Cpar Elementsofart 180407210311

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Look at the following works of art.

Discuss with your

groupmates. Share your observations with the class.
Contemporary Philippine arts from the regions:
What are the elements of art?
Line is associated with the body’s axis as it moves
toward different directions and adjusts to a point of
reference through various positions and actions, such as
walking, running, standing, sitting, reclining, etc. In the
visual arts, it also refers to the quality of the line, whether
thin, broken, thick, or blended, among others. When
several lines come together, they create texture, which
can be very thin, washed or very thick, rough, or fine.

waiting sheds of UP Diliman Quezon Hall Bldg. behind the UP Oblation

Color is associated with our experiences of cold and warmth,
and the quality of light in our tropical environment, the cycles
of night and day, of darkness and light.
Blue, yellow, and red are the primary colors. When they are
mixed, they produce secondary colors; yellow and red make
orange; red and blue make violet; blue and yellow make
green. When they are placed opposite each other in color
wheel, they are said to be complementary; red and green,
yellow and violet, and orange and blue.

School of Design and Art (SDA) Building of the La Salle College of St. Benilde
Some artists use color as representational element
intending to depict the world as accurately as possible.
Portraits use approximate skin tone and color;
landscape and still life depict actual conditions of the
environment though shading, play of light and dark, or

The works of Fernando Amorsolo

Value refers to gradations of tone from light to dark,
which can be an aspect of color, but could refer to the
play of light on an object or a scene.

Oscar T. Navarro’s painting of a man with rooster

Texture refers to how objects and surfaces feel, and is
most associated with the sense of touch or tactility.
Textures are created when several lines combine. The
combination may be described as smooth, translucent,
fine, silky, satiny, velvety, sandy, furry, feathery, slimy,
rough, rugged, coarse, porous, irregular, jagged, thick,
thin, and so on.

The Barong and Baro’t Saya dresses of Aze Ong

Shape refers to forms that are two-dimensional or
three-dimensional. Two-dimensional shapes exists as
planes having length and width. Three-dimensional
shapes possess length, width and volume. Shapes can
either be geometric (rectilinear or curvilinear),
biomorphic, or free inventions.

binakol by Tininggians t’nalak of T’bolis pis syabit of Tausugs paintings in the

Cubist style
Composition in space involves the relationship
between figures and elements. If also refers to how
these elements are organized and composed according
to principles of organization, among them are balance,
proportion, rhythm, unity in variety, dominance, and

The Bonifacio Monument by Guillermo Tolentino UP Diliman Main Library


The Pangalay in Mindanao Traditional Houses of the Cordillera in the North

Movement may occur in two-dimensional design as
rhythm or through the recurrence of motifs, their
alternation or progression unfolding in a series.
Movement is also much related to line, and the
direction of the eye.

Filipino Struggles through History (1964) Nine Muses (1994) by Napoleon Abueva

Classical ballet Traditional Asian Dances

What are the elements of art?
1. line
2. color
3. value
4. texture
5. shape
6. composition in space
7. movement

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