ELT1010-6 Soldering Components On A Circuit Board Revised and Annotated

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ELT1010-6: Soldering Components on a Circuit Board.

Revised and Annotated

Title: ELT1010-6: Soldering Components Unit: Fabricating a Circuit Board Level: 10

on a Circuit Board
Time required: 3 classes Course: ELT1010 Minutes: 252
Electro-Assembly 1
Objectives: The student will: Outcomes: The student will: Curricular Fit:
(D2L rubric) ELT1010
Identify, assess, and control hazards Recite/write the 3 hazards 1.1.2,3,4
associated with soldering associated with soldering
Demonstrate safe care and
handling of solder equipment
Demonstrate safe home/laboratory Demonstrate safe personal 1.1.2,3,4
procedures with respect to electrical soldering practices including 6.1
hazards and use of solder and flux use of PPE where required
Prepare a solder station for use Demonstrate correct solder 1.1.4
station setup 3.1,2
Work in groups to solder components to Perform the solder procedure 3.1
their individual circuit boards to electrically and mechanically 6.1
affix components to a circuit 7.3.1,2
Analyze soldered components on a Use visual and mechanical 3.1
circuit board for electrical continuity and means to test solders for 7.3.1,2
mechanical bonding mechanical bonding.
Use a multi-meter to test
solders for electrical continuity
Remediate solder joints that are Re-solder joints that satisfy 3.1
electrically or mechanically faulty industry standard electrical 7.3.1,2
continuity and mechanical
bonding requirements
Reflect on ELT1010-6 outcomes for Complete guided reflective 1.1.2,3,4
synthesis journal entry on ELT1010-6 3.1; 6.1
objectives. Submit via D2l drop 7.3.1,2
box 8.1
Previous Lesson: ELT1010-5: Component Following Lesson: ELT1010-7: Setting a Voltage Regulator
Placement on a Circuit Board

Motivation: Completing Stage 1 of circuit board
Exposition: Steps in completing circuit board
Direction of activity: Safety orientation. Demonstration and student activity: solder process, solder
joint assessment. Student activity reflection. Teacher assessment of activity product
Remediation: How to repair a defective solder joint and oxidized solder iron

Physical Plant Considerations to support Pedagogy:

Simulated electronics technician laboratory setting including Alberta OH&S considerations.
Work benches suitable for four-person work pods with a solder station for each student.

Learning theories employed:

Behaviorist: Display safe work habits; inviting imitation through student solder and continuity test
activity; develop dexterity through skill acquisition.

Cognitivist: ZPD. Incremental skill and knowledge building on component placement; peer group lab
setting; student centred activity, student centred activity evaluation (continuity testing); post-activity
reflection exercise.

Constructivist: Microworld creation- student activity as technician; students work in collaborative

pods; problem scaffolding through solder joint analysis (build on circuit board continuity test), learn
to solder as part of larger circuit fabrication project; complete task following demonstrated

Safety with respect to solder operations
How and why solder adheres mechanically and electrically
Solder station and iron preparation
Securing circuit board for soldering
Soldering procedure
Characteristics of a successful solder joint
Analysing (continuity test)
Repairing a defective solder joint
Reflective exercise

Student Prior Knowledge:

General electronics laboratory safety
Circuit board fabrication (exposing, developing, etching, drilling)
Electronics hand tool (wire cutters, needle nose pliers) familiarity
Component identification
Component placement
Circuit board continuity test.

Teacher Knowledge:
Soldering safety
Chemistry and physics of soldering
Solder iron preparation
How to solder/de-solder
Characteristics of a mechanically and electrically sound solder joint
Solder joint remediation
Perform continuity check for assessing solder joints
Reflective activities for synthesis

Technology Teacher: Technology Student:

Multi-meter Multi-meter
Internet connected technology: How to Internet connected technology: D2L access (notes, video,
Solder notes, video, grades, and solder grades, and reflective journal entry via D2L drop box
reflective journal entry drop box via D2L submission)
Solder station Solder station
ELT1010-6 Solder Assessment D2L Rubric

Observation: student solder technique during student activity time.
Action: cuing, demonstration, peer tutoring, referral to D2L How to Solder video

Assess completed Stage 1 soldering. ELT1010-6 Solder Assessment D2L rubric.
Assess student journal entry: Component Soldering Process Reflective Journal Entry D2L Rubric

Re-evaluation opportunity:
Repair solder joints and resubmit – solder joint analyse and repair tutorial
Resubmit journal entry- review journal entry guidelines

Materials Teacher: Materials Student:

Safety glasses Safety glasses
Electronics hand tools (file, wire cutters, Electronics hand tools (file, wire cutters, needle nose
needle nose pliers) pliers)
Populated circuit board Populated circuit board
Solder Solder
Solder wick Solder wick (if necessary)
PicAxe SumoBot Assembly Manual PicAxe SumoBot Assembly Manual

In this lesson students will demonstrate safe work practices as they solder Stage 1 circuit board
components. Five activities will be completed:
a) Study solder practices including safety and the science behind soldering
b) Prepare a solder station for soldering
c) Solder stage 1 circuit board components
d) Assess solder joints using visual and instrument techniques and remediate as necessary
e) Complete the Component Soldering Process Reflective Journal Entry

Lesson Plan:
Day 1:
1. Information:
a) Safety:
i. Students view on line video of solder process safety
ii. Teacher led discussion: Burns, fumes, shock hazard potential
iii. Teacher demonstration: Solder process safety
b) Activity:
i. Student response solder hazards (2 minute drill: Solder hazards)
c) Science behind soldering:
i. Teacher lecture: Chemistry of solder process (D2L notes)
ii. Teacher lecture: Physics of electrically conductive solder joint (D2L notes)

d) Activity:
i. Student response science behind soldering (2 minute drill: Chemistry and physics
of soldering)
2. Teacher demonstration and explanation: Preparing a solder station
a) Safely setting up a solder station
b) Turning on and setting correct temperature
c) Tinning solder iron tip
3. Activity: Students prepare a solder station for soldering
a) Students demonstrate safe solder practices while setting up a solder station
b) Teacher: Observe, quiz for understanding, validate, verbal cue, remediate
4. Information: Students view on line video of solder procedure & refer to manual (D2L) (See 5
below for content)

Day 2:
5. Teacher demonstration and explanation: Soldering components to a circuit board
a) Preheating with solder iron – sideways beside component lead touching circuit board and
lead. Count 3 seconds
b) Add solder. Touch solder to solder iron and component lead. Count 1 second after solder
starts to melt. Remove solder after 1 second melt
c) Distribute solder. Move solder iron around lead while touching circuit board as well.
d) Remove solder iron
e) Inspect solder joint
f) Complete soldering Stage 1 components to circuit board
6. Activity: Students solder Stage 1 components to circuit board
a) Students demonstrate safe solder practices as they complete solder process for stage 1
b) Teacher: Observe, quiz for understanding, validate, verbal cue, remediate

Day 3:
7. Continue Activity: Students solder Stage 1 components to circuit board
a) Teacher: Review safe component lead solder process
b) Students demonstrate safe solder practices as they complete solder process for stage 1
c) Teacher: Observe, quiz for understanding, validate, verbal cue, remediate
8. Continuity testing soldered component leads
a) Teacher demonstration: Continuity testing soldered component leads
b) Activity: Students complete continuity testing soldered component leads
c) Teacher: Observe, quiz for understanding, validate, verbal cue, remediate
d) Student circuit submitted for assessment per ELT1010-6 Solder Assessment D2L rubric
9. Activity: Students complete the Component Soldering Process Reflective Journal Entry
a) Students complete Component Soldering Process Reflective Journal Entry (D2L drop box)

Individual remediation and differentiation as required for success
Small group and individual repetition of demonstration(s)
Reversing a solder joint using solder wick demonstration(s)
Referral to D2L for remedial viewing of appropriate notes, video, PicAxe SumoBot Assembly Manual


Note 1: The “Unit” and “Course” sections were added to delineate unit of instruction within the course
as well as curricular connection. Learning theory reference: Behaviorism, cognitivism, and
constructivism. Return to document: RTD-1

Note 2: This was altered to clearly state learning objectives, removing ambiguity from the Alberta
Education ELT1010 CTS curriculum document. Learning theory reference: Behaviorism,
cognitivism, and constructivism. RTD-2

Note 3: This was added to establish connection between learning objectives and student outcomes.
Learning theory reference: Behaviorism, cognitivism, and constructivism. RTD-3

Note 4: This was re-aligned to match learning objectives and student outcomes with the appropriate
curricular outcomes. Learning theory reference: Behaviorism, cognitivism, and constructivism.

Note 5: Minor alteration previous lesson title to reflect actual lesson plan number and title. RTD-5

Note 6: Minor alteration to following lesson title to reflect actual lesson plan number and title. RTD-6

Note 7: Added to reflect necessity to specify physical plant characteristics necessary to establish a social
learning context. Learning theory reference: Cognitivism, and constructivism. RTD-7

Note 8: Added to illustrate learning theories to be emphasized in the delivery of the lesson. Learning
theory reference: Behaviorism, cognitivism, and constructivism. RTD-8

Note 9: Enhanced to better expound on topics to be covered in the lesson plan within the content
domain of TPCK. RTD-9

Note 10: Expanded to more closely satisfy ZPD. Learning theory reference: Cognitivism. RTD-10

Note 11: Expanded to more closely align with teacher knowledge element of TPCK. RTD-11

Note 12: “Technology Teacher” and “Technology Student” sections expanded to more closely parallel
requirements for lesson completion and to satisfy technology component for TPCK. Learning
theory reference: Cognitivism, and constructivism. RTD-12
Note 13: “Materials Teacher” and “Materials Student” expanded to satisfy learning theories:
Behaviorism, cognitivism, and constructivism. Also to satisfy CSSD (Calgary Separate School
District) policy on reassessment opportunities. RTD-13

Note 14: Enhanced to satisfy technology component of TPCK. Learning theory reference: Cognitivism,
and constructivism. RTD-14

Note 15: This was expanded to more closely represent the discrete components of the lesson. Learning
theory reference: Behaviorism, cognitivism, and constructivism. RTD-15

Note 16: Lesson Plan Day 1 part 1 “Information” sections “Safety” and “Activity” expanded to better
explain the presentation of pre-activity safety considerations. Learning theory reference:
Cognitivism, and constructivism. RTD-16

Note 17: Lecture and “Activity” added to specify the science behind the process and provide motivation
for completing task as demonstrated. Learning theory reference: Behaviorism, cognitivism.

Note 18: Student activity specified to align lesson plan formatting as well as adhere to learning theory
reference: Behaviorism, cognitivism, and constructivism. RTD-18

Note 19: Student activity specified to align lesson plan formatting as well as adhere to learning theory
reference: Behaviorism, cognitivism, and constructivism. RTD-19

Note 20: Omitted from original lesson plan. Review for student task completion. Learning theory
reference: Behaviorism, cognitivism. RTD-20

Note 21: Information added that was omitted from original lesson plan. Learning theory
reference: Behaviorism, cognitivism, and constructivism. RTD-21

Note 22: Reflective activity added for synthesis. Learning theory

reference: Cognitivism, and constructivism. RTD-22

Note 23: Two minute drills are verbal drills that quiz students on information covered within
explanation, demonstration, or lecture sections just completed. Drill starts with quizzing slowly
with various students being selected to contribute. Information is repeatedly quizzed in differing
orders proceeding faster and faster with the drill concluding at the 2 minute mark. Learning
theory reference: Behaviorism, cognitivism. RTD-23

Note 24: Desire to Learn (by Brightspace) on line learning management system. RTD-24

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