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Lab 5
Scenario: Application Intelligence


This lab introduces you to Pravail NSI Application Intelligence appliance.
You will learn about essential steps to install and configure application
intelligence as well as how to use application intelligence in traffic reports.
This lab is divided into the following parts:
• Installation of Pravail NSI AI device
• Initial CLI configuration using wizard
• Usage of application intelligence

Pravail NSI AI device will be getting copy of network traffic on pcc0
interface. Mgt0 interface of Pravail NSI AI is connected will be used for
communication with Pravail NSI Controller.

Student 17
Application intelligence in Pravail NSI
Lab 5



Pravail NSI

pcc0 mgt0

Pravail NSI AI

AuthX agent
on AD controller

After completing this lab, you will be able to do the following:
• Perform installation and initial configuration of Pravail NSI AI;

• Use application intelligence information in traffic analysis.

The following equipment is required to complete this lab:
• web browser (Chrome or Firefox)
When accessing training labs, you will be prompted for Training Portal
Authentication. Use following credentials:

• Login: student17
• Password: 44AYJCgf82

Estimated Completion Time

• The estimated completion time for this lab is 60 minutes.

Pravail NSI AI Installation

Serial console access

In this section you will use web SSH client to connect to the console server,
managing serial console port of your Pravail NSI AI lab appliance.
Console server address:
L5-2 Student 17 Pravail NSI 5.5
Lab 5 Application intelligence in Pravail NSI

Port: 22
User: student17
Password: 44AYJCgf82

1. To access Pravail NSI AI serial console press 3

2. After you have successfully completed step above, ask instructor to

start your Pravail NSI AI instance

Installation process
In this section we will perform initial installation steps. These steps are
typically performed on new Pravail NSI appliance after power on.
1. Wait while Pravail NSI installation process prepares hard drive and
copies necessary software packages. This process may take up to half
an hour.
2. Set system hostname to AI-LAB17
3. Set IP address of mgt0 interface to
4. Set Network mask of interface mgt0 to
5. Skip media setting for interface mgt0 (press Enter)
6. Skip IP configuration for interface flow0 (press Enter)
7. Skip default gateway configuration (press Enter)
8. Skip BGP, FTP, HTTP and HTTPS ACL configuration (press Enter)
9. Permit ICMP Ping access from any network – type as the first
entry and confirm that there are no more entries by pressing enter for [done]
10. Skip SNMP, Telnet, TFTP and VRRP ACL configuration (press Enter)
11. Permit SSH access from any network – type as the first entry and
confirm that there are no more entries by pressing enter for [done]
12. Check that current date/time matches actual clock in UTC time zone.
Format of the string is MMDDhhmm[[CC]YY][.ss]

Initial CLI configuration

In this section, you will learn how to perform initial system configuration
via CLI. This includes changing admin user password, configuring DNS
service, entering license key and starting Pravail APS service.
1. Log into the CLI using default login credentials of admin/arbor

Student 17 L5-3
Application intelligence in Pravail NSI
Lab 5

2. Use services aaa local password admin interactive command to

change admin user password. Change admin password to 44AYJCgf82
3. Set license key using following command (license key is typically
provided by ATAC)
/ system license set Pravail-NSI "nsi-model: PRA-NSI-5003AI expires: 1451679608"
4. Initialize Pravail NSI databases
services nsi database initialize
5. Configure interface pcc0 as a promiscuous interface
services nsi interface add pcc0 promisc
6. Bring interface pcc0 up
ip interfaces ifconfig pcc0 up
7. Configure communication with Pravail NSI Controller
services nsi sendto add student17
8. Start Pravail NSI service
services nsi start
Initial start of Pravail NSI service may take few minutes.
9. Save configuration
config write

GUI verification
1. After few minutes log into your Pravail NSI Controller
using credentials you have configured on the Controller in lab 1. Note
that you will be presented with proxy authentication first, use your
student login:
2. Navigate to Summary page.
3. Check that your AI device appears in System Information and status is
4. Click on AI device name to see current load.

L5-4 Student 17 Pravail NSI 5.5

Lab 5 Application intelligence in Pravail NSI

Usage of application intelligence

Web dashboard and URL Log

1. After 10 minutes of Pravail NSI AI operation navigate to
2. Study Web Dashboard: Top URLs and HTTP Content Types reports
3. Let’s see who of enterprise users is checking their personal e-mail on To get this information type in URL Destinations and
click Search
4. Note that you can refine results by clicking limit to… link in user
context menu
5. Save Historical URL log using Export Data tool on Arbor Smart Bar

Using application intelligence in Flowlog

Let’s see what DNS requests are performed by users through public
Google DNS servers ( and
1. Navigate to Explore->Flows
2. Click on Magnifying glass icon and type following FCAP
( or and udp/53
3. Click Search
4. Note that Extended Attributes column now contains requested domains

This completes the lab exercise.

Student 17 L5-5

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