelled to Asia and
China. Marco didn’t meet them until he was fifteen. His
father and uncle planned a new trip to China in 1271 and
Marco decided to go with them. They started their journey
from their homes in Venice and they returned there after
twenty-four years. They visited China, India and Japan.
Marco Polo’s book, The Travels of Marco Polo, is the story of
his fantastic adventures. His story is very famous in lots of
countries. Marco Polo was a rich man after his travels. He
died in Venice in 1324.

Marco Polo was Italian. ✗
1 He travelled to Asia with his father and uncle.
2 The journey started from China.
3 It was a very short journey.
4 They travelled to China, India and Japan.
5 There is a book about his journey.
/ 20

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2 Unit 5 Test A

Vocabulary 4 Przekształć poniższe zdania

w zdania przeczące.
1 Dopasuj nazwy programów
telewizyjnych do obrazków. Wpisz I went to London last year.
odpowiednie litery. I didn’t go to London last year.
1 Lizzy ran 5 km yesterday.

2 Carl and Sandy left the house at 7 a.m.
a b c
3 I read a magazine yesterday evening.

4 Roy made two pizzas.
d e f
5 We did a lot of things together yesterday.
news d 3 police drama

1 music show 4 cartoon
2 sports 5 talent show /5
/5 5 Uzupełnij pytania zaimkami
2 Uzupełnij zdania nazwami gatunków A What time did you leave?
filmowych. B I left at 4.30.
1 A did you see Jane?
fantasy science-fiction 
B I saw her on Monday.
romantic animated comedy horror
2 A  did Helen meet?
A romantic film tells a love story. B She met Danny.
1 A film is very funny. 3 A  did Pete leave?
2 A film sometimes has B He left because he was bored.
robots in it. It’s about the future. 4 A did you put my coat?
3 A film sometimes has B I put it in my bedroom.
monsters in it. It’s scary. 5 A  did you write about?
4 A film has got people with B I wrote about my day!
magical powers in it.
5 An film has got cartoon Reading
people and animals in it. 6 Przeczytaj tekst. Zakreśl poprawne
Yesterday, I got up early and made a
3 Uzupełnij dialog formami czasu past
packed lunch. Then I took the bus to
simple podanych czasowników.
town. I met Ellie at the museum and we
Ted Max, did you see spent an hour there. Then we went to the

(see) Roy yesterday?
park and had our lunch. It was a nice day,
Mark Yes, I 1 (meet) him at the
and we sat by the lake. We took photos
basketball match.
with our mobile phones. At about half
Ted 2 you (speak)
past three, we went to the cinema and we
to him?
saw the new Leonardo DiCaprio film. After
Mark Yes, I did. We 3 (have) a
the film, we walked to the bus stop and
pizza together.
came home by bus. In the evening, Ellie
Then we 4 (go) home.
stayed at my house for dinner. My mum
Ted 5 your team

made pizzas for us. Ellie’s dad came for

(win) the match?
her at about seven o’clock.
Mark Yes, they did.
Kitty Evans

26 Team Up 2 Unit 5 Test A PHOTOCOPIABLE  © Oxford University Press

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Unit 5 Test A 2

Kitty and Ellie had / didn’t have lunch in Writing
the park.
1 They spent one hour / two hours at the 9 Opisz swój ulubiony program
museum. telewizyjny. Odpowiedz na pytania.
2 They took photos with cameras / mobile What’s your favourite TV programme?
phones. My favourite TV programme is
3 After the film, they walked / took the 1 Which day is it on?
bus home.
4 Kitty’s mum / Ellie’s dad cooked dinner 2 What time is it on?
for them.
5 Ellie / Kitty went home at seven o’clock. 3 What type of programme is it?

4 Who are the important people in the
Communication programme?

7 Uzupełnij dialog zwrotami z ramki 5 Why do you like it?

a  tickets and your change  /5 / 45

b  screen is it  c  That’s £17 
d  Can I have  e  Here you are  Extra
f  What time
0 Uzupełnij dialog wyrażeniami z ramki.
A f is the next showing of
why not  ages ago  a life  Yes, sure. 
Rio 2?
I bet  You’re right
B It’s at 7.30 p.m.
A OK. 1 one adult ticket and two
Ben Did you watch Ice Age last night?
children’s tickets, please? ages ago .
Sam No, I saw it
B Sure. 2 in total.
Ben 1
you liked it.
A 3
Sam Yes, I did! It was very funny.
B Thanks. Here are your 4 .
Ben Do you want to go to the basketball
A Thanks. Which 5 ?
match this evening?
B It’s number six, on the left.
Sam 2 . Oh, no sorry! I can’t!
A Thanks!
Ben Oh, Sam, 3
Sam I’ve got an English test on Monday.
Listening Ben Get 4 , Sam!
Sam 5 ! Let’s go.
8 5 Posłuchaj dialogu. Zaznacz
Ben We can study together tomorrow.
odpowiednio T (prawda) lub F (fałsz).
T  F
Emma is at home. ✗  11 Uzupełnij nazwy zawodów
1 Emma and her friend went to the związanych z filmem.
cinema yesterday afternoon.  
l i g h t i ng t e c h n i c i an
2 Emma saw the new Orlando Bloom
1 s d t n
2 d r
3 Emma didn’t like the film.  
3 m - p a t
4 Anna was at home all day
4 c a o r
5 s n
5 Anna watched a DVD with her


/5 / 55

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2 Unit 5 Test B

Vocabulary 4 Przekształć poniższe zdania

w zdania przeczące.
1 Dopasuj nazwy programów
telewizyjnych do obrazków. Wpisz I went to London last year.
odpowiednie litery. I didn’t go to London last year.
1 Danny and Roy left the party at 9 p.m.

2 Rosie ran 10 km at the weekend.
a b c
3 They did a lot of things at the weekend.

4 Pete made some spaghetti.
d e f
5 James read a good book.
news f 3 talent show

1 police drama 4 music show
2 sports 5 cartoon /5
/5 5 Uzupełnij pytania zaimkami
2 Uzupełnij zdania nazwami gatunków A What time did you leave?
filmowych. B I left at 3.30.
1 A  did you write about?
animated comedy science-fiction 
B I wrote about the party!
romantic fantasy horror
2 A did Mary meet in town?
A romantic film tells a love story. B She met Billy.
1 A film is very funny. 3 A did you see Adam?
2 A film has got people with B I saw him on Thursday.
magical powers in it. 4 A did you put my scarf?
3 An film has got cartoon B I put it on the armchair.
people and animals in it. 5 A did Joe leave the party?
4 A film sometimes has B Because he was tired.
monsters in it. It’s scary.
5 A film sometimes has Reading
robots in it. It’s about the future. 6 Przeczytaj tekst. Zakreśl poprawne
/5 odpowiedzi.

Yesterday, I got up early and made a
3 Uzupełnij dialog formami czasu past packed lunch. Then I took the bus to
simple podanych czasowników. town. I met Ellie at the museum and we
Ben Steve, did you see spent two hours there. Then we went
(see) Mark yesterday? to the park and had our lunch. It was a
Steve Yes, I 1 (meet) him at the nice day, and we sat by the lake. We took
football match. photos with our mobile phones. At about
Ted 2 you (speak) half past two, we went to the cinema
to him? and we saw the new Leonardo DiCaprio
Steve Yes, I did. We 3 (have) a film. After the film, we walked to the
pizza together. train station and came home by train. In
Then we 4 (go) home.

the evening, Ellie stayed at my house for

Ted 5 your team dinner. My mum made pizzas for us. Ellie’s
(win) the match? dad came for her at about seven o’clock.
Steve No, they didn’t. Kitty Evans
28 Team Up 2 Unit 5 Test B PHOTOCOPIABLE  © Oxford University Press

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Unit 5 Test B 2

Kitty and Ellie had / didn’t have lunch in Writing
the park.
1 They spent two hours / one hour at the 9 Opisz swój ulubiony program
museum. telewizyjny. Odpowiedz na pytania.
2 They took photos with mobile phones / What’s your favourite TV programme?
cameras. My favourite TV programme is
3 After the film, they took the train / 1 What type of programme is it?
walked home.
4 Ellie’s dad / Kitty’s mum cooked dinner 2 Which day is it on?
for them.
5 Kitty / Ellie went home at seven o’clock. 3 Who are the important people in the

Communication 4 Why do you like it?

7 Uzupełnij dialog zwrotami z ramki 5 What time is it on?

a  What time  b  Here you are  /5 / 45

c  Can I have  d  screen is it 
e  That’s £22  f  tickets and your change Extra
A a is the next showing of Frozen? 1
0 Uzupełnij nazwy zawodów
B It’s at 6.30 p.m. związanych z filmem.
A OK. 1 one adult ticket and three l i g h t i ng t e c h n i c i an
children’s tickets, please? 1 c a o r
B Sure. 2 in total. 2 s d t n
A 3 . 3 s n
B Thanks. Here are your 4 . 4 m - p a t
A Thanks. Which 5 ? 5 d r
B It’s number four, on the left. /5
A Thanks!
/5 11 Uzupełnij dialog wyrażeniami z ramki.
Listening a life  ages ago  I bet  why not 
You’re right  Yes, sure.
8 5 Posłuchaj dialogu. Zaznacz
odpowiednio T (prawda) lub F (fałsz). Ben Did you watch Ice Age last night?
T  F Joe No, I saw it ages ago .
Emma is at home. ✗  Ben 1
_______________ you liked it.
1 Emma and her friend went to the Joe No, not really! It was boring.
cinema yesterday afternoon.   Ben Do you want to go to the cinema this
2 Emma saw the new Johnny Depp evening?
film.   Joe 2_______________. Oh, no sorry! I
3 Karen didn’t like the film.   can’t!
4 Anna was at home all day Ben Oh, Joe, 3_______________?
yesterday.   Joe I’ve got an English test on Monday.
5 Anna watched a DVD with her Ben Get 4_______________, Joe!
brother.   Joe 5_______________! Let’s go.
Ben We can study together tomorrow!


/ 55

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2 UNIT 5 Test C

1 Dopasuj nazwy programów telewizyjnych do obrazków.

a b c

d e f

news f 3 police drama

1 music show 4 cartoon
2 sports programme 5 talent show


2 Zakreśl poprawne formy czasu past simple.
I to London last year.
a went b goed
1 We a lot of things together.
a doed b did
2 I Jake at the cinema.
a meeted b met
3 Lizzy with Ben at the party.
a spoke b speaked
4 Carl and Sandy this morning.
a leaved b left
5 Roy a lot of mistakes.
a made b maked

3 Zakreśl właściwe zaimki pytające.
What / Where did you do last night?
1 When / Where did you go after school?
2 Who / Why did Sophie talk to at the party?
3 What / Why didn’t you do your homework?
4 What / Where did you eat for lunch?
5 When / What did the film start?


30 Team Up 2 Unit 5 Test C PHOTOCOPIABLE  © Oxford University Press

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UNIT 5 Test C

4 Przeczytaj tekst. Zaznacz odpowiednio T (prawda) lub F (fałsz).

Yesterday, I got up early and made a packed lunch. Then, I

took the bus to town. I met Ellie at the museum at eleven
o’clock. We spent two hours there. Then we went to the park
and had our lunch. We took lots of photos with our mobile
phones. At about half past two, we went to the cinema. We
saw the new Leonardo DiCaprio film. It was fantastic. After
the film, we walked to the train station and came home by
train. In the evening, Ellie stayed at my house for dinner. My
mum made pizzas for us. Ellie’s dad came for her at about
seven o’clock. We had a great day.
Kitty Evans.

Kitty and Ellie had lunch in the park. ✗
1 They spent an hour in the park.
2 They took photos with their phones.
3 After the film, they took the train home.
4 Kitty’s mum cooked dinner for them.
5 Ellie went home at about six o’clock.
/ 20

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2 Unit 6 Test A

Vocabulary 5 Uzupełnij pytania wyrażeniami How

much i How many.
1 Wpisz nazwy produktów
spożywczych pod obrazkami. How much cola did you buy?
1 ice cream have we got?

2 potatoes did you use?

3 water do you drink every
1 2 day?
chicken 4 apples are there?

5 biscuits did you eat?


3 4 5 Reading
6 Uzupełnij opis posiłku wyrazami
/5 z tekstu.

2 Uzupełnij zdania nazwami opakowań Yesterday was my sister Linda’s birthday.

lub miar. My mum and I decided to cook a special
 Lisa has a can of cola in her bag. meal for her. I want to be a chef one day
1 Mum, can I have a of and I always help Mum with the cooking.
chocolate? We wanted to cook my sister’s favourite
2 Jimmy always has a of food, so the first course was lasagne.
crisps at lunch. Lasagne isn’t a difficult recipe, but it
3 Where is my of water? takes a long time because there are lots
4 I need to buy a of cereal. of ingredients. Then we had roast chicken
5 There’s a of jam on the with some chips, and a salad. We didn’t
table. have any lettuce in the salad because I
/5 didn’t put it on the shopping list! But we
had tomatoes and carrots and a mango,
Grammar so we put some mango in the salad, too!
3 Wpisz wyrazy z ramki I love mango. But my favourite thing was
w odpowiednich kolumnach. the cake – a big chocolate cake with lots
of small pieces of chocolate inside and
carrot  egg beef tomato  on top. We used 400 grams of chocolate
bread water pieces! My sister was very happy.
Arthur Jones
Policzalne Niepoliczalne
egg 3 Arthur and his mum cooked a birthday
1 4
meal for Linda. The first course
2 5 of Linda’s birthday meal was
. For the main course, they
/5 cooked 2
and chips. There
was also a salad with tomatoes,
4 Zakreśl właściwe wyrazy. 3
and 4 in it.
There aren’t any / some tomatoes. For dessert, they had a chocolate
1 There isn’t much / many milk. 5
2 Are there some / any carrots? /5
3 We’ve got lots of / any salmon.
4 Yesterday I bought any / some cheese.

5 Do we need much / many eggs for the


32 Team Up 2 Unit 6 Test A PHOTOCOPIABLE  © Oxford University Press

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Unit 6 Test A 2
Communication 4 How many biscuits do you eat a week?

7 Uzupełnij dialog wyrazami 5 What’s your favourite food?
i wyrażeniami z ramki.

Would you like  How can drink I’d like  /5 / 45

Can I have  would you

How can
Waiter Hello. I help you?
Isaac 1
a cheese and 1
0 Dopasuj czasowniki do obrazków.
tomato pizza, please? Wpisz odpowiednie litery.
Waiter What about you? What
like to eat?
Emily 3
some roast
chicken, please. a b c
Waiter 4 chips, roast
potatoes or salad with it?
Emily Chips, please!
Waiter Right. What would you like to d e f
? beat c
Emily A glass of orange juice. 1 grate
Isaac And a can of cola for me, please. 2 peel
/5 3 slice
4 spread
Listening 5 chop
8 6 Posłuchaj nagrania. Zaznacz /5
odpowiednio T (prawda) lub F (fałsz).
T  F
11 Dopasuj pytania do odpowiedzi.
Carla is getting ready for a picnic. ✗  
Wpisz odpowiednie litery.
1 Carla wants to use three tomatoes.   Is there any orange juice? e
2 Nicky gives Carla three eggs.   1 Is there any chocolate?
3 Carla uses cheese in the sandwiches.   2 Have we got any eggs?
4 Carla didn’t buy any ham.   3 Is there any jam?
5 They haven’t got any tuna.   4 Have we got any cereal?
5 I’d like some crisps, please.
a There are four in that box.
Writing b We only have one packet. Is that OK?
9 Odpowiedz na pytania. c There’s a jar over there.
d I think there’s a bar in the shopping bag.
Which type of meat do you usually eat?
e Yes, there’s a carton in the fridge.
I don’t eat meat. I’m a vegetarian.
f Isn’t there a box on the fridge?
1 Which food do you eat lots of?
2 How many portions of vegetables do you
/ 55
eat a day?

3 Which food don’t you eat?


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2 Unit 6 Test B

Vocabulary 5 Uzupełnij pytania wyrażeniami How

much i How many.
1 Wpisz nazwy produktów
spożywczych pod obrazkami. How much cola did you buy?
1 apples did you eat?

2 water do you drink every

1 2 3 ice cream have you got?
chicken 4 potatoes did you use?

5 biscuits are on the table?


3 4 5 Reading
6 Uzupełnij opis posiłku wyrazami
/5 z tekstu.

2 Uzupełnij zdania nazwami opakowań Yesterday was my sister Helena’s

lub miar. birthday. My mum and I decided to cook
Lisa has a can of cola in her a special meal for her. I want to be a chef
bag. one day and I always help Mum with the
1 We need to buy a of cereal. cooking. We wanted to cook my sister’s
2 Mum, can I have a of favourite food, so the first course was
chocolate? lasagne. Lasagne isn’t a difficult recipe,
3 There’s a of jam in the but it takes a long time because there
shopping bag. are lots of ingredients. Then we had roast
4 Where is my of orange chicken with some chips, and a salad.
juice? We didn’t have any lettuce in the salad
5 Tom always has a of crisps because I didn’t put it on the shopping
at lunch. list! But we had tomatoes and carrots
/5 and a mango, so we put some mango
in the salad, too! I love mango. But my
Grammar favourite thing was the cake – a big
3 Wpisz wyrazy z ramki chocolate cake with lots of small pieces of
w odpowiednich kolumnach. chocolate inside and on top. We used 400
grams of chocolate pieces! My sister was
egg carrot bread beef  very happy.
tomato water Colin Jones

Policzalne Niepoliczalne Arthur and his mum cooked a birthday

egg 3
meal for Linda. The first course
1 4 of Linda’s birthday meal was
2 5
. For the main course, they
cooked chicken and 2 . There
/5 was also a salad with 3
carrots and 4 in it. For
4 Zakreśl właściwe wyrazy. dessert, they had a chocolate
There aren’t any / some tomatoes. 5
1 Are there some / any carrots? /5
2 There isn’t much / many orange juice.

3 Do we need any / many cheese?

4 We’ve got lots of / any salmon.
5 I bought any / some eggs yesterday.

34 Team Up 2 Unit 6 Test B PHOTOCOPIABLE  © Oxford University Press

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Unit 6 Test B 2
Communication 4 How many portions of vegetables do you
eat a day?
7 Uzupełnij dialog wyrazami
i wyrażeniami z ramki. 5 How many biscuits do you eat a week?

Would you like  How can  Can I have 
I’d like  would you  drink /5 / 45

Waiter Hello. How can I help you?

Isaac 1 some roast
chicken, please. 1
0 Dopasuj czasowniki do obrazków.
Waiter 2 chips, roast Wpisz odpowiednie litery.
potatoes or salad with it?
Isaac Chips, please!
Waiter What about you? What
like to eat? a b c
Emily 4
a pizza, please?
Waiter Right. What would you like to
Emily A glass of orange juice. d e f
Isaac And a can of cola for me, please. beat f
/5 1 grate
2 peel
Listening 3 slice
8 6 Posłuchaj nagrania. Zaznacz 4 spread
odpowiednio T (prawda) lub F (fałsz). 5 chop

T  F /5
Carla is getting ready for a picnic. ✗ 
1 Carla wants to use two tomatoes.     11 Dopasuj pytania do odpowiedzi.
2 Nicky gives Carla three eggs.     Wpisz odpowiednie litery.
3 Carla uses cheese in the sandwiches.     Is there any orange juice? b
4 Carla didn’t buy any ham.     1 I’d like some crisps, please.
5 They’ve got some tuna.     2 Have we got any eggs?
3 Is there any chocolate?
4 Is there any jam?
Writing 5 Have we got any cereal?

9 Odpowiedz na pytania. a Isn’t there a box on the table?

b Yes, there’s a carton near the fridge.
Which type of meat do you usually eat?
c There are six in that box.
I don’t eat meat. I’m a vegetarian.
d There’s a jar by the bottle of water.
1 What’s your favourite food?
e We only have one packet. Is that OK?

f I think there’s a bar in my bag.
2 Which food do you eat lots of?
3 Which food don’t you eat?
/ 55


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2 UNIT 6 Test C

1 Podpisz produkty wyrazami z ramki.

yoghurt apple salmon chicken 
carrot  biscuit

1 2

3 4 5


2 Zakreśl właściwe wyrazy.
There aren’t any / some tomatoes.
1 We’ve got some / any carrots.
2 There isn’t much / many milk.
3 Yesterday I bought any / some salmon.
4 Do we want many / any cheese?
5 Are there some / any eggs?

3 Uzupełnij pytania wyrażeniami How much i How many.
How much cola did you buy?
1 biscuits did you eat?
2 apples are there?
3 ice cream have we got?
4 water do you drink every day?
5 potatoes did you use?


36 Team Up 2 Unit 6 Test C PHOTOCOPIABLE  © Oxford University Press

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UNIT 6 Test C

4 Przeczytaj tekst. Zakreśl poprawne odpowiedzi.

Yesterday was my sister Klara’s birthday and my mum and

I decided to cook a special meal for her. We wanted to cook
my sister’s favourite food, so the first course was lasagne.
Lasagne isn’t a difficult recipe, but it takes a long time. Then
we had roast chicken with lots of chips, and a salad. We
didn’t have any lettuce in the salad because I didn’t put it
on the shopping list! But we had tomatoes and carrots and
a mango, so we put some mango in the salad, too! But my
favourite thing was the cake – a big chocolate cake with lots
of small pieces of chocolate inside and on top. We used 400
grams of chocolate pieces! My sister was very happy.
Arthur Jones

Who cooked the meal?
a Arthur and his mum b Arthur’s mum
1 How many courses did they cook?
a two b three
2 What was the main course?
a roast chicken and chips b chicken salad
3 What did they put in the salad?
a tomatoes and carrots b tomatoes, carrots and mango
4 Which was Arthur’s favourite course?
a the lasagne b the chocolate cake
5 How much chocolate did they use in the cake?
a 400 grams b 400 pieces
/ 20

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2 Unit 7 Test A

Vocabulary 4 Przekształć podane zdania,

używając konstrukcji as … as, nie
1 Uzupełnij nazwy geograficzne.
zmieniając sensu zdań.
The Thames is the r i v e r in London.
Reality shows are worse than chat shows.
1 Nights in the Sahara D are cold.
Chat shows aren’t as bad as reality shows .
2 Ireland is an i near the UK.
Billy and Eddie are 1 m 70 cm.
3 Europe is a c .
Billy is as tall as Eddie .
4 Spain is a large c .
1 Maria is happier than Lucas.
5 The Atlantic O is between Europe
and the USA.
/5 2 The Maths test was more difficult than the
English test.
2 Podpisz zjawiska pogodowe. The English test
3 Canada is bigger than Italy.
1 2
sunny 4 The River Nile is longer than the River
The River Danube
3 4 5
5 The carrot cake and the chocolate cake are
very good.
/5 The chocolate cake
Grammar /5
3 Uzupełnij zdania wyrażeniami
z przymiotnikami w stopniu Reading
wyższym. 5 Przeczytaj tekst. Zaznacz
London is bigger than Oxford. (big) odpowiednio T (prawda) lub F (fałsz).
1 The Eiffel Tower is a tree.
(tall) Amelia Earhart was an American pilot.
2 Usain Bolt is me. (fast) She was born in 1897 in Kansas. She
3 The Pyramids of Egypt are was one of the first women pilots in the
Big Ben. (old) world. In 1932, she was the first woman
4 A rock concert is a party. to fly alone across the Atlantic Ocean.
(noisy) Amelia wrote books about her travels
5 Athens is Gdańsk. (hot) and she told people about her journeys.
6 I think German is She wanted to fly around the world, so
English. (difficult) she organized an expedition with her

7 My report this term is last friend Fred Noonan. They left from Miami,
term. (good) Florida, on June 1, 1937. They stopped in
8 Jim is Matt. (funny) South America, Africa, India, South-East
9 Cars are bikes. Asia and New Guinea. They only needed
(dangerous) to fly across the Pacific Ocean to get back
10 Dolphins are dogs. to the USA. They left New Guinea on July
(intelligent) 2, but they didn’t arrive in the USA. No
/ 10 one knows what happened to them.

38 Team Up 2 Unit 7 Test A PHOTOCOPIABLE  © Oxford University Press

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Unit 7 Test A 2
T  F Writing
 Amelia Earhart was a driver.   ✗
1 There were lots of women pilots at
8 Odpowiedz na pytania.
the time.   What was the weather like yesterday?
2 She flew across the Atlantic Ocean It was warm and sunny.
on her own.   1 What’s the weather usually like in summer?
3 She wrote travel books.  
4 She tried to fly around the world 2 What’s the weather usually like in winter?
in 1937.  
5 She died in New Guinea.   3 Which season has better weather, summer
or winter?

Communication 4 What is the weather like today?

6 Dopasuj wypowiedzi. Wpisz 5 How is the weather better or worse than
odpowiednie litery. yesterday?
Good evening. Can I help you? e
1 Where is Buckingham Palace? 
2 How much are the tickets? 
3 How can I get there?  / 45
4 What time does it open? 
5 My daughter is three years old.  Extra
a Then it’s free for her. 9 Uzupełnij nazwy obiektów
b You can take the Underground or the bus. geograficznych.
c £19 for adults and £14 for children. m ounta i n r a n ge
d At 10 a.m. 1 w e l
e Yes, please. I want to visit the museum. 2 r o t
f It’s near St James’s Park. 3 c y n
4 p n a
Listening 5 b h
7 7 Posłuchaj dialogu. Zaznacz
odpowiednio T (prawda) lub F (fałsz). 1
0 Uzupełnij dialog wyrażeniami z ramki.
T  F South Pole You’re hopeless discoveries
Milly is on a school trip. ✗  clever clogs  expedition  That’s better
1 It was raining in Berlin yesterday.  
2 Today, it’s very warm and sunny in Ben Antarctica is in the South Pole .
Berlin.   True or false?
3 Milly’s dad is in London.   Sam I don’t know. … False?
4 It’s snowing in London today.   Ben No, Sam, it’s true. When was Captain
5 The zoo is very old.   Scott’s 1 to Antarctica?
Sam In the 1950s?
Ben Sam! 2 ! OK, Pierre and
Marie Curie made very important
. True or false?
Sam True!
Ben Good! 4 ! You’re almost
as good as me!

Sam OK, 5 !

/ 55

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2 Unit 7 Test B

Vocabulary 4 Przekształć podane zdania,

używając konstrukcji as … as, nie
1 Uzupełnij nazwy geograficzne.
zmieniając sensu zdań.
The Thames is the r i v e r in London.
Reality shows are worse than chat shows.
1 Europe is a c .
Chat shows aren’t as bad as reality shows .
2 Nights in the Sahara D are cold.
Billy and Eddie are 1 m 70 cm.
3 The Pacific O is very big.
Billy is as tall as Eddie .
4 Ireland is an i near the UK.
1 The River Amazon is longer than the River
5 France is a c .
/5 The River Thames
2 Podpisz zjawiska pogodowe. 2 Bella is happier than Lucy.
Lucy .
3 The English test was more difficult than
the Maths test.
1 2
The Maths test
sunny .
4 The apple cake and the yoghurt cake are
very good.
The yoghurt cake
3 4 5
5 The USA is bigger than France.
/5 France .

3 Uzupełnij zdania wyrażeniami Reading
z przymiotnikami w stopniu 5 Przeczytaj tekst. Zaznacz
wyższym. odpowiednio T (prawda) lub F (fałsz).
London is bigger than Oxford. (big)
1 Cairo is Gdańsk. (hot) Amelia Earhart was an American pilot.
2 The Pyramids of Egypt are She was born in 1897 in Kansas. She
Big Ben. (old) was one of the first women pilots in the
3 A rock concert is a party. world. In 1932, she was the first woman
(noisy) to fly alone across the Atlantic Ocean.
4 The Eiffel Tower is a tree. Amelia wrote books about her travels
(tall) and she told people about her journeys.
5 Usain Bolt is me. (fast) She wanted to fly around the world, so
6 Jack is Matt. (funny) she organized an expedition with her

7 Bikes are trains. friend Fred Noonan. They left from Miami,
(dangerous) Florida, on June 1, 1937. They stopped in
8 I think Maths is South America, Africa, India, South-East
Science. (difficult) Asia and New Guinea. They only needed
9 My report this term is last to fly across the Pacific Ocean to get back
term. (good) to the USA. They left New Guinea on July
10 Dolphins are cats. 2, but they didn’t arrive in the USA. No
(intelligent) one knows what happened to them.

/ 10


40 Team Up 2 Unit 7 Test B PHOTOCOPIABLE  © Oxford University Press

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Unit 7 Test B 2
T  F Writing
 Amelia Earhart was a driver.   ✗
1 There were lots of women pilots at
8 Odpowiedz na pytania.
the time.   What was the weather like yesterday?
2 She flew across the Atlantic Ocean It was warm and sunny.
on her own.   1 What’s the weather like today?
3 She wrote travel books.  
4 She tried to fly around the world 2 How is the weather better or worse than
in 1937.   yesterday?
5 She died in the USA.  
3 What’s the weather usually like in summer?

Communication 4 What’s the weather usually like in winter?

6 Dopasuj wypowiedzi. Wpisz 5 Which season has better weather, summer
odpowiednie litery. or winter?
Good evening. Can I help you? f
1 How much are the tickets? 
2 What time does it open? 
3 My son is four years old.  / 45
4 Where is Buckingham Palace? 
5 How can I get there?  Extra
a £19 for adults and £14 for children. 9 Uzupełnij dialog wyrażeniami z ramki.
b Then it’s free for him.
c It’s near St James’s Park. expedition  You’re hopeless  discovery 
d You can take the Underground or walk. South Pole  clever clogs That’s better
e At 10 a.m.
Ben Antarctica is in the South Pole .
f Yes, please. I want to visit the London Eye.
True or false?
/5 Sam I don’t know. … False?
Ben No, Sam, it’s true. When was Captain
Listening Scott’s 1 to Antarctica?
7 7 Posłuchaj dialogu. Zaznacz Sam In the 1950s?
odpowiednio T (prawda) lub F (fałsz). Ben Sam! 2 ! OK, Louis
T  F Pasteur made a very important
Milly is on a school trip. ✗ 
. True or false?
1 It was snowing in Berlin yesterday.   Sam True!
2 Today, it’s very warm and sunny in Ben Good! 4 ! You’re almost
Berlin.   as good as me!
3 Milly’s dad is in London.    Sam OK, 5 !
4 It’s warm in London today.   
5 The zoo isn’t very big.    1
0 Uzupełnij nazwy obiektów
/5 geograficznych.
m ou n t a i n r a n ge
1 c y n
2 w a l
3 b h
4 r i t
5 p i a


/ 55

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2 UNIT 7 Test C

1 Uzupełnij nazwy zjawisk pogodowych.

1 2

su n ny c y f y

3 4 5

w y s g r g

2 Zakreśl poprawne formy przymiotników.
London is biger / bigger than Oxford.
1 Usain Bolt is faster / more fast than me.
2 The Eiffel Tower is taller / taler than our house.
3 Athens is hoter / hotter than Helsinki.
4 A rock concert is noisier / noisyer than a party.
5 The Pyramids of Egypt are more old / older than Big Ben.

3 Zakreśl poprawne odpowiedzi.
I think German is __________ than English.
a more difficult b more difficulter c difficulter
1 Do you think that tigers are than sharks?
a dangerouser b more dangerous c more dangerouser
2 My school report this term is than last term.
a gooder b better c more good
3 This film is than the film we saw yesterday.
a worse b bader c badder
4 Dolphins are than rabbits.
a intelligenter b more intelligenter c more intelligent
5 Jim is than Matt.
a funnier b more funny c more funnier


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UNIT 7 Test C

4 Przeczytaj tekst. Zaznacz odpowiednio T (prawda) lub F (fałsz).

Amelia Earhart was an American pilot. She was born in

1897. She was one of the first women pilots in the world. In
1932, she was the first woman to fly solo across the Atlantic
Ocean. Amelia wrote books about her travels. She wanted
to fly around the world, so she organized an expedition with
her friend Fred Noonan. They left from Miami, Florida, on
June 1, 1937. They stopped in South America, Africa, India,
South-East Asia and New Guinea. They left New Guinea on
July 2, but they didn’t arrive in the USA. No one knows what
happened to them.

Amelia Earhart was a driver. ✗
1 There were lots of women pilots at the time.
2 She flew across the Atlantic Ocean on her own.
3 She wrote travel books.
4 She tried to fly around the world in 1937.
5 She died in the USA.
/ 20

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2 Unit 8 Test A

Vocabulary 4 Uzupełnij zdania przymiotnikami

podanymi w nawiasach w stopniu
1 Dopasuj podpisy do obrazków (a–f).
wyższym lub najwyższym.
Wpisz odpowiednie litery.
This is the best day of my life!

My MP3 player is more expensive than
a b c yours. (expensive)
1 This is result in the

history of our team. (bad)
2 Neptune is planet
d e f from Earth. (far)
3 Billy is Johnny. (tall)
fed up d 3 frightened
4 Sam is student in our
1 confident 4 proud
school. (intelligent)
2 embarrassed 5 bored
5 A tiger is a cat.
/5 (dangerous)
2 Uzupełnij nazwy dolegliwości.
5 Zakreśl poprawne odpowiedzi.
I didn’t sleep last night because of this
co u g h . Which is the best bike?
1 My stomach hurts. I’ve got a s a The red. b The red one.
a . 1 Which boy did you talk to?
2 My nose is red and I’ve got a sore throat. a The tall ones. b The tall one.
I’ve a bad c . 2 Which cake would you like?
3 You need to see your dentist about that a The one with cream. b The cream.
t . 3 Which T-shirt do you like best?
4 My head hurts. I’ve got a h . a That blue. b The blue one.
5 I feel very hot. I think I’ve got a h 4 Which trainers did you buy?
t . a The black ones. b Those black.
/5 5 Which is Harry’s house?
a The one near the shop.
Grammar b Opposite the shop.
3 Uzupełnij zdania przymiotnikami
z ramki w stopniu najwyższym. Communication
small  long fast good big  6 Uzupełnij dialog zwrotami z ramki.
a  your home  b  Thank you 
Which is the longest river in the world? c  it’s Nick here  d  to call me back 
1 This is film I’ve got on e  leave a message  f  mobile phone
2 A lion is one of animals in Nick Hello, c . Can I speak to Kasia,
the world. please?
3 A blue whale is animal in Mum Kasia isn’t here at the moment. Do
the world! you want to 1 ?
4 Usain Bolt is man on earth. Nick Yes, please. Can you tell her that I
5 The Vatican City is country can’t find my 2 and ask her
in Europe. 3
at home, please?
/5 Mum Of course. Has she got 4 number?

Nick Yes. 5
, Mrs Clement!


44 Team Up 2 Unit 8 Test A PHOTOCOPIABLE  © Oxford University Press

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Unit 8 Test A 2
Reading Writing
7 Przeczytaj tekst. Zaznacz 9 Odpowiedz na pytania.
odpowiednio T (prawda) lub F (fałsz). What’s your favourite song?
My favourite song is Royals by Lorde.
Kitty Elliot’s blog page
1 Where is the singer/band from?
Do you like music? Do you listen to lots of

songs? I do. I’ve got lots of songs on my
2 When did you first hear the song?
MP3 player. How do you choose the music

you want to listen to? I listen all the time:
3 Why do you like it?
when I’m happy and when I’m sad. Some

days, I feel very sad and I only want to
4 How does it make you feel?
listen to sad music. But some other days

I want to change how I feel. For example
5 How often do you listen to it?
sometimes I’m sad but I want to feel

happy. Then I choose music that makes
me dance. I think it’s impossible to dance /5 / 45
and be sad! When I’m feeling happy, I
play fast songs and I sing with them. Extra
When I’m nervous, I play slow songs. I
sing with them, too. Sometimes, I think
0 Uzupełnij zdania wyrazami z ramki.
it’s impossible to sing a slow song and be
worried upset impatient calm 
nervous! What do you do?
confused surprised

T  F
Jim wants to go home now. He’s becoming
Kitty listens to lots of music. ✗  impatient .
1 Kitty always listens to sad songs.  
1 I organized a party for my Mum. She was
2 Kitty uses music to change her
2 We didn’t understand your message. We
3 Kitty isn’t sad when she dances.  
were .
4 Kitty is always happy.  
3 He didn’t win and he was .
5 Kitty sings slowly when she’s
4 The test was difficult. I’m very
about the result.
/5 5 This music is very relaxing. I feel
8 8 Posłuchaj nagrania. Wybierz 11 Uzupełnij dialogi wyrażeniami
i zakreśl zdania zgodne z jego z ramki.
treścią: a lub b.
saw red Seriously upset  Guess what
a Eddie is at a basketball match.
You bet  peace
b Eddie is at Harry’s home.
1 a Harry can’t talk because he’s playing White is often the colour for peace .
basketball. 1 I’m feeling really because
b Harry can’t talk because he isn’t well. my cat died yesterday.
2 a Eddie is Harry’s brother. 2 A You got 98% in your test!
b Eddie is Harry’s friend. B ? That’s a great mark!
3 a Harry has got a temperature and a cough. 3 I ____________ when he was late!
b Harry has got a cold. 4 A Do you want to go to the party?
4 a Harry’s parents are at the cinema. B ! I love parties!

b Harry’s parents are at the match. 5 ! I’ve got a new phone!

5 a Amy wants to go to the cinema.
/5 / 55
b Amy wants to help.
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2 Unit 8 Test B

Vocabulary 4 Uzupełnij zdania przymiotnikami

podanymi w nawiasach w stopniu
1 Dopasuj podpisy do obrazków (a–f).
wyższym lub najwyższym.
Wpisz odpowiednie litery.
This is the best day of my life!

My MP3 player is more expensive than
a b c yours. (expensive)
1 Sam is Jamie. (tall)

2 A tiger is a dog.
/5 (dangerous)
d e f 3 Billy is student in our
school. (intelligent)
fed up a 3 frightened
4 Neptune is planet
1 embarrassed 4 sad
from Earth. (far)
2 confident 5 bored
5 This is result in the
/5 history of our team. (bad)
2 Uzupełnij nazwy dolegliwości.
I didn’t sleep last night because of this
5 Zakreśl poprawne odpowiedzi.
co u g h . Which is the best bike?
1 You need to see your dentist about that a The red. b The red one.
t . 1 Which boys did you talk to?
2 My stomach hurts. I’ve got a s a The tall ones. b The tall one.
a . 2 Which T-shirt do you like best?
3 My head hurts. I’ve got a h . a That blue. b The blue one.
4 I feel very hot. I think I’ve got a h 3 Which dress did you buy?
t . a The black one. b That black.
5 My nose is red and I’ve got a sore throat. 4 Which cake would you like?
I’ve a bad c . a The cream. b The one with cream.
/5 5 Which is Harry’s house?
a The one near the shop.
Grammar b Opposite the shop.
3 Uzupełnij zdania przymiotnikami /5
z ramki w stopniu najwyższym.
dangerous small fast long big  6 Uzupełnij dialog zwrotami z ramki.

a  Thank you  b  mobile phone 
Which is the longest river in the world?
c  it’s Alex here  d  your home 
1 The Vatican City is country
e  to call me back  f  leave a message
in Europe.
2 This is film I’ve got on c . Can I speak to Roy,
Alex Hello,
3 Usain Bolt is man on earth.
Dad Roy isn’t here at the moment. Do you
4 The blue whale is animal in
want to 1 ?
the world!
Alex Yes, please. Can you tell him that I
5 A lion is one of
can’t find my 2 and ask him
animals in the world.
at home, please?
Dad Of course. Has he got 4 number?

Alex Yes. 5 , Mr Bittan!


46 Team Up 2 Unit 8 Test B PHOTOCOPIABLE  © Oxford University Press

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Unit 8 Test B 2
Reading Writing
7 Przeczytaj tekst. Zaznacz 9 Odpowiedz na pytania.
odpowiednio T (prawda) lub F (fałsz). What’s your favourite song?
My favourite song is Royals by Lorde.
Kitty Elliot’s blog page
1 Where is the singer/band from?
Do you like music? Do you listen to lots of

songs? I do. I’ve got lots of songs on my
2 When did you first hear the song?
MP3 player. How do you choose the music

you want to listen to? I listen all the time:
3 How does it make you feel?
when I’m happy and when I’m sad. Some

days, I feel very sad and I only want to
4 How often do you listen to it?
listen to sad music. But some other days

I want to change how I feel. For example
5 Why do you like it?
sometimes I’m sad but I want to feel

happy. Then I choose music that makes
me dance. I think it’s impossible to dance /5 / 45
and be sad! When I’m feeling happy, I
play fast songs and I sing with them. Extra
When I’m nervous, I play slow songs. I
0 Uzupełnij dialogi wyrażeniami
sing with them, too. Sometimes, I think
z ramki.
it’s impossible to sing a slow song and be
nervous! What do you do? You bet  peace Seriously saw red
T  F upset  Guess what
Kitty listens to lots of music. ✗  peace
White is often the colour for .
1 Kitty never listens to sad songs.  
1 A You got 95% in your test!
2 Kitty uses music to change her
B ? That’s a great mark!
2 I when he was late!
3 Kitty isn’t sad when she dances.  
3 I’m feeling really because
4 Kitty is always happy.  
my dog died yesterday.
5 Kitty sings fast songs when she’s
4 A Do you want to go to the cinema?
B ! I love films!
/5 5 ! I’ve got a new laptop!
8 8 Posłuchaj nagrania. Wybierz 11 Uzupełnij zdania wyrazami z ramki.
i zakreśl zdania zgodne z jego
upset surprised worried impatient
treścią: a lub b.
calm confused
a Eddie is at a basketball match.
b Eddie is at Harry’s home. Jim wants to go home now. He’s becoming
1 a Harry can’t talk because he’s playing impatient .
basketball. 1 This music is very relaxing. I feel
b Harry can’t talk because he isn’t well. .
2 a Eddie is Harry’s brother. 2 We organized a party for our mum. She
b Eddie is Harry’s friend. was .
3 a Harry has got a cold. 3 The test was difficult. I’m very
b Harry has got a temperature and a cough. about the result.
4 a Harry’s parents are at the match. 4 Jon didn’t understand the message. He

b Harry’s parents are at the cinema. was .

5 a Amy wants to help. 5 He didn’t win and he was .
b Amy wants to go to the cinema. /5 / 55
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= 2 Unit 8 Test B 47

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2 UNIT 8 Test C

1 Dopasuj podpisy do obrazków. Wpisz odpowiednie litery.

a b c

d e f

fed up e 3 frightened
1 confident 4 bored
2 embarrassed 5 sad

2 Zakreśl poprawne formy przymiotników.
Which is the longest / most long river in the world?
1 This is the most popular / popularest film in history!
2 A tiger is one of the dangerousest / most dangerous animals
in the world.
3 The blue whale is the biggest / bigest animal in the world!
4 Usain Bolt is the most fast / fastest man on earth.
5 Russia isn’t the smallest / smalest country in the world.

3 Zakreśl poprawne odpowiedzi.
A Which is the best bicycle?
B The blue. / The blue one. / The blue ones.
1 A Which T-shirts do you like best?
B That green. / The green ones. / The green one.
2 A Which trainers did you buy?
B The black ones. / That black. / The black one.
3 A Which is Stan’s house?
B The one opposite the shop. / The ones opposite shop. / Opposite the shop.
4 A Which cake would you like?
B The one with cream. / The cream. / The one cream.
5 A Which boy did you talk to?
B The friendly ones. / The friendly. / The friendly one.


48 Team Up 2 Unit 8 Test C PHOTOCOPIABLE  © Oxford University Press

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UNIT 8 Test C

4 Przeczytaj tekst. Zaznacz odpowiednio T (prawda) lub F (fałsz).

Kitty Elliot’s blog page

Do you like music? Do you listen to lots of songs? I do. I’ve
got lots of songs on my MP3 player and I listen all the time:
when I’m happy and when I’m sad. Some days, I feel very
sad and I only want to listen to sad music. But some other
days I want to change how I feel. For example sometimes
I’m sad but I want to feel happy. Then I choose music that
makes me dance. It’s impossible to dance and be sad! When
I’m feeling happy, I play fast songs and I sing with them.
When I’m nervous, I play slow songs. I sing with them, too.
Sometimes, I think it’s impossible to sing a slow song and be
nervous! What do you do?

Kitty listens to lots of music. ✗
1 Kitty always listens to sad songs.
2 Kitty uses music to change her emotions.
3 Kitty isn’t sad when she dances.
4 Kitty is always happy when she sings.
5 Kitty sings slow songs when she’s nervous.
/ 20

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