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Evidencia 4: Supply Chain Planning

Presentado por:

Edwin Oswaldo Moreno Villanueva

Sandra Mileidy Sánchez Martínez
Fernando Timaran Torres

Bogotá, 11 de Octubre del 2018

Previous knowledge
a) Una los actores de la cadena de suministro (1- 5) con las actividades que
realizan (a- e).

1. Supplier C
2. Producers A
3. Warehouses E
4. Distribution centers D
5. Retailers B

a. convert the materials into products

b. bring the product to the ultimate user
c. supply raw material
d. store material or products
e. deliver to the retailers

b) Match the verbs with their definitions or synonyms.

1. To assemble a) To emit: to give out +

2. To convert b) To try hard; to struggle +
3. To encompass c) To put together, to collect
4. To include d) To transport; to send
5. To issue e) To change; to transport +
6. To link f) To demand; to want; to need.
7. To offer g) To surround; to include. +
8. To require h) To propose for acceptance. +
9. To ship i) To compromise; to contain.
10.To strive j) To connect; to join.
According to the article, why is Amazon a Master of Supply Chain?

I probably don’t need to tell you that Amazon is a Master of Supply Chain innovation, what with
its passionate commitment to implementing drones in the future, the use of robots and advanced
automation in its distribution centres, and the enterprise’s excursion into Uber-style logistics
What types of fulfillment services does Amazon have?
In fact, it seems there are almost no home-delivery markets the former online
book-store won’t try to corner, and no method it won’t try in order to do so. So
diverse is Amazon’s range of fulfillment services in fact, that it’s becoming hard
to tell if the company is a retailer or a thirdparty logistics provider.
Indeed, if a warehouse is a box, Amazon is fully prepared to take its operation
inside the boxes of other companies, especially if those companies are Amazon’s
What is the key to supply chain excellence in Amazon?
Innovation is the key to supply chain excellence, and it’s something which sits at
the very top of the Amazon business agenda.

What is Vendor Flex by Amazon? Explain.

. The aptly named “Vendor Flex” program also creates a win-win situation for
Amazon and its supplier. Amazon doesn’t need to take up space in its own
fulfillment centres with bulky items such as diapers and tissue paper, and P&G
can supply Amazon without the expense of over the-road transportation—the
goods only move from one area of P&G’s warehouse to another.

What is going to be Amazon in a few years?

I probably don’t need to tell you that Amazon is a Master of Supply Chain
innovation, what with
its passionate commitment to implementing drones in the future, the use of
robots and advanced
automation in its distribution centres, and the enterprise’s excursion into Uber-
style logistics

a) Escriba la oración afirmativa teniendo en cuenta el verbo y el auxiliar going to.

1. Our customer ARE GOING TO (purchase) the new product from our stores.
2. The provider IS GOING TO (ship) the product to the distribution centres.
3. Suppliers ARE GOING TO (deliver) raw materials to produce the new artefact in
our company.
4. The distributors ARE GOING TO (implement) new transportation modes to
deliver the products to different places.

We are not going to buy retail
He is going to the store , buy and is great consumer
You are going to be my supplier
We are not going to the warehouse

Synchronized supply chain

In it the entire phase of the production process is going to perfectly synchronized, so that it
follows the manufacture of the product from the entry of raw materials, until its arrival at the
warehouse as finished product and shipment. In this last type of supply chain is very important the
development of new technologies, since each point of the process must be perfectly detailed and
create a logistics network where anyone can access the information that has been added by each
party Responsible of the manufacture of a product.
As the supply chains or better known as "supply chain management" have been going to, they
have evolved from the more traditional way of working to the incorporation of new technologies.
Once we have made reference to the main characteristics of the types of the most important supply
chain, we going to put examples of known companies, real cases and better results in the same
day. supply chain.

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