T4-4P5 T

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T4-4P5 [78 marks]

Which of the following are van der Waals’ forces? [1 mark]

I. Dipole-dipole forces
II. Hydrogen bonds
III. London (dispersion) forces

A. I and II only
B. I and III only
C. II and III only
D. I, II and III
Phosphine (IUPAC name phosphane) is a hydride of phosphorus, with the formula PH 3.

[8 marks]
2a. (i) Draw a Lewis (electron dot) structure of phosphine.
(ii) State the hybridization of the phosphorus atom in phosphine.

(iii) Deduce, giving your reason, whether phosphine would act as a Lewis acid, a Lewis base, or neither.

(iv) Outline whether you expect the bonds in phosphine to be polar or non-polar, giving a brief reason.

(v) Phosphine has a much greater molar mass than ammonia. Explain why phosphine has a significantly lower boiling point than ammonia.

(vi) Ammonia acts as a weak Brønsted–Lowry base when dissolved in water.

Outline what is meant by the terms “weak” and “Brønsted–Lowry base”.


Brønsted–Lowry base:
2b. Phosphine is usually prepared by heating white phosphorus, one of the allotropes of phosphorus, with concentrated aqueous [8 marks]
sodium hydroxide. The equation for the reaction is:

(i) The first reagent is written as P4, not 4P. Describe the difference between P4 and 4P.

(ii) The ion H 2PO2− is amphiprotic. Outline what is meant by amphiprotic, giving the formulas of both species it is converted to when it
behaves in this manner.

(iii) State the oxidation state of phosphorus in P 4 and H2PO2−.



(iv) Oxidation is now defined in terms of change of oxidation number. Explore how earlier definitions of oxidation and reduction may have led
to conflicting answers for the conversion of P 4 to H 2PO2− and the way in which the use of oxidation numbers has resolved this.
2.478 g of white phosphorus was used to make phosphine according to the equation: [4 marks]

(i) Calculate the amount, in mol, of white phosphorus used.

(ii) This phosphorus was reacted with 100.0 cm 3 of 5.00 mol dm −3 aqueous sodium hydroxide. Deduce, showing your working, which was
the limiting reagent.

(iii) Determine the excess amount, in mol, of the other reagent.

(iv) Determine the volume of phosphine, measured in cm 3 at standard temperature and pressure, that was produced.
Impurities cause phosphine to ignite spontaneously in air to form an oxide of phosphorus and water. [9 marks]
(i) 200.0 g of air was heated by the energy from the complete combustion of 1.00 mol phosphine. Calculate the temperature rise using
section 1 of the data booklet and the data below.

Standard enthalpy of combustion of phosphine,

Specific heat capacity of air = 1.00Jg −1 K−1 =1.00kJkg−1 K−1

(ii) The oxide formed in the reaction with air contains 43.6% phosphorus by mass. Determine the empirical formula of the oxide, showing
your method.

(iii) The molar mass of the oxide is approximately 285 g mol −1 . Determine the molecular formula of the oxide.

(iv) State the equation for the reaction of this oxide of phosphorus with water.

(v) Suggest why oxides of phosphorus are not major contributors to acid deposition.

(vi) The levels of sulfur dioxide, a major contributor to acid deposition, can be minimized by either pre-combustion and post-combustion
methods. Outline one technique of each method.


Phosphine (IUPAC name phosphane) is a hydride of phosphorus, with the formula PH 3.

3a. (i) Draw a Lewis (electron dot) structure of phosphine. [6 marks]

(ii) Outline whether you expect the bonds in phosphine to be polar or non-polar, giving a brief reason.

(iii) Explain why the phosphine molecule is not planar.

(iv) Phosphine has a much greater molar mass than ammonia. Explain why phosphine has a significantly lower boiling point than ammonia.

3b. Phosphine is usually prepared by heating white phosphorus, one of the allotropes of phosphorus, with concentrated aqueous [10 marks]
sodium hydroxide. The equation for the reaction is:

P4 (s) + 3OH− (aq) + 3H 2O (l) → PH3 (g) + 3H2PO2− (aq)

(i) Identify one other element that has allotropes and list two of its allotropes.


Allotrope 1:

Allotrope 2:
(ii) The first reagent is written as P 4, not 4P. Describe the difference between P4 and 4P.

(iii) The ion H 2PO2− is amphiprotic. Outline what is meant by amphiprotic, giving the formulas of both species it is converted to when it
behaves in this manner.

(iv) State the oxidation state of phosphorus in P4 and H2PO2−.



(v) Oxidation is now defined in terms of change of oxidation number. Explore how earlier definitions of oxidation and reduction may have led
to conflicting answers for the conversion of P 4 to H 2PO2− and the way in which the use of oxidation numbers has resolved this.
3c. 2.478 g of white phosphorus was used to make phosphine according to the equation: [4 marks]

P4(s) +3OH−(aq)+3H2O(l) → PH3(g)+3H2PO2−(aq)

(i) Calculate the amount, in mol, of white phosphorus used.

(ii) This phosphorus was reacted with 100.0 cm 3 of 5.00 mol dm −3 aqueous sodium hydroxide. Deduce, showing your working, which was
the limiting reagent.

(iii) Determine the excess amount, in mol, of the other reagent.

(iv) Determine the volume of phosphine, measured in cm 3 at standard temperature and pressure, that was produced.
Ethane-1,2-diol, HOCH2CH2OH, has a wide variety of uses including the removal of ice from aircraft and heat transfer in a solar cell.

4a. Ethane-1,2-diol can be formed according to the following reaction. [7 marks]

2CO (g) + 3H 2 (g) ⇌ HOCH2CH2OH (g)

(i) Deduce the equilibrium constant expression, Kc, for this reaction.

(ii) State how increasing the pressure of the reaction mixture at constant temperature will affect the position of equilibrium and the value of

Position of equilibrium:


(iii) Calculate the enthalpy change, ΔHθ, in kJ, for this reaction using section 11 of the data booklet. The bond enthalpy of the carbon–
oxygen bond in CO (g) is 1077kJmol-1.

(iv) The enthalpy change, ΔHθ, for the following similar reaction is –233.8 kJ.

2CO(g) + 3H2(g) ⇌ HOCH2CH2OH (l)

Deduce why this value differs from your answer to (a)(iii).

Determine the average oxidation state of carbon in ethene and in ethane-1,2-diol. [2 marks]


4c. Explain why the boiling point of ethane-1,2-diol is significantly greater than that of ethene. [2 marks]

4d. Ethane-1,2-diol can be oxidized first to ethanedioic acid, (COOH) 2, and then to carbon dioxide and water. Suggest the reagents to [1 mark]
oxidize ethane-1,2-diol.

Lipids are an important part of the human diet.

Fatty acids react with glycerol to form fats and oils. State the name of the chemical link formed in this reaction and the name of the [1 mark]
other product.
5b. The table below shows average figures for the percentage fatty acid composition of some common fats and oils. [6 marks]

(i) Deduce, with a reason, which fat or oil from the table above has the lowest iodine number.

(ii) Deduce, with a reason, which fat or oil from the table above is most likely to become rancid when exposed to the air.

(iii) The P/S index of a fat or oil is the ratio of polyunsaturated fat to saturated fat present. It is sometimes used to compare the relative
health benefits of different lipids in the diet. Calculate the P/S index of beef fat and soybean oil.

(iv) Suggest why a P/S index of greater than 1 is considered beneficial to health.

(v) Cotton seed oil and corn oil have similar iodine numbers but the melting point of cotton seed oil is higher than that of corn oil. Suggest an
explanation in terms of the structure and bonding in these two oils.
The mild analgesic aspirin can be prepared in the laboratory from salicylic acid.


Salicylic acid Aspirin

After the reaction is complete, the product is isolated, recrystallized, tested for purity and the experimental yield is measured. A
student’s results in a single trial are as follows.

Literature melting point data: aspirin = 138–140 °C

Determine the percentage experimental yield of the product after recrystallization. The molar masses are as follows: M(salicylic [2 marks]
acid) = 138.13 g mol−1 , M(aspirin) = 180.17 g mol −1 . (You do not need to process the uncertainties in the calculation.)

Suggest why isolation of the crude product involved the addition of ice-cold water. [1 mark]

6c. Justify the conclusion that recrystallization increased the purity of the product, by reference to two differences between the melting [2 marks]
point data of the crude and recrystallized products.
6d. State why aspirin is described as a mild analgesic with reference to its site of action. [1 mark]

Nuclear reactions transform one nuclide into another. Fission, splitting a large nucleus into two smaller nuclei, releases vast amounts of

(i) Uranium hexafluoride, UF 6, is used in the uranium enrichment process that produces fuel for nuclear reactors. [3 marks]
State the molecular shape of uranium hexafluoride.

(ii) Explain why uranium dioxide, UO 2, has a very high melting point whereas uranium hexafluoride vapourises easily into gas.

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