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An Apple A Day

Issue Two Winter 2002

A Quarterly Health Education Newsletter from the U.S. Apple Association


Applause for Applesauce! Apples Linked

April is National Applesauce Month to Reduced
April is the month when many sodium.
Asthma Risk
Americans begin dieting and exer- Like fresh apples, applesauce Quercetin Beats Vitamin
cising in anticipation of summer is an ultimate convenience food,
fun, including bathing suit sea- requiring little or no preparation. C as Cancer Fighter
son. So spring into National Pour it right out of the jar onto
Applesauce Month with a renewed your dinner plate, or pack a port- New research suggests that
focus on fitness with flavor! able applesauce cup in your eating that proverbial “apple a
Like fresh apples, applesauce lunchbag or briefcase. For a quick day” may in fact provide a range of
has no fat, sodium or cholesterol, warm-me-up, heat applesauce in health benefits. So get on your
and its energy-boosting carbohy- the microwave. For extra burst of way to “5 A Day” with nutritious,
drates come from natural fruit flavor, look for applesauce blend- delicious apples and processed
sources. Spoon up a mere half- ed with cinnamon or other tasty apple foods! Here’s news on two
cup serving, and voila! You’ve fruits, or make your own blends. most recent apple health studies.
just treated yourself to one of For added fun, applesauce in new
those five daily servings of fruits kid-friendly tubes is coming soon Breathe Easier With Apples
and vegetables recommended by to a market near you. Researchers from London’s
the National Cancer Institute and King’s College and the University
the Produce for Better Health Applesauce, the Low-Fat of Southampton reported in
Foundation, sponsors of the “5 A Baker’s Friend November 2001 that people who
Day – For Better Health” program. Psst… Want to cut fat from ate at least two apples per week
Your tastebuds will thank your baked goodies without had a 22-32 percent lower risk of
you, and so will your waistline. A sacrificing flavor? Just swap developing asthma than people
half-cup serving of natural-style applesauce for some of the butter who ate fewer apples. Their con-
applesauce has only about 60 or oil in your favorite recipes. The clusions were based on a popula-
calories, and no fat, cholesterol or See SAUCE, page 4 tion-based case-control study of
1,471 adults in the U.K. that
sought to examine how dietary
antioxidants might affect asthma
risk and severity.
“We found that asthma was
less common in adults who con-
sumed more apples,” said lead
researcher Seif O. Shaheen, M.D.
Exactly how apples might reduce
asthma risk is not yet known.
Their findings were reported in
the peer-reviewed American Jour-
nal of Respiratory and Critical Care
Medicine (volume 164, number 10,
November 2001, 1823-1828).
“This research adds to the
growing body of science demon-
strating that eating apples may
improve health, including lung
and heart health,” said Dr. Dianne
Hyson, a registered dietitian and
See RESEARCH, page 4

We’re All Abuzz! Beverage Pyramid Aids

Spring is upon us, and the Healthy Beverage Choices
excitement in the orchard is
rising. By early May, apple “Soda,” “juice,” “fruit drink,” consumed sparingly.
trees across the country will be “ade,” “punch” – with so many “Most people have heard a lot
dressed in their flowery spring choices of beverages now avail- about what children should be
best. Soon, we’ll be abuzz with able, making a healthy choice can eating to stay healthy, but there is
honeybees, pollinating the be confusing! Fortunately, now still some confusion surrounding
blossoms that will form this there’s help from the “Healthy what children should be drink-
fall’s harvest of fruit. Mean- Beverages Pyramid.” ing,” says the Processed Apples
while, growers are busy plant- While many consumers are Institute’s (PAI) registered dieti-
ing seedlings, tree training, fer- aware of the U.S. Department of tian Sue Taylor. “The Healthy
tilizing and scouting for pests. Agriculture’s (USDA) general Beverages Pyramid provides some
We are pleased to bring you nutrition guide, the Food Guide much-needed guidance for mak-
this edition of An Apple A Day, Pyramid, they generally do not ing healthy beverage choices.”
your source for research news, know where beverages fit into a Taylor points out that con-
educational ideas and resour- healthy diet. That is why the sumers can determine if a
ces about apples and apple Healthy Beverages Pyramid was beverage is 100% juice by
products. developed, to help select simply looking at the bev-
This edition is chock full of proper beverages for erage’s label. All beverages
news and information you can children. that contain juice (or
use in your work in the coming What are imply that they contain
months. Got a newsletter? the best bever- juice) must declare the
Consider reporting on the U.K. age choices for percentage of juice in
study on apples and asthma. kids, in addition an area close to the
Looking for an April nutrition to water? Several Nutrition Facts panel.
promotion? Applesauce Month beverages fit within The name of the
is tailor-made – and with the Food Guide product as listed on
shorts and bathing suits just Pyramid, including the front of the
ahead, this is a great time to fruit and vegetable container is also a
promote healthy eating. juices, and milk. clue — fruit
We also hope that you will For example, USDA beverages that
forward this edition to your guidelines state that a contain less than
colleagues, and urge them to serving of 100% fruit PAI’s 100% juice must
sign up for this free service. We “Healthy include the term
juice can be substi-
Beverages Pyra-
appreciate your referrals! tuted for whole fruits “drink,” “cock-
mid” is perfect for use
To help us plan future edi- as part of the Fruit in the classroom, school tail,” or “bever-
tions, please send me your Group. So, drinking clinic, cafeteria or club room. age” in the
story ideas and questions, or one serving – that’s ¾ product name.
your story of how you pro- cup, or 6 ounces – of 100% apple For example, a product called
moted nutrition and health juice can help kids meet the “fruit juice drink” will contain less
using apples.We’d love to government’s recommended 2-4 than 100% juice.
share your story! fruit servings per day, for better On the other hand, a product
health. However, this is not labelled “apple juice” must be
H-apple-y yours, always clear when looking at the 100% apple juice made directly
USDA Food Guide Pyramid – and from apples or from apple juice
that’s why the Healthy Beverages concentrate that has water put
Julia Stewart Daly Pyramid was developed. back in it.
U.S. Apple Association Where do all of the other Taylor also notes that, accord-
beverages fit into the Pyramid? ing to USDA, as children age, they
If you received this from a friend, Beverages such as fruit “drinks” tend to turn away from 100%
contact me to get your own free and “ades” contain less than fruit juices in favor of fruit
subscription! Here’s how: 100% juice, therefore don’t qualify “drinks,” “ades” and other bever-
as a fruit serving. They belong ages devoid of nutrients and
(703) 442-8850 with other foods and sweets
located at the very tip of the
containing little or no juice.
To receive a complimentary
USApple, 8233 Old Court-
house Road, Suite 200,
Vienna, VA 22182
Pyramid, to be consumed spar-
ingly. Likewise, soft drinks –
copy of the Healthy Beverages
Pyramid poster, visit PAI on the

which contain added sugars or Web at sweeteners – are also placed at Hurry, supplies are limited! „
the tip of the Pyramid, to be
Page 2 Winter 2002

Celebrate Mom, Q Should I peel my apples?

The Apple Of Your Eye A

No question here – when-
ever possible, leave that
peel on! There are several
Remind Mom just how special good reasons not to peel your
Gwen’s Chicken Salad
she is this Mother’s Day, Sunday, apples – namely, fiber and antioxi-
This recipe is so simple that
May 23, with a special apple- even little ones can help out. dants. Two-thirds of an apple’s
themed Mother’s Day celebration. five grams of fiber, and much of
an apple’s antioxidants, are found
4 medium apples
Mother’s Day Card 1 medium apple, diced in the apple’s skin. So for your
better health, don’t peel that
Create photo cards that Mom 1 lb. boneless chicken
will always treasure. breast
„ Cut apples out of red, yellow 1/2c diced celery This is an
and green construction paper.
„ Write “Apple of My Eye” across
the top of each apple.
1/2c diced onion
1c fat-free mayonnaise
2 hard-boiled eggs
5 A Day
Q Why do apples brown
when cut?

„ Have each child paste his/her

photo on an apple; decorate with
lace, ribbon, glitter or other frills.
Using a medium-size skillet or
saucepan, bring two to three
A Apples brown in response
to the “injury” of being
cut. The degree of brown-
inches of water to a simmering ing depends upon the variety’s
boil. Add the chicken breasts, natural levels of polyphenol-
Apple Potpourri cover, and cook gently 15 to 20
Give a gift that’s sure to oxydase (PPL) and vitamin C (aka
minutes, until cooked through. ascorbic acid). The lower the level
please this Mother’s Day. Create Remove and set aside to cool.
a studded apple potpourri! of PPL, or the higher the level of
Cut chicken into bite-size vitamin C, the less the variety
„ Have children stud green apples pieces. In a bowl, combine celery,
with a smattering of whole cloves. browns.
onion and mayonnaise. Dice Some apple varieties naturally
„ To display, tie bright pink or red boiled eggs, and add with diced
bows on to the apples’ stems. resist browning, including
apple and chicken to salad mix. Cameo, Cortland and Golden
Slice each apple lengthwise in Delicious. Alternately, you can
Apple Stationery half and carefully scoop out coat apple slices and dices with a
Mom will appreciate these insides, leaving at least ½-inch solution of 50% water and 50%
custom-made note cards. thick shell. Scoop one-eighth of vitamin C-rich lemon juice to
„ Cut apples in half lengthwise. salad mix into each apple shell. discourage browning – 100%
„ With different colors of tempera Makes 8 servings. apple juice with added vitamin C
paint, make apple prints on Nutritional analysis per serving: works well, too!
storebought blank notecards. Calories, 145; fat, 4 g; cholesterol, 87
„ Add personal greetings or have mg; sodium, 236 mg; fiber, 3 g;
the artist sign each print. protein, 13 g. RESOURCES

Mom will love “Gwen’s Chicken Salad” – it provides more than one serving
of produce, including yummy apples. Just don’t forget to clean up for Mom Apples on the Web
We hope you’ve checked
out USApple’s Web site,, for more
information about apples.
Here’s a list of other top apple
industry Web sites, brought to
you by the leading industry
state apple producer organiza-


Winter 2002 Page 3

Sauce is Low-Fat Baker’s Friend “Apple A Day”
SAUCE (from page 1) end result determine the level of Gaining Modern
result is a wonderfully moist,
substitution possible for each
Research Proof
dense and healthier baked treat!
Tasty right out of the jar, Substituting with applesauce RESEARCH (from page 1)
applesauce also acts as a great fat dramatically reduces the fat
content of your recipe. A cup of nutrition researcher at theUniver-
substitute in baking. Because sity of California-Davis.
applesauce contains cellulose in butter contains 180 grams of fat
and about 1,600 calories, while a Other recent studies have also
the right quantity and formation, suggested that we might breathe
it acts as a moisture trap and cup of applesauce has little or no
fat and a mere 100 calories. easier – literally – by eating apples
stabilizer in many baked goods. or drinking apple juice, says Julia
And its flavor is subtle, so it won’t Use applesauce in place of fat
Daly, nutrition communications
cover up your recipe’s flavors. in cakes, scones, brownies,
specialist with the U.S. Apple
When substituting applesauce muffins and breads. It is not
recommended as a fat replacer in Association (USApple).
for the fat in your favorite recipe, To date, preliminary research
begin substituting with gradual cookies or pie crusts, or other
has linked apples with a range of
amounts. For example, if a recipe baked goods that must crisp.
lung health benefits, including
calls for 1 cup of oil, use ½ cup So for your better health, hit better lung function, and reduced
applesauce and ½ cup oil. Let the the sauce – applesauce, that is! „ risk of respiratory disease and
lung cancer. All of these studies
point to apples’ high flavonoid
Easy Applesauce Recipes content as the potential health
Check out our Web site for more recipes and food photography!
Easy Microwave Applesauce Cranberry Bread Cornell: Quercetin Beats Vita-
min C As Cancer Fighter
Applesauce vegetable cooking spray Cornell University recently
6 cups sliced, peeled baking 1-3/4c all-purpose flour reported in a leading British
apples 1t baking powder medical journal that the apple
1/4c water 1/4t baking soda
phytonutrient quercetin has
1/3c sugar (adjust to taste — less 1/4t salt
1/2c sugar better cancer-fighting capability
if using sweeter apple varieties,
1/2c finely grated carrots than vitamin C. The study ap-
more if using tart varieties)
1/2c applesauce peared in the Jan. 12, 2002, issue
Mix all ingredients in a 2-quart 1/4c egg substitute of The Lancet (Vol. 359, No. 9301).
microwave safe baking dish. Cover 2T vegetable oil Reporting on the mechanism
and micro-cook on high power 6 to 1/3c dried cranberries by which vitamin C inhibits the
8 minutes. Using a food processor Lightly spray bottom of 8x4x2” formation of cancerous tumors,
or blender, process the cooked loaf pan with vegetable cooking Cornell professor C.Y. “Cy” Lee
mixture to the desired consistency. spray. In large bowl, sift flour, bak- and colleagues noted in their
For chunkier sauce, use a potato ing powder, baking soda and salt. report that quercetin, a phytonu-
masher or pastry blender. In medium bowl, combine sugar, trient found abundantly in apples,
Optional: To make flavored carrots, applesauce, egg substitute has even stronger anticancer
applesauce, stir in ingredients of and vegetable oil. Combine apple-
choice, such as 1/4t ground activity than vitamin C, based on
sauce mixture with flour mixture their unpublished data.
cinnamon or nutmeg, 1t grated until moistened; fold in cranberries.
lemon peel, 1t vanilla extract, and Dr. Lee and Cornell’s Dr. Rui
Pour batter into loaf pan; bake at
even red-hot cinnamon candies. Hai Liu first reported on querce-
350 degrees(F) for 45-50 minutes,
Nutritional analysis per serving of
or until toothpick inserted in center tin’s cancer-fighting capabilities
the basic recipe: Calories, 129 (3% from in 2000 in the high-profile U.S.
fat); fat, 0.5g; cholesterol, 0 mg; sodium, of loaf comes out clean. Cool loaf in
pan for 10 minutes; remove from journal Nature, stating that one
1.6 mg; fiber, 3.5 g.
pan and cool completely on a wire apple packs more cancer-fighting
This is a 5 A Day program- rack. Wrap in aluminum foil and antioxidant capability than a
approved recipe! It does not store overnight at room tempera- 1,500-milligram megadose of
exceed minimum criteria for ture before slicing into 16 portions.
fat, saturated fat, choles- vitamin C.
Nutritional Analysis Per Serving: Cal- See the Nutrition Ed section of
terol and sodium, and ories, 104 (17% from fat); fat, 2.0 g; chol-
provides at least one esterol, 0 mg; fiber, 0.8 g; sodium, 92 mg;, USApple’s Web
serving of produce. fiber, 0.8 g; protein, 1.9 g. site, for an updated listing of apple
research summaries and cites. „

An Apple A Day is produced quarterly and distributed free electronically by the U.S. Apple Association
(USApple). Reproduction in whole or in part is permitted with proper accreditation. To subscribe, phone
us or e-mail us your name, address and telephone number. Write us at: U.S. Apple Association, 8233 Old
Courthouse Road, Suite 200, Vienna, VA 22182-3816, telephone (703) 442-8850, facsimile (703) 790-
0845, Web site, e-mail

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