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0% 0.3%

Female African American

Male Asian
53% 8%




The Me Too (#MeToo) Movement is a movement against
sexual harassment and assault in which women who have
been harassed in the past are encouraged to come forward.
Which of the following describes
your stance on this movement?
443 respondents completely agree
8% 2%
with the #MeToo Movement
281 respondents agree with the
#MeToo Movement except for some
aspects of it
64 respondents disagree with the
35% 55%
#MeToo Movement except for some
aspects of it
13 respondents completely disagree
with the #MeToo Movement

Supreme Court nominee, Brett Kavanaugh, was most recently sworn in as a

Supreme Court justice. He was under fire for sexual assault allegations and
sparked a debate on whether or not he should be dropped as a nominee.
Three different accounts accused him of sexual misconduct, including one
from Christine Blasey-Ford, who claimed he assaulted her when they were

Which of the following describes

high school students. He denied each claim.

your stance on the issue?

G: 100 respondents had other
440 "Both claims should weight equally,
however the burden of proof is on the
330 accuser not the accused."
"The sexual assault allegations should
not have been a centerpiece of the
hearing, but Kavanaugh should not
have been sworn in on account of his
behavior during the hearing, his
A B C D E F G responses to questions, and his
refusal to follow basic civility."
A: 530 respondents believe Kavanaugh
"Kavanaugh should not have been
should have not been sworn in as sworn, but not because of the
Supreme Court justice allegations against him. It is because
of his judicial views on the Patriot Act
B: 170 respondents believe Kavanaugh and the 4th amendment. The sexual
was fairly sworn in as Supreme Court allegations had no hard evidence."
justice "I believe Dr. Ford, but there simply
C: 447 respondents believe allegations wasn’t enough evidence to convict
him. Because of that, I believe it was a
should not be taken lightly, and the
fair trial."
accuser’s (victim) claims should have
"The victims should be taken seriously
more weight on the case but if no proof can be found after an
D: 132 respondents believe allegations investigation then it should not weigh
into anyone receiving any job anywhere.
should be taken with some skepticism,
Even if someone is guilty, if it can’t be
and the accused’s (Kavanaugh) claims proven beyond a shadow of a doubt
should have more weight on the case then it should not be held against the
E: 385 respondents believe this debate
"Neither person's claims should have
threatens the security and justice to RARELY
more weight than the other, but credible

victims of sexual assault ONCE A MONTH allegations, followed by other related
allegations, lying on the part of the
F: 195 respondents believe this debate nominee, and character references that
threatens due process and a rise of lend credibility to the allegations from
false allegations ruining lives multiple sources should be enough to
withdraw or vote down the nomination."
First Lady Melania Trump reveals her thoughts on the matter
and says women must have “really hard evidence” if they
want to accuse someone of sexual misconduct.
What is your opinion in regards to
the First Lady’s statement?
12% 1
On average, respondents only 4
agreed with the First Lady's
statement with a 2.6 out of 5,
with 1 being "strongly disagree"
and 5 being "strongly agree." 3
19% 2

Which of the following applies to

your opinion?
D: 75 respondents had other
"The victims should try to get evidence
300 and report it as quickly as possible.
False accusations should be met with jail
time as accusations can destroy a
person's life."
"Somewhere between 1 and 2. No hard
evidence means it can be easy but also
there is the issue of collecting hard
A B C D evidence. Moreover, the term 'hard
evidence' is subjective. Does that mean a
A: 415 respondents believe it’s video of them in the act, a witness, a
sometimes difficult to collect hard recording of them admitting it? Also
there is the reality that in the context of
evidence when sexual harassment takes violent sexual misconduct victims may
place. It’s better to be cautious to avoid comply to avoid being injured physical
or more physically. In those cases
letting the accused get away with a crime
maybe there isn't 'hard evidence' like
they may have committed bruises or tearing."
B: 227 respondents believe no hard "Eyewitness testimony is hard evidence,
and should be acknowledged as such."
evidence makes it easy to make false
"In court of law, yes, accusers should
accusations. It’s better to be skeptical be met with more or the same
and seek more evidence before pressing skepticism as Kavanaugh's hearings.
But this wasn't court of law, it was
any charges against someone who may
basically a job interview and there were
be innocent dozens of equally qualified people who
C: 83 respondents do not hold a had the same views as Kavanaugh to
take his place."
definite opinion on how much evidence
"Not every accusation needs to held to
affects the matter
legal standards, for example when
interviewing someone for a promotion."
Kavanaugh is not the only leader in office who has been
accused of sexual misconduct. President Trump has also
been criticized for his derogatory comment regarding women
in a 2005 “Access Hollywood” tape.
In your opinion, have the recent elections of
leaders into our government affected the #MeToo
movement and other women’s rights activist
groups alike?
D: 92 respondents had other
"Activist groups are still able to advocate
for women’s right as before, but they
have doubled down on their stances due
200 to the recent elections."
"I think the election of such individuals
100 has galvanized the movement. While
having such people in power is not in
and of itself good for the advancement
A B C D of women's rights, I think it has roused
a number of people out of
A: 400 respondents believe electing such complacency."
government leaders shows that women "The two are intertwined: it’s quite
possible the MeToo movement would
have less of a voice to speak out about
have gained less momentum if we
the wrongdoings done to them didn’t have people in our highest
B: 211 respondents believe activist government offices accused of such
wrongdoings. However, the fact that
groups are still able to advocate for such people continue to be placed in
women’s rights as before, and their high positions reveals that the
movement’s impact is not likely to be
messages are unaffected by the recent
significant over the long term."
elections "The elections have allowed the
C: 98 respondents do not notice how movement to have more of a voice, but
the movement has progressed the voice is making the situation worse
for everyone."
"Recent elections have electrified and
unified the movement, not silenced it. I
was around during Anita Hill—women
have always had less of a voice and less
power against the powerful. This feels
like a step forward, spurned by the
shove backwards."

CREATED BY DIANA F. & VIVIAN P. | 2018 Approved by Michelle Heath |

View the spreadsheet including all responses here:


Important note: Respondents had the choice to pick multiple choices as well as express separate views through text. No quoted responses in this graphic
were chosen out of bias, but simply to provide insight to some of the other views some respondents had. All responses under "other" will be accessible to
read in the Google spreadsheet in the sheets labelled "Other 1," "Other 2," and "Other 3."

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