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Exercise 1
Fill in the blanks with ‘a’ , ‘an’, ‘the’ or ‘—‘
1) A: Mother has made ____ orange cake. Would you like ____ slice?
B: Yes, ____ large slice , please!

2) Lilian’s home is beautiful! She has ____ airy , spacious bedroom and ____
walk-in closet!

3) Beth is such ____ lucky girl! Does her brother have ____ room of his own

4) A: Its’s such ____ lovely day! Let’s go to ____ beach.

B: ____ beach? No way! I want to go to ____ cinema to watch ____ movie.

5) A: May I know ____ time, please ?

B: I’m sorry , I don’t have ____ watch. Please ask ____ boy over there. He
has a watch.

6) My aunt has just returned from ____ enjoyable holiday in ____ East
Malaysia. She stayed with ____ old friend of hers who has ____
bungalow by ____ the sea.

7) ____ good friend of mine was killed in ____ accident ____ few weeks
ago. She was driving to ____ work at ____ time of ____ accident.

8) ____ person who is ____ happy all ____ time can face ____ problems in
____ life better than ____ person who always walk around with ____ sad
9) Encik Ramli is ____ retired bank officer. He is ____ very pleasant and
____ hardworking person. He now works in ____ accounting firm.
____the working hours are long , but ____ salary is good.

10) A: May I know ____ way to ____ nearest post office , please?
B: It’s at ____ junction of ____ Jalan Melor and ____ Jalan Awan. If you
walk straight up ____ road , you will come to ____ junction.

Exercise 2
Complete the passage with ‘a’ , ‘an’ , ‘the’ or ‘—‘

My wife and I have recently moved to this city. Since we’re going to be
here for only (1) _____ short time , we’re renting (2) _____ furnished
house. We decided that we didn’t want to bring our own furniture with
us. (3)_____ house is in (4) ____ good location , but that’s about
(5)_____ only good thing I can say about it. Only one burner on (6)_____
stove works. (7) _____refrigerator door won’t stay closed unless we tape
it shut. (9)_____ bed sags in (10) _____ middle and creaks. (11) ____ rest
of (12) _____ furniture is old and decrepit too. Nevertheless, we’re still
enjoying living in this city. We may have to look for (13) _____ another
house, however.
Exercise 1
Underline the correct pronouns.

1) (That , Those) boxes are filled with lemons.

2) Children are playful. (One , They) cannot be left without parents’


3) (This , These) men are hard working.

4) (This , That) mountain is very far from here.

5) (That , This) planet that we live on is called Earth.

6) The lady (whose , which) handbag is red is my lovely teacher.

7) I am driving a brand new BMW (whose , that) Mr Lim recommended to


8) Drugs can kill. (One, He) should avoid from taking illegal drugs.

9) We are not safe anymore. (Somebody , Anybody) could be attacked or

kidnapped anywhere.

10) What is (that , this) glued to my pants? It’s hard to remove.

Exercise 2
For each question, choose the best answer from the options given.

1) Oh, you just missed _____ . They left ten minutes ago.
a) Them
b) They
c) We
d) Us

2) Our teacher advised _____ to be warry of strangers.

a) it
b) us
c) me
d) them
3) The woman left her handbag in the bus. ____ only realised it after the
bus had left.

5) \
6) \
8) \
9) \

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