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IITBombayX: FDP101x Foundation Program in ICT for Education
Prepared by: K Murali Krishna, Assistant professor, Dept., of CSE, MVSR Engineering
College, Hyderabad, Telangana

Week 1: September 14 – 24, 2018

1.The course started with the course entry survey.
2. Introduction to FDP was given by Prof. Deepak B. Phatak. He emphasizes on academic ethics and
gaining of knowledge using technology.
3. Dr. Jayakrishnan M explained the grading policy in detailed. He highlighted Schedule of various
Graded Activities like, Knowledge Quizzes, Assimilation Quizzes, Reflection Quizzes, Resource
Creation Assignments, Lab Assignments and a final summative Assessment as shown in following
S.No Assessments Weightage
1 Knowledge Quiz 30%
2 Refection Quiz 10%
3 Assimilation quiz 10%
4 Resource Creation Assignments 15%
5 Lab Assignments 10%
6 Summative assessments 25%
Outlines –
• Here, Dr. Jaikrishan M explain about various controls for video shown.
• He suggested to perform every practice activity after watching a video.
• He also makes his point to put Bookmark for having future reference of videos
Week 1: Moving from Physical to Online Classrooms
Resource Person: Dr. Jayakrishnan M
In this section Dr. Jayakrishnan M focussed on following Key points.
1. About this section
2. From physical classroom to online classrooms
3. Pedagogic Adaptations: LeD, LbD, LxT and LxI
4. Information and Communication Technology
5. Maintaining a course journal
6. Learning Experience Interaction I
7. Learning Extension Resource : Week 1

1. About this section:

Here general instructions about videos and practices activities are given.
2. From physical classroom to online classrooms
LeD 1.1:
• Under this section Dr. Jayakrishnan M explains the different pedagogical features and how transition
is made from a physical classroom to an online classroom.
• He also explains difference between physical classroom and digital classroom.
Question Led 1.1: Can you list one example of the interactions that happened between these three in
a normal classroom? (Learner, content and teacher)
Answer In normal classroom teacher take lecture using notes, PPTs etc. Teacher asks questions to
learner which is example of teacher learner interaction. Students answer by discussing among them
this is example of learner- learner interaction. Teacher is explaining with the help of content which is
teacher-content interaction. And Students solving sums using contents is example of learner-content

3. Pedagogic Adaptations: LeD, LbD, LxT and LxI

Different pedagogical features:
a. Learning Dialogues (LeD1.2)
b. Learning by Doing Activity (LeD1.3)
c. Learning extension resources (LeD1.4)
d. Learning Experience Interactions (LeD1.5)
a. Learning Dialogues (LeD1.2):
In this video Dr. Jayakrishnan M explains importance of Reflection Spot.
Question Led 1.2: What additional features does the video provide you apart from the
regular information transmission of the content?
Answer: User can pause, forward, backward the videos, thinks over the video lecture and
analyse it. This is not possible in regular information transmission of the content.
b. Learning by Doing Activity (LeD1.3)
This video helps in Reinforcement of key concepts. Allows learner to practice the concepts
familiarized in LED video.
Question Led 1.3: What advantage do you see in answering these questions immediately
after watching LeDs?
Answer: We can get idea about correct answer and why other answers are wrong.
c. Learning extension resources (LeD1.4)
Purpose of this video is to provide additional resources to Learner from conceptual point of view.
Question LeD 1.4: What is the function of assimilation quizzes?
Answer: To check whether you understand properly whatever given in video is a function
of assimilation quizzes.

d. Learning Experience Interactions (LeD1.5)

Advantage of this video lecture is to provide opportunity to learners to share their individual
Question LeD 1.5: Can you think of advantages of having such a structured group
discussion with focused questions?
Answer: The advantages are that the discussion revolves around the core theme and
discussions will be more engaging as the learners are familiar.

4. Information and Communication Technology

In this module Prof. Prabhakar explain advantages of ICT and basics of ICT. This provides
information about how large data transmission with high speed is possible with Wired and Wireless

5. Maintaining a course journal

It specifies how a course journal can be written in a structured format. Which helps the user with
appropriate information and the records can be maintained for future use.

6. Learning Experience Interaction I

Gives instructions about creating our first post and reviewing other posts

7. Learning Extension Resource:

Here Mr. Anant Agarwal explains about MOOC i.e. Massive Open Online Courses.
Web Presence for Teachers
The email addresses are one form of your online presence.
Q) Do you know what Internet is? Do you know how it works?
A) Internet according to me is a collection of a vast amount of information from various sources. You
can get information about anything from anywhere in the world provided you have internet access.
For the part as to how does it work in laymen terms,
You first connect to a network connection, open a browser, request travels to the respective server
and information is displayed on your screen. You just need to know the DNS of the site you want to
ARPANET : Advance Research Projects Agency Network.
Types of Network :Centralized vs Distributed
Who controls the internet ? Nobody and Anybody.
Practice Problem 2.1: Q1
Observe the pattern given in the choices below. What is the correct pattern to access the site with the
domain name
A)Connect to a network>Open the site page>Open the browser>Type the site domain name in address
B) Connect to a network>Open the browser> Type the site domain name in address bar>Open the
site page correct
C)Type the site domain name in address bar>Connect to a network>Open the browser>Open the site
D)Open the browser>Type the site domain name in address bar>Open the site page>Connect to a
Correct Answer:B
LbD 2.1: Q2
Who controls the Internet?
(More than one option is correct.)
A) Government
B)Bill Gates
Correct Answer: C & D
Q)Do you know how information travels from your computer to other networks?
A)According to my knowledge information travels through 2 mediums :Wired and Wireless. It Uses
various cables like coaxial, fiber optics etc . In wireless medium it travels in form of radio waves.
The data is in the form of signals.
In the tutorial, it is said Internet ships binary information. Information is made of bits.
Bits --->Can be ON/OFF or 1(ON)/0(OFF) or YES/NO. Because it has 2 possible states we call it
Binary Code.8 bits = 1 Byte / 1024 bytes = 1 kilo byte / 1024 kilo byte = 1 mega byte. Today we
physically sent bits in the form of electricity, light,radio waves.
Bandwidth : Maximum transmission capacity of a device.
Bit Rate :Number of bits we can send over a given period of time.
Latency :Time it takes for a bit to travel from one place to another.
optic cable - is a thread of glass engineered to reflect light.

Practice Problem 2.2: Q1

You are downloading a short 16 MB video file from YouTube. The download speed is 2MB/s. How
long will the download process take?
A)32 seconds
B)8 seconds
C)8 minutes
D)32 minutes
Correct Answer: B
Whenever information travels from one computer to another and from one network to the other, there
are rules and procedures that manage the movement of data packets. These rules and procedures
constitute network protocols.
Q) Think of what happens when you write and send an email to your friend. What do you think are
the activities/processes taking place from the time you send it to the time you receive a response?
A) 1)My email will first communicate with my mail server using http protocol. It will then check for
the mail server it has to send email to(whether it is the same server or some different mailing server)
2)If it is a different mail server , it will send a request to that server find the mail address in its
directory and then send the mail to the session id linked with the receiver's mail address.
3)This is how the receiver will receive mail and the same vice versa steps involved in giving a
response back to the sender.
URL: Uniform Resource Locator
HTTP: Hyper text transfer protocol
Http --> is the language used to communicate between web browsers and servers
HTML: Hyper text Markup Language
Html-->Language used to tell a web browser how to make the page look.
You Request a page from server using GET Request.
Sometimes you send information like filling up a form or typing a search query using POST Request.
COOKIES : Is what websites use to remember who you are. Safe Websites prevent snooping and
tampering using SSL(Secure Sockets Layer) & TLS(Transport Layer Security).

Practice Problem 2.3: Q1

A URL is the address of any resource you look for on the Internet. Suppose you want to visit Google
site, which is the correct URL to use?
Correct Answer: C


Tools for Website Creation
Websites can broadly be classified as Simple & Multifunctional.
Simple Websites : use Wordpress (consist of few pages and blogs)
Multifunctional Websites : use Drupal(consist of pages with structured content , pages linked to each
other, conference websites)
LbD 2.1: Q1
Why are we recommending WordPress and Drupal for creating websites?
A)There are no other applications to do this
B)They are available for free
C)They are open source
D)They are both free and open source
Correct Answer: D
LbD 2.1: Q2
What makes a website multifunctional?
A) When you write functions to create a website
B) When a website caters to more than one function (like information display, user interaction)
C)When a website is functioning with the help of multiple people
D)When a website is seen in multiple ways in multiple devices (like phones, computers, tablets etc)
Correct Answer: B

Basic Customisation in Wordpress

Then go to mysite -->wpadmin(This is what we call an Admin Dashboard)
On the left hand side you have a control panel.
Taglines can be added to the title which is a short description of what your site is about after
doing the changes you can save and publish.
You can change the colors and background, fonts, header image.
Widgets: Is a small application that runs within your website.(Example, this is a text widget
which actually doesn't do anything but simply to display the text which is inside.)or you could have
more complex widgets.
There is Sidebar region also as shown in the pic below. site has a lot more widgets available which you can download and install. The front
page by default in WordPress list all the blogs that you've written.
If you don't want a blog to be on the front page you can change it to a static page.
LbD 2.2 : Q1
From which place can you access the control panel that is used for customizing your WordPress page?
A)Static Pages
B)Blog Posts
C)Admin Dashboard
D)User Widgets
Correct Answer: C
LbD 2.2 : Q2
State True or False: In a simple wordpress site, you can do reordering of your page by just dragging
and dropping items.
A) True
Correct Answer: A

Adding Content in WordPress

WordPress by default provides two simple content types. They are the blog and the page. Blog
is a short form for web-log. Web-log essentially is like your diary on the web. What distinguishes a
blog from a page is that a blog is periodic or occasionally unperiodic, but it is a time bound release,
so every month you could have a blog, every day you could have a blog and so on.
Usually they are categorised by the date of release and keywords.
A blog has a title and a body.
A blog can be saved in a draft state.
You can have additional features to a blog like categorising blog, you can add hierarchical
keywords or free text.
You can also use tags.Tags are free text categories which can be used for while searching this,
while searching for keywords people can land up at this page.
Pages are organised in a hierarchical way, unlike blogs in which the categories are organised
a hierarchical way, here the pages themselves can be a parent-child relation.
Slug is the text which comes in your URL.
Usually you allow comments only for blog post and you leave the pages without any comments.

LbD 2.3 : Q1
Which of the following are the simplest content types offered by WordPress?
A) Text and Image
B) Blog and Image
C)Blog and Page
D)Post and Video
Correct Answer: C

LbD 2.3 : Q2
Which of the following are used for categorizing your posts in WordPress?
A)Widgets and Categories
B)Categories and Tags
C) Tags and Widgets
Correct Answer: B

Managing Content in WordPress

A control panel allows you to manage your blogs, media, pages comments and so on and several
other site level actions. So this WP Admin or WordPress admin is by default leading you to what is
known as a dashboard. This is the administrative user dashboard.
This interface allows you much more complicated interactions with the website.
You can go to quick edit and change a draft state to published and update it.
A sticky post is a post which is always there at the top of the list. If you want certain blog post to
always appear on the top you make it sticky.
Normally a blog post is always there in a descending order so the latest one is always at the top.
LbD 2.4 : Q1
What is meant by a sticky post in WordPress?
A)A post which contains the text "Sticky" in its title
B)A post which has an image stuck to it
C)A post that always appear on top
D)A post which contains the text "Sticky" in its body
Correct Answer: C

Advanced Customisation in WordPress

How to add media to webpages.
1. I go to my site and I go to the admin dashboard ie my wpadmin.
2. Go to pages-->select the page you want to add your pdf or ppt to -->click on edit-->place the cursor
to the place you want to add media to -->Add media.
3. You will be directed to media library (So, WordPress stores all the files that you uploaded in a
special location called as media library.So this library at first is empty, but once you have uploaded
files at a later time).

How to add menu to webpages.

Menu is the one which leads you from the homepage to different pages which are in your website.
1. To add menu we go to --> Dashboard -->Control Panel-->Appearance-->Menus.
How to configure look and feel to your website.
1. To add themes go to --> Admin Dashboard--> Appearance-->Themes.
You can also customize widgets.
You could choose where they should appear, either on the site bar, one side bar, two footer, footer
second footer and third footer.
LbD 2.5
1.Create a free website at using the LeDs provided in IITBombayX. Choose a
meaningful name for the domain: example,
2.Create a short blog post of your experience with this faculty development program.
3.Create an "About Me" page, giving details of your qualifications, employment history, awards and
recognitions, etc. Add it to the menu, if not already there.
4.Add a "Contact Info" widget giving your meeting hours.
5.Create a "Research" page with your research interests and add it to the main navigation menu.
Creating your own Video Resources
Dr. Sameer Sahasrabudhe,
I comprehended the distinctive contemplations that instructor needs to recall while making visual
introduction by arranging, executing and establish connections for various kinds of contents.
Additionally comprehended the significance of utilizing diverse colors when making visual
introductions and the dependable guideline when utilizing colors.

Visual Presentation Skills 1:

Reflection Spot
Expect that you are intending to make a slide with your subject content and transferred it to your
WordPress site. You are making this as an open instructive asset (OER) with the goal that everybody
can access and utilize it. What visual parameters will you deal with amid your slide outline so your
site guests think that its simpler to get it?
Visual Parameters considered in making effective presentation and uploaded to the website are:
Choice of a predictable and basic outline format in light of the content introduction. However, be
steady with different components, for example, textual style, colors, and background.
• Analyze the content to be displayed in a slide.
• constraining the quantity of words on each screen.
• Usage of key expressions and incorporate just basic essential information.
• Limit accentuation and abstain from placing words in every capital letter.
• Putting Empty space on the slide to upgrade decipherability.
• Using differentiating colors for content and background.
• Light content on a dim background is ideal.
• Avoiding Patterned backgrounds which will diminish decipherability of content.
Stay away from the utilization of garish advances, for example, content fly-ins. These highlights may
appear to be amazing at first, however are diverting and get old rapidly
.• Overuse of enhancements, for example, animation and sounds may make your introduction “cutesy"
and could contrarily affect your believability.
• Use great quality pictures that strengthen and supplement your message. Guarantee that your picture
keeps up its effect and goals when anticipated on a bigger screen.

Important points from video lecture:

Creating your own Video Resources > Visual Presentation>Visual Presentation Skills 1:

'Visual Presentation Skills' –

To inspire the group of onlookers (Students or any peer) the instructor needs to careful with three
2.executing and
3.impress the general population who are going to our introduction.
• Planning includes procedures like conceptualizing, discourses, breaking down and sorting out what
content you need.
• Execution discusses how you give a specific stream of the entire introduction by making a diagram
and including bulleted points of interest and above all the realistic help.
• And at long last, with regards to the awe organize when you really make an introduction which has
that interest and includes the accompanying things, similar to the shading plans, selection of textual
styles, the impacts which are given out while displaying these slides and these makes into a visual
interest of that specific introduction.

Important points to be considered in putting graphics in a presentation:

Utilizing designs is one of the critical choices for making any presentation. There are two kinds of
illustrations mostly which can be arranged,
• static designs, which are photos or pictures, illustrations, drawings and so forth., even screen
captures so far as that is concerned is a most recent participant in this classification and
• Movement designs or recordings you can see things like animations, simulations, video shot by
cameras and different things.
Reflection Spot
Given that you know how to design visuals from the previous learning dialogue, what do you think
are the considerations you have to make when using fonts and colors in slide design? How many font
types, font sizes and colours will you use in the design of your slides?
Write your responses to above questions in your course journal.
My responses:
• Following focuses would be useful in making PowerPoint presentation:
• I will like to choose Arial or Helvetica textual style.
• Font estimate littler than 24 point is favored.
• Use a similar textual style for every one of your headlines.
• Select a text style for body copy and another for headlines.
• Use bold and distinctive sizes of those text styles for captions and subheadings.
• Prefer to utilize bigger text styles to show significance.
• Use diverse colors, sizes and styles (e.g., bold) for effect.
• Avoid italicized textual styles as these are hard to peruse rapidly.
• For color schemes, increasingly the differentiation and intelligibility.
• Content is with dark or once in a while I will lean toward yellow content on a blue background
will be the most noticeable to the great many people, taking different types of partial blindness
into thought.
Barely any General standards to remember are
• Follow 6 x 6 rules. In this way, not in excess of 6 focuses on a slide and inside that 6 point,
the words ought to be not more than 6.
• Choose a layout which advances meaningfulness, regularly little text styles turn out to be
exceptionally troublesome and indeed in the event that you have a go at honing just 6 slugs in
slide most likely it ought to be even less then that ought to be truly comprehensible.
• Use expresses or abridged sentences instead of full sentences, since that will limit your pledge
check and the swarmed feeling on the slide will be diminished significantly and making it
simpler for the clients to peruse it. Usage of a Sans Serif text style for introductions. In
actuality, utilize a serif text style like Times Roman, Palatino or Bodoni for printing a report
which must be given close by for perusing.
Creating your own Video Resources
Spoken Tutorial: Creating a Video Open Education Resource > Creative Commons Licensing

CC Licenses – Creative Commons Licensing

1. Attribution CC BY
This permit gives others a chance to disseminate, remix, change, and expand upon your work, even
economically, as long as they credit you for the first creation. This is the most obliging of licenses
advertised. Prescribed for most extreme scattering and utilization of authorized materials.
2. Attribution ShareAlike CC BY-SA
This permit lets others remix, change, and expand upon your work notwithstanding for business
purposes, as long as they credit you and permit their new manifestations under the indistinguishable
terms. This permit is regularly contrasted with "copyleft" free and open source programming licenses.
Every new work in light of yours will convey a similar permit, so any subsidiaries will likewise permit
business utilize. This is the permit utilized by Wikipedia, and is suggested for materials that would
profit by consolidating content from Wikipedia and comparably authorized undertakings.
3. Attribution-NoDerivs CC BY-ND
This permit takes into account redistribution, business and non-business, as long as it is passed along
unaltered and in entire, with credit to you.
4. Attribution-NonCommercial CC BY-NC
This permit lets others remix, change, and expand upon your work non-industrially, and despite the
fact that their new works should likewise recognize you and be non-business, they don't need to permit
their subordinate chips away at similar terms.
5. Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike CC BY- NC-SA
This permit lets others remix, change, and expand upon your work non-financially, as long as they
credit you and permit their new manifestations under the indistinguishable terms.
6. Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivs CC BY-NC-ND
This permit is the most prohibitive of our six primary licenses, just enabling others to download your
works and offer them with others as long as they credit you, however they can't transform them in
any capacity or utilize them economically.
Video address by Prof. Kannan Moudgalya, clarified how Spoken Tutorial Project at IIT Bombay
uses the video creation process.
It is a task that comprises of open instructive assets accessible under the Creative Commons. Open
Education Resourses are given through KhanAcademy

Creation of spoken tutorials:
Creation-of-a-spoken-tutorial-using-Camstudio for WINDOWS:
- Camstudio is screen recording software is used for
a) Demonstrate highlights of a product.
b) Create sound/video instructional exercises for school.
c) To make video motion pictures utilized in trainings.
d) To change over AVI records to streak documents.
e) To demonstrate to play out an action.Procedures engaged with making spoken instructional
• Creation Stages
• Guidelines Checklist
• Dubbing Stages
• What to do in the wake of Dubbing
• Compatible File Formats

Week - 4
Week 4: Learning Management System
1. Exploring Moodle as a Student:
Moodle is a learning platform designed to provide educators, administrators and learners with a single
robust, secure and integrated system to create personalized learning environments. It is a popular and
open source LMS. Steps to access Moodle was discussed in this week
Step 1: Access the MOODLE Demo Site
Step 2: Login to the site using the following credentials
Username: student
Password: moodle
Step 3: Select the course "Digital Literacy" from the courses given
Step 4: Do all the activities in the course and experience the various type of learning features
available in MOODLE.2. Learning Experience Interaction
Rules of Forum etiquette:
• Use reflection spots and learning dialogues
• Use of all capitals or upper case letters appears as if you are shouting, so don’t use all capital
letter in discussion forum
• Be discerning with emojis and emoticons as over-use of them is inappropriate.
• Use meaningful subject title.
• Always use the Granny test when anything is posting in discussion forum
• Respect moderator or facilitator. Respect their decisions at all times.
• Always ask for permission before re-using.
LbD 4.1: MOODLE in IIT Bombay
Prof. Upendra Bhandarkar from Mechanical Engineering department of IIT Bombay
• Course Setup,
• Editing Sections,
• Adding Resources,
• Creating Assignments,
• Creating Discussion Forums
• Creating Quizzes in MOODLE.
LbD 4.2 Exploring Course settings in Moodle:
There is editing option in the administration section using which changes can be made to courses
that are added to moodle.
When the editing option is turned on,
• Information can be added to each section
• Add activity or resources to section (by using + button) and hide some information or
• Edit section name
While we select the edit setting option from course administration then, we can change
the section name, change the name of the given course, have short names for the courses,
assign courses to some category and ID number.
The summary or description about the course can be added/edited and also files (giving
description of course) can be added to summary tab.
There is option to enter information to course in course format
• Weekly format: Topics -date wise which were covered in a week
• Topic format: Lectures under each topic.
• Upload files and set upload limit
• Guest access can be selected for restricted communities
• Role renaming: Allows renaming of roles depends on the subject being added.

LbD 4.3 Editing Sections in a Course

Using editing option in administration section, we can edit the sections which are added to the
course. By using the editing option we can:
• Modify the section name
• Add new section name
• Depending on the course format, topics covered can be given in weekly format or as per the
• Add/Edit the content in the summary• The content which is added can be formatted: can bold
it, italicize it, choose different font size for it, Underline it, Use Subscript, Use Superscript,
add equations using equation editor, add symbol, create tables
• Grading of the assignment can be done online and can have due dates for submission.
LbD 4.4 Creating assignments in Moodle
This video explains the process of creating assignments of a course using Moodle.
• To add an assignment, turn on the editing option link in administration section.
• Select add an activity or resource link
• Select assignment and click on add
• Allocate a name and add a suitable description to it
• Using the availability option, a starting date and due date for submission can be uploaded.
• There is an option to choose how assignment can be uploaded: File submission or online text.
• There is a notification option, if selected then facilitator will get a notification whenever
students submit their assignments.
LbD 4.5 Discussion forums in Moodle
• On the right side of Moodle’s dashboard, there are different blocks like a search forum, latest news
forum, upcoming events and recent activity.
• To start a discussion, click on add a new topic link, in latest news forum
• A new window titled as news forum will open up in which subject and message about topic
to be added to the forum needs to be entered and then it can be posted to the forum.
• Students can reply to the post and the facilitator has the option to see the original message as
well as the replies of the students.
• The students can initiate a discussion themselves and the facilitator can reply to the same.
LbD 4.6 Creating Quizzes in Moodle
• To add quiz again, turn on the editing option link in the administration section.
• Select Add an activity or resource link
• Select quiz option and then click on add
• Assign a name and description about quiz.
• Can enable/disenable the appearance of description of quiz on course page of Moodle.
• Using timing option: Facilitator can set deadlines for answering the quiz ( i.e set the opening
and closing days of quiz) and set a time limit for answering the quiz.
• Using grade option: Facilitator can allow the quiz to be attempted once or multiple times by
• Layout and question behavior options allows the questions to be shuffled or randomly selected
from the question bank for the quiz.
• Can choose kind of questions like multiple choice, true or false
• Feedback: Deferred feedback with Certainty-Based Marking (CBM)
• Extra restrictions on attempt: If a student has missed the quiz, then and extra attempt can be
given by providing a password to ensure that the attempt is made by that person.
• Overall feedback can be given to the students.
• Once quiz is set up it can be edited
• Using Edit quiz option: we can add new questions to quiz or can add a question from a
question bank.

This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.

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