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The University of Sheffield

AISG Test Tool User Guide V1.1sd

AISG Test Tool (Secondary Demo mode)

Installation and User Guide

Revision History
2004.02.24 1.0 Document First release – M. Lopez
2004.04.15 1.1 Release for Secondary Mode
Demo version

© Copyright University of Sheffield 2004

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AISG Tool Application Guide V1.1sd
The University of Sheffield
AISG Test Tool User Guide V1.1sd


1. REQUIREMENTS.......................................................................................................3
1.1 HARDWARE ..............................................................................................................................................3
1.2 SOFTWARE ...............................................................................................................................................3
2. INSTALLATION .........................................................................................................3
2.1 JAVA RUNTIME ENVIRONMENT (JRE) MANUAL INSTALLATION ....................................................3
2.2 JAVA COMMUNICATIONS API (JCA) MANUAL INSTALLATION ......................................................3
2.1 AISG T EST TOOL MANUAL INSTALLATION........................................................................................3
2.2 MODIFICATION OF THE SHORTCUT PARAMETERS .............................................................................3
3. APPLICATION MODE SELECTION ............................................................................3
4. VIRTUAL RET DEVICE TEST INTERFACE ................................................................3
4.1. OPERATION OF S ECONDARY VIRTUAL D EVICE ................................................................................3
4.1.1. Device creation: Create Button ..............................................................................................3
4.1.2. Device creation: Load Button ..................................................................................................3
4.2. SAVE BUTTON .........................................................................................................................................3
4.3. D ELETE BUTTON. ....................................................................................................................................3
4.4. ALARMS LIST BUTTON. .........................................................................................................................3
4.5. D EVICE ERRORS . ....................................................................................................................................3
4.6. COMMUNICATION EXCHANGE L OG .....................................................................................................3

5. KNOWN BEHAVIOURS AND LIMITATIONS .................................................................3

ANNEX A. DEVICE DESCRIPTION FILE TEMPLATE........................................................3

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AISG Tool Application Guide V1.1sd
The University of Sheffield
AISG Test Tool User Guide V1.1


1.1 Hardware
• 1 serial port (2 if Interface will be run as Control station and Virtual device
in the same machine)
• 1 Null modem cable (RS232).
• Serial Connection parameters supported are: 9600, 38400 and 115200
Kbps, no flow control, 8 bits data, no parity, 1 stop bit.
• Video Graphics Adapter – at least 256 colour palette (Java requirement)
• Hard Disk space – at least 50 MB for operation (depends on application
log size), 20 MB in Windows root directory for temporary files during
• Software was tested on PC’s with Pentium III @ 800 MHz, 256 Mb RAM
and Pentium Celeron @ 1.3GHz, 256 Mb RAM

1.2 Software
• Windows 98/NT4.0_SP6/2000/XP.
• Java™ 2 Runtime Environment, Standard Edition, build 1.4.1_02-b06 or
• Java HotSpot™ Client VM, build 1.4.1_02-b06, mixed mode.
• Java™ Communications API version 2.0.
• Tested on Windows 98, Windows 2000 SP2 and Windows XP SP1.

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AISG Test Tool User Guide V1.1

2.1 Java Runtime Environment (JRE) manual installation

If a version older than 1.4.1_02 is installed in the computer, it is strongly

recommended to upgrade it. If more than one JRE is installed, make sure
that the running version is at least 1.4.1_02.
1. Verify the Java version installed in the computer. From a Command
prompt window type the following command: java –version

Figure 1. Java Runtime Environment version check

If the version is 1.4.1_02 or higher, go to next section (installation of Java

Communications API).
2. If the available Java version is older than the required one or no JRE is
installed, use the JRE installer file provided in the University of Sheffield
AISG website (, 3rd Party Software, j2re-
1_4_1_02-windows-i586-i.exe). Alternatively, download the latest version
from the Java site ( and follow the on-screen
instructions for a typical install.

2.2 Java Communications API (JCA) manual installation

1. Locate the directory where the JRE is installed. By default the JRE installs
to the folder: <Root>:\Program Files\Java\j2re1.4.1_02
(e.g. C:\Program Files\Java\j2re1.4.1_02)
Confirm the location by opening the Windows Control Panel, then the Java
Plug-in configuration panel. Click on the Advanced Properties tab and look
for the JRE 1.4.1_02 installation path.

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AISG Test Tool User Guide V1.1

Figure 2. Java Plug-in configuration panel, verification of JRE installation path.

2. Copy the Java Communications API files to the destinations in the JRE
installation path as listed in table 1. The JCA files are provided in the
University of Sheffield website (, 3rd party
Alternatively, download the files from the Java homepage. The correct
version is JCA 2.0. Download the file and extract
only the relevant files.

File Destination Example for the path shown in figure 2

(modify according to the JRE installation on the
PC) \lib C:\Program Files\Java\j2re1.4.1_02\lib

comm.jar \lib\ext C:\Program Files\Java\j2re1.4.1_02\lib\ext

win32com.dll \bin C:\Program Files\Java\j2re1.4.1_02\bin

Table 1. Installation files for JCA v. 2.0

2.1 AISG Test Tool manual installation

1. Create an installation directory for the application and copy into it the files
aisgApp.jar, launcher.bat, aisg.ico and
Those files are provided in the file
2. The application requires a path hierarchy to store its related files:
• <InstallationRoot> - aisgApp.jar, launcher.bat, aisg.ico and must be kept in this location.
• <InstallationRoot>\devDescriptions – Default location for Device
Description Files. (In the example,
• <InstallationRoot>\logFiles – This path must be present for the
application to run without problems. If not present, it will be created at
launch time.
(In the example, C:\SheffieldU_AISGTool\logFiles)
3. To launch the application, double click the file “launcher.bat”. This will
automatically verify the required tree hierarchy.

A pre-configured shortcut to launch the application is included in the delivery.

The installation path assumed in this shortcut is: C:\SheffieldU_AISGTool

The icon for the pre-configured shortcut might not be displayed

correctly on Windows 98, but it still can be used to access the

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The University of Sheffield
AISG Test Tool User Guide V1.1

2.2 Modification of the shortcut parameters

1. Open the shortcut properties by right clicking on the shortcut icon and
select Properties.
2. Set the correct location of the target file (launcher.bat), the start-in
directory (same as the installation directory) and the icon file location
The Java application is run using the interpreter from the JRE. This is done
through a DOS Command prompt window. Shall a Java exception occur, it
will be displayed in this window.

Figure 3. Windows shortcut Properties configuration

To launch the Java program, a DOS Command prompt window calling

the Java interpreter is necessary. When launched using the shortcut,
this DOS window is minimised automatically.

DO NOT “Select” text from the DOS window unless the Java application
has already been stopped.
Doing so while the application is running will stop all Java execution
threads as long as the DOS window is in Select text mode.

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AISG Test Tool User Guide V1.1


The version provided as “secondary demo software” does not allow mode
selection. Its objective is to provide only a virtual AISG 1.0 Compliant
secondary device (either RET, RET type 3, TMA or TMB). This tool allows
verification data field formatting, HDLC – AISG frame formatting, link
management and AISG global mandatory command set.

Additionally, this version of the software provides an implementation of the

optional baud -rate change procedure, log of link activity and allows the user to
save/load a device state from a configuration file.

Specific device commands (RET/TMA commands) and the software

download protocol implementation are not provided in this version of the
software. Please contact us to obtain a full implementation of the software.

The device emulator can hold the description data of only one device at a
time, and the represented device can not be deleted. It is possible to
overwrite a device, but devices can not have the same Unique ID.

The scope of this application is to test whether the communication protocol

specified by AISG1 is followed by the connected devices/primary stations, and
the correct data formatting of certain data fields (e.g. tilt value, gain value,
etc). A log of the HDLC frame exchange is provided on screen and in the
form of a text log located in the logFiles directory of the application.

Figure 4. Main interface as Primary Station and as Secondary Device. Notice that when
used as secondary device, the interface prevents access to management components

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The University of Sheffield
AISG Test Tool User Guide V1.1


4.1. Operation of Secondary Virtual Device

In this mode, the command buttons remain disabled, since this
application is emulating a Slave device. Device creation can be performed
by two procedures: either by loading a pre-configured device description file
or by using the device creation button. This mode will allow only one
RET/TMA device at a time. This means that if several devices are created
using the Create Device Dialog or if a Device Description File with multiple
devices is loaded, only the last device input is taken into account, the rest
are ignored.

4.1.1. Device creation: Create Button

Opens the Device Creation Window. This provides a way of explicitly
declaring a device. At least the Address, Serial number, vendor and device
type must be specified here. Model number, software and hardware versions
are part of the description data of a device, but not essential for

Figure 5. Device Creation window

The input fields are verified for format before being input:
• Address: integers 0 to 254. If “0” is input, a warning will be generated
to inform the user that such address corresponds to a manufacturer
default value. Unrecognised values/format will be defaulted to 0.
• Model Number (Product number): 15 ASCII characters, longer strings
are truncated. If non-ASCII characters are found, they will be rejected
and replaced by 0x00.
• Serial Number: 17 ASCII characters, longer strings are truncated. The
input format verifiers provide no padding, if a shorter, non-zero length
string is input, the serial number length will be equal to the length of the
input string. If Non-ASCII characters are found, a message informs the
user, if ignored, the input is truncated on the position where the first
non-ASCII character is found.

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AISG Test Tool User Guide V1.1

• Vendor: List of 50 registered vendor codes up to release 1.0 of the

• Type: 4 registered device types up to release 1.0. Devices Type 1
and 3 are Remote Electrical Tilt units, 2 is assigned to Tower Mounted
Amplifiers and 4 to Tower Mounted Boosters.
• SW/HW version: ASCII strings. Length not limited, but dependent on
real secondary device resources.
• Supported Bit Rates: A radio button group showing the available bit
rates for an AISG compliant device. 9.6 KBPS is selected by default
and can not be modified. 38.4 and 115.2 KBPS are optional. The
software implements the standard bit-rate change procedure, which will
be attempted after long periods of silence over the link.

Once information is input, clicking on the OK button creates an

instance of Device for internal representation and sets the information input in
the main screen interface.

4.1.2. Device creation: Load Button

Loads a Device Description File. This has been implemented with the
primary objective of avoiding manual introduction of the information. A Device
Description File is a text file where the device state is stored (basic
information as well as communication status, alarm logs, current errors
detected). Annex A presents the general device description file template
with descriptions and comments.
Care should be taken when modifying a device description file, since
incorrect values might render it useless and errors will be generated in the
application. Please read carefully the comments in the provided template.

4.2. Save Button

At any point, the state of the device can be saved to a Device Description File.
This allows the user to verify byte-to-byte the internal state of a device in
order to analyse its behaviour.
In secondary mode, the application only saves the device on display. Even if
more than one device was declared in the emulator, only the last active will be

4.3. Delete button.

Remains disabled in this mode, since whenever a device is no longer
required, a new one can be loaded/created and the previous one is lost (if not
saved). However, all devices declared should have different unique
Identification numbers (unique ID is the combination of a vendor code with a
serial number).

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The University of Sheffield
AISG Test Tool User Guide V1.1

4.4. Alarms List Button.

This is an alarm history report. The number of entries in the log is limited to 35
to emulate the limited buffer in a real device.

4.5. Device Errors.

This button will open a dialog as the one shown in figure 6. It is possible to
modify the error values, hence simulating error appearance/disappearance.
This allows for tests on the alarm reporting mechanism in the primary station.
The TMA mode also asks to change mode in the secondary upon appearance
of a major alarm. This change is allowed here, since in TMA devices the
switch in modes should be performed upon appearance of a problem in the
normal status.

Figure 6. Device error status. Modifiable screen in Virtual Secondary Device,

left RET Screen, right TMA screen with message linked to TMA Major alarms.

4.6. Communication Exchange Log

This section of the screen displays the frame exchange between the
primary and the secondary station and shows the result of the
incoming/outgoing frame integrity checks. The information shown in both
areas is saved in a log file every 120 lines, after which the display buffers are
cleared. The logs are stored in the path <installation root>\logFiles. The
files are named:
• Secondary_SentCmds_YYYYMMDD.log – Received commands and
messages sent by the primary station.
• Secondary_RcvdCmds_YYYYMMDD.log – Responses sent to the primary
These files are saved also when closing the application and the result
of the termination procedures of running threads and the application main
thread is entered in the log.
An execution thread of the application handles log management. Each
day that the application is run will have a pair of files associated to it. Since

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AISG Test Tool User Guide V1.1

each log is kept as a plain text file containing the information exchange of the
day, they usually consume a significant amount of hard drive space.
In order to save resources on the PC there is a maintenance task that
obtains a list of the files in the system log directory and erases all files that are
more than 7 days old. This task is run at start-up time and, if the application is
left connected continuously, every day at midnight.


The virtual Secondary device has many limitations, since it was
developed only as a testing tool. Almost nothing in the tool emulates the
behaviour of a TMA or RET system further than the communication protocol
and information format. The behaviours linked to a real device would depend
on sensors and actuators, which are not simulated here.
The tool responds to received commands, verifies the integrity and
format and then changes its state accordingly and replies with the
corresponding frame. However there are simplifications, such as the fact that
no routines for “Self Test” or “Vendor Specific Commands” are implemented.
Another example of the test-only nature of the program is the fact that
responses to Vendor Specific Commands are simply frames containing the
bytes of the vendor code followed by the bytes “CA FE BA BE CA FE BA BE”.
The objective is to let the tester know that the format of a vendor specific
command has been understood, but no further processing is performed by the
Most commands respond by default using the normal errorless
response, except for commands where particular behaviours are tested. Write
commands on a disabled device will produce FAIL response frames (table 2).

Clear Alarms RET Calibrate*

Software Download* RET SET Tilt*
Self Test RET Send Configuration Data*
Set Device Data TMA Set Mode*
Device Memory Write TMA Set Gain*
Table 2. Commands that require an Enabled device.
* These “write” operations have not been implemented in this version of the emulator.

Memory access is limited to a space of 2048 bytes, attempting an

access beyond this limit will produce a FAIL response from the software.
Verification of what has been written into memory can be done by verifying
the frame exchange or by using a read memory command. No device
memory view has been implemented for the secondary virtual device mode.
The free demo version of the software does not implement the full
AISG command set. Please refer to appendix B for a summary of the
implemented commands in the software.

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AISG Test Tool User Guide V1.1


# Template for a device configuration file, comments are allowed only in the header of
# this file v1.1
# 1 Device Logical Address – decimal number representation (0 - 254)
# 2 Device Type – decimal number (1 – 4)
# 3 Device Vendor Code index - integer, decimal (0 – 49)
# 4 Device Serial number - hex string format, 17-ASCII representation of the serial
# number
# 5 Device Hardware version – ASCII String, if not defined use '---'
# 6 Device Software version – ASCII String, if not defined use '---'
# 7 Connected Status - 'true' for connected, 'false' otherwise
# 8 Enabled Status - 'true' for enabled, 'false' otherwise
# 9 Supported Bit rates - hex format, maximum three bytes (0x00, 0x01, 0x02)
# 10 Current Bit Rate - decimal number use 0 (9.6Kbps) by default
# 11 Antenna Bearing - decimal number
# 12 Antenna Installed Mechanical Tilt - decimal number representation (deg/10, ie 3.2
# deg -> 32)
# 13 Device Model number value - hex string format, 15-ASCII
# number
# 14 Device Installation date - hex string format, 6 bytes ASCII installation date
# 15 Device Installer ID - hex format, 5 bytes ASCII installer ID
# 16 Device Base Station ID - hex format, 12 bytes ASCII representation of the
# base station ID
# 17 Device Sector ID - hex format, 4 bytes ASCII representation of the sector ID
# 18 Device errors - Errors present at the time of storage, use '---' for no errors
# 19 Device alarm log - Alarm log at the time of storage, use '---' for an empty log
# 20 Device alarm log pointer - Pointer to the start of the next alarm report, always
# 0 for primary files, or set to 0 in a secondary
# file to generate a report of the whole log on the next
# opportunity
# 21 Device send sequence number N(s) - 3 bits, decimal representation of the sequence
# number send (HDLC modulo 8)
# 22 Device receive sequence number N(r) - 3 bits, decimal representation of the
# sequence number receive (HDLC modulo 8)
# 23 Device has received reset command - if set to 'true', device will reset on the
# next RR, I or RNR with the correct N(r)
# If device is RET, then the following lines are interpreted as:
# 24 RET Device frequency bands - byte, decimal representation from Appendix D AISG1
# 25 RET Device Beam Width per frequency band - hex format, 3 bytes, one beamwidth per
# band (degrees) if not all three are used,
# pad with 0x00
# 26 RET Device Gain per frequency band - hex format, 3 bytes, one gain per band
# (db/10, ie 10 dB -> 100) if not all three are
# used, pad with 0x00
# 27 RET Antenna Model number - hex format, 15 bytes ASCII antenna model number
# 28 RET Antenna Serial number - hex format, 17 bytes ASCII antenna serial number
# 29 RET Configuration data - hex format, 70 bytes max. of configuration data
# 30 RET Maximum tilt - short, decimal representation (deg/10, ie 3.2 deg -> 32, -3.2
# deg -> -32)
# 31 RET Minimum tilt - short, decimal representation (deg/10, ie 3.2 deg -> 32, -3.2
# deg -> -32)
# 32 RET Current electrical tilt - short, decimal representation (deg/10, ie 3.2
# deg -> 32, -3.2 deg -> -32)
# If device is TMA, then the following lines are interpreted as:
# 24 TMA Model number - hex format, 15 bytes ASCII representation of the tma
# model number
# 25 TMA Serial number - hex format, 17 bytes ASCII representation of the tma
# serial number
# 26 TMA type – decimal, 0-3 based on appendix D of standard
# 27 TMA Reception Band – 4 bytes, formatted as appendix D:
# <Min. Low ><Min. High><Max. Low ><Max. High>
# 28 TMA Transmission Band – 4 bytes, formatted as appendix D:
# <Min. Low ><Min. High><Max. Low ><Max. High>
# 29 TMA Max. Gain – decimal 0 – 255 -> if 100 is input = 25.0 dB
# 30 TMA Min. Gain – decimal 0 – 255 -> if 100 is input = 25.0 dB

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AISG Test Tool User Guide V1.1

# 31 TMA Gain Resolution – decimal 0 – 255 -> if 100 is input = 6.25 dB

# 32 TMA Current gain value – decimal 0 – 255 -> if 100 is input = 25.0 dB
# 33 TMA Current Mode – 0: normal, 1: bypass
53 48 45 46 46 56 49 52 54 55 41 4c 52 45 54 30 31
00 01 02
54 45 53 54 4d 4f 44 4e 55 4d 42 45 52 30 31
32 33 30 32 30 34
74 73 74 30 31
73 68 65 66 66 69 65 6c 64 30 30 31
52 43 33 34
09 00 09 01
0c 09 00
15 0f 00
41 4e 54 45 4e 4e 41 4d 4f 44 4e 4f 30 30 31
41 4e 54 45 4e 4e 41 53 45 52 4e 4f 30 30 30 30 31
00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00
53 48 45 46 46 56 49 52 54 55 41 4c 54 4d 41 30 31
00 01 02
54 45 53 54 4d 4f 44 4e 55 4d 42 45 52 30 31
32 33 30 32 30 34
54 53 54 30 31
53 48 45 46 46 49 45 4c 44 55 4e 49
52 43 33 34
09 00 09 01 09 00 09 01 09 00 09 01
54 4d 41 4d 4f 44 45 4c 4e 4f 30 30 30 30 31
54 4d 41 53 45 52 49 41 4c 4e 4f 30 30 30 30 30 31
ea 24 b2 25
98 21 f6 22
Note that at the end of the file there
MUST NOT be a line feed.

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AISG Test Tool User Guide V1.1


GetDeviceType Implemented
Reset Implemented
GetErrorStatus Implemented
GetHWSWInfo Implemented
ClearAlarms Implemented
Alarm Implemented
EnableDevice Implemented
DisableDevice Implemented
SelfTest Implemented
Global ReadMemory Implemented
Commands WriteMemory Implemented
GetSupportedBitRates Implemented
SetDeviceData Implemented
Application Layer GetDevice Data Implemented
Command Set DownloadStart Not available
StoreDataStart Not available
Software Download
Optional Command Sequence StoreDataBlock Not available
DownloadEnd Not available
SetBitRate* Implemented
Calibrate Not available
RET SendConfigData Not available
commands SetTilt Not available
GetTilt Not available
SetTMAMode Not available
TMA GetTMAMode Not available
commands SetTMAGain Not available
GetTMAGain Not available

* SetBitRate will be understood if the command issued from the primary station is embedded
in an HDLC UI frame with the control byte set to 0x03 (UI with poll bit cleared). The
secondary device runs a thread that verifies long periods of “silence” over the link.

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AISG Tool Application Guide V1.1sd

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