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Edison Er

1217 Beacon St, Brookline, MA 02446 • 716-380-2216

EDUCATION Boston University Graduation date: 5/2018

B.A. Mathematics (ongoing language requirement)
Minor in Computer Science
Undergraduate Coursework
Multivariable Calculus, Differential Equations, Linear Algebra, Number Theory, Discrete Mathematics,
Abstract Algebra, Data Structures, Combinatoric Structures, Computer Systems, Algorithm Analysis
Graduate-Level Coursework
Real Analysis I and II, Mathematical Logic, Axiomatic Set Theory, Algorithms, Probability in Computing

SKILLS Programming: Python (Numpy and Pandas), Bash, SQL, HTML & CSS, JavaScript, Git
General: Microsoft Office (emphasis on Excel, PowerPoint, Outlook), Visual Studio, WordPress
League of Legends Startup (June 2017 – August 2017)
• Founded and managed a small startup based on the game League of Legends alongside a partner, tackling
everyday business challenges associated with its creation and operation.
• Coded in HTML & CSS, the company website connects clients with potential “boosters” to help them
elevate their in-game rank.

Edit Distance Password Creator (October 2018)

• Created a Python program to calculate the edit distance between two strings using a dynamic
programming algorithm.
• The program takes a current password as input and generates several randomized passwords of variable
lengths, returning the one with the highest edit distance.

Markov Chain Text Generator (February 2018)

• Coded a text generator in Python that attempts to mimic human writing patterns.
• The program parses through conversations taken from personal Facebook logs, literary dialogue, and
movie scripts and uses Markov chains to construct similar sentences.

EXPERIENCE comScore Data Analyst (October 2018 – Present)

• Processed and manipulated massive amounts of clickstream financial data using both Bash scripting and
PostgreSQL at the multi-million dollar company comScore.
• Worked alongside client insight teams to analyze and understand consumers’ trends and behaviors.
Colibri Boston Camp Leader (Boston, MA) (June 2017 – July 2018)
• Managed organizational and planning aspects of the educational company Colibri Boston using Excel.
• Served as the primary camp leader of 35 students during Colibri’s 2018 SAT summer camp as well as
mentoring students in a mathematics based coding final project.

ACTIVITIES BU D1 League of Legends Captain (September 2015 – May 2018)

• Captain of BU’s competitive LoL team, organizing the practice regimen and leading the team matches.
• Placed 28 out of 500 collegiate teams in uLoL, winning $5,000 in scholarship money.
BU Society of Asian Scientists and Engineers (September 2016 – May 2018)
• Active member of SASE, an organization devoted to instilling leadership qualities in STEM students.
• SASE provides professional networking opportunities as well as mentorship and tutorship experience.

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